// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package beego import ( "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "github.com/astaxie/beego/config" "github.com/astaxie/beego/logs" "github.com/astaxie/beego/session" "github.com/astaxie/beego/utils" ) var ( BeeApp *App // beego application AppName string AppPath string workPath string AppConfigPath string StaticDir map[string]string TemplateCache map[string]*template.Template // template caching map StaticExtensionsToGzip []string // files with should be compressed with gzip (.js,.css,etc) EnableHttpListen bool HttpAddr string HttpPort int EnableHttpTLS bool HttpsPort int HttpCertFile string HttpKeyFile string RecoverPanic bool // flag of auto recover panic AutoRender bool // flag of render template automatically ViewsPath string RunMode string // run mode, "dev" or "prod" AppConfig config.ConfigContainer GlobalSessions *session.Manager // global session mananger SessionOn bool // flag of starting session auto. default is false. SessionProvider string // default session provider, memory, mysql , redis ,etc. SessionName string // the cookie name when saving session id into cookie. SessionGCMaxLifetime int64 // session gc time for auto cleaning expired session. SessionSavePath string // if use mysql/redis/file provider, define save path to connection info. SessionHashFunc string // session hash generation func. SessionHashKey string // session hash salt string. SessionCookieLifeTime int // the life time of session id in cookie. SessionAutoSetCookie bool // auto setcookie SessionDomain string // the cookie domain default is empty UseFcgi bool MaxMemory int64 EnableGzip bool // flag of enable gzip DirectoryIndex bool // flag of display directory index. default is false. HttpServerTimeOut int64 ErrorsShow bool // flag of show errors in page. if true, show error and trace info in page rendered with error template. XSRFKEY string // xsrf hash salt string. EnableXSRF bool // flag of enable xsrf. XSRFExpire int // the expiry of xsrf value. CopyRequestBody bool // flag of copy raw request body in context. TemplateLeft string TemplateRight string BeegoServerName string // beego server name exported in response header. EnableAdmin bool // flag of enable admin module to log every request info. AdminHttpAddr string // http server configurations for admin module. AdminHttpPort int FlashName string // name of the flash variable found in response header and cookie FlashSeperator string // used to seperate flash key:value AppConfigProvider string // config provider EnableDocs bool // enable generate docs & server docs API Swagger ) func init() { // create beego application BeeApp = NewApp() workPath, _ = os.Getwd() workPath, _ = filepath.Abs(workPath) // initialize default configurations AppPath, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0])) AppConfigPath = filepath.Join(AppPath, "conf", "app.conf") if workPath != AppPath { if utils.FileExists(AppConfigPath) { os.Chdir(AppPath) } else { AppConfigPath = filepath.Join(workPath, "conf", "app.conf") } } AppConfigProvider = "ini" StaticDir = make(map[string]string) StaticDir["/static"] = "static" StaticExtensionsToGzip = []string{".css", ".js"} TemplateCache = make(map[string]*template.Template) // set this to to make this app available to externally EnableHttpListen = true //default enable http Listen HttpAddr = "" HttpPort = 8080 HttpsPort = 10443 AppName = "beego" RunMode = "dev" //default runmod AutoRender = true RecoverPanic = true ViewsPath = "views" SessionOn = false SessionProvider = "memory" SessionName = "beegosessionID" SessionGCMaxLifetime = 3600 SessionSavePath = "" SessionHashFunc = "sha1" SessionHashKey = "beegoserversessionkey" SessionCookieLifeTime = 0 //set cookie default is the brower life SessionAutoSetCookie = true UseFcgi = false MaxMemory = 1 << 26 //64MB EnableGzip = false HttpServerTimeOut = 0 ErrorsShow = true XSRFKEY = "beegoxsrf" XSRFExpire = 0 TemplateLeft = "{{" TemplateRight = "}}" BeegoServerName = "beegoServer:" + VERSION EnableAdmin = false AdminHttpAddr = "" AdminHttpPort = 8088 FlashName = "BEEGO_FLASH" FlashSeperator = "BEEGOFLASH" runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) // init BeeLogger BeeLogger = logs.NewLogger(10000) err := BeeLogger.SetLogger("console", "") if err != nil { fmt.Println("init console log error:", err) } err = ParseConfig() if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { // for init if doesn't have app.conf will not panic Info(err) } } // ParseConfig parsed default config file. // now only support ini, next will support json. func ParseConfig() (err error) { AppConfig, err = config.NewConfig(AppConfigProvider, AppConfigPath) if err != nil { AppConfig = config.NewFakeConfig() return err } else { if v, err := GetConfig("string", "HttpAddr"); err == nil { HttpAddr = v.(string) } if v, err := GetConfig("int", "HttpPort"); err == nil { HttpPort = v.(int) } if v, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableHttpListen"); err == nil { EnableHttpListen = v.(bool) } if maxmemory, err := GetConfig("int64", "MaxMemory"); err == nil { MaxMemory = maxmemory.(int64) } if appname, _ := GetConfig("string", "AppName"); appname != "" { AppName = appname.(string) } if runmode, _ := GetConfig("string", "RunMode"); runmode != "" { RunMode = runmode.(string) } if autorender, err := GetConfig("bool", "AutoRender"); err == nil { AutoRender = autorender.(bool) } if autorecover, err := GetConfig("bool", "RecoverPanic"); err == nil { RecoverPanic = autorecover.(bool) } if views, _ := GetConfig("string", "ViewsPath"); views != "" { ViewsPath = views.(string) } if sessionon, err := GetConfig("bool", "SessionOn"); err == nil { SessionOn = sessionon.(bool) } if sessProvider, _ := GetConfig("string", "SessionProvider"); sessProvider != "" { SessionProvider = sessProvider.(string) } if sessName, _ := GetConfig("string", "SessionName"); sessName != "" { SessionName = sessName.(string) } if sesssavepath, _ := GetConfig("string", "SessionSavePath"); sesssavepath != "" { SessionSavePath = sesssavepath.(string) } if sesshashfunc, _ := GetConfig("string", "SessionHashFunc"); sesshashfunc != "" { SessionHashFunc = sesshashfunc.(string) } if sesshashkey, _ := GetConfig("string", "SessionHashKey"); sesshashkey != "" { SessionHashKey = sesshashkey.(string) } if sessMaxLifeTime, err := GetConfig("int64", "SessionGCMaxLifetime"); err == nil && sessMaxLifeTime != 0 { SessionGCMaxLifetime = sessMaxLifeTime.(int64) } if sesscookielifetime, err := GetConfig("int", "SessionCookieLifeTime"); err == nil && sesscookielifetime != 0 { SessionCookieLifeTime = sesscookielifetime.(int) } if usefcgi, err := GetConfig("bool", "UseFcgi"); err == nil { UseFcgi = usefcgi.(bool) } if enablegzip, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableGzip"); err == nil { EnableGzip = enablegzip.(bool) } if directoryindex, err := GetConfig("bool", "DirectoryIndex"); err == nil { DirectoryIndex = directoryindex.(bool) } if timeout, err := GetConfig("int64", "HttpServerTimeOut"); err == nil { HttpServerTimeOut = timeout.(int64) } if errorsshow, err := GetConfig("bool", "ErrorsShow"); err == nil { ErrorsShow = errorsshow.(bool) } if copyrequestbody, err := GetConfig("bool", "CopyRequestBody"); err == nil { CopyRequestBody = copyrequestbody.(bool) } if xsrfkey, _ := GetConfig("string", "XSRFKEY"); xsrfkey != "" { XSRFKEY = xsrfkey.(string) } if enablexsrf, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableXSRF"); err == nil { EnableXSRF = enablexsrf.(bool) } if expire, err := GetConfig("int", "XSRFExpire"); err == nil { XSRFExpire = expire.(int) } if tplleft, _ := GetConfig("string", "TemplateLeft"); tplleft != "" { TemplateLeft = tplleft.(string) } if tplright, _ := GetConfig("string", "TemplateRight"); tplright != "" { TemplateRight = tplright.(string) } if httptls, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableHttpTLS"); err == nil { EnableHttpTLS = httptls.(bool) } if httpsport, err := GetConfig("int", "HttpsPort"); err == nil { HttpsPort = httpsport.(int) } if certfile, _ := GetConfig("string", "HttpCertFile"); certfile != "" { HttpCertFile = certfile.(string) } if keyfile, _ := GetConfig("string", "HttpKeyFile"); keyfile != "" { HttpKeyFile = keyfile.(string) } if serverName, _ := GetConfig("string", "BeegoServerName"); serverName != "" { BeegoServerName = serverName.(string) } if flashname, _ := GetConfig("string", "FlashName"); flashname != "" { FlashName = flashname.(string) } if flashseperator, _ := GetConfig("string", "FlashSeperator"); flashseperator != "" { FlashSeperator = flashseperator.(string) } if sd, _ := GetConfig("string", "StaticDir"); sd != "" { for k := range StaticDir { delete(StaticDir, k) } sds := strings.Fields(sd.(string)) for _, v := range sds { if url2fsmap := strings.SplitN(v, ":", 2); len(url2fsmap) == 2 { StaticDir["/"+strings.TrimRight(url2fsmap[0], "/")] = url2fsmap[1] } else { StaticDir["/"+strings.TrimRight(url2fsmap[0], "/")] = url2fsmap[0] } } } if sgz, _ := GetConfig("string", "StaticExtensionsToGzip"); sgz != "" { extensions := strings.Split(sgz.(string), ",") if len(extensions) > 0 { StaticExtensionsToGzip = []string{} for _, ext := range extensions { if len(ext) == 0 { continue } extWithDot := ext if extWithDot[:1] != "." { extWithDot = "." + extWithDot } StaticExtensionsToGzip = append(StaticExtensionsToGzip, extWithDot) } } } if enableadmin, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableAdmin"); err == nil { EnableAdmin = enableadmin.(bool) } if adminhttpaddr, _ := GetConfig("string", "AdminHttpAddr"); adminhttpaddr != "" { AdminHttpAddr = adminhttpaddr.(string) } if adminhttpport, err := GetConfig("int", "AdminHttpPort"); err == nil { AdminHttpPort = adminhttpport.(int) } if enabledocs, err := GetConfig("bool", "EnableDocs"); err == nil { EnableDocs = enabledocs.(bool) } } return nil } // Getconfig throw the Runmode // [dev] // name = astaixe // IsEnable = false // [prod] // name = slene // IsEnable = true // // usage: // GetConfig("string", "name") // GetConfig("bool", "IsEnable") func GetConfig(typ, key string) (interface{}, error) { switch typ { case "string": v := AppConfig.String(RunMode + "::" + key) if v == "" { v = AppConfig.String(key) } return v, nil case "strings": v := AppConfig.Strings(RunMode + "::" + key) if len(v) == 0 { v = AppConfig.Strings(key) } return v, nil case "int": v, err := AppConfig.Int(RunMode + "::" + key) if err != nil || v == 0 { return AppConfig.Int(key) } return v, nil case "bool": v, err := AppConfig.Bool(RunMode + "::" + key) if err != nil { return AppConfig.Bool(key) } return v, nil case "int64": v, err := AppConfig.Int64(RunMode + "::" + key) if err != nil || v == 0 { return AppConfig.Int64(key) } return v, nil case "float": v, err := AppConfig.Float(RunMode + "::" + key) if err != nil || v == 0 { return AppConfig.Float(key) } return v, nil } return "", errors.New("not support type") }