# httplib httplib is an libs help you to curl remote url. # How to use? ## GET you can use Get to crawl data. import "httplib" str, err := httplib.Get("http://beego.me/").String() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(str) ## POST POST data to remote url b:=httplib.Post("http://beego.me/") b.Param("username","astaxie") b.Param("password","123456") str, err := b.String() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(str) ## set timeout you can set timeout in request.default is 60 seconds. set Get timeout: httplib.Get("http://beego.me/").SetTimeout(100 * time.Second, 30 * time.Second) set post timeout: httplib.Post("http://beego.me/").SetTimeout(100 * time.Second, 30 * time.Second) - first param is connectTimeout. - second param is readWriteTimeout ## debug if you want to debug the request info, set the debug on httplib.Get("").Debug(true)