// Copyright (c) 2012, Suryandaru Triandana // All rights reservefs. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package storage import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) var ( errFileOpen = errors.New("leveldb/storage: file still open") errReadOnly = errors.New("leveldb/storage: storage is read-only") ) type fileLock interface { release() error } type fileStorageLock struct { fs *fileStorage } func (lock *fileStorageLock) Release() { if lock.fs != nil { lock.fs.mu.Lock() defer lock.fs.mu.Unlock() if lock.fs.slock == lock { lock.fs.slock = nil } } } const logSizeThreshold = 1024 * 1024 // 1 MiB // fileStorage is a file-system backed storage. type fileStorage struct { path string readOnly bool mu sync.Mutex flock fileLock slock *fileStorageLock logw *os.File logSize int64 buf []byte // Opened file counter; if open < 0 means closed. open int day int } // OpenFile returns a new filesytem-backed storage implementation with the given // path. This also acquire a file lock, so any subsequent attempt to open the // same path will fail. // // The storage must be closed after use, by calling Close method. func OpenFile(path string, readOnly bool) (Storage, error) { if fi, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { if !fi.IsDir() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("leveldb/storage: open %s: not a directory", path) } } else if os.IsNotExist(err) && !readOnly { if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755); err != nil { return nil, err } } else { return nil, err } flock, err := newFileLock(filepath.Join(path, "LOCK"), readOnly) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { if err != nil { flock.release() } }() var ( logw *os.File logSize int64 ) if !readOnly { logw, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(path, "LOG"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644) if err != nil { return nil, err } logSize, err = logw.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END) if err != nil { logw.Close() return nil, err } } fs := &fileStorage{ path: path, readOnly: readOnly, flock: flock, logw: logw, logSize: logSize, } runtime.SetFinalizer(fs, (*fileStorage).Close) return fs, nil } func (fs *fileStorage) Lock() (Lock, error) { fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return nil, ErrClosed } if fs.readOnly { return &fileStorageLock{}, nil } if fs.slock != nil { return nil, ErrLocked } fs.slock = &fileStorageLock{fs: fs} return fs.slock, nil } func itoa(buf []byte, i int, wid int) []byte { u := uint(i) if u == 0 && wid <= 1 { return append(buf, '0') } // Assemble decimal in reverse order. var b [32]byte bp := len(b) for ; u > 0 || wid > 0; u /= 10 { bp-- wid-- b[bp] = byte(u%10) + '0' } return append(buf, b[bp:]...) } func (fs *fileStorage) printDay(t time.Time) { if fs.day == t.Day() { return } fs.day = t.Day() fs.logw.Write([]byte("=============== " + t.Format("Jan 2, 2006 (MST)") + " ===============\n")) } func (fs *fileStorage) doLog(t time.Time, str string) { if fs.logSize > logSizeThreshold { // Rotate log file. fs.logw.Close() fs.logw = nil fs.logSize = 0 rename(filepath.Join(fs.path, "LOG"), filepath.Join(fs.path, "LOG.old")) } if fs.logw == nil { var err error fs.logw, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(fs.path, "LOG"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644) if err != nil { return } // Force printDay on new log file. fs.day = 0 } fs.printDay(t) hour, min, sec := t.Clock() msec := t.Nanosecond() / 1e3 // time fs.buf = itoa(fs.buf[:0], hour, 2) fs.buf = append(fs.buf, ':') fs.buf = itoa(fs.buf, min, 2) fs.buf = append(fs.buf, ':') fs.buf = itoa(fs.buf, sec, 2) fs.buf = append(fs.buf, '.') fs.buf = itoa(fs.buf, msec, 6) fs.buf = append(fs.buf, ' ') // write fs.buf = append(fs.buf, []byte(str)...) fs.buf = append(fs.buf, '\n') fs.logw.Write(fs.buf) } func (fs *fileStorage) Log(str string) { if !fs.readOnly { t := time.Now() fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return } fs.doLog(t, str) } } func (fs *fileStorage) log(str string) { if !fs.readOnly { fs.doLog(time.Now(), str) } } func (fs *fileStorage) SetMeta(fd FileDesc) (err error) { if !FileDescOk(fd) { return ErrInvalidFile } if fs.readOnly { return errReadOnly } fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return ErrClosed } defer func() { if err != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("CURRENT: %v", err)) } }() path := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", filepath.Join(fs.path, "CURRENT"), fd.Num) w, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { return } _, err = fmt.Fprintln(w, fsGenName(fd)) // Close the file first. if cerr := w.Close(); cerr != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close CURRENT.%d: %v", fd.Num, cerr)) } if err != nil { return } return rename(path, filepath.Join(fs.path, "CURRENT")) } func (fs *fileStorage) GetMeta() (fd FileDesc, err error) { fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return FileDesc{}, ErrClosed } dir, err := os.Open(fs.path) if err != nil { return } names, err := dir.Readdirnames(0) // Close the dir first before checking for Readdirnames error. if ce := dir.Close(); ce != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close dir: %v", ce)) } if err != nil { return } // Find latest CURRENT file. var rem []string var pend bool var cerr error for _, name := range names { if strings.HasPrefix(name, "CURRENT") { pend1 := len(name) > 7 var pendNum int64 // Make sure it is valid name for a CURRENT file, otherwise skip it. if pend1 { if name[7] != '.' || len(name) < 9 { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s: invalid file name", name)) continue } var e1 error if pendNum, e1 = strconv.ParseInt(name[8:], 10, 0); e1 != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s: invalid file num: %v", name, e1)) continue } } path := filepath.Join(fs.path, name) r, e1 := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0) if e1 != nil { return FileDesc{}, e1 } b, e1 := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if e1 != nil { r.Close() return FileDesc{}, e1 } var fd1 FileDesc if len(b) < 1 || b[len(b)-1] != '\n' || !fsParseNamePtr(string(b[:len(b)-1]), &fd1) { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s: corrupted or incomplete", name)) if pend1 { rem = append(rem, name) } if !pend1 || cerr == nil { metaFd, _ := fsParseName(name) cerr = &ErrCorrupted{ Fd: metaFd, Err: errors.New("leveldb/storage: corrupted or incomplete meta file"), } } } else if pend1 && pendNum != fd1.Num { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s: inconsistent pending-file num: %d vs %d", name, pendNum, fd1.Num)) rem = append(rem, name) } else if fd1.Num < fd.Num { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("skipping %s: obsolete", name)) if pend1 { rem = append(rem, name) } } else { fd = fd1 pend = pend1 } if err := r.Close(); err != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close %s: %v", name, err)) } } } // Don't remove any files if there is no valid CURRENT file. if fd.Nil() { if cerr != nil { err = cerr } else { err = os.ErrNotExist } return } if !fs.readOnly { // Rename pending CURRENT file to an effective CURRENT. if pend { path := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", filepath.Join(fs.path, "CURRENT"), fd.Num) if err := rename(path, filepath.Join(fs.path, "CURRENT")); err != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("CURRENT.%d -> CURRENT: %v", fd.Num, err)) } } // Remove obsolete or incomplete pending CURRENT files. for _, name := range rem { path := filepath.Join(fs.path, name) if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("remove %s: %v", name, err)) } } } return } func (fs *fileStorage) List(ft FileType) (fds []FileDesc, err error) { fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return nil, ErrClosed } dir, err := os.Open(fs.path) if err != nil { return } names, err := dir.Readdirnames(0) // Close the dir first before checking for Readdirnames error. if cerr := dir.Close(); cerr != nil { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close dir: %v", cerr)) } if err == nil { for _, name := range names { if fd, ok := fsParseName(name); ok && fd.Type&ft != 0 { fds = append(fds, fd) } } } return } func (fs *fileStorage) Open(fd FileDesc) (Reader, error) { if !FileDescOk(fd) { return nil, ErrInvalidFile } fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return nil, ErrClosed } of, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenName(fd)), os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { if fsHasOldName(fd) && os.IsNotExist(err) { of, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenOldName(fd)), os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err == nil { goto ok } } return nil, err } ok: fs.open++ return &fileWrap{File: of, fs: fs, fd: fd}, nil } func (fs *fileStorage) Create(fd FileDesc) (Writer, error) { if !FileDescOk(fd) { return nil, ErrInvalidFile } if fs.readOnly { return nil, errReadOnly } fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return nil, ErrClosed } of, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenName(fd)), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { return nil, err } fs.open++ return &fileWrap{File: of, fs: fs, fd: fd}, nil } func (fs *fileStorage) Remove(fd FileDesc) error { if !FileDescOk(fd) { return ErrInvalidFile } if fs.readOnly { return errReadOnly } fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return ErrClosed } err := os.Remove(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenName(fd))) if err != nil { if fsHasOldName(fd) && os.IsNotExist(err) { if e1 := os.Remove(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenOldName(fd))); !os.IsNotExist(e1) { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("remove %s: %v (old name)", fd, err)) err = e1 } } else { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("remove %s: %v", fd, err)) } } return err } func (fs *fileStorage) Rename(oldfd, newfd FileDesc) error { if !FileDescOk(oldfd) || !FileDescOk(newfd) { return ErrInvalidFile } if oldfd == newfd { return nil } if fs.readOnly { return errReadOnly } fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return ErrClosed } return rename(filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenName(oldfd)), filepath.Join(fs.path, fsGenName(newfd))) } func (fs *fileStorage) Close() error { fs.mu.Lock() defer fs.mu.Unlock() if fs.open < 0 { return ErrClosed } // Clear the finalizer. runtime.SetFinalizer(fs, nil) if fs.open > 0 { fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close: warning, %d files still open", fs.open)) } fs.open = -1 if fs.logw != nil { fs.logw.Close() } return fs.flock.release() } type fileWrap struct { *os.File fs *fileStorage fd FileDesc closed bool } func (fw *fileWrap) Sync() error { if err := fw.File.Sync(); err != nil { return err } if fw.fd.Type == TypeManifest { // Also sync parent directory if file type is manifest. // See: https://code.google.com/p/leveldb/issues/detail?id=190. if err := syncDir(fw.fs.path); err != nil { fw.fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("syncDir: %v", err)) return err } } return nil } func (fw *fileWrap) Close() error { fw.fs.mu.Lock() defer fw.fs.mu.Unlock() if fw.closed { return ErrClosed } fw.closed = true fw.fs.open-- err := fw.File.Close() if err != nil { fw.fs.log(fmt.Sprintf("close %s: %v", fw.fd, err)) } return err } func fsGenName(fd FileDesc) string { switch fd.Type { case TypeManifest: return fmt.Sprintf("MANIFEST-%06d", fd.Num) case TypeJournal: return fmt.Sprintf("%06d.log", fd.Num) case TypeTable: return fmt.Sprintf("%06d.ldb", fd.Num) case TypeTemp: return fmt.Sprintf("%06d.tmp", fd.Num) default: panic("invalid file type") } } func fsHasOldName(fd FileDesc) bool { return fd.Type == TypeTable } func fsGenOldName(fd FileDesc) string { switch fd.Type { case TypeTable: return fmt.Sprintf("%06d.sst", fd.Num) } return fsGenName(fd) } func fsParseName(name string) (fd FileDesc, ok bool) { var tail string _, err := fmt.Sscanf(name, "%d.%s", &fd.Num, &tail) if err == nil { switch tail { case "log": fd.Type = TypeJournal case "ldb", "sst": fd.Type = TypeTable case "tmp": fd.Type = TypeTemp default: return } return fd, true } n, _ := fmt.Sscanf(name, "MANIFEST-%d%s", &fd.Num, &tail) if n == 1 { fd.Type = TypeManifest return fd, true } return } func fsParseNamePtr(name string, fd *FileDesc) bool { _fd, ok := fsParseName(name) if fd != nil { *fd = _fd } return ok }