package beego import ( "bytes" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha1" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "html/template" "io" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) type Controller struct { Ctx *context.Context Data map[interface{}]interface{} ChildName string TplNames string Layout string TplExt string _xsrf_token string gotofunc string CruSession session.SessionStore XSRFExpire int } type ControllerInterface interface { Init(ct *context.Context, childName string) Prepare() Get() Post() Delete() Put() Head() Patch() Options() Finish() Render() error } func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, childName string) { c.Data = make(map[interface{}]interface{}) c.Layout = "" c.TplNames = "" c.ChildName = childName c.Ctx = ctx c.TplExt = "tpl" } func (c *Controller) Prepare() { } func (c *Controller) Finish() { } func (c *Controller) Destructor() { if c.CruSession != nil { c.CruSession.SessionRelease() } } func (c *Controller) Get() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Post() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Delete() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Put() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Head() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Patch() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Options() { http.Error(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, "Method Not Allowed", 405) } func (c *Controller) Render() error { rb, err := c.RenderBytes() if err != nil { return err } else { c.Ctx.Output.Header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") c.Ctx.Output.Body(rb) } return nil } func (c *Controller) RenderString() (string, error) { b, e := c.RenderBytes() return string(b), e } func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) { //if the controller has set layout, then first get the tplname's content set the content to the layout if c.Layout != "" { if c.TplNames == "" { c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.Ctx.Request.Method) + "." + c.TplExt } if RunMode == "dev" { BuildTemplate(ViewsPath) } subdir := path.Dir(c.TplNames) _, file := path.Split(c.TplNames) newbytes := bytes.NewBufferString("") if _, ok := BeeTemplates[subdir]; !ok { panic("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames) return []byte{}, errors.New("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames) } err := BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(newbytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { if terr, ok := err.(*template.Error); ok { if terr.ErrorCode == template.ErrNoSuchTemplate { reg := regexp.MustCompile("{{template \"(.+)\"") filedata, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(ViewsPath, c.TplNames)) a := reg.FindStringSubmatch(string(filedata)) if len(a) > 1 { for _, tfile := range a[1:] { missfile := path.Join(ViewsPath, subdir, tfile) if ok, _ := FileExists(missfile); ok { AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir] = append(AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir], missfile) } } for k, v := range AllTemplateFiles.files { BeeTemplates[k] = template.Must(template.New("beegoTemplate"+k).Delims(TemplateLeft, TemplateRight).Funcs(beegoTplFuncMap).ParseFiles(v...)) } err = BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(newbytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { Trace("template Execute err:", err) } goto LayoutTplOk } } } Trace("template Execute err:", err) } LayoutTplOk: tplcontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(newbytes) c.Data["LayoutContent"] = template.HTML(string(tplcontent)) subdir = path.Dir(c.Layout) _, file = path.Split(c.Layout) ibytes := bytes.NewBufferString("") err = BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { if terr, ok := err.(*template.Error); ok { if terr.ErrorCode == template.ErrNoSuchTemplate { reg := regexp.MustCompile("{{template \"(.+)\"") filedata, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(ViewsPath, c.Layout)) a := reg.FindStringSubmatch(string(filedata)) if len(a) > 1 { for _, tfile := range a[1:] { missfile := path.Join(ViewsPath, subdir, tfile) if ok, _ := FileExists(missfile); ok { AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir] = append(AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir], missfile) } } for k, v := range AllTemplateFiles.files { BeeTemplates[k] = template.Must(template.New("beegoTemplate"+k).Delims(TemplateLeft, TemplateRight).Funcs(beegoTplFuncMap).ParseFiles(v...)) } err = BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { Trace("template Execute err:", err) } goto LayoutOk } } } Trace("template Execute err:", err) } LayoutOk: icontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ibytes) return icontent, nil } else { if c.TplNames == "" { c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.Ctx.Request.Method) + "." + c.TplExt } if RunMode == "dev" { BuildTemplate(ViewsPath) } subdir := path.Dir(c.TplNames) _, file := path.Split(c.TplNames) ibytes := bytes.NewBufferString("") if _, ok := BeeTemplates[subdir]; !ok { panic("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames) return []byte{}, errors.New("can't find templatefile in the path:" + c.TplNames) } err := BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { if terr, ok := err.(*template.Error); ok { if terr.ErrorCode == template.ErrNoSuchTemplate { reg := regexp.MustCompile("{{template \"(.+)\"") filedata, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(ViewsPath, c.TplNames)) a := reg.FindStringSubmatch(string(filedata)) if len(a) > 1 { for _, tfile := range a[1:] { missfile := path.Join(ViewsPath, subdir, tfile) if ok, _ := FileExists(missfile); ok { AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir] = append(AllTemplateFiles.files[subdir], missfile) } } for k, v := range AllTemplateFiles.files { BeeTemplates[k] = template.Must(template.New("beegoTemplate"+k).Delims(TemplateLeft, TemplateRight).Funcs(beegoTplFuncMap).ParseFiles(v...)) } err = BeeTemplates[subdir].ExecuteTemplate(ibytes, file, c.Data) if err != nil { Trace("template Execute err:", err) } goto TplOk } } } } TplOk: icontent, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ibytes) return icontent, nil } return []byte{}, nil } func (c *Controller) Redirect(url string, code int) { c.Ctx.Redirect(code, url) } func (c *Controller) Abort(code string) { panic(code) } func (c *Controller) ServeJson(encoding ...bool) { var hasIndent bool var hasencoding bool if RunMode == "prod" { hasIndent = false } else { hasIndent = true } if len(encoding) > 0 && encoding[0] == true { hasencoding = true } c.Ctx.Output.Json(c.Data["json"], hasIndent, hasencoding) } func (c *Controller) ServeJsonp() { var hasIndent bool if RunMode == "prod" { hasIndent = false } else { hasIndent = true } c.Ctx.Output.Jsonp(c.Data["jsonp"], hasIndent) } func (c *Controller) ServeXml() { var hasIndent bool if RunMode == "prod" { hasIndent = false } else { hasIndent = true } c.Ctx.Output.Xml(c.Data["xml"], hasIndent) } func (c *Controller) Input() url.Values { ct := c.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type") if strings.Contains(ct, "multipart/form-data") { c.Ctx.Request.ParseMultipartForm(MaxMemory) //64MB } else { c.Ctx.Request.ParseForm() } return c.Ctx.Request.Form } func (c *Controller) ParseForm(obj interface{}) error { return ParseForm(c.Input(), obj) } func (c *Controller) GetString(key string) string { return c.Input().Get(key) } func (c *Controller) GetStrings(key string) []string { r := c.Ctx.Request if r.Form == nil { return []string{} } vs := r.Form[key] if len(vs) > 0 { return vs } return []string{} } func (c *Controller) GetInt(key string) (int64, error) { return strconv.ParseInt(c.Input().Get(key), 10, 64) } func (c *Controller) GetBool(key string) (bool, error) { return strconv.ParseBool(c.Input().Get(key)) } func (c *Controller) GetFloat(key string) (float64, error) { return strconv.ParseFloat(c.Input().Get(key), 64) } func (c *Controller) GetFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error) { return c.Ctx.Request.FormFile(key) } func (c *Controller) SaveToFile(fromfile, tofile string) error { file, _, err := c.Ctx.Request.FormFile(fromfile) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() f, err := os.OpenFile(tofile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() io.Copy(f, file) return nil } func (c *Controller) StartSession() session.SessionStore { if c.CruSession == nil { c.CruSession = GlobalSessions.SessionStart(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, c.Ctx.Request) } return c.CruSession } func (c *Controller) SetSession(name interface{}, value interface{}) { if c.CruSession == nil { c.StartSession() } c.CruSession.Set(name, value) } func (c *Controller) GetSession(name interface{}) interface{} { if c.CruSession == nil { c.StartSession() } return c.CruSession.Get(name) } func (c *Controller) DelSession(name interface{}) { if c.CruSession == nil { c.StartSession() } c.CruSession.Delete(name) } func (c *Controller) DestroySession() { GlobalSessions.SessionDestroy(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, c.Ctx.Request) } func (c *Controller) IsAjax() bool { return c.Ctx.Input.IsAjax() } func (c *Controller) XsrfToken() string { if c._xsrf_token == "" { token := c.Ctx.GetCookie("_xsrf") if token == "" { h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(XSRFKEY)) fmt.Fprintf(h, "%s:%d", c.Ctx.Request.RemoteAddr, time.Now().UnixNano()) tok := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", h.Sum(nil), time.Now().UnixNano()) token = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(tok)) expire := 0 if c.XSRFExpire > 0 { expire = c.XSRFExpire } else { expire = XSRFExpire } c.Ctx.SetCookie("_xsrf", token, expire) } c._xsrf_token = token } return c._xsrf_token } func (c *Controller) CheckXsrfCookie() bool { token := c.GetString("_xsrf") if token == "" { token = c.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-Xsrftoken") } if token == "" { token = c.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-Csrftoken") } if token == "" { c.Ctx.Abort(403, "'_xsrf' argument missing from POST") } if c._xsrf_token != token { c.Ctx.Abort(403, "XSRF cookie does not match POST argument") } return true } func (c *Controller) XsrfFormHtml() string { return "" } func (c *Controller) GoToFunc(funcname string) { if funcname[0] < 65 || funcname[0] > 90 { panic("GoToFunc should exported function") } c.gotofunc = funcname }