mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2024-06-16 17:13:32 +00:00

reuse map in tree.Match

This commit is contained in:
astaxie 2015-12-11 13:51:01 +08:00
parent 80bc372f17
commit 2b651fbae2
4 changed files with 94 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ type FilterRouter struct {
// ValidRouter checks if the current request is matched by this filter.
// If the request is matched, the values of the URL parameters defined
// by the filter pattern are also returned.
func (f *FilterRouter) ValidRouter(url string) (bool, map[string]string) {
isok, params := f.tree.Match(url)
func (f *FilterRouter) ValidRouter(url string, ctx *context.Context) bool {
isok := f.tree.Match(url, ctx)
if isok == nil {
return false, nil
return false
if isok, ok := isok.(bool); ok {
return isok, params
return isok
return false, nil
return false

View File

@ -583,13 +583,7 @@ func (p *ControllerRegister) execFilter(context *beecontext.Context, pos int, ur
if filterR.returnOnOutput && context.ResponseWriter.Started {
return true
if ok, params := filterR.ValidRouter(urlPath); ok {
for k, v := range params {
if context.Input.Params == nil {
context.Input.Params = make(map[string]string)
context.Input.Params[k] = v
if ok := filterR.ValidRouter(urlPath, context); ok {
if filterR.returnOnOutput && context.ResponseWriter.Started {
@ -677,19 +671,16 @@ func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
httpMethod = "DELETE"
if t, ok := p.routers[httpMethod]; ok {
runObject, p := t.Match(urlPath)
runObject := t.Match(urlPath, context)
if r, ok := runObject.(*controllerInfo); ok {
routerInfo = r
findrouter = true
if splat, ok := p[":splat"]; ok {
if splat, ok := context.Input.Params[":splat"]; ok {
splatlist := strings.Split(splat, "/")
for k, v := range splatlist {
p[strconv.Itoa(k)] = v
context.Input.Params[strconv.Itoa(k)] = v
if p != nil {
context.Input.Params = p

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
@ -277,64 +278,60 @@ func (t *Tree) addseg(segments []string, route interface{}, wildcards []string,
// Match router to runObject & params
func (t *Tree) Match(pattern string) (runObject interface{}, params map[string]string) {
func (t *Tree) Match(pattern string, ctx *context.Context) (runObject interface{}) {
if len(pattern) == 0 || pattern[0] != '/' {
return nil, nil
return nil
return t.match(splitPath(pattern), nil)
return t.match(splitPath(pattern), nil, ctx)
func (t *Tree) match(segments []string, wildcardValues []string) (runObject interface{}, params map[string]string) {
func (t *Tree) match(segments []string, wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (runObject interface{}) {
// Handle leaf nodes:
if len(segments) == 0 {
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(wildcardValues); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
if ok := l.match(wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
if t.wildcard != nil {
for _, l := range t.wildcard.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(wildcardValues); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
if ok := l.match(wildcardValues, ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
return nil, nil
return nil
seg, segs := segments[0], segments[1:]
subTree, ok := t.fixrouters[seg]
if ok {
runObject, params = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues)
runObject = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues, ctx)
} else if len(segs) == 0 { //.json .xml
if subindex := strings.LastIndex(seg, "."); subindex != -1 {
subTree, ok = t.fixrouters[seg[:subindex]]
if ok {
runObject, params = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues)
runObject = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues, ctx)
if runObject != nil {
if params == nil {
params = make(map[string]string)
params[":ext"] = seg[subindex+1:]
return runObject, params
ctx.Input.Params[":ext"] = seg[subindex+1:]
return runObject
if runObject == nil && t.wildcard != nil {
runObject, params = t.wildcard.match(segs, append(wildcardValues, seg))
runObject = t.wildcard.match(segs, append(wildcardValues, seg), ctx)
if runObject == nil {
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(append(wildcardValues, segments...)); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
if ok := l.match(append(wildcardValues, segments...), ctx); ok {
return l.runObject
return runObject, params
return runObject
type leafInfo struct {
@ -347,47 +344,43 @@ type leafInfo struct {
runObject interface{}
func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string) (ok bool, params map[string]string) {
func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string, ctx *context.Context) (ok bool) {
if leaf.regexps == nil {
// has error
if len(wildcardValues) == 0 && len(leaf.wildcards) > 0 {
if utils.InSlice(":", leaf.wildcards) {
params = make(map[string]string)
j := 0
for _, v := range leaf.wildcards {
if v == ":" {
params[v] = ""
ctx.Input.Params[v] = ""
return true, params
return true
return false, nil
return false
} else if len(wildcardValues) == 0 { // static path
return true, nil
return true
// match *
if len(leaf.wildcards) == 1 && leaf.wildcards[0] == ":splat" {
params = make(map[string]string)
params[":splat"] = path.Join(wildcardValues...)
return true, params
ctx.Input.Params[":splat"] = path.Join(wildcardValues...)
return true
// match *.*
if len(leaf.wildcards) == 3 && leaf.wildcards[0] == "." {
params = make(map[string]string)
lastone := wildcardValues[len(wildcardValues)-1]
strs := strings.SplitN(lastone, ".", 2)
if len(strs) == 2 {
params[":ext"] = strs[1]
ctx.Input.Params[":ext"] = strs[1]
} else {
params[":ext"] = ""
ctx.Input.Params[":ext"] = ""
params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[:len(wildcardValues)-1]...) + "/" + strs[0]
return true, params
ctx.Input.Params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[:len(wildcardValues)-1]...) + "/" + strs[0]
return true
// match :id
params = make(map[string]string)
j := 0
for _, v := range leaf.wildcards {
if v == ":" {
@ -397,38 +390,37 @@ func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string) (ok bool, params map[string
lastone := wildcardValues[len(wildcardValues)-1]
strs := strings.SplitN(lastone, ".", 2)
if len(strs) == 2 {
params[":ext"] = strs[1]
ctx.Input.Params[":ext"] = strs[1]
} else {
params[":ext"] = ""
ctx.Input.Params[":ext"] = ""
if len(wildcardValues[j:]) == 1 {
params[":path"] = strs[0]
ctx.Input.Params[":path"] = strs[0]
} else {
params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[j:]...) + "/" + strs[0]
ctx.Input.Params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[j:]...) + "/" + strs[0]
return true, params
return true
if len(wildcardValues) <= j {
return false, nil
return false
params[v] = wildcardValues[j]
ctx.Input.Params[v] = wildcardValues[j]
if len(params) != len(wildcardValues) {
return false, nil
if len(ctx.Input.Params) != len(wildcardValues) {
return false
return true, params
return true
if !leaf.regexps.MatchString(path.Join(wildcardValues...)) {
return false, nil
return false
params = make(map[string]string)
matches := leaf.regexps.FindStringSubmatch(path.Join(wildcardValues...))
for i, match := range matches[1:] {
params[leaf.wildcards[i]] = match
ctx.Input.Params[leaf.wildcards[i]] = match
return true, params
return true
// "/" -> []

View File

@ -14,7 +14,11 @@
package beego
import "testing"
import (
type testinfo struct {
url string
@ -27,11 +31,11 @@ var routers []testinfo
func init() {
routers = make([]testinfo, 0)
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/?:auth:int", "/topic", nil})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/?:auth:int", "/topic/123", map[string]string{":auth":"123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/?:auth:int", "/topic/123", map[string]string{":auth": "123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth", "/topic/1", map[string]string{":id": "1"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth", "/topic/1/2", map[string]string{":id": "1",":auth":"2"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth", "/topic/1/2", map[string]string{":id": "1", ":auth": "2"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth:int", "/topic/1", map[string]string{":id": "1"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth:int", "/topic/1/123", map[string]string{":id": "1",":auth":"123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/topic/:id/?:auth:int", "/topic/1/123", map[string]string{":id": "1", ":auth": "123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/:id", "/123", map[string]string{":id": "123"}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/hello/?:id", "/hello", map[string]string{":id": ""}})
routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/", "/", nil})
@ -69,13 +73,14 @@ func TestTreeRouters(t *testing.T) {
for _, r := range routers {
tr := NewTree()
tr.AddRouter(r.url, "astaxie")
obj, param := tr.Match(r.requesturl)
ctx := context.NewContext()
obj := tr.Match(r.requesturl, ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal(r.url + " can't get obj ")
if r.params != nil {
for k, v := range r.params {
if vv, ok := param[k]; !ok {
if vv, ok := ctx.Input.Params[k]; !ok {
t.Fatal(r.url + " " + r.requesturl + " get param empty:" + k)
} else if vv != v {
t.Fatal(r.url + " " + r.requesturl + " should be:" + v + " get param:" + vv)
@ -91,47 +96,51 @@ func TestAddTree(t *testing.T) {
tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "astaxie")
t1 := NewTree()
t1.AddTree("/v1/zl", tr)
obj, param := t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account")
ctx := context.NewContext()
obj := t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/v1/zl/shop/:id/account can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":id"] != "123" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "123" {
t.Fatal("get :id param error")
obj, param = t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html")
obj = t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/v1/zl//shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":sd"] != "123" || param[":id"] != "1" || param[":page"] != "12" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":sd"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "1" || ctx.Input.Params[":page"] != "12" {
t.Fatal("get :sd :id :page param error")
t2 := NewTree()
t2.AddTree("/v1/:shopid", tr)
obj, param = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account")
obj = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/v1/:shopid/shop/:id/account can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":id"] != "123" || param[":shopid"] != "zl" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":shopid"] != "zl" {
t.Fatal("get :id :shopid param error")
obj, param = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html")
obj = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/v1/:shopid/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get :shopid param error")
if param[":sd"] != "123" || param[":id"] != "1" || param[":page"] != "12" || param[":shopid"] != "zl" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":sd"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "1" || ctx.Input.Params[":page"] != "12" || ctx.Input.Params[":shopid"] != "zl" {
t.Fatal("get :sd :id :page :shopid param error")
@ -142,14 +151,15 @@ func TestAddTree2(t *testing.T) {
tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "astaxie")
t3 := NewTree()
t3.AddTree("/:version(v1|v2)/:prefix", tr)
obj, param := t3.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account")
ctx := context.NewContext()
obj := t3.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/:version(v1|v2)/:prefix/shop/:id/account can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":id"] != "123" || param[":prefix"] != "zl" || param[":version"] != "v1" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":prefix"] != "zl" || ctx.Input.Params[":version"] != "v1" {
t.Fatal("get :id :prefix :version param error")
@ -160,17 +170,19 @@ func TestAddTree3(t *testing.T) {
tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/account", "astaxie")
t3 := NewTree()
t3.AddTree("/table/:num", tr)
obj, param := t3.Match("/table/123/shop/123/account")
ctx := context.NewContext()
obj := t3.Match("/table/123/shop/123/account", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/table/:num/shop/:sd/account can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":num"] != "123" || param[":sd"] != "123" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":num"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":sd"] != "123" {
t.Fatal("get :num :sd param error")
obj, param = t3.Match("/table/123/create")
obj = t3.Match("/table/123/create", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/table/:num/create can't get obj ")
@ -182,17 +194,19 @@ func TestAddTree4(t *testing.T) {
tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/:account", "astaxie")
t4 := NewTree()
t4.AddTree("/:info:int/:num/:id", tr)
obj, param := t4.Match("/12/123/456/shop/123/account")
ctx := context.NewContext()
obj := t4.Match("/12/123/456/shop/123/account", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/:info:int/:num/:id/shop/:sd/:account can't get obj ")
if param == nil {
if len(ctx.Input.Params) == 0 {
t.Fatal("get param error")
if param[":info"] != "12" || param[":num"] != "123" || param[":id"] != "456" || param[":sd"] != "123" || param[":account"] != "account" {
if ctx.Input.Params[":info"] != "12" || ctx.Input.Params[":num"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":id"] != "456" || ctx.Input.Params[":sd"] != "123" || ctx.Input.Params[":account"] != "account" {
t.Fatal("get :info :num :id :sd :account param error")
obj, param = t4.Match("/12/123/456/create")
obj = t4.Match("/12/123/456/create", ctx)
if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" {
t.Fatal("/:info:int/:num/:id/create can't get obj ")