validation ============== validation is a form validation for a data validation and error collecting using Go. ## Installation and tests Install: go get Test: go test ## Example Direct Use: import ( "" "log" ) type User struct { Name string Age int } func main() { u := User{"man", 40} valid := validation.Validation{} valid.Required(u.Name, "name") valid.MaxSize(u.Name, 15, "nameMax") valid.Range(u.Age, 0, 140, "age") if valid.HasErrors() { // validation does not pass // print invalid message for _, err := range valid.Errors { log.Println(err.Key, err.Message) } } // or use like this if v := valid.Max(u.Age, 140, "ageMax"); !v.Ok { log.Println(v.Error.Key, v.Error.Message) } } Struct Tag Use: import ( "" ) // validation function follow with "valid" tag // functions divide with ";" // parameters in parentheses "()" and divide with "," // Match function's pattern string must in "//" type user struct { Id int Name string `valid:"Required;Match(/^(test)?\\w*@;com$/)"` Age int `valid:"Required;Range(1, 140)"` } func main() { valid := validation.Validation{} // ignore empty field valid // see CanSkipFuncs // valid := validation.Validation{RequiredFirst:true} u := user{Name: "test", Age: 40} b, err := valid.Valid(u) if err != nil { // handle error } if !b { // validation does not pass // blabla... } } Use custom function: import ( "" ) type user struct { Id int Name string `valid:"Required;IsMe"` Age int `valid:"Required;Range(1, 140)"` } func IsMe(v *validation.Validation, obj interface{}, key string) { name, ok:= obj.(string) if !ok { // wrong use case? return } if name != "me" { // valid false v.SetError("Name", "is not me!") } } func main() { valid := validation.Validation{} if err := validation.AddCustomFunc("IsMe", IsMe); err != nil { // hadle error } u := user{Name: "test", Age: 40} b, err := valid.Valid(u) if err != nil { // handle error } if !b { // validation does not pass // blabla... } } Struct Tag Functions: Required Min(min int) Max(max int) Range(min, max int) MinSize(min int) MaxSize(max int) Length(length int) Alpha Numeric AlphaNumeric Match(pattern string) AlphaDash Email IP Base64 Mobile Tel Phone ZipCode ## LICENSE BSD License