package beego import ( "bufio" "bytes" "errors" "io" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "unicode" ) var ( bComment = []byte{'#'} bEmpty = []byte{} bEqual = []byte{'='} bDQuote = []byte{'"'} ) // A Config represents the configuration. type Config struct { filename string comment map[int][]string // id: []{comment, key...}; id 1 is for main comment. data map[string]string // key: value offset map[string]int64 // key: offset; for editing. sync.RWMutex } // ParseFile creates a new Config and parses the file configuration from the // named file. func LoadConfig(name string) (*Config, error) { file, err := os.Open(name) if err != nil { return nil, err } cfg := &Config{ file.Name(), make(map[int][]string), make(map[string]string), make(map[string]int64), sync.RWMutex{}, } cfg.Lock() defer cfg.Unlock() defer file.Close() var comment bytes.Buffer buf := bufio.NewReader(file) for nComment, off := 0, int64(1); ; { line, _, err := buf.ReadLine() if err == io.EOF { break } if bytes.Equal(line, bEmpty) { continue } off += int64(len(line)) if bytes.HasPrefix(line, bComment) { line = bytes.TrimLeft(line, "#") line = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace) comment.Write(line) comment.WriteByte('\n') continue } if comment.Len() != 0 { cfg.comment[nComment] = []string{comment.String()} comment.Reset() nComment++ } val := bytes.SplitN(line, bEqual, 2) if bytes.HasPrefix([]byte(strings.TrimSpace(string(val[1]))), bDQuote) { val[1] = bytes.Trim([]byte(strings.TrimSpace(string(val[1]))), `"`) } key := strings.TrimSpace(string(val[0])) cfg.comment[nComment-1] = append(cfg.comment[nComment-1], key)[key] = strings.TrimSpace(string(val[1])) cfg.offset[key] = off } return cfg, nil } // Bool returns the boolean value for a given key. func (c *Config) Bool(key string) (bool, error) { return strconv.ParseBool([key]) } // Int returns the integer value for a given key. func (c *Config) Int(key string) (int, error) { return strconv.Atoi([key]) } func (c *Config) Int64(key string) (int64, error) { return strconv.ParseInt([key], 10, 64) } // Float returns the float value for a given key. func (c *Config) Float(key string) (float64, error) { return strconv.ParseFloat([key], 64) } // String returns the string value for a given key. func (c *Config) String(key string) string { return[key] } // WriteValue writes a new value for key. func (c *Config) SetValue(key, value string) error { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() if _, found :=[key]; !found { return errors.New("key not found: " + key) }[key] = value return nil } func ParseConfig() (err error) { AppConfig, err = LoadConfig(AppConfigPath) if err != nil { return err } else { HttpAddr = AppConfig.String("httpaddr") if v, err := AppConfig.Int("httpport"); err == nil { HttpPort = v } if maxmemory, err := AppConfig.Int64("maxmemory"); err == nil { MaxMemory = maxmemory } AppName = AppConfig.String("appname") if runmode := AppConfig.String("runmode"); runmode != "" { RunMode = runmode } if autorender, err := AppConfig.Bool("autorender"); err == nil { AutoRender = autorender } if autorecover, err := AppConfig.Bool("autorecover"); err == nil { RecoverPanic = autorecover } if pprofon, err := AppConfig.Bool("pprofon"); err == nil { PprofOn = pprofon } if views := AppConfig.String("viewspath"); views != "" { ViewsPath = views } if sessionon, err := AppConfig.Bool("sessionon"); err == nil { SessionOn = sessionon } if sessProvider := AppConfig.String("sessionprovider"); sessProvider != "" { SessionProvider = sessProvider } if sessName := AppConfig.String("sessionname"); sessName != "" { SessionName = sessName } if sesssavepath := AppConfig.String("sessionsavepath"); sesssavepath != "" { SessionSavePath = sesssavepath } if sessMaxLifeTime, err := AppConfig.Int("sessiongcmaxlifetime"); err == nil && sessMaxLifeTime != 0 { int64val, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(sessMaxLifeTime), 10, 64) SessionGCMaxLifetime = int64val } if usefcgi, err := AppConfig.Bool("usefcgi"); err == nil { UseFcgi = usefcgi } if enablegzip, err := AppConfig.Bool("enablegzip"); err == nil { EnableGzip = enablegzip } if directoryindex, err := AppConfig.Bool("directoryindex"); err == nil { DirectoryIndex = directoryindex } if hotupdate, err := AppConfig.Bool("hotupdate"); err == nil { EnbaleHotUpdate = hotupdate } if timeout, err := AppConfig.Int64("httpservertimeout"); err == nil { HttpServerTimeOut = timeout } if errorsshow, err := AppConfig.Bool("errorsshow"); err == nil { ErrorsShow = errorsshow } if copyrequestbody, err := AppConfig.Bool("copyrequestbody"); err == nil { CopyRequestBody = copyrequestbody } if xsrfkey := AppConfig.String("xsrfkey"); xsrfkey != "" { XSRFKEY = xsrfkey } if enablexsrf, err := AppConfig.Bool("enablexsrf"); err == nil { EnableXSRF = enablexsrf } } return nil }