/* jQuery Bracket | Copyright (c) Teijo Laine 2011-2018 | Licenced under the MIT licence */ var __extends = this && this.__extends || function () { var t = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (t, e) { t.__proto__ = e } || function (t, e) { for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = e[n]) }; return function (e, n) { t(e, n); function r() { this.constructor = e } e.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (r.prototype = n.prototype, new r) } }(); !function (t) { var e, n = function () { function t(e) { if (this.val = e, e instanceof t) throw new Error("Trying to wrap Option into an Option"); if (void 0 === this.val) throw new Error("Option cannot contain undefined") } return t.of = function (e) { return new t(e) }, t.empty = function () { return new t(null) }, t.prototype.get = function () { if (null === this.val) throw new Error("Trying to get() empty Option"); return this.val }, t.prototype.orElse = function (t) { return null === this.val ? t : this.val }, t.prototype.orElseGet = function (t) { return null === this.val ? t() : this.val }, t.prototype.map = function (e) { return null === this.val ? t.empty() : new t(e(this.val)) }, t.prototype.forEach = function (t) { return null !== this.val && t(this.val), this }, t.prototype.toNull = function () { return null === this.val ? null : this.val }, t.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return null === this.val }, t }(), r = function (t) { __extends(e, t); function e() { return null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this } return e.of = function (e) { var n = typeof e; if (null !== e && "number" !== n) throw new Error("Invalid score format, expected number, got " + n); return t.of.call(this, e) }, e.empty = function () { return n.empty() }, e }(n), i = function () { return function (t, e, n) { if (this.first = t, this.second = e, this.userData = n, !t || !e) throw new Error("Cannot create ResultObject with undefined scores") } }(); (o = e || (e = {}))[o.TBD = 0] = "TBD", o[o.BYE = 1] = "BYE", o[o.END = 2] = "END"; var o, s = function () { function t(t) { this.isFirst = t } return t.first = function () { return new t(!0) }, t.second = function () { return new t(!1) }, t.prototype.map = function (t, e) { return this.isFirst ? t : e }, t }(), a = function () { function t(t, e, n, r, i) { this.source = t, this.nameOrGetter = e, this.order = n, this.seed = r, this.score = i, this.sibling = function () { throw new Error("No sibling asigned") } } return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "name", { get: function () { return "function" == typeof this.nameOrGetter ? this.nameOrGetter() : this.nameOrGetter }, set: function (t) { this.nameOrGetter = t }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.emptyBranch = function () { if (!this.name.isEmpty()) return this.sibling().name.isEmpty() ? e.BYE : e.TBD; try { var t = this.source().emptyBranch(); if (t === e.TBD) return e.TBD; if (t === e.END) return e.BYE; return this.source().sibling().emptyBranch() === e.TBD ? e.TBD : e.BYE } catch (t) { if (t instanceof c) return e.END; throw new Error('Unexpected exception type (message: "' + t.message + '")') } }, t }(); function h(t) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t) } function c() { this.message = "Root of information for this team", this.name = "EndOfBranchException" } var u, l = function () { function t(t, e) { this.a = t, this.b = e } return t.teamsInResultOrder = function (t) { var n = t.a.name.isEmpty(), r = t.b.name.isEmpty(); if (r && !n) return t.b.emptyBranch() === e.BYE ? [t.a, t.b] : []; if (n && !r) return t.a.emptyBranch() === e.BYE ? [t.b, t.a] : []; if (!t.a.score.isEmpty() && !t.b.score.isEmpty()) { if (t.a.score.get() > t.b.score.get()) return [t.a, t.b]; if (t.a.score.get() < t.b.score.get()) return [t.b, t.a] } return [] }, t.emptyTeam = function (t, e) { var i = new a(t, n.empty(), n.empty(), n.empty(), r.empty()); return i.sibling = function () { return e }, i }, t.prototype.winner = function () { return t.teamsInResultOrder(this)[0] || t.emptyTeam(this.a.source, this.b) }, t.prototype.loser = function () { return t.teamsInResultOrder(this)[1] || t.emptyTeam(this.b.source, this.a) }, t }(); (p = u || (u = {})).EMPTY_BYE = "empty-bye", p.EMPTY_TBD = "empty-tbd", p.ENTRY_NO_SCORE = "entry-no-score", p.ENTRY_DEFAULT_WIN = "entry-default-win", p.ENTRY_COMPLETE = "entry-complete"; var p; function d(e, n, r) { var i = r.find(".team[data-teamid=" + e + "]"), o = n || "highlight"; return { highlight: function () { i.each(function () { t(this).addClass(o), t(this).hasClass("win") && t(this).parent().find(".connector").addClass(o) }) }, deHighlight: function () { i.each(function () { t(this).removeClass(o), t(this).parent().find(".connector").removeClass(o) }) } } } function f(e, n, r) { var i = t(''); i.val(n), e.empty().append(i), i.focus(), i.blur(function () { r(i.val()) }), i.keydown(function (t) { var e = t.keyCode || t.which; 9 !== e && 13 !== e && 27 !== e || (t.preventDefault(), r(i.val(), 27 !== e)) }) } function m(t, e, n, r) { switch (r) { case u.EMPTY_BYE: return void t.append("BYE"); case u.EMPTY_TBD: return void t.append("TBD"); case u.ENTRY_NO_SCORE: case u.ENTRY_DEFAULT_WIN: case u.ENTRY_COMPLETE: return void t.append(e) } } function g(t) { var e = t.el; e.find(".team.win").append('
'); return e.find(".team.lose").append('
'), !0 } function b(t) { var e = t.el; e.find(".team.win").append('
'); return e.find(".team.lose").append('
'), !0 } var v = function () { throw new c }, y = function (t, e) { return function () { var i = new a(v, function () { return t[e][0] }, n.of(s.first()), n.of(2 * e), r.empty()), o = new a(v, function () { return t[e][1] }, n.of(s.second()), n.of(2 * e + 1), r.empty()); return i.sibling = function () { return o }, o.sibling = function () { return i }, [{ source: function () { return i } }, { source: function () { return o } }] } }, C = function (t, e) { return function (n) { n.css("top", ""), n.css("position", "absolute"), e ? n.css("top", t.el.height() / 2 - n.height() / 2 + "px") : n.css("bottom", -n.height() / 2 + "px") } }; var E = function (t, e, n, r, i, o) { return function () { if (i % 2 == 0 && 0 === o) return [{ source: function () { return t.round(0).match(2 * r).loser() } }, { source: function () { return t.round(0).match(2 * r + 1).loser() } }]; var s = o % 2 == 0 ? n - r - 1 : r; return [{ source: function () { return e.round(2 * o).match(r).winner() } }, { source: function () { return t.round(o + 1).match(s).loser() } }] } }, w = function (t, e) { return function () { return t.css("top", e.el.height() / 2 - t.height() / 2 + "px") } }, k = function (t) { return function (e, n) { var r = e.height() / 4, i = { height: 0, shift: 2 * r }; return n.winner().order.map(function (e) { return e.map(t ? i : { height: 0, shift: r }, t ? i : { height: 2 * -r, shift: r }) }).orElse(i) } }; var T = function () { function e(e, n, r, i, o, s, a, h) { this.bracket = e, this.previousRound = n, this.roundNumber = r, this.roundResults = i, this.doRenderCb = o, this.mkMatch = s, this.isFirstBracket = a, this.opts = h, this.containerWidth = this.opts.teamWidth + this.opts.scoreWidth, this.roundCon = t('
'), this.matches = [] } return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "el", { get: function () { return this.roundCon }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.addMatch = function (t, e) { var i = this, o = this.matches.length, h = null !== t ? t() : [{ source: function () { return i.bracket.round(i.roundNumber - 1).match(2 * o).winner() } }, { source: function () { return i.bracket.round(i.roundNumber - 1).match(2 * o + 1).winner() } }], c = function () { return h[0].source() }, u = function () { return h[1].source() }, p = new a(c, c().name, n.of(s.first()), c().seed, r.empty()), d = new a(u, u().name, n.of(s.second()), u().seed, r.empty()); p.sibling = function () { return d }, d.sibling = function () { return p }; var f = new l(p, d), m = this.mkMatch(this, f, o, this.roundResults.map(function (t) { return void 0 === t[o] ? null : t[o] }), e, this.isFirstBracket, this.opts); return this.matches.push(m), m }, e.prototype.match = function (t) { return this.matches[t] }, e.prototype.prev = function () { return this.previousRound }, e.prototype.size = function () { return this.matches.length }, e.prototype.render = function () { this.roundCon.empty(), (this.doRenderCb.isEmpty() || this.doRenderCb.get()()) && (this.roundCon.appendTo(this.bracket.el), this.matches.forEach(function (t) { return t.render() })) }, e.prototype.results = function () { return this.matches.reduce(function (t, e) { return t.concat([e.results()]) }, []) }, e }(), M = function () { function t(t, e, n, r, i) { this.bracketCon = t, this.initResults = e, this.mkMatch = n, this.isFirstBracket = r, this.opts = i, this.rounds = [] } return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "el", { get: function () { return this.bracketCon }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addRound = function (t) { var e = this.rounds.length, o = e > 0 ? n.of(this.rounds[e - 1]) : n.empty(), s = this.initResults.map(function (t) { return void 0 === t[e] ? new i(r.empty(), r.empty(), void 0) : t[e] }), a = new T(this, o, e, s, t, this.mkMatch, this.isFirstBracket, this.opts); return this.rounds.push(a), a }, t.prototype.dropRound = function () { this.rounds.pop() }, t.prototype.round = function (t) { return this.rounds[t] }, t.prototype.size = function () { return this.rounds.length }, t.prototype.final = function () { return this.rounds[this.rounds.length - 1].match(0) }, t.prototype.winner = function () { return this.rounds[this.rounds.length - 1].match(0).winner() }, t.prototype.loser = function () { return this.rounds[this.rounds.length - 1].match(0).loser() }, t.prototype.render = function () { this.bracketCon.empty(); for (var t = 0, e = this.rounds; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].render() } }, t.prototype.results = function () { return this.rounds.reduce(function (t, e) { return t.concat([e.results()]) }, []) }, t }(), R = function (t) { return t < 0 ? { height: -t, drop: !1 } : t < 2 ? { height: 0, drop: !0 } : { height: t, drop: !0 } }; function x(e) { var n = t.extend(!0, {}, e); return n.teams = n.teams.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { return t.toNull() }) }), n.results = n.results.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { var e = [t.first.toNull(), t.second.toNull()]; return void 0 !== t.userData && e.push(t.userData), e }) }) }), n } var O = function () { function t() { this.counter = 0 } return t.prototype.get = function () { return this.counter }, t.prototype.getNext = function () { return ++this.counter }, t.prototype.reset = function () { this.counter = 0 }, t }(); function B(i, o, s, a, c, l, p, d, f, m) { var g = s.name.isEmpty() || a.name.isEmpty() ? "" : 'data-resultid="result-' + d.getNext() + '"', b = t('
"), v = s.name.isEmpty() || a.name.isEmpty() || !c ? n.empty() : s.score.map(function (t) { return "" + t }), y = v.orElse("--"); b.text(y); var C = t('
'), E = t('
').appendTo(C); p.decorator.render(E, s.name.toNull(), y, (k = a, T = v, (w = s).name.map(function () { return T.map(function () { return u.ENTRY_COMPLETE }).orElseGet(function () { return k.emptyBranch() === e.BYE ? u.ENTRY_DEFAULT_WIN : u.ENTRY_NO_SCORE }) }).orElseGet(function () { var t = w.emptyBranch(); switch (t) { case e.BYE: return u.EMPTY_BYE; case e.TBD: return u.EMPTY_TBD; default: throw new Error("Unexpected branch type " + t) } }))); var w, k, T; if (s.seed.forEach(function (t) { C.attr("data-teamid", t) }), s.name.isEmpty() ? C.addClass("na") : o.winner().name === s.name ? C.addClass("win") : o.loser().name === s.name && C.addClass("lose"), C.append(b), (!s.name.isEmpty() || s.name.isEmpty() && 0 === i && l) && "function" == typeof p.save && (p.disableTeamEdit || (E.addClass("editable"), E.click(function () { var e = t(this); !function r() { e.unbind(), p.decorator.edit(e, s.name.toNull(), function (o, a) { var h = s.seed.get(); p.init.teams[~~(h / 2)][h % 2] = n.of(o || null), m(!0), e.click(r); var c = p.el.find(".team[data-teamid=" + (h + 1) + "] div.label:first"); c.length && !0 === a && 0 === i && t(c).click() }) }() })), !s.name.isEmpty() && !a.name.isEmpty() && c)) { var M = d.get(); b.addClass("editable"), b.click(function () { var e = t(this); !function n() { e.unbind(); var i = h(s.score) ? e.text() : "0", o = t(''); o.val(i), e.empty().append(o), o.focus().select(), o.keydown(function (e) { h(t(this).val()) ? t(this).removeClass("error") : t(this).addClass("error"); var n = e.keyCode || e.which; if (9 === n || 13 === n || 27 === n) { if (e.preventDefault(), t(this).blur(), 27 === n) return; var r = f.find("div.score[data-resultid=result-" + (M + 1) + "]"); r && r.click() } }), o.blur(function () { var t = o.val(); t && h(t) || h(s.score) ? t && h(t) || !h(s.score) || (t = s.score) : t = "0", e.html(t), h(t) && (s.score = r.of(parseInt(t, 10)), m(!0)), e.click(n) }) }() }) } return C } var N = function () { function e(e, i, o, s, a, c, u, l, p, d) { if (this.round = e, this.match = i, this.seed = o, this.renderCb = a, this.isFirstBracket = c, this.opts = u, this.resultId = l, this.topCon = p, this.renderAll = d, this.connectorCb = n.empty(), this.matchCon = t('
'), this.teamCon = t('
'), this.alignCb = null, this.matchUserData = s.isEmpty() ? void 0 : s.get().userData, !u.save) { var f = this.matchUserData; u.onMatchHover && this.teamCon.hover(function () { u.onMatchHover(f, !0) }, function () { u.onMatchHover(f, !1) }), u.onMatchClick && this.teamCon.click(function () { u.onMatchClick(f) }) } i.a.name = i.a.source().name, i.b.name = i.b.source().name, i.a.score = s.map(function (t) { return t.first.toNull() }), i.b.score = s.map(function (t) { return t.second.toNull() }), i.a.name && i.b.name || !h(i.a.score) && !h(i.b.score) || (console.warn("ERROR IN SCORE DATA: " + i.a.source().name + ": " + i.a.score + ", " + i.b.source().name + ": " + i.b.score), i.a.score = i.b.score = r.empty()) } return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "el", { get: function () { return this.matchCon }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), e.prototype.getRound = function () { return this.round }, e.prototype.setConnectorCb = function (t) { this.connectorCb = t }, e.prototype.connect = function (e) { var n = this, r = "lr" === this.opts.dir ? "right" : "left", i = this.teamCon.height() / 4, o = this.matchCon.height() / 2, s = e.map(function (t) { return t(n.teamCon, n) }).orElseGet(function () { return n.seed % 2 == 0 ? n.winner().order.map(function (t) { return t.map({ height: o, shift: i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1) }, { height: o - i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 0 : 2), shift: i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 2 : 3) }) }).orElse({ height: o - i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 0 : 1), shift: 2 * i }) : n.winner().order.map(function (t) { return t.map({ height: -o + i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 0 : 2), shift: -i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 2 : 3) }, { height: -o, shift: -i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1) }) }).orElse({ height: -o + i * (n.opts.centerConnectors ? 0 : 1), shift: 2 * -i }) }); this.teamCon.append(function (e, n, r, i) { var o = n.shift, s = R(n.height), a = s.height, h = s.drop, c = e / 2, u = t('
').appendTo(r); u.css("height", a), u.css("width", c + "px"), u.css(i, -c - 2 + "px"), o >= 0 ? u.css("top", o - 1 + "px") : u.css("bottom", -o - 1 + "px"), h ? u.css("border-bottom", "none") : u.css("border-top", "none"); var l = t('
').appendTo(u); return l.css("width", c + "px"), l.css(i, -c + "px"), h ? l.css("bottom", "0px") : l.css("top", "0px"), u }(this.opts.roundMargin, s, this.teamCon, r)) }, e.prototype.winner = function () { return this.match.winner() }, e.prototype.loser = function () { return this.match.loser() }, e.prototype.first = function () { return this.match.a }, e.prototype.second = function () { return this.match.b }, e.prototype.setAlignCb = function (t) { this.alignCb = t }, e.prototype.render = function () { var t = this; this.matchCon.empty(), this.teamCon.empty(), this.match.a.name = this.match.a.source().name, this.match.b.name = this.match.b.source().name, this.match.a.seed = this.match.a.source().seed, this.match.b.seed = this.match.b.source().seed; this.match.a.name.isEmpty() && this.match.b.name.isEmpty() ? this.teamCon.addClass("np") : this.match.winner().name ? this.teamCon.removeClass("np") : this.teamCon.addClass("np"); var e = !this.match.a.name.isEmpty() && !this.match.b.name.isEmpty(); this.teamCon.append(B(this.round.roundNumber, this.match, this.match.a, this.match.b, e, this.isFirstBracket, this.opts, this.resultId, this.topCon, this.renderAll)), this.teamCon.append(B(this.round.roundNumber, this.match, this.match.b, this.match.a, e, this.isFirstBracket, this.opts, this.resultId, this.topCon, this.renderAll)), this.matchCon.appendTo(this.round.el), this.matchCon.append(this.teamCon), this.el.css("height", this.round.bracket.el.height() / this.round.size() + "px"), this.teamCon.css("top", this.el.height() / 2 - this.teamCon.height() / 2 + "px"), null !== this.alignCb && this.alignCb(this.teamCon); this.renderCb.map(function (e) { return e(t) }).orElse(!1) || this.connect(this.connectorCb) }, e.prototype.results = function () { return (this.match.a.name.isEmpty() || this.match.b.name.isEmpty()) && (this.match.a.score = this.match.b.score = r.empty()), new i(this.match.a.score, this.match.b.score, this.matchUserData) }, e }(), _ = function (t) { return void 0 === t ? null : t }, D = function (e) { var r = new O, i = e.init, o = i.results.length <= 1, s = 45 * i.teams.length + i.teams.length * e.matchMargin, a = t('
').appendTo(e.el.empty()); function h() { var t = function (t, e, n, r, i) { if (e) return Math.log(2 * t) / Math.log(2); if (n) return Math.max(2, 2 * (Math.log(2 * t) / Math.log(2) - 1) - 1); var o = !r && 3 === i.length && 2 === i[2].length; return 2 * (Math.log(2 * t) / Math.log(2) - 1) + 1 + (o ? 1 : 0) }(i.teams.length, o, e.skipGrandFinalComeback, e.skipSecondaryFinal, i.results); e.disableToolbar ? a.css("width", t * (e.teamWidth + e.scoreWidth + e.roundMargin) + 10) : a.css("width", t * (e.teamWidth + e.scoreWidth + e.roundMargin) + 40), o && i.teams.length <= 2 && !e.skipConsolationRound && a.css("height", s + 40) } var c, u, l; function p(n) { r.reset(), c.render(), u && u.render(), l && !e.skipGrandFinalComeback && l.render(), e.disableHighlight || function (e, n, r) { var i = r || n, o = i.winner(), s = i.loser(); o && s && (o.name.isEmpty() || d(o.seed.get(), "highlightWinner", e).highlight(), s.name.isEmpty() || d(s.seed.get(), "highlightLoser", e).highlight()), e.find(".team").mouseover(function () { var n = t(this).attr("data-teamid"); if (void 0 !== n) { var r = d(parseInt(n, 10), null, e); r.highlight(), t(this).mouseout(function () { r.deHighlight(), t(this).unbind("mouseout") }) } }) }(a, c, l), n && (i.results[0] = c.results(), u && (i.results[1] = u.results()), l && !e.skipGrandFinalComeback && (i.results[2] = l.results()), h(), e.save && e.save(x(i), e.userData)) } e.skipSecondaryFinal && o && t.error("skipSecondaryFinal setting is viable only in double elimination mode"), e.disableToolbar || function (e, r, i) { var o = t('
').appendTo(e); if (t('+').appendTo(o).click(function () { for (var t = r.teams.length, e = 0; e < t; e += 1)r.teams.push([n.empty(), n.empty()]); return D(i) }), r.teams.length > 1 && 1 === r.results.length || r.teams.length > 2 && 3 === r.results.length) { var s = t('-').appendTo(o); s.click(function () { if (r.teams.length > 1) return r.teams = r.teams.slice(0, r.teams.length / 2), D(i) }) } if (1 === r.results.length && r.teams.length > 1) { var a = t('de').appendTo(o); a.click(function () { if (r.teams.length > 1 && r.results.length < 3) return r.results.push([], []), D(i) }) } else if (3 === r.results.length && r.teams.length > 1) { var a = t('se').appendTo(o); a.click(function () { if (3 === r.results.length) return r.results = r.results.slice(0, 1), D(i) }) } }(a, i, e); var f, m, v; o ? m = t('
').appendTo(a) : (e.skipGrandFinalComeback || (f = t('
').appendTo(a)), m = t('
').appendTo(a), v = t('
').appendTo(a)), m.css("height", s), v && v.css("height", m.height() / 2), h(); var T = function (t, e, n, i, o, s, h) { return new N(t, e, n, i, o, s, h, r, a, p) }; return c = new M(m, n.of(i.results[0] || null), T, !0, e), o || (u = new M(v, n.of(i.results[1] || null), T, !1, e), e.skipGrandFinalComeback || (l = new M(f, n.of(i.results[2] || null), T, !1, e))), function (t, e, r, i, o) { for (var s, a = Math.log(2 * e.length) / Math.log(2), h = e.length, c = 0; c < a; c += 1) { s = t.addRound(n.empty()); for (var u = 0; u < h; u += 1) { var l = 0 === c ? y(e, u) : null; if (c === a - 1 && r || c === a - 1 && o) { var p = s.addMatch(l, n.of(g)); o || p.setAlignCb(C(p, i.skipConsolationRound)) } else s.addMatch(l, n.empty()) } h /= 2 } if (r && (t.final().setConnectorCb(n.empty()), e.length > 1 && !i.skipConsolationRound)) { var d = t.final().getRound().prev(), f = d.map(function (t) { return function () { return t.match(0).loser() } }).toNull(), m = d.map(function (t) { return function () { return t.match(1).loser() } }).toNull(), v = s.addMatch(function () { return [{ source: f }, { source: m }] }, n.of(b)); v.setAlignCb(function (e) { var n = t.el.height() / 2; v.el.css("height", n + "px"); var r = e.height() / 2 + i.matchMargin; e.css("top", r + "px") }), v.setConnectorCb(n.empty()) } }(c, i.teams, o, e, e.skipGrandFinalComeback && !o), o || (function (t, e, r, i, o) { for (var s = Math.log(2 * r) / Math.log(2) - 1, a = r / 2, h = 0; h < s; h += 1) { for (var c = i && h === s - 1 ? 1 : 2, u = 0; u < c; u += 1)for (var l = e.addRound(n.empty()), p = 0; p < a; p += 1) { var d = u % 2 != 0 || 0 === h ? E(t, e, a, p, u, h) : null, f = h === s - 1 && i, m = l.addMatch(d, n.of(f ? b : null)); if (m.setAlignCb(w(m.el.find(".teamContainer"), m)), f) m.setConnectorCb(n.empty()); else if (h < s - 1 || u < 1) { var g = u % 2 == 0 ? k(o) : null; m.setConnectorCb(n.of(g)) } } a /= 2 } }(c, u, i.teams.length, e.skipGrandFinalComeback, e.centerConnectors), e.skipGrandFinalComeback || function (t, e, r, i, o, s) { var a = t.addRound(n.empty()), h = a.addMatch(function () { return [{ source: function () { return e.winner() } }, { source: function () { return r.winner() } }] }, n.of(function (o) { var a = !1; if (i.skipSecondaryFinal || o.winner().name.isEmpty() || o.winner().name !== r.winner().name) { if (2 === t.size()) t.dropRound(); else if (t.size() > 2) throw new Error("Unexpected number of final rounds"); return g(o) } if (2 === t.size()) return !1; var h = t.addRound(n.of(function () { var e = !o.winner().name.isEmpty() && o.winner().name === r.winner().name; return !1 === a && e && (a = !0, s()), !e && a && (a = !1, t.dropRound(), s()), e })).addMatch(function () { return [{ source: function () { return o.first() } }, { source: function () { return o.second() } }] }, n.of(g)); return o.setConnectorCb(n.of(function (t) { return { height: 0, shift: t.height() / 2 } })), h.setConnectorCb(n.empty()), h.setAlignCb(function (t) { var n = e.el.height() + r.el.height(); h.el.css("height", n + "px"); var i = (e.el.height() / 2 + e.el.height() + r.el.height() / 2) / 2 - t.height(); t.css("top", i + "px") }), !1 })); if (h.setAlignCb(function (t) { var n = e.el.height() + r.el.height(); i.skipConsolationRound || (n /= 2), h.el.css("height", n + "px"); var o = (e.el.height() / 2 + e.el.height() + r.el.height() / 2) / 2 - t.height(); t.css("top", o + "px") }), !i.skipConsolationRound) { var c = r.final().getRound().prev(), u = a.addMatch(function () { return [{ source: function () { return c.get().match(0).loser() } }, { source: function () { return r.loser() } }] }, n.of(b)); u.setAlignCb(function (t) { var n = (e.el.height() + r.el.height()) / 2; u.el.css("height", n + "px"); var i = (e.el.height() / 2 + e.el.height() + r.el.height() / 2) / 2 + t.height() / 2 - n; t.css("top", i + "px") }), h.setConnectorCb(n.empty()), u.setConnectorCb(n.empty()) } e.final().setConnectorCb(n.of(function (t) { var n = t.height() / 4, o = (e.el.height() / 2 + e.el.height() + r.el.height() / 2) / 2 - t.height() / 2 - e.el.height() / 2, s = e.winner().order.map(function (t) { return t.map({ height: o + 2 * n, shift: n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1) }, { height: o + n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 0), shift: n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 3) }) }).orElse({ height: o + n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1), shift: 2 * n }), a = s.height, h = s.shift; return { height: a - t.height() / 2, shift: h } })), r.final().setConnectorCb(n.of(function (t) { var n = t.height() / 4, o = (e.el.height() / 2 + e.el.height() + r.el.height() / 2) / 2 - t.height() / 2 - e.el.height() / 2, s = r.winner().order.map(function (t) { return t.map({ height: o + n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 0), shift: n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 3) }, { height: o + 2 * n, shift: n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1) }) }).orElse({ height: o + n * (i.centerConnectors ? 2 : 1), shift: 2 * n }), a = s.height, h = s.shift; return { height: -(a + t.height() / 2), shift: -h } })) }(l, c, u, e, 0, h)), p(!1), { data: function () { return x(e.init) } } }; var F = function (t, e) { if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var n = typeof t[e]; if ("number" !== n) throw new Error('Option "' + e + '" is ' + n + " instead of number") } }, Y = function (t, e) { var n = typeof t[e]; if ("boolean" !== n) throw new Error("Value of " + e + " must be boolean, got boolean, got " + n) }, P = function (t, e, n) { var r = e[n]; if (r < t) throw new Error("Value of " + n + " must be greater than " + t + ", got " + r) }, W = { init: function (e) { var o = t.extend(!0, {}, e); if (!o) throw Error("Options not set"); if (!o.init && !o.save) throw Error("No bracket data or save callback given"); if (void 0 === o.userData && (o.userData = null), !(!o.decorator || o.decorator.edit && o.decorator.render)) throw Error("Invalid decorator input"); o.decorator || (o.decorator = { edit: f, render: m }), o.init || (o.init = { results: [], teams: [[n.empty(), n.empty()]] }), o.el = this, o.save && (o.onMatchClick || o.onMatchHover) && t.error("Match callbacks may not be passed in edit mode (in conjunction with save callback)"); var s = typeof o.disableToolbar, a = o.hasOwnProperty("disableToolbar"); a && "boolean" !== s && t.error("disableToolbar must be a boolean, got " + s), !o.save && a && t.error('disableToolbar can be used only if the bracket is editable, i.e. "save" callback given'), a || (o.disableToolbar = void 0 === o.save); var h = typeof o.disableTeamEdit, c = o.hasOwnProperty("disableTeamEdit"); c && "boolean" !== h && t.error("disableTeamEdit must be a boolean, got " + h), !o.save && c && t.error('disableTeamEdit can be used only if the bracket is editable, i.e. "save" callback given'), c || (o.disableTeamEdit = !1), !o.disableToolbar && o.disableTeamEdit && t.error('disableTeamEdit requires also resizing to be disabled, initialize with "disableToolbar: true"'); var u, l = function t(e, n) { return n > 0 && (e = t([e], n - 1)), e }(o.init.results, 4 - (u = o.init.results, function t(e, n) { return e instanceof Array ? t(e[0], n + 1) : n }(u, 0))); o.init.results = (p = l, p.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { return new i(r.of(_(t[0])), r.of(_(t[1])), t[2]) }) }) })); var p; F(o, "teamWidth"), F(o, "scoreWidth"), F(o, "roundMargin"), F(o, "matchMargin"), o.hasOwnProperty("teamWidth") || (o.teamWidth = 70), o.hasOwnProperty("scoreWidth") || (o.scoreWidth = 30), o.hasOwnProperty("roundMargin") || (o.roundMargin = 40), o.hasOwnProperty("matchMargin") || (o.matchMargin = 20), P(0, o, "teamWidth"), P(0, o, "scoreWidth"), P(0, o, "roundMargin"), P(0, o, "matchMargin"), o.hasOwnProperty("centerConnectors") || (o.centerConnectors = !1), Y(o, "centerConnectors"), o.hasOwnProperty("disableHighlight") || (o.disableHighlight = !1), Y(o, "disableHighlight"); var d, g = (d = o.init.teams.length, d & d - 1); g !== Math.floor(g) && t.error('"teams" property must have 2^n number of team pairs, i.e. 1, 2, 4, etc. Got ' + o.init.teams.length + " team pairs."), o.dir = o.dir || "lr", o.init.teams = o.init.teams && 0 !== o.init.teams.length ? o.init.teams : [[null, null]], o.init.teams = o.init.teams.map(function (t) { return t.map(function (t) { return null === t ? n.empty() : n.of(t) }) }), o.skipConsolationRound = o.skipConsolationRound || !1, o.skipSecondaryFinal = o.skipSecondaryFinal || !1, "lr" !== o.dir && "rl" !== o.dir && t.error('Direction must be either: "lr" or "rl"'); var b = D(o); return t(this).data("bracket", { target: this, obj: b }), b }, data: function () { return t(this).data("bracket").obj.data() } }; t.fn.bracket = function (e) { return W[e] ? W[e].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) : "object" != typeof e && e ? void t.error("Method " + e + " does not exist on jQuery.bracket") : W.init.apply(this, arguments) } }(jQuery);