// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package orm import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "strings" "time" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" _ "github.com/lib/pq" _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" // As tidb can't use go get, so disable the tidb testing now // _ "github.com/pingcap/tidb" ) // A slice string field. type SliceStringField []string func (e SliceStringField) Value() []string { return []string(e) } func (e *SliceStringField) Set(d []string) { *e = SliceStringField(d) } func (e *SliceStringField) Add(v string) { *e = append(*e, v) } func (e *SliceStringField) String() string { return strings.Join(e.Value(), ",") } func (e *SliceStringField) FieldType() int { return TypeVarCharField } func (e *SliceStringField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error { f := func(str string) { if len(str) > 0 { parts := strings.Split(str, ",") v := make([]string, 0, len(parts)) for _, p := range parts { v = append(v, strings.TrimSpace(p)) } e.Set(v) } } switch d := value.(type) { case []string: e.Set(d) case string: f(d) case []byte: f(string(d)) default: return fmt.Errorf(" unknown value `%v`", value) } return nil } func (e *SliceStringField) RawValue() interface{} { return e.String() } var _ Fielder = new(SliceStringField) // A json field. type JSONFieldTest struct { Name string Data string } func (e *JSONFieldTest) String() string { data, _ := json.Marshal(e) return string(data) } func (e *JSONFieldTest) FieldType() int { return TypeTextField } func (e *JSONFieldTest) SetRaw(value interface{}) error { switch d := value.(type) { case string: return json.Unmarshal([]byte(d), e) case []byte: return json.Unmarshal(d, e) default: return fmt.Errorf(" unknown value `%v`", value) } } func (e *JSONFieldTest) RawValue() interface{} { return e.String() } var _ Fielder = new(JSONFieldTest) type Data struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Boolean bool Char string `orm:"size(50)"` Text string `orm:"type(text)"` JSON string `orm:"type(json);default({\"name\":\"json\"})"` Jsonb string `orm:"type(jsonb)"` Time time.Time `orm:"type(time)"` Date time.Time `orm:"type(date)"` DateTime time.Time `orm:"column(datetime)"` Byte byte Rune rune Int int Int8 int8 Int16 int16 Int32 int32 Int64 int64 Uint uint Uint8 uint8 Uint16 uint16 Uint32 uint32 Uint64 uint64 Float32 float32 Float64 float64 Decimal float64 `orm:"digits(8);decimals(4)"` } type DataNull struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Boolean bool `orm:"null"` Char string `orm:"null;size(50)"` Text string `orm:"null;type(text)"` JSON string `orm:"type(json);null"` Jsonb string `orm:"type(jsonb);null"` Time time.Time `orm:"null;type(time)"` Date time.Time `orm:"null;type(date)"` DateTime time.Time `orm:"null;column(datetime)"` DateTimePrecision time.Time `orm:"null;type(datetime);precision(4)"` Byte byte `orm:"null"` Rune rune `orm:"null"` Int int `orm:"null"` Int8 int8 `orm:"null"` Int16 int16 `orm:"null"` Int32 int32 `orm:"null"` Int64 int64 `orm:"null"` Uint uint `orm:"null"` Uint8 uint8 `orm:"null"` Uint16 uint16 `orm:"null"` Uint32 uint32 `orm:"null"` Uint64 uint64 `orm:"null"` Float32 float32 `orm:"null"` Float64 float64 `orm:"null"` Decimal float64 `orm:"digits(8);decimals(4);null"` NullString sql.NullString `orm:"null"` NullBool sql.NullBool `orm:"null"` NullFloat64 sql.NullFloat64 `orm:"null"` NullInt64 sql.NullInt64 `orm:"null"` BooleanPtr *bool `orm:"null"` CharPtr *string `orm:"null;size(50)"` TextPtr *string `orm:"null;type(text)"` BytePtr *byte `orm:"null"` RunePtr *rune `orm:"null"` IntPtr *int `orm:"null"` Int8Ptr *int8 `orm:"null"` Int16Ptr *int16 `orm:"null"` Int32Ptr *int32 `orm:"null"` Int64Ptr *int64 `orm:"null"` UintPtr *uint `orm:"null"` Uint8Ptr *uint8 `orm:"null"` Uint16Ptr *uint16 `orm:"null"` Uint32Ptr *uint32 `orm:"null"` Uint64Ptr *uint64 `orm:"null"` Float32Ptr *float32 `orm:"null"` Float64Ptr *float64 `orm:"null"` DecimalPtr *float64 `orm:"digits(8);decimals(4);null"` TimePtr *time.Time `orm:"null;type(time)"` DatePtr *time.Time `orm:"null;type(date)"` DateTimePtr *time.Time `orm:"null"` } type String string type Boolean bool type Byte byte type Rune rune type Int int type Int8 int8 type Int16 int16 type Int32 int32 type Int64 int64 type Uint uint type Uint8 uint8 type Uint16 uint16 type Uint32 uint32 type Uint64 uint64 type Float32 float64 type Float64 float64 type DataCustom struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Boolean Boolean Char string `orm:"size(50)"` Text string `orm:"type(text)"` Byte Byte Rune Rune Int Int Int8 Int8 Int16 Int16 Int32 Int32 Int64 Int64 Uint Uint Uint8 Uint8 Uint16 Uint16 Uint32 Uint32 Uint64 Uint64 Float32 Float32 Float64 Float64 Decimal Float64 `orm:"digits(8);decimals(4)"` } // only for mysql type UserBig struct { ID uint64 `orm:"column(id)"` Name string } type TM struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` TMPrecision1 time.Time `orm:"type(datetime);precision(3)"` TMPrecision2 time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add;type(datetime);precision(4)"` } func (t *TM) TableName() string { return "tm" } func NewTM() *TM { obj := new(TM) return obj } type User struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` UserName string `orm:"size(30);unique"` Email string `orm:"size(100)"` Password string `orm:"size(100)"` Status int16 `orm:"column(Status)"` IsStaff bool IsActive bool `orm:"default(true)"` Created time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add;type(date)"` Updated time.Time `orm:"auto_now"` Profile *Profile `orm:"null;rel(one);on_delete(set_null)"` Posts []*Post `orm:"reverse(many)" json:"-"` ShouldSkip string `orm:"-"` Nums int Langs SliceStringField `orm:"size(100)"` Extra JSONFieldTest `orm:"type(text)"` unexport bool `orm:"-"` unexportBool bool } func (u *User) TableIndex() [][]string { return [][]string{ {"Id", "UserName"}, {"Id", "Created"}, } } func (u *User) TableUnique() [][]string { return [][]string{ {"UserName", "Email"}, } } func NewUser() *User { obj := new(User) return obj } type Profile struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Age int16 Money float64 User *User `orm:"reverse(one)" json:"-"` BestPost *Post `orm:"rel(one);null"` } func (u *Profile) TableName() string { return "user_profile" } func NewProfile() *Profile { obj := new(Profile) return obj } type Post struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` User *User `orm:"rel(fk)"` Title string `orm:"size(60)"` Content string `orm:"type(text)"` Created time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add"` Updated time.Time `orm:"auto_now"` UpdatedPrecision time.Time `orm:"auto_now;type(datetime);precision(4)"` Tags []*Tag `orm:"rel(m2m);rel_through(github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm.PostTags)"` } func (u *Post) TableIndex() [][]string { return [][]string{ {"Id", "Created"}, } } func NewPost() *Post { obj := new(Post) return obj } type Tag struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Name string `orm:"size(30)"` BestPost *Post `orm:"rel(one);null"` Posts []*Post `orm:"reverse(many)" json:"-"` } func NewTag() *Tag { obj := new(Tag) return obj } type PostTags struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Post *Post `orm:"rel(fk)"` Tag *Tag `orm:"rel(fk)"` } func (m *PostTags) TableName() string { return "prefix_post_tags" } type Comment struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Post *Post `orm:"rel(fk);column(post)"` Content string `orm:"type(text)"` Parent *Comment `orm:"null;rel(fk)"` Created time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add"` } func NewComment() *Comment { obj := new(Comment) return obj } type Group struct { ID int `orm:"column(gid);size(32)"` Name string Permissions []*Permission `orm:"reverse(many)" json:"-"` } type Permission struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Name string Groups []*Group `orm:"rel(m2m);rel_through(github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm.GroupPermissions)"` } type GroupPermissions struct { ID int `orm:"column(id)"` Group *Group `orm:"rel(fk)"` Permission *Permission `orm:"rel(fk)"` } type ModelID struct { ID int64 } type ModelBase struct { ModelID Created time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add;type(datetime)"` Updated time.Time `orm:"auto_now;type(datetime)"` } type InLine struct { // Common Fields ModelBase // Other Fields Name string `orm:"unique"` Email string } type Index struct { // Common Fields Id int `orm:"column(id)"` // Other Fields F1 int `orm:"column(f1);index"` F2 int `orm:"column(f2);index"` } func NewInLine() *InLine { return new(InLine) } type InLineOneToOne struct { // Common Fields ModelBase Note string InLine *InLine `orm:"rel(fk);column(inline)"` } func NewInLineOneToOne() *InLineOneToOne { return new(InLineOneToOne) } type IntegerPk struct { ID int64 `orm:"pk"` Value string } type UintPk struct { ID uint32 `orm:"pk"` Name string } type PtrPk struct { ID *IntegerPk `orm:"pk;rel(one)"` Positive bool } type StrPk struct { Id string `orm:"column(id);size(64);pk"` Value string } var DBARGS = struct { Driver string Source string Debug string }{ os.Getenv("ORM_DRIVER"), os.Getenv("ORM_SOURCE"), os.Getenv("ORM_DEBUG"), } var ( IsMysql = DBARGS.Driver == "mysql" IsSqlite = DBARGS.Driver == "sqlite3" IsPostgres = DBARGS.Driver == "postgres" IsTidb = DBARGS.Driver == "tidb" ) var ( dORM Ormer dDbBaser dbBaser ) var ( helpinfo = `need driver and source! Default DB Drivers. driver: url mysql: https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql sqlite3: https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 postgres: https://github.com/lib/pq tidb: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb usage: go get -u github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql go get -u github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 go get -u github.com/lib/pq go get -u github.com/pingcap/tidb #### MySQL mysql -u root -e 'create database orm_test;' export ORM_DRIVER=mysql export ORM_SOURCE="root:@/orm_test?charset=utf8" go test -v github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm #### Sqlite3 export ORM_DRIVER=sqlite3 export ORM_SOURCE='file:memory_test?mode=memory' go test -v github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm #### PostgreSQL psql -c 'create database orm_test;' -U postgres export ORM_DRIVER=postgres export ORM_SOURCE="user=postgres dbname=orm_test sslmode=disable" go test -v github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm #### TiDB export ORM_DRIVER=tidb export ORM_SOURCE='memory://test/test' go test -v github.com/astaxie/beego/pgk/orm ` ) func init() { // Debug, _ = StrTo(DBARGS.Debug).Bool() Debug = true if DBARGS.Driver == "" || DBARGS.Source == "" { fmt.Println(helpinfo) os.Exit(2) } err := RegisterDataBase("default", DBARGS.Driver, DBARGS.Source, MaxIdleConnections(20)) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("can not register database: %v", err)) } alias := getDbAlias("default") if alias.Driver == DRMySQL { alias.Engine = "INNODB" } }