# Getting start with API application development Go is very good for developing API applications which I think is the biggest strength compare to other dynamic languages. Beego provides powerful and quick setup tool for developing API applications, which gives you more focus on business logic. ## Quick setup bee can setup a API application very quick by executing commands under any `$GOPATH/src`. `bee api beeapi` ## Application directory structure ``` ├── conf │ └── app.conf ├── controllers │ └── default.go ├── models │ └── object.go └── main.go ``` ## Source code explanation - app.conf has following configuration options for your API applications: - autorender = false // Disable auto-render since API applications don't need. - copyrequestbody = true // RESTFul applications sends raw body instead of form, so we need to read body specifically. - main.go is for registering routers of RESTFul. beego.RESTRouter("/object", &controllers.ObejctController{}) Match rules as follows:
URL HTTP Verb Functionality
/object POST Creating Objects
/object/objectId GET Retrieving Objects
/object/objectId PUT Updating Objects
/object GET Queries
/object/objectId DELETE Deleting Objects
- ObejctController implemented corresponding methods: type ObejctController struct { beego.Controller } func (this *ObejctController) Post(){ } func (this *ObejctController) Get(){ } func (this *ObejctController) Put(){ } func (this *ObejctController) Delete(){ } - models implemented corresponding object operation for adding, deleting, updating and getting. ## Test - Add a new object: curl -X POST -d '{"Score":1337,"PlayerName":"Sean Plott"}' Returns a corresponding objectID:astaxie1373349756660423900 - Query a object: `curl -X GET` - Query all objects: `curl -X GET` - Update a object: `curl -X PUT -d '{"Score":10000}'` - Delete a object: `curl -X DELETE`