// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package beego import "testing" type testinfo struct { url string requesturl string params map[string]string } var routers []testinfo func init() { routers = make([]testinfo, 0) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/:id", "/123", map[string]string{":id": "123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/hello/?:id", "/hello", map[string]string{":id": ""}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/", "/", nil}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/customer/login", "/customer/login", nil}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/customer/login", "/customer/login.json", map[string]string{":ext": "json"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*", "/customer/123", map[string]string{":splat": "customer/123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*", "/customer/2009/12/11", map[string]string{":splat": "customer/2009/12/11"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/aa/*/bb", "/aa/2009/bb", map[string]string{":splat": "2009"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/cc/*/dd", "/cc/2009/11/dd", map[string]string{":splat": "2009/11"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/ee/:year/*/ff", "/ee/2009/11/ff", map[string]string{":year": "2009", ":splat": "11"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/thumbnail/:size/uploads/*", "/thumbnail/100x100/uploads/items/2014/04/20/dPRCdChkUd651t1Hvs18.jpg", map[string]string{":size": "100x100", ":splat": "items/2014/04/20/dPRCdChkUd651t1Hvs18.jpg"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/*.*", "/nice/api.json", map[string]string{":path": "nice/api", ":ext": "json"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/:name/*.*", "/nice/api.json", map[string]string{":name": "nice", ":path": "api", ":ext": "json"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/:name/test/*.*", "/nice/test/api.json", map[string]string{":name": "nice", ":path": "api", ":ext": "json"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id:int", "/v1/shop/123", map[string]string{":id": "123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/:year:int/:month:int/:id/:endid", "/1111/111/aaa/aaa", map[string]string{":year": "1111", ":month": "111", ":id": "aaa", ":endid": "aaa"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id/:name", "/v1/shop/123/nike", map[string]string{":id": "123", ":name": "nike"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id/account", "/v1/shop/123/account", map[string]string{":id": "123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:name:string", "/v1/shop/nike", map[string]string{":name": "nike"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id([0-9]+)", "/v1/shop//123", map[string]string{":id": "123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id([0-9]+)_:name", "/v1/shop/123_nike", map[string]string{":id": "123", ":name": "nike"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/:id(.+)_cms.html", "/v1/shop/123_cms.html", map[string]string{":id": "123"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/shop/cms_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "/v1/shop/cms_123_1.html", map[string]string{":id": "123", ":page": "1"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/:v/cms/aaa_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "/v1/2/cms/aaa_123_1.html", map[string]string{":v": "2", ":id": "123", ":page": "1"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/:v/cms_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "/v1/2/cms_123_1.html", map[string]string{":v": "2", ":id": "123", ":page": "1"}}) routers = append(routers, testinfo{"/v1/:v(.+)_cms/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "/v1/2_cms/ttt_123_1.html", map[string]string{":v": "2", ":id": "123", ":page": "1"}}) } func TestTreeRouters(t *testing.T) { for _, r := range routers { tr := NewTree() tr.AddRouter(r.url, "astaxie") obj, param := tr.Match(r.requesturl) if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal(r.url + " can't get obj ") } if r.params != nil { for k, v := range r.params { if vv, ok := param[k]; !ok { t.Fatal(r.url + " " + r.requesturl + " get param empty:" + k) } else if vv != v { t.Fatal(r.url + " " + r.requesturl + " should be:" + v + " get param:" + vv) } } } } } func TestAddTree(t *testing.T) { tr := NewTree() tr.AddRouter("/shop/:id/account", "astaxie") tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "astaxie") t1 := NewTree() t1.AddTree("/v1/zl", tr) obj, param := t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account") if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("/v1/zl/shop/:id/account can't get obj ") } if param == nil { t.Fatal("get param error") } if param[":id"] != "123" { t.Fatal("get :id param error") } obj, param = t1.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html") if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("/v1/zl//shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html can't get obj ") } if param == nil { t.Fatal("get param error") } if param[":sd"] != "123" || param[":id"] != "1" || param[":page"] != "12" { t.Fatal("get :sd :id :page param error") } t2 := NewTree() t2.AddTree("/v1/:shopid", tr) obj, param = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account") if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("/v1/:shopid/shop/:id/account can't get obj ") } if param == nil { t.Fatal("get param error") } if param[":id"] != "123" || param[":shopid"] != "zl" { t.Fatal("get :id :shopid param error") } obj, param = t2.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/ttt_1_12.html") if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("/v1/:shopid/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html can't get obj ") } if param == nil { t.Fatal("get :shopid param error") } if param[":sd"] != "123" || param[":id"] != "1" || param[":page"] != "12" || param[":shopid"] != "zl" { t.Fatal("get :sd :id :page :shopid param error") } } func TestAddTree2(t *testing.T) { tr := NewTree() tr.AddRouter("/shop/:id/account", "astaxie") tr.AddRouter("/shop/:sd/ttt_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html", "astaxie") t3 := NewTree() t3.AddTree("/:version(v1|v2)/:prefix", tr) obj, param := t3.Match("/v1/zl/shop/123/account") if obj == nil || obj.(string) != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("/:version(v1|v2)/:prefix/shop/:id/account can't get obj ") } if param == nil { t.Fatal("get param error") } if param[":id"] != "123" || param[":prefix"] != "zl" || param[":version"] != "v1" { t.Fatal("get :id :prefix :version param error") } } func TestSplitPath(t *testing.T) { a := splitPath("/") if len(a) != 0 { t.Fatal("/ should retrun []") } a = splitPath("/admin") if len(a) != 1 || a[0] != "admin" { t.Fatal("/admin should retrun [admin]") } a = splitPath("/admin/") if len(a) != 1 || a[0] != "admin" { t.Fatal("/admin/ should retrun [admin]") } a = splitPath("/admin/users") if len(a) != 2 || a[0] != "admin" || a[1] != "users" { t.Fatal("/admin should retrun [admin users]") } a = splitPath("/admin/:id:int") if len(a) != 2 || a[0] != "admin" || a[1] != ":id:int" { t.Fatal("/admin should retrun [admin :id:int]") } } func TestSplitSegment(t *testing.T) { b, w, r := splitSegment("admin") if b || len(w) != 0 || r != "" { t.Fatal("admin should return false, nil, ''") } b, w, r = splitSegment("*") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":splat" || r != "" { t.Fatal("* should return true, [:splat], ''") } b, w, r = splitSegment("*.*") if !b || len(w) != 3 || w[1] != ":path" || w[2] != ":ext" || w[0] != "." || r != "" { t.Fatal("admin should return true,[. :path :ext], ''") } b, w, r = splitSegment(":id") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":id" || r != "" { t.Fatal(":id should return true, [:id], ''") } b, w, r = splitSegment("?:id") if !b || len(w) != 2 || w[0] != ":" || w[1] != ":id" || r != "" { t.Fatal("?:id should return true, [: :id], ''") } b, w, r = splitSegment(":id:int") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":id" || r != "([0-9]+)" { t.Fatal(":id:int should return true, [:id], '([0-9]+)'") } b, w, r = splitSegment(":name:string") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":name" || r != `([\w]+)` { t.Fatal(`:name:string should return true, [:name], '([\w]+)'`) } b, w, r = splitSegment(":id([0-9]+)") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":id" || r != `([0-9]+)` { t.Fatal(`:id([0-9]+) should return true, [:id], '([0-9]+)'`) } b, w, r = splitSegment(":id([0-9]+)_:name") if !b || len(w) != 2 || w[0] != ":id" || w[1] != ":name" || r != `([0-9]+)_(.+)` { t.Fatal(`:id([0-9]+)_:name should return true, [:id :name], '([0-9]+)_(.+)'`) } b, w, r = splitSegment(":id(.+)_cms.html") if !b || len(w) != 1 || w[0] != ":id" || r != `(.+)_cms.html` { t.Fatal(":id_cms.html should return true, [:id], '(.+)_cms.html'") } b, w, r = splitSegment("cms_:id(.+)_:page(.+).html") if !b || len(w) != 2 || w[0] != ":id" || w[1] != ":page" || r != `cms_(.+)_(.+).html` { t.Fatal(":id_cms.html should return true, [:id :page], cms_(.+)_(.+).html") } }