#!/bin/bash # Script that runs tests, code coverage, and benchmarks all at once. # Builds a symlink in /tmp, mostly to avoid messing with GOPATH at the user's shell level. TEMPORARY_PATH="/tmp/govaluate_test" SRC_PATH="${TEMPORARY_PATH}/src" FULL_PATH="${TEMPORARY_PATH}/src/govaluate" # set up temporary directory rm -rf "${FULL_PATH}" mkdir -p "${SRC_PATH}" ln -s $(pwd) "${FULL_PATH}" export GOPATH="${TEMPORARY_PATH}" pushd "${TEMPORARY_PATH}/src/govaluate" # run the actual tests. export GOVALUATE_TORTURE_TEST="true" go test -bench=. -benchmem -coverprofile coverage.out status=$? if [ "${status}" != 0 ]; then exit $status fi # coverage go tool cover -func=coverage.out popd