## Beego ======= Beego is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power SNDA's CDN system. Documentation and downloads are available at https://github.com/astaxie/beego Beego is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). ## Installation ============ To install: go get github.com/astaxie/beego go version: go1 release ## Quick Start ============ Here is the canonical "Hello, world" example app for beego: package main import ( "github.com/astaxie/beego" ) type MainController struct { beego.Controller } func (this *MainController) Get() { this.Ct.WriteString("hello world") } func main() { beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/", &MainController{}) beego.BeeApp.Run() } default port:8080 http get http://localhost:8080 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 16:03:00 GMT Transfer-Encoding: chunked hello world ## Router ============ In beego, a route is a struct paired with a URL-matching pattern. The strcut has many method with the same name of http method to server the http request. Each route is associated with a block: beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/", &controllers.MainController{}) beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/admin", &admin.UserController{}) beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/admin/index", &admin.ArticleController{}) beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/admin/addpkg", &admin.AddController{}) You can specify custom regular expressions for routes: beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/admin/editpkg/:id([0-9]+)", &admin.EditController{}) beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/admin/delpkg/:id([0-9]+)", &admin.DelController{}) beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/:pkg(.*)", &controllers.MainController{}) You can also create routes for static files: beego.BeeApp.SetStaticPath("/static","/public") this will serve any files in /static, including files in subdirectories. For example request `/static/logo.gif` or `/static/style/main.css` will server with the file in the path `/pulic/logo.gif` or `/public/style/main.css` ## Filters / Middleware ============ You can apply filters to routes, which is useful for enforcing security, redirects, etc. You can, for example, filter all request to enforce some type of security: var FilterUser = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.URL.User == nil || r.URL.User.Username() != "admin" { http.Error(w, "", http.StatusUnauthorized) } } beego.BeeApp.Filter(FilterUser) You can also apply filters only when certain REST URL Parameters exist: beego.BeeApp.RegisterController("/:id([0-9]+)", &admin.EditController{}) beego.BeeApp.FilterParam("id", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ... }) also You can apply filters only when certain prefix URL path exist: beego.BeeApp.FilterPrefixPath("/admin", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { … auth }) ## Controller / Strcut ============ you type a ChildStruct has anonymous type `beego.Controller` type xxxController struct { beego.Controller } the `beego.Controller` is `beego.ControllerInterface` has the follow method: - Init(ct *Context, cn string) this function is init the Context, ChildStruct' name and the Controller's variables. - Prepare() this function is Run before the HTTP METHOD's Function,as follow defined. In the ChildStruct you can define this function to auth user or init database et. - Get() When the HTTP' Method is GET, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Post() When the HTTP' Method is POST, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Delete() When the HTTP' Method is DELETE, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Put() When the HTTP' Method is PUT, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Head() When the HTTP' Method is HEAD, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Patch() When the HTTP' Method is PATCH, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Options() When the HTTP' Method is OPTIONS, the beego router will run this function.Default is HTTP-403. In the ChildStruct you must define the same functon to logical processing. - Finish() this function is run after the HTTP METHOD's Function,as previous defined. In the ChildStruct you can define this function to close database et. - Render() error this function is to render the template as user defined. In the strcut you need to call. So you can define ChildStruct method to accomplish the interface's method, now let us see an example: type AddController struct { beego.Controller } func (this *AddController) Prepare() { } func (this *AddController) Get() { this.Layout = "admin/layout.html" this.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl" } func (this *AddController) Post() { //数据处理 this.Ct.Request.ParseForm() pkgname := this.Ct.Request.Form.Get("pkgname") content := this.Ct.Request.Form.Get("content") beego.Info(this.Ct.Request.Form) pk := models.GetCruPkg(pkgname) if pk.Id == 0 { var pp models.PkgEntity pp.Pid = 0 pp.Pathname = pkgname pp.Intro = pkgname models.InsertPkg(pp) pk = models.GetCruPkg(pkgname) } var at models.Article at.Pkgid = pk.Id at.Content = content models.InsertArticle(at) this.Ct.Redirect(302, "/admin/index") } ## View / Template ============ ### template view path the default viewPath is `/views`,you can put the template file in the views.beego will find the template from viewpath. also you can modify the viewpaths like this: beego.ViewsPath = "/myviewpath" ### template names beego will find the template from viewpath. the file is set by user like: this.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl" then beego will find the file in the path:`/views/admin/add.tpl` if you don't set TplNames,beego will find like this: c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + c.Ct.Request.Method + "." + c.TplExt So if the ChildName="AddController",Request Method= "POST",default TplEXT="tpl" So beego will file the file in the path:`/view/AddController/POST.tpl` ### autoRender In the controller you needn't to call render function. beego will auto call this function after HTTP' Method Call. also you can close the autoRendder like this: beego.AutoRender = false ### layout beego also support layout. beego's layout is like this: this.Layout = "admin/layout.html" this.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl" in the layout.html you must define the variable like this to show sub template's content: {{.LayoutContent}} beego first Parse the file TplNames defined, then get the content from the sub template to the data["LayoutContent"], at last Parse the layout file and show it. ### template function beego support users to define template function like this: func hello(in string)(out string){ out = in + "world" return } beego.AddFuncMap("hi",hello) then in you template you can use it like this: {{.Content | hi}} beego has three default defined funtion: - beegoTplFuncMap["markdown"] = MarkDown MarkDown parses a string in MarkDown format and returns HTML. Used by the template parser as "markdown" - beegoTplFuncMap["dateformat"] = DateFormat DateFormat takes a time and a layout string and returns a string with the formatted date. Used by the template parser as "dateformat" - beegoTplFuncMap["compare"] = Compare Compare is a quick and dirty comparison function. It will convert whatever you give it to strings and see if the two values are equal.Whitespace is trimmed. Used by the template parser as "eq" ## Beego Variables ============ beego has many default variables, as follow is a list to show: - BeeApp *App global app init by the beego. You needn't to init it, just use it. - AppName string appname is what you project named, default is beego - AppPath string this is the project path - StaticDir map[string]string staticdir store the map which request url to the static file path default is the request url has prefix `static`, then server the path in the app path - HttpAddr string http listen address, defult is "" - HttpPort int http listen port, default is 8080 - RecoverPanic bool RecoverPanic mean when the program panic whether the process auto recover,default is true - AutoRender bool whether run the Render function, default is true - ViewsPath string the template path, default is /views - RunMode string //"dev" or "prod" the runmode ,default is prod - AppConfig *Config Appconfig is a result that parse file from conf/app.conf, if this file not exist then the variable is nil. if the file exist, then return the Config as follow. ## Config ============ beego support parse ini file, beego will parse the default file in the path `conf/app.conf` ## Logger ============