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2017-11-17 12:20:48 +00:00
//-- Oscillator.pde
//-- Generate sinusoidal oscillations in the servos
//-- (c) Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan), Dec 2011
//-- GPL license
#ifndef Oscillator_h
#define Oscillator_h
#include <ESP32_Servo.h>
//-- Macro for converting from degrees to radians
#ifndef DEG2RAD
#define DEG2RAD(g) ((g)*M_PI)/180
class Oscillator
Oscillator(int trim=0) {_trim=trim;};
void attach(int pin, bool rev =false);
void detach();
void SetA(unsigned int A) {_A=A;};
void SetO(unsigned int O) {_O=O;};
void SetPh(double Ph) {_phase0=Ph;};
void SetT(unsigned int T);
void SetTrim(int trim){_trim=trim;};
int getTrim() {return _trim;};
void SetPosition(int position);
void Stop() {_stop=true;};
void Play() {_stop=false;};
void Reset() {_phase=0;};
void refresh();
bool next_sample();
//-- Servo that is attached to the oscillator
Servo _servo;
//-- Oscillators parameters
unsigned int _A; //-- Amplitude (degrees)
unsigned int _O; //-- Offset (degrees)
unsigned int _T; //-- Period (miliseconds)
double _phase0; //-- Phase (radians)
//-- Internal variables
int _pos; //-- Current servo pos
int _trim; //-- Calibration offset
double _phase; //-- Current phase
double _inc; //-- Increment of phase
double __N; //-- Number of samples
unsigned int _TS; //-- sampling period (ms)
long _previousMillis;
long _currentMillis;
//-- Oscillation mode. If true, the servo is stopped
bool _stop;
//-- Reverse mode
bool _rev;