// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package beego import ( "bytes" "net/http" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "errors" "time" "github.com/astaxie/beego/context" ) var notStaticRequestErr = errors.New("request not a static file request") func serverStaticRouter(ctx *context.Context) { if ctx.Input.Method() != "GET" && ctx.Input.Method() != "HEAD" { return } forbidden, filePath, fileInfo, err := lookupFile(ctx) if err == notStaticRequestErr { return } if forbidden { exception("403", ctx) return } if filePath == "" || fileInfo == nil { if RunMode == "dev" { Warn("Can't find/open the file:", filePath, err) } http.NotFound(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request) return } if fileInfo.IsDir() { //serveFile will list dir http.ServeFile(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request, filePath) return } var enableCompress = EnableGzip && isStaticCompress(filePath) var acceptEncoding string if enableCompress { acceptEncoding = context.ParseEncoding(ctx.Request) } b, n, sch, err := openFile(filePath, fileInfo, acceptEncoding) if err != nil { if RunMode == "dev" { Warn("Can't compress the file:", filePath, err) } http.NotFound(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request) return } if b { ctx.Output.Header("Content-Encoding", n) } else { ctx.Output.Header("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(sch.size, 10)) } http.ServeContent(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request, filePath, sch.modTime, sch) return } type serveContentHolder struct { *bytes.Reader modTime time.Time size int64 encoding string } var ( staticFileMap = make(map[string]*serveContentHolder) mapLock sync.Mutex ) func openFile(filePath string, fi os.FileInfo, acceptEncoding string) (bool, string, *serveContentHolder, error) { mapKey := acceptEncoding + ":" + filePath mapFile, ok := staticFileMap[mapKey] if ok { if mapFile.modTime == fi.ModTime() && mapFile.size == fi.Size() { return mapFile.encoding != "", mapFile.encoding, mapFile, nil } } mapLock.Lock() delete(staticFileMap, mapKey) defer mapLock.Unlock() if mapFile, ok = staticFileMap[mapKey]; !ok { file, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { return false, "", nil, err } defer file.Close() var bufferWriter bytes.Buffer _, n, err := context.WriteFile(acceptEncoding, &bufferWriter, file) if err != nil { return false, "", nil, err } mapFile = &serveContentHolder{Reader: bytes.NewReader(bufferWriter.Bytes()), modTime: fi.ModTime(), size: int64(bufferWriter.Len()), encoding: n} staticFileMap[mapKey] = mapFile } return mapFile.encoding != "", mapFile.encoding, mapFile, nil } // isStaticCompress detect static files func isStaticCompress(filePath string) bool { for _, statExtension := range StaticExtensionsToGzip { if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(filePath), strings.ToLower(statExtension)) { return true } } return false } // searchFile search the file by url path // if none the static file prefix matches ,return notStaticRequestErr func searchFile(ctx *context.Context) (string, os.FileInfo, error) { requestPath := filepath.Clean(ctx.Input.Request.URL.Path) // special processing : favicon.ico/robots.txt can be in any static dir if requestPath == "/favicon.ico" || requestPath == "/robots.txt" { file := path.Join(".", requestPath) if fi, _ := os.Stat(file); fi != nil { return file, fi, nil } for _, staticDir := range StaticDir { filePath := path.Join(staticDir, requestPath) if fi, _ := os.Stat(filePath); fi != nil { return filePath, fi, nil } } return "", nil, errors.New(requestPath + " file not find") } for prefix, staticDir := range StaticDir { if len(prefix) == 0 { continue } if !strings.Contains(requestPath, prefix) { continue } if len(requestPath) > len(prefix) && requestPath[len(prefix)] != '/' { continue } filePath := path.Join(staticDir, requestPath[len(prefix):]) if fi, err := os.Stat(filePath); fi != nil { return filePath, fi, err } } return "", nil, notStaticRequestErr } // lookupFile find the file to serve // if the file is dir ,search the index.html as default file( MUST NOT A DIR also) // if the index.html not exist or is a dir, give a forbidden response depending on DirectoryIndex func lookupFile(ctx *context.Context) (bool, string, os.FileInfo, error) { fp, fi, err := searchFile(ctx) if fp == "" || fi == nil { return false, "", nil, err } if !fi.IsDir() { return false, fp, fi, err } ifp := filepath.Join(fp, "index.html") if ifi, _ := os.Stat(ifp); ifi != nil && ifi.Mode().IsRegular() { return false, ifp, ifi, err } return !DirectoryIndex, fp, fi, err }