// Beego (http://beego.me/) // // @description beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language. // // @link http://github.com/astaxie/beego for the canonical source repository // // @license http://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/LICENSE // // @authors astaxie, slene package orm import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "time" ) // get reflect.Type name with package path. func getFullName(typ reflect.Type) string { return typ.PkgPath() + "." + typ.Name() } // get table name. method, or field name. auto snaked. func getTableName(val reflect.Value) string { ind := reflect.Indirect(val) fun := val.MethodByName("TableName") if fun.IsValid() { vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{}) if len(vals) > 0 { val := vals[0] if val.Kind() == reflect.String { return val.String() } } } return snakeString(ind.Type().Name()) } // get table engine, mysiam or innodb. func getTableEngine(val reflect.Value) string { fun := val.MethodByName("TableEngine") if fun.IsValid() { vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{}) if len(vals) > 0 { val := vals[0] if val.Kind() == reflect.String { return val.String() } } } return "" } // get table index from method. func getTableIndex(val reflect.Value) [][]string { fun := val.MethodByName("TableIndex") if fun.IsValid() { vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{}) if len(vals) > 0 { val := vals[0] if val.CanInterface() { if d, ok := val.Interface().([][]string); ok { return d } } } } return nil } // get table unique from method func getTableUnique(val reflect.Value) [][]string { fun := val.MethodByName("TableUnique") if fun.IsValid() { vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{}) if len(vals) > 0 { val := vals[0] if val.CanInterface() { if d, ok := val.Interface().([][]string); ok { return d } } } } return nil } // get snaked column name func getColumnName(ft int, addrField reflect.Value, sf reflect.StructField, col string) string { column := col if col == "" { column = snakeString(sf.Name) } switch ft { case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne: if len(col) == 0 { column = column + "_id" } case RelManyToMany, RelReverseMany, RelReverseOne: column = sf.Name } return column } // return field type as type constant from reflect.Value func getFieldType(val reflect.Value) (ft int, err error) { elm := reflect.Indirect(val) switch elm.Kind() { case reflect.Int8: ft = TypeBitField case reflect.Int16: ft = TypeSmallIntegerField case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int: ft = TypeIntegerField case reflect.Int64: ft = TypeBigIntegerField case reflect.Uint8: ft = TypePositiveBitField case reflect.Uint16: ft = TypePositiveSmallIntegerField case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint: ft = TypePositiveIntegerField case reflect.Uint64: ft = TypePositiveBigIntegerField case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: ft = TypeFloatField case reflect.Bool: ft = TypeBooleanField case reflect.String: ft = TypeCharField default: if elm.IsNil() { panic(fmt.Errorf("%s is nil pointer, may be miss setting tag", val)) } switch elm.Interface().(type) { case sql.NullInt64: ft = TypeBigIntegerField case sql.NullFloat64: ft = TypeFloatField case sql.NullBool: ft = TypeBooleanField case sql.NullString: ft = TypeCharField case time.Time: ft = TypeDateTimeField } } if ft&IsFieldType == 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("unsupport field type %s, may be miss setting tag", val) } return } // parse struct tag string func parseStructTag(data string, attrs *map[string]bool, tags *map[string]string) { attr := make(map[string]bool) tag := make(map[string]string) for _, v := range strings.Split(data, defaultStructTagDelim) { v = strings.TrimSpace(v) if supportTag[v] == 1 { attr[v] = true } else if i := strings.Index(v, "("); i > 0 && strings.Index(v, ")") == len(v)-1 { name := v[:i] if supportTag[name] == 2 { v = v[i+1 : len(v)-1] tag[name] = v } } } *attrs = attr *tags = tag }