package orm import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "time" ) var _ = os.PathSeparator var ( test_Date = format_Date + " -0700" test_DateTime = format_DateTime + " -0700" ) func ValuesCompare(is bool, a interface{}, args ...interface{}) (err error, ok bool) { if len(args) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("miss args"), false } b := args[0] arg := argAny(args) switch v := a.(type) { case reflect.Kind: ok = reflect.ValueOf(b).Kind() == v case time.Time: if v2, vo := b.(time.Time); vo { if arg.Get(1) != nil { format := ToStr(arg.Get(1)) a = v.Format(format) b = v2.Format(format) ok = a == b } else { err = fmt.Errorf("compare datetime miss format") goto wrongArg } } default: ok = ToStr(a) == ToStr(b) } ok = is && ok || !is && !ok if !ok { if is { err = fmt.Errorf("expected: a == `%v`, get `%v`", b, a) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("expected: a != `%v`, get `%v`", b, a) } } wrongArg: if err != nil { return err, false } return nil, true } func AssertIs(a interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { if err, ok := ValuesCompare(true, a, args...); ok == false { return err } return nil } func AssertNot(a interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { if err, ok := ValuesCompare(false, a, args...); ok == false { return err } return nil } func getCaller(skip int) string { pc, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip) fun := runtime.FuncForPC(pc) _, fn := filepath.Split(file) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) var codes []string if err == nil { lines := bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'}) n := 10 for i := 0; i < n; i++ { o := line - n if o < 0 { continue } cur := o + i + 1 flag := " " if cur == line { flag = ">>" } code := fmt.Sprintf(" %s %5d: %s", flag, cur, strings.Replace(string(lines[o+i]), "\t", " ", -1)) if code != "" { codes = append(codes, code) } } } funName := fun.Name() if i := strings.LastIndex(funName, "."); i > -1 { funName = funName[i+1:] } return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: \n%s", fn, line, strings.Join(codes, "\n")) } func throwFail(t *testing.T, err error, args ...interface{}) { if err != nil { con := fmt.Sprintf("\t\nError: %s\n%s\n", err.Error(), getCaller(2)) if len(args) > 0 { parts := make([]string, 0, len(args)) for _, arg := range args { parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg)) } con += " " + strings.Join(parts, ", ") } t.Error(con) t.Fail() } } func throwFailNow(t *testing.T, err error, args ...interface{}) { if err != nil { con := fmt.Sprintf("\t\nError: %s\n%s\n", err.Error(), getCaller(2)) if len(args) > 0 { parts := make([]string, 0, len(args)) for _, arg := range args { parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg)) } con += " " + strings.Join(parts, ", ") } t.Error(con) t.FailNow() } } func TestSyncDb(t *testing.T) { RegisterModel(new(Data), new(DataNull)) RegisterModel(new(User)) RegisterModel(new(Profile)) RegisterModel(new(Post)) RegisterModel(new(Tag)) RegisterModel(new(Comment)) RegisterModel(new(UserBig)) err := RunSyncdb("default", true, false) throwFail(t, err) modelCache.clean() } func TestRegisterModels(t *testing.T) { RegisterModel(new(Data), new(DataNull)) RegisterModel(new(User)) RegisterModel(new(Profile)) RegisterModel(new(Post)) RegisterModel(new(Tag)) RegisterModel(new(Comment)) RegisterModel(new(UserBig)) BootStrap() dORM = NewOrm() dDbBaser = getDbAlias("default").DbBaser } func TestModelSyntax(t *testing.T) { user := &User{} ind := reflect.ValueOf(user).Elem() fn := getFullName(ind.Type()) mi, ok := modelCache.getByFN(fn) throwFail(t, AssertIs(ok, true)) mi, ok = modelCache.get("user") throwFail(t, AssertIs(ok, true)) if ok { throwFail(t, AssertIs(mi.fields.GetByName("ShouldSkip") == nil, true)) } } var Data_Values = map[string]interface{}{ "Boolean": true, "Char": "char", "Text": "text", "Date": time.Now(), "DateTime": time.Now(), "Byte": byte(1<<8 - 1), "Rune": rune(1<<31 - 1), "Int": int(1<<31 - 1), "Int8": int8(1<<7 - 1), "Int16": int16(1<<15 - 1), "Int32": int32(1<<31 - 1), "Int64": int64(1<<63 - 1), "Uint": uint(1<<32 - 1), "Uint8": uint8(1<<8 - 1), "Uint16": uint16(1<<16 - 1), "Uint32": uint32(1<<32 - 1), "Uint64": uint64(1<<63 - 1), // uint64 values with high bit set are not supported "Float32": float32(100.1234), "Float64": float64(100.1234), "Decimal": float64(100.1234), } func TestDataTypes(t *testing.T) { d := Data{} ind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&d)) for name, value := range Data_Values { e := ind.FieldByName(name) e.Set(reflect.ValueOf(value)) } id, err := dORM.Insert(&d) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) d = Data{Id: 1} err = dORM.Read(&d) throwFail(t, err) ind = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&d)) for name, value := range Data_Values { e := ind.FieldByName(name) vu := e.Interface() switch name { case "Date": vu = vu.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_Date) value = value.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_Date) case "DateTime": vu = vu.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_DateTime) value = value.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_DateTime) } throwFail(t, AssertIs(vu == value, true), value, vu) } } func TestNullDataTypes(t *testing.T) { d := DataNull{} if IsPostgres { // can removed when this fixed // d.DateTime = time.Now() } id, err := dORM.Insert(&d) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) d = DataNull{Id: 1} err = dORM.Read(&d) throwFail(t, err) _, err = dORM.Raw(`INSERT INTO data_null (boolean) VALUES (?)`, nil).Exec() throwFail(t, err) d = DataNull{Id: 2} err = dORM.Read(&d) throwFail(t, err) } func TestCRUD(t *testing.T) { profile := NewProfile() profile.Age = 30 profile.Money = 1234.12 id, err := dORM.Insert(profile) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) user := NewUser() user.UserName = "slene" user.Email = "" user.Password = "pass" user.Status = 3 user.IsStaff = true user.IsActive = true id, err = dORM.Insert(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) u := &User{Id: user.Id} err = dORM.Read(u) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.UserName, "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Email, "")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Password, "pass")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Status, 3)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.IsStaff, true)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.IsActive, true)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Created.In(DefaultTimeLoc), user.Created.In(DefaultTimeLoc), test_Date)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Updated.In(DefaultTimeLoc), user.Updated.In(DefaultTimeLoc), test_DateTime)) user.UserName = "astaxie" user.Profile = profile num, err := dORM.Update(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) u = &User{Id: user.Id} err = dORM.Read(u) throwFailNow(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.UserName, "astaxie")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Profile.Id, profile.Id)) u = &User{UserName: "astaxie", Password: "pass"} err = dORM.Read(u, "UserName") throwFailNow(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) u.UserName = "QQ" u.Password = "111" num, err = dORM.Update(u, "UserName") throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) u = &User{Id: user.Id} err = dORM.Read(u) throwFailNow(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.UserName, "QQ")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(u.Password, "pass")) num, err = dORM.Delete(profile) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) u = &User{Id: user.Id} err = dORM.Read(u) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(true, u.Profile == nil)) num, err = dORM.Delete(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) u = &User{Id: 100} err = dORM.Read(u) throwFail(t, AssertIs(err, ErrNoRows)) ub := UserBig{} ub.Name = "name" id, err = dORM.Insert(&ub) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) ub = UserBig{Id: 1} err = dORM.Read(&ub) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(ub.Name, "name")) } func TestInsertTestData(t *testing.T) { var users []*User profile := NewProfile() profile.Age = 28 profile.Money = 1234.12 id, err := dORM.Insert(profile) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 2)) user := NewUser() user.UserName = "slene" user.Email = "" user.Password = "pass" user.Status = 1 user.IsStaff = false user.IsActive = true user.Profile = profile users = append(users, user) id, err = dORM.Insert(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 2)) profile = NewProfile() profile.Age = 30 profile.Money = 4321.09 id, err = dORM.Insert(profile) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 3)) user = NewUser() user.UserName = "astaxie" user.Email = "" user.Password = "password" user.Status = 2 user.IsStaff = true user.IsActive = false user.Profile = profile users = append(users, user) id, err = dORM.Insert(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 3)) user = NewUser() user.UserName = "nobody" user.Email = "" user.Password = "nobody" user.Status = 3 user.IsStaff = false user.IsActive = false users = append(users, user) id, err = dORM.Insert(user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 4)) tags := []*Tag{ &Tag{Name: "golang"}, &Tag{Name: "example"}, &Tag{Name: "format"}, &Tag{Name: "c++"}, } posts := []*Post{ &Post{User: users[0], Tags: []*Tag{tags[0]}, Title: "Introduction", Content: `Go is a new language. Although it borrows ideas from existing languages, it has unusual properties that make effective Go programs different in character from programs written in its relatives. A straightforward translation of a C++ or Java program into Go is unlikely to produce a satisfactory result—Java programs are written in Java, not Go. On the other hand, thinking about the problem from a Go perspective could produce a successful but quite different program. In other words, to write Go well, it's important to understand its properties and idioms. It's also important to know the established conventions for programming in Go, such as naming, formatting, program construction, and so on, so that programs you write will be easy for other Go programmers to understand. This document gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. It augments the language specification, the Tour of Go, and How to Write Go Code, all of which you should read first.`}, &Post{User: users[1], Tags: []*Tag{tags[0], tags[1]}, Title: "Examples", Content: `The Go package sources are intended to serve not only as the core library but also as examples of how to use the language. Moreover, many of the packages contain working, self-contained executable examples you can run directly from the web site, such as this one (click on the word "Example" to open it up). If you have a question about how to approach a problem or how something might be implemented, the documentation, code and examples in the library can provide answers, ideas and background.`}, &Post{User: users[1], Tags: []*Tag{tags[0], tags[2]}, Title: "Formatting", Content: `Formatting issues are the most contentious but the least consequential. People can adapt to different formatting styles but it's better if they don't have to, and less time is devoted to the topic if everyone adheres to the same style. The problem is how to approach this Utopia without a long prescriptive style guide. With Go we take an unusual approach and let the machine take care of most formatting issues. The gofmt program (also available as go fmt, which operates at the package level rather than source file level) reads a Go program and emits the source in a standard style of indentation and vertical alignment, retaining and if necessary reformatting comments. If you want to know how to handle some new layout situation, run gofmt; if the answer doesn't seem right, rearrange your program (or file a bug about gofmt), don't work around it.`}, &Post{User: users[2], Tags: []*Tag{tags[3]}, Title: "Commentary", Content: `Go provides C-style /* */ block comments and C++-style // line comments. Line comments are the norm; block comments appear mostly as package comments, but are useful within an expression or to disable large swaths of code. The program—and web server—godoc processes Go source files to extract documentation about the contents of the package. Comments that appear before top-level declarations, with no intervening newlines, are extracted along with the declaration to serve as explanatory text for the item. The nature and style of these comments determines the quality of the documentation godoc produces.`}, } comments := []*Comment{ &Comment{Post: posts[0], Content: "a comment"}, &Comment{Post: posts[1], Content: "yes"}, &Comment{Post: posts[1]}, &Comment{Post: posts[1]}, &Comment{Post: posts[2]}, &Comment{Post: posts[2]}, } for _, tag := range tags { id, err := dORM.Insert(tag) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) } for _, post := range posts { id, err := dORM.Insert(post) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) // dORM.M2mAdd(post, "tags", post.Tags) } for _, comment := range comments { id, err := dORM.Insert(comment) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) } } func TestExpr(t *testing.T) { user := &User{} qs := dORM.QueryTable(user) qs = dORM.QueryTable("User") qs = dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.Filter("UserName", "slene").Filter("user_name", "slene").Filter("profile__Age", 28).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("created", time.Now()).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) num, err = qs.Filter("created", time.Now().Format(format_Date)).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) } func TestOperators(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__exact", "slene").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__iexact", "Slene").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__contains", "e").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) var shouldNum int if IsSqlite { shouldNum = 2 } else { shouldNum = 0 } num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__contains", "E").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, shouldNum)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__icontains", "E").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__icontains", "E").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__gt", 1).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__gte", 1).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__lt", 3).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__lte", 3).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__startswith", "s").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) if IsSqlite { shouldNum = 1 } else { shouldNum = 0 } num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__startswith", "S").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, shouldNum)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__istartswith", "S").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__endswith", "e").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) if IsSqlite { shouldNum = 2 } else { shouldNum = 0 } num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__endswith", "E").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, shouldNum)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__iendswith", "E").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("profile__isnull", true).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__in", 1, 2).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Filter("status__in", []int{1, 2}).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) n1, n2 := 1, 2 num, err = qs.Filter("status__in", []*int{&n1}, &n2).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) } func TestAll(t *testing.T) { var users []*User qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.OrderBy("Id").All(&users) throwFail(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(users[0].UserName, "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(users[1].UserName, "astaxie")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(users[2].UserName, "nobody")) var users2 []User qs = dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err = qs.OrderBy("Id").All(&users2) throwFail(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[0].UserName, "slene")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[1].UserName, "astaxie")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[2].UserName, "nobody")) qs = dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err = qs.OrderBy("Id").RelatedSel().All(&users2, "UserName") throwFail(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(len(users2), 3)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[0].UserName, "slene")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[1].UserName, "astaxie")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[2].UserName, "nobody")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[0].Id, 0)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[1].Id, 0)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[2].Id, 0)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[0].Profile == nil, false)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[1].Profile == nil, false)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(users2[2].Profile == nil, true)) qs = dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "nothing").All(&users) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 0)) } func TestOne(t *testing.T) { var user User qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") err := qs.One(&user) throwFail(t, AssertIs(err, ErrMultiRows)) user = User{} err = qs.OrderBy("Id").Limit(1).One(&user) throwFailNow(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(user.UserName, "slene")) err = qs.Filter("user_name", "nothing").One(&user) throwFail(t, AssertIs(err, ErrNoRows)) } func TestValues(t *testing.T) { var maps []Params qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.Values(&maps) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[0]["UserName"], "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[2]["Profile"], nil)) } num, err = qs.Values(&maps, "UserName", "Profile__Age") throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[0]["UserName"], "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[0]["Profile__Age"], 28)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[2]["Profile__Age"], nil)) } } func TestValuesList(t *testing.T) { var list []ParamsList qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.ValuesList(&list) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[0][1], "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[2][9], nil)) } num, err = qs.ValuesList(&list, "UserName", "Profile__Age") throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[0][0], "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[0][1], 28)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[2][1], nil)) } } func TestValuesFlat(t *testing.T) { var list ParamsList qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.OrderBy("id").ValuesFlat(&list, "UserName") throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[0], "slene")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[1], "astaxie")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[2], "nobody")) } } func TestRelatedSel(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.Filter("profile__age", 28).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 28).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("profile__user__profile__age__gt", 28).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) var user User err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").RelatedSel("profile").One(&user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) throwFail(t, AssertNot(user.Profile, nil)) if user.Profile != nil { throwFail(t, AssertIs(user.Profile.Age, 28)) } err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").RelatedSel().One(&user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) throwFail(t, AssertNot(user.Profile, nil)) if user.Profile != nil { throwFail(t, AssertIs(user.Profile.Age, 28)) } err = qs.Filter("user_name", "nobody").RelatedSel("profile").One(&user) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(user.Profile, nil)) qs = dORM.QueryTable("user_profile") num, err = qs.Filter("user__username", "slene").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) var posts []*Post qs = dORM.QueryTable("post") num, err = qs.RelatedSel().All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 4)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(posts[0].User.UserName, "slene")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(posts[1].User.UserName, "astaxie")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(posts[2].User.UserName, "astaxie")) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(posts[3].User.UserName, "nobody")) } func TestSetCond(t *testing.T) { cond := NewCondition() cond1 := cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1).Or("profile__age__gt", 2000) qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.SetCond(cond1).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) cond2 := cond.AndCond(cond1).OrCond(cond.And("user_name", "slene")) num, err = qs.SetCond(cond2).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) } func TestLimit(t *testing.T) { var posts []*Post qs := dORM.QueryTable("post") num, err := qs.Limit(1).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Limit(-1).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 4)) num, err = qs.Limit(-1, 2).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) num, err = qs.Limit(0, 2).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) } func TestOffset(t *testing.T) { var posts []*Post qs := dORM.QueryTable("post") num, err := qs.Limit(1).Offset(2).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Offset(2).All(&posts) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) } func TestOrderBy(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.OrderBy("-status").Filter("user_name", "nobody").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.OrderBy("status").Filter("user_name", "slene").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.OrderBy("-profile__age").Filter("user_name", "astaxie").Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) } func TestPrepareInsert(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") i, err := qs.PrepareInsert() throwFailNow(t, err) var user User user.UserName = "testing1" num, err := i.Insert(&user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num > 0, true)) user.UserName = "testing2" num, err = i.Insert(&user) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num > 0, true)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name__in", "testing1", "testing2").Delete() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 2)) err = i.Close() throwFail(t, err) err = i.Close() throwFail(t, AssertIs(err, ErrStmtClosed)) } func TestRawExec(t *testing.T) { Q := dDbBaser.TableQuote() query := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE %suser%s SET %suser_name%s = ? WHERE %suser_name%s = ?", Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q) res, err := dORM.Raw(query, "testing", "slene").Exec() throwFail(t, err) num, err := res.RowsAffected() throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1), err) res, err = dORM.Raw(query, "slene", "testing").Exec() throwFail(t, err) num, err = res.RowsAffected() throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1), err) } func TestRawQueryRow(t *testing.T) { var ( Boolean bool Char string Text string Date time.Time DateTime time.Time Byte byte Rune rune Int int Int8 int Int16 int16 Int32 int32 Int64 int64 Uint uint Uint8 uint8 Uint16 uint16 Uint32 uint32 Uint64 uint64 Float32 float32 Float64 float64 Decimal float64 ) data_values := make(map[string]interface{}, len(Data_Values)) for k, v := range Data_Values { data_values[strings.ToLower(k)] = v } Q := dDbBaser.TableQuote() cols := []string{ "id", "boolean", "char", "text", "date", "datetime", "byte", "rune", "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "float32", "float64", "decimal", } sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q) query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s%s%s FROM data WHERE id = ?", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q) var id int values := []interface{}{ &id, &Boolean, &Char, &Text, &Date, &DateTime, &Byte, &Rune, &Int, &Int8, &Int16, &Int32, &Int64, &Uint, &Uint8, &Uint16, &Uint32, &Uint64, &Float32, &Float64, &Decimal, } err := dORM.Raw(query, 1).QueryRow(values...) throwFailNow(t, err) for i, col := range cols { vu := values[i] v := reflect.ValueOf(vu).Elem().Interface() switch col { case "id": throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, 1)) case "date": v = v.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) value := data_values[col].(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) throwFail(t, AssertIs(v, value, test_Date)) case "datetime": v = v.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) value := data_values[col].(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) throwFail(t, AssertIs(v, value, test_DateTime)) default: throwFail(t, AssertIs(v, data_values[col])) } } type Tmp struct { Skip0 string Id int Char *string Skip1 int `orm:"-"` Date time.Time DateTime time.Time } Boolean = false Text = "" Int64 = 0 Uint = 0 tmp := new(Tmp) cols = []string{ "int", "char", "date", "datetime", "boolean", "text", "int64", "uint", } query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT NULL, %s%s%s FROM data WHERE id = ?", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q) values = []interface{}{ tmp, &Boolean, &Text, &Int64, &Uint, } err = dORM.Raw(query, 1).QueryRow(values...) throwFailNow(t, err) for _, col := range cols { switch col { case "id": throwFail(t, AssertIs(tmp.Id, data_values[col])) case "char": c := tmp.Char throwFail(t, AssertIs(*c, data_values[col])) case "date": v := tmp.Date.In(DefaultTimeLoc) value := data_values[col].(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) throwFail(t, AssertIs(v, value, test_Date)) case "datetime": v := tmp.DateTime.In(DefaultTimeLoc) value := data_values[col].(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc) throwFail(t, AssertIs(v, value, test_DateTime)) case "boolean": throwFail(t, AssertIs(Boolean, data_values[col])) case "text": throwFail(t, AssertIs(Text, data_values[col])) case "int64": throwFail(t, AssertIs(Int64, data_values[col])) case "uint": throwFail(t, AssertIs(Uint, data_values[col])) } } var ( uid int status *int pid *int ) cols = []string{ "id", "status", "profile_id", } query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s%s%s FROM %suser%s WHERE id = ?", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q, Q, Q) err = dORM.Raw(query, 4).QueryRow(&uid, &status, &pid) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(uid, 4)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(*status, 3)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(pid, nil)) } func TestQueryRows(t *testing.T) { Q := dDbBaser.TableQuote() cols := []string{ "id", "boolean", "char", "text", "date", "datetime", "byte", "rune", "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "float32", "float64", "decimal", } var datas []*Data var dids []int sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q) query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s%s%s, id FROM %sdata%s", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q, Q, Q) num, err := dORM.Raw(query).QueryRows(&datas, &dids) throwFailNow(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(len(datas), 1)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(len(dids), 1)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(dids[0], 1)) ind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(datas[0])) for name, value := range Data_Values { e := ind.FieldByName(name) vu := e.Interface() switch name { case "Date": vu = vu.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_Date) value = value.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_Date) case "DateTime": vu = vu.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_DateTime) value = value.(time.Time).In(DefaultTimeLoc).Format(test_DateTime) } throwFail(t, AssertIs(vu == value, true), value, vu) } type Tmp struct { Id int Name string Skiped0 string `orm:"-"` Pid *int Skiped1 Data Skiped2 *Data } var ( ids []int userNames []string profileIds1 []int profileIds2 []*int createds []time.Time updateds []time.Time tmps1 []*Tmp tmps2 []Tmp ) cols = []string{ "id", "user_name", "profile_id", "profile_id", "id", "user_name", "profile_id", "id", "user_name", "profile_id", "created", "updated", } query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s%s%s FROM %suser%s ORDER BY id", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q, Q, Q) num, err = dORM.Raw(query).QueryRows(&ids, &userNames, &profileIds1, &profileIds2, &tmps1, &tmps2, &createds, &updateds) throwFailNow(t, err) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) var users []User dORM.QueryTable("user").OrderBy("Id").All(&users) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { id := ids[i] name := userNames[i] pid1 := profileIds1[i] pid2 := profileIds2[i] created := createds[i] updated := updateds[i] user := users[i] throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(id, user.Id)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(name, user.UserName)) if user.Profile != nil { throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(pid1, user.Profile.Id)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(*pid2, user.Profile.Id)) } else { throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(pid1, 0)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(pid2, nil)) } throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(created, user.Created, test_Date)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(updated, user.Updated, test_DateTime)) tmp := tmps1[i] tmp1 := *tmp throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp1.Id, user.Id)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp1.Name, user.UserName)) if user.Profile != nil { pid := tmp1.Pid throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(*pid, user.Profile.Id)) } else { throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp1.Pid, nil)) } tmp2 := tmps2[i] throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp2.Id, user.Id)) throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp2.Name, user.UserName)) if user.Profile != nil { pid := tmp2.Pid throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(*pid, user.Profile.Id)) } else { throwFailNow(t, AssertIs(tmp2.Pid, nil)) } } type Sec struct { Id int Name string } var tmp []*Sec query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT NULL, NULL FROM %suser%s LIMIT 1", Q, Q) num, err = dORM.Raw(query).QueryRows(&tmp) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) throwFail(t, AssertIs(tmp[0], nil)) } func TestRawValues(t *testing.T) { Q := dDbBaser.TableQuote() var maps []Params query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %suser_name%s FROM %suser%s WHERE %sstatus%s = ?", Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q) num, err := dORM.Raw(query, 1).Values(&maps) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) if num == 1 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(maps[0]["user_name"], "slene")) } var lists []ParamsList num, err = dORM.Raw(query, 1).ValuesList(&lists) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) if num == 1 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(lists[0][0], "slene")) } query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %sprofile_id%s FROM %suser%s ORDER BY %sid%s ASC", Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q) var list ParamsList num, err = dORM.Raw(query).ValuesFlat(&list) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) if num == 3 { throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[0], "2")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[1], "3")) throwFail(t, AssertIs(list[2], nil)) } } func TestRawPrepare(t *testing.T) { switch { case IsMysql || IsSqlite: pre, err := dORM.Raw("INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (?)").Prepare() throwFail(t, err) if pre != nil { r, err := pre.Exec("name1") throwFail(t, err) tid, err := r.LastInsertId() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(tid > 0, true)) r, err = pre.Exec("name2") throwFail(t, err) id, err := r.LastInsertId() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, tid+1)) r, err = pre.Exec("name3") throwFail(t, err) id, err = r.LastInsertId() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id, tid+2)) err = pre.Close() throwFail(t, err) res, err := dORM.Raw("DELETE FROM tag WHERE name IN (?, ?, ?)", []string{"name1", "name2", "name3"}).Exec() throwFail(t, err) num, err := res.RowsAffected() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) } case IsPostgres: pre, err := dORM.Raw(`INSERT INTO "tag" ("name") VALUES (?) RETURNING "id"`).Prepare() throwFail(t, err) if pre != nil { _, err := pre.Exec("name1") throwFail(t, err) _, err = pre.Exec("name2") throwFail(t, err) _, err = pre.Exec("name3") throwFail(t, err) err = pre.Close() throwFail(t, err) res, err := dORM.Raw(`DELETE FROM "tag" WHERE "name" IN (?, ?, ?)`, []string{"name1", "name2", "name3"}).Exec() throwFail(t, err) if err == nil { num, err := res.RowsAffected() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 3)) } } } } func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err := qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Filter("is_staff", false).Update(Params{ "is_staff": true, }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) // with join num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Filter("profile__age", 28).Filter("is_staff", true).Update(Params{ "is_staff": false, }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{ "Nums": ColValue(Col_Add, 100), }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{ "Nums": ColValue(Col_Minus, 50), }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{ "Nums": ColValue(Col_Multiply, 3), }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{ "Nums": ColValue(Col_Except, 5), }) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) user := User{UserName: "slene"} err = dORM.Read(&user, "UserName") throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(user.Nums, 30)) } func TestDelete(t *testing.T) { qs := dORM.QueryTable("user_profile") num, err := qs.Filter("user__user_name", "slene").Delete() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) qs = dORM.QueryTable("user") num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Filter("profile__isnull", true).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) } func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { // this test worked when database support transaction o := NewOrm() err := o.Begin() throwFail(t, err) var names = []string{"1", "2", "3"} var tag Tag tag.Name = names[0] id, err := o.Insert(&tag) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) num, err := o.QueryTable("tag").Filter("name", "golang").Update(Params{"name": names[1]}) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) switch { case IsMysql || IsSqlite: res, err := o.Raw("INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (?)", names[2]).Exec() throwFail(t, err) if err == nil { id, err = res.LastInsertId() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) } } err = o.Rollback() throwFail(t, err) num, err = o.QueryTable("tag").Filter("name__in", names).Count() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 0)) err = o.Begin() throwFail(t, err) tag.Name = "commit" id, err = o.Insert(&tag) throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(id > 0, true)) o.Commit() throwFail(t, err) num, err = o.QueryTable("tag").Filter("name", "commit").Delete() throwFail(t, err) throwFail(t, AssertIs(num, 1)) }