// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package web import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "path" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/astaxie/beego/pkg/infrastructure/logs" "github.com/astaxie/beego/pkg/infrastructure/utils" beecontext "github.com/astaxie/beego/pkg/server/web/context" "github.com/astaxie/beego/pkg/server/web/context/param" ) // default filter execution points const ( BeforeStatic = iota BeforeRouter BeforeExec AfterExec FinishRouter ) const ( routerTypeBeego = iota routerTypeRESTFul routerTypeHandler ) var ( // HTTPMETHOD list the supported http methods. HTTPMETHOD = map[string]bool{ "GET": true, "POST": true, "PUT": true, "DELETE": true, "PATCH": true, "OPTIONS": true, "HEAD": true, "TRACE": true, "CONNECT": true, "MKCOL": true, "COPY": true, "MOVE": true, "PROPFIND": true, "PROPPATCH": true, "LOCK": true, "UNLOCK": true, } // these beego.Controller's methods shouldn't reflect to AutoRouter exceptMethod = []string{"Init", "Prepare", "Finish", "Render", "RenderString", "RenderBytes", "Redirect", "Abort", "StopRun", "UrlFor", "ServeJSON", "ServeJSONP", "ServeYAML", "ServeXML", "Input", "ParseForm", "GetString", "GetStrings", "GetInt", "GetBool", "GetFloat", "GetFile", "SaveToFile", "StartSession", "SetSession", "GetSession", "DelSession", "SessionRegenerateID", "DestroySession", "IsAjax", "GetSecureCookie", "SetSecureCookie", "XsrfToken", "CheckXsrfCookie", "XsrfFormHtml", "GetControllerAndAction", "ServeFormatted"} urlPlaceholder = "{{placeholder}}" // DefaultAccessLogFilter will skip the accesslog if return true DefaultAccessLogFilter FilterHandler = &logFilter{} ) // FilterHandler is an interface for type FilterHandler interface { Filter(*beecontext.Context) bool } // default log filter static file will not show type logFilter struct { } func (l *logFilter) Filter(ctx *beecontext.Context) bool { requestPath := path.Clean(ctx.Request.URL.Path) if requestPath == "/favicon.ico" || requestPath == "/robots.txt" { return true } for prefix := range BConfig.WebConfig.StaticDir { if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, prefix) { return true } } return false } // ExceptMethodAppend to append a slice's value into "exceptMethod", for controller's methods shouldn't reflect to AutoRouter func ExceptMethodAppend(action string) { exceptMethod = append(exceptMethod, action) } // ControllerInfo holds information about the controller. type ControllerInfo struct { pattern string controllerType reflect.Type methods map[string]string handler http.Handler runFunction FilterFunc routerType int initialize func() ControllerInterface methodParams []*param.MethodParam } func (c *ControllerInfo) GetPattern() string { return c.pattern } // ControllerRegister containers registered router rules, controller handlers and filters. type ControllerRegister struct { routers map[string]*Tree enablePolicy bool policies map[string]*Tree enableFilter bool filters [FinishRouter + 1][]*FilterRouter pool sync.Pool // the filter created by FilterChain chainRoot *FilterRouter } // NewControllerRegister returns a new ControllerRegister. func NewControllerRegister() *ControllerRegister { res := &ControllerRegister{ routers: make(map[string]*Tree), policies: make(map[string]*Tree), pool: sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return beecontext.NewContext() }, }, } res.chainRoot = newFilterRouter("/*", false, res.serveHttp) return res } // Add controller handler and pattern rules to ControllerRegister. // usage: // default methods is the same name as method // Add("/user",&UserController{}) // Add("/api/list",&RestController{},"*:ListFood") // Add("/api/create",&RestController{},"post:CreateFood") // Add("/api/update",&RestController{},"put:UpdateFood") // Add("/api/delete",&RestController{},"delete:DeleteFood") // Add("/api",&RestController{},"get,post:ApiFunc" // Add("/simple",&SimpleController{},"get:GetFunc;post:PostFunc") func (p *ControllerRegister) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) { p.addWithMethodParams(pattern, c, nil, mappingMethods...) } func (p *ControllerRegister) addWithMethodParams(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, methodParams []*param.MethodParam, mappingMethods ...string) { reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c) t := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type() methods := make(map[string]string) if len(mappingMethods) > 0 { semi := strings.Split(mappingMethods[0], ";") for _, v := range semi { colon := strings.Split(v, ":") if len(colon) != 2 { panic("method mapping format is invalid") } comma := strings.Split(colon[0], ",") for _, m := range comma { if m == "*" || HTTPMETHOD[strings.ToUpper(m)] { if val := reflectVal.MethodByName(colon[1]); val.IsValid() { methods[strings.ToUpper(m)] = colon[1] } else { panic("'" + colon[1] + "' method doesn't exist in the controller " + t.Name()) } } else { panic(v + " is an invalid method mapping. Method doesn't exist " + m) } } } } route := &ControllerInfo{} route.pattern = pattern route.methods = methods route.routerType = routerTypeBeego route.controllerType = t route.initialize = func() ControllerInterface { vc := reflect.New(route.controllerType) execController, ok := vc.Interface().(ControllerInterface) if !ok { panic("controller is not ControllerInterface") } elemVal := reflect.ValueOf(c).Elem() elemType := reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem() execElem := reflect.ValueOf(execController).Elem() numOfFields := elemVal.NumField() for i := 0; i < numOfFields; i++ { fieldType := elemType.Field(i) elemField := execElem.FieldByName(fieldType.Name) if elemField.CanSet() { fieldVal := elemVal.Field(i) elemField.Set(fieldVal) } } return execController } route.methodParams = methodParams if len(methods) == 0 { for m := range HTTPMETHOD { p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route) } } else { for k := range methods { if k == "*" { for m := range HTTPMETHOD { p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route) } } else { p.addToRouter(k, pattern, route) } } } } func (p *ControllerRegister) addToRouter(method, pattern string, r *ControllerInfo) { if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive { pattern = strings.ToLower(pattern) } if t, ok := p.routers[method]; ok { t.AddRouter(pattern, r) } else { t := NewTree() t.AddRouter(pattern, r) p.routers[method] = t } } // Include only when the Runmode is dev will generate router file in the router/auto.go from the controller // Include(&BankAccount{}, &OrderController{},&RefundController{},&ReceiptController{}) func (p *ControllerRegister) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) { for _, c := range cList { reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c) t := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type() key := t.PkgPath() + ":" + t.Name() if comm, ok := GlobalControllerRouter[key]; ok { for _, a := range comm { for _, f := range a.Filters { p.InsertFilter(f.Pattern, f.Pos, f.Filter, f.ReturnOnOutput, f.ResetParams) } p.addWithMethodParams(a.Router, c, a.MethodParams, strings.Join(a.AllowHTTPMethods, ",")+":"+a.Method) } } } } // GetContext returns a context from pool, so usually you should remember to call Reset function to clean the context // And don't forget to give back context to pool // example: // ctx := p.GetContext() // ctx.Reset(w, q) // defer p.GiveBackContext(ctx) func (p *ControllerRegister) GetContext() *beecontext.Context { return p.pool.Get().(*beecontext.Context) } // GiveBackContext put the ctx into pool so that it could be reuse func (p *ControllerRegister) GiveBackContext(ctx *beecontext.Context) { p.pool.Put(ctx) } // Get add get method // usage: // Get("/", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Get(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("get", pattern, f) } // Post add post method // usage: // Post("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Post(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("post", pattern, f) } // Put add put method // usage: // Put("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Put(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("put", pattern, f) } // Delete add delete method // usage: // Delete("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Delete(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("delete", pattern, f) } // Head add head method // usage: // Head("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Head(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("head", pattern, f) } // Patch add patch method // usage: // Patch("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Patch(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("patch", pattern, f) } // Options add options method // usage: // Options("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Options(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("options", pattern, f) } // Any add all method // usage: // Any("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) Any(pattern string, f FilterFunc) { p.AddMethod("*", pattern, f) } // AddMethod add http method router // usage: // AddMethod("get","/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ // ctx.Output.Body("hello world") // }) func (p *ControllerRegister) AddMethod(method, pattern string, f FilterFunc) { method = strings.ToUpper(method) if method != "*" && !HTTPMETHOD[method] { panic("not support http method: " + method) } route := &ControllerInfo{} route.pattern = pattern route.routerType = routerTypeRESTFul route.runFunction = f methods := make(map[string]string) if method == "*" { for val := range HTTPMETHOD { methods[val] = val } } else { methods[method] = method } route.methods = methods for k := range methods { if k == "*" { for m := range HTTPMETHOD { p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route) } } else { p.addToRouter(k, pattern, route) } } } // Handler add user defined Handler func (p *ControllerRegister) Handler(pattern string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) { route := &ControllerInfo{} route.pattern = pattern route.routerType = routerTypeHandler route.handler = h if len(options) > 0 { if _, ok := options[0].(bool); ok { pattern = path.Join(pattern, "?:all(.*)") } } for m := range HTTPMETHOD { p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route) } } // AddAuto router to ControllerRegister. // example beego.AddAuto(&MainContorlller{}), // MainController has method List and Page. // visit the url /main/list to execute List function // /main/page to execute Page function. func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface) { p.AddAutoPrefix("/", c) } // AddAutoPrefix Add auto router to ControllerRegister with prefix. // example beego.AddAutoPrefix("/admin",&MainContorlller{}), // MainController has method List and Page. // visit the url /admin/main/list to execute List function // /admin/main/page to execute Page function. func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) { reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c) rt := reflectVal.Type() ct := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type() controllerName := strings.TrimSuffix(ct.Name(), "Controller") for i := 0; i < rt.NumMethod(); i++ { if !utils.InSlice(rt.Method(i).Name, exceptMethod) { route := &ControllerInfo{} route.routerType = routerTypeBeego route.methods = map[string]string{"*": rt.Method(i).Name} route.controllerType = ct pattern := path.Join(prefix, strings.ToLower(controllerName), strings.ToLower(rt.Method(i).Name), "*") patternInit := path.Join(prefix, controllerName, rt.Method(i).Name, "*") patternFix := path.Join(prefix, strings.ToLower(controllerName), strings.ToLower(rt.Method(i).Name)) patternFixInit := path.Join(prefix, controllerName, rt.Method(i).Name) route.pattern = pattern for m := range HTTPMETHOD { p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route) p.addToRouter(m, patternInit, route) p.addToRouter(m, patternFix, route) p.addToRouter(m, patternFixInit, route) } } } } // InsertFilter Add a FilterFunc with pattern rule and action constant. // params is for: // 1. setting the returnOnOutput value (false allows multiple filters to execute) // 2. determining whether or not params need to be reset. func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, params ...bool) error { mr := newFilterRouter(pattern, BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive, filter, params...) return p.insertFilterRouter(pos, mr) } // InsertFilterChain is similar to InsertFilter, // but it will using chainRoot.filterFunc as input to build a new filterFunc // for example, assume that chainRoot is funcA // and we add new FilterChain // fc := func(next) { // return func(ctx) { // // do something // next(ctx) // // do something // } // } func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilterChain(pattern string, chain FilterChain, params ...bool) { root := p.chainRoot filterFunc := chain(root.filterFunc) p.chainRoot = newFilterRouter(pattern, BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive, filterFunc, params...) p.chainRoot.next = root } // add Filter into func (p *ControllerRegister) insertFilterRouter(pos int, mr *FilterRouter) (err error) { if pos < BeforeStatic || pos > FinishRouter { return errors.New("can not find your filter position") } p.enableFilter = true p.filters[pos] = append(p.filters[pos], mr) return nil } // URLFor does another controller handler in this request function. // it can access any controller method. func (p *ControllerRegister) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string { paths := strings.Split(endpoint, ".") if len(paths) <= 1 { logs.Warn("urlfor endpoint must like path.controller.method") return "" } if len(values)%2 != 0 { logs.Warn("urlfor params must key-value pair") return "" } params := make(map[string]string) if len(values) > 0 { key := "" for k, v := range values { if k%2 == 0 { key = fmt.Sprint(v) } else { params[key] = fmt.Sprint(v) } } } controllerName := strings.Join(paths[:len(paths)-1], "/") methodName := paths[len(paths)-1] for m, t := range p.routers { ok, url := p.getURL(t, "/", controllerName, methodName, params, m) if ok { return url } } return "" } func (p *ControllerRegister) getURL(t *Tree, url, controllerName, methodName string, params map[string]string, httpMethod string) (bool, string) { for _, subtree := range t.fixrouters { u := path.Join(url, subtree.prefix) ok, u := p.getURL(subtree, u, controllerName, methodName, params, httpMethod) if ok { return ok, u } } if t.wildcard != nil { u := path.Join(url, urlPlaceholder) ok, u := p.getURL(t.wildcard, u, controllerName, methodName, params, httpMethod) if ok { return ok, u } } for _, l := range t.leaves { if c, ok := l.runObject.(*ControllerInfo); ok { if c.routerType == routerTypeBeego && strings.HasSuffix(path.Join(c.controllerType.PkgPath(), c.controllerType.Name()), controllerName) { find := false if HTTPMETHOD[strings.ToUpper(methodName)] { if len(c.methods) == 0 { find = true } else if m, ok := c.methods[strings.ToUpper(methodName)]; ok && m == strings.ToUpper(methodName) { find = true } else if m, ok = c.methods["*"]; ok && m == methodName { find = true } } if !find { for m, md := range c.methods { if (m == "*" || m == httpMethod) && md == methodName { find = true } } } if find { if l.regexps == nil { if len(l.wildcards) == 0 { return true, strings.Replace(url, "/"+urlPlaceholder, "", 1) + toURL(params) } if len(l.wildcards) == 1 { if v, ok := params[l.wildcards[0]]; ok { delete(params, l.wildcards[0]) return true, strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, v, 1) + toURL(params) } return false, "" } if len(l.wildcards) == 3 && l.wildcards[0] == "." { if p, ok := params[":path"]; ok { if e, isok := params[":ext"]; isok { delete(params, ":path") delete(params, ":ext") return true, strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, p+"."+e, -1) + toURL(params) } } } canSkip := false for _, v := range l.wildcards { if v == ":" { canSkip = true continue } if u, ok := params[v]; ok { delete(params, v) url = strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, u, 1) } else { if canSkip { canSkip = false continue } return false, "" } } return true, url + toURL(params) } var i int var startReg bool regURL := "" for _, v := range strings.Trim(l.regexps.String(), "^$") { if v == '(' { startReg = true continue } else if v == ')' { startReg = false if v, ok := params[l.wildcards[i]]; ok { delete(params, l.wildcards[i]) regURL = regURL + v i++ } else { break } } else if !startReg { regURL = string(append([]rune(regURL), v)) } } if l.regexps.MatchString(regURL) { ps := strings.Split(regURL, "/") for _, p := range ps { url = strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, p, 1) } return true, url + toURL(params) } } } } } return false, "" } func (p *ControllerRegister) execFilter(context *beecontext.Context, urlPath string, pos int) (started bool) { var preFilterParams map[string]string for _, filterR := range p.filters[pos] { b, done := filterR.filter(context, urlPath, preFilterParams) if done { return b } } return false } // Implement http.Handler interface. func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := p.GetContext() ctx.Reset(rw, r) defer p.GiveBackContext(ctx) var preFilterParams map[string]string p.chainRoot.filter(ctx, p.getUrlPath(ctx), preFilterParams) } func (p *ControllerRegister) serveHttp(ctx *beecontext.Context) { startTime := time.Now() r := ctx.Request rw := ctx.ResponseWriter.ResponseWriter var ( runRouter reflect.Type findRouter bool runMethod string methodParams []*param.MethodParam routerInfo *ControllerInfo isRunnable bool ) if BConfig.RecoverFunc != nil { defer BConfig.RecoverFunc(ctx) } ctx.Output.EnableGzip = BConfig.EnableGzip if BConfig.RunMode == DEV { ctx.Output.Header("Server", BConfig.ServerName) } urlPath := p.getUrlPath(ctx) // filter wrong http method if !HTTPMETHOD[r.Method] { exception("405", ctx) goto Admin } // filter for static file if len(p.filters[BeforeStatic]) > 0 && p.execFilter(ctx, urlPath, BeforeStatic) { goto Admin } serverStaticRouter(ctx) if ctx.ResponseWriter.Started { findRouter = true goto Admin } if r.Method != http.MethodGet && r.Method != http.MethodHead { if BConfig.CopyRequestBody && !ctx.Input.IsUpload() { // connection will close if the incoming data are larger (RFC 7231, 6.5.11) if r.ContentLength > BConfig.MaxMemory { logs.Error(errors.New("payload too large")) exception("413", ctx) goto Admin } ctx.Input.CopyBody(BConfig.MaxMemory) } ctx.Input.ParseFormOrMulitForm(BConfig.MaxMemory) } // session init if BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionOn { var err error ctx.Input.CruSession, err = GlobalSessions.SessionStart(rw, r) if err != nil { logs.Error(err) exception("503", ctx) goto Admin } defer func() { if ctx.Input.CruSession != nil { ctx.Input.CruSession.SessionRelease(nil, rw) } }() } if len(p.filters[BeforeRouter]) > 0 && p.execFilter(ctx, urlPath, BeforeRouter) { goto Admin } // User can define RunController and RunMethod in filter if ctx.Input.RunController != nil && ctx.Input.RunMethod != "" { findRouter = true runMethod = ctx.Input.RunMethod runRouter = ctx.Input.RunController } else { routerInfo, findRouter = p.FindRouter(ctx) } // if no matches to url, throw a not found exception if !findRouter { exception("404", ctx) goto Admin } if splat := ctx.Input.Param(":splat"); splat != "" { for k, v := range strings.Split(splat, "/") { ctx.Input.SetParam(strconv.Itoa(k), v) } } if routerInfo != nil { // store router pattern into context ctx.Input.SetData("RouterPattern", routerInfo.pattern) } // execute middleware filters if len(p.filters[BeforeExec]) > 0 && p.execFilter(ctx, urlPath, BeforeExec) { goto Admin } // check policies if p.execPolicy(ctx, urlPath) { goto Admin } if routerInfo != nil { if routerInfo.routerType == routerTypeRESTFul { if _, ok := routerInfo.methods[r.Method]; ok { isRunnable = true routerInfo.runFunction(ctx) } else { exception("405", ctx) goto Admin } } else if routerInfo.routerType == routerTypeHandler { isRunnable = true routerInfo.handler.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request) } else { runRouter = routerInfo.controllerType methodParams = routerInfo.methodParams method := r.Method if r.Method == http.MethodPost && ctx.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodPut { method = http.MethodPut } if r.Method == http.MethodPost && ctx.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodDelete { method = http.MethodDelete } if m, ok := routerInfo.methods[method]; ok { runMethod = m } else if m, ok = routerInfo.methods["*"]; ok { runMethod = m } else { runMethod = method } } } // also defined runRouter & runMethod from filter if !isRunnable { // Invoke the request handler var execController ControllerInterface if routerInfo != nil && routerInfo.initialize != nil { execController = routerInfo.initialize() } else { vc := reflect.New(runRouter) var ok bool execController, ok = vc.Interface().(ControllerInterface) if !ok { panic("controller is not ControllerInterface") } } // call the controller init function execController.Init(ctx, runRouter.Name(), runMethod, execController) // call prepare function execController.Prepare() // if XSRF is Enable then check cookie where there has any cookie in the request's cookie _csrf if BConfig.WebConfig.EnableXSRF { execController.XSRFToken() if r.Method == http.MethodPost || r.Method == http.MethodDelete || r.Method == http.MethodPut || (r.Method == http.MethodPost && (ctx.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodDelete || ctx.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodPut)) { execController.CheckXSRFCookie() } } execController.URLMapping() if !ctx.ResponseWriter.Started { // exec main logic switch runMethod { case http.MethodGet: execController.Get() case http.MethodPost: execController.Post() case http.MethodDelete: execController.Delete() case http.MethodPut: execController.Put() case http.MethodHead: execController.Head() case http.MethodPatch: execController.Patch() case http.MethodOptions: execController.Options() case http.MethodTrace: execController.Trace() default: if !execController.HandlerFunc(runMethod) { vc := reflect.ValueOf(execController) method := vc.MethodByName(runMethod) in := param.ConvertParams(methodParams, method.Type(), ctx) out := method.Call(in) // For backward compatibility we only handle response if we had incoming methodParams if methodParams != nil { p.handleParamResponse(ctx, execController, out) } } } // render template if !ctx.ResponseWriter.Started && ctx.Output.Status == 0 { if BConfig.WebConfig.AutoRender { if err := execController.Render(); err != nil { logs.Error(err) } } } } // finish all runRouter. release resource execController.Finish() } // execute middleware filters if len(p.filters[AfterExec]) > 0 && p.execFilter(ctx, urlPath, AfterExec) { goto Admin } if len(p.filters[FinishRouter]) > 0 && p.execFilter(ctx, urlPath, FinishRouter) { goto Admin } Admin: // admin module record QPS statusCode := ctx.ResponseWriter.Status if statusCode == 0 { statusCode = 200 } LogAccess(ctx, &startTime, statusCode) timeDur := time.Since(startTime) ctx.ResponseWriter.Elapsed = timeDur if BConfig.Listen.EnableAdmin { pattern := "" if routerInfo != nil { pattern = routerInfo.pattern } if FilterMonitorFunc(r.Method, r.URL.Path, timeDur, pattern, statusCode) { routerName := "" if runRouter != nil { routerName = runRouter.Name() } go StatisticsMap.AddStatistics(r.Method, r.URL.Path, routerName, timeDur) } } if BConfig.RunMode == DEV && !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs { match := map[bool]string{true: "match", false: "nomatch"} devInfo := fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s", ctx.Input.IP(), logs.ColorByStatus(statusCode), statusCode, logs.ResetColor(), timeDur.String(), match[findRouter], logs.ColorByMethod(r.Method), r.Method, logs.ResetColor(), r.URL.Path) if routerInfo != nil { devInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" r:%s", routerInfo.pattern) } logs.Debug(devInfo) } // Call WriteHeader if status code has been set changed if ctx.Output.Status != 0 { ctx.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(ctx.Output.Status) } } func (p *ControllerRegister) getUrlPath(ctx *beecontext.Context) string { urlPath := ctx.Request.URL.Path if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive { urlPath = strings.ToLower(urlPath) } return urlPath } func (p *ControllerRegister) handleParamResponse(context *beecontext.Context, execController ControllerInterface, results []reflect.Value) { // looping in reverse order for the case when both error and value are returned and error sets the response status code for i := len(results) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { result := results[i] if result.Kind() != reflect.Interface || !result.IsNil() { resultValue := result.Interface() context.RenderMethodResult(resultValue) } } if !context.ResponseWriter.Started && len(results) > 0 && context.Output.Status == 0 { context.Output.SetStatus(200) } } // FindRouter Find Router info for URL func (p *ControllerRegister) FindRouter(context *beecontext.Context) (routerInfo *ControllerInfo, isFind bool) { var urlPath = context.Input.URL() if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive { urlPath = strings.ToLower(urlPath) } httpMethod := context.Input.Method() if t, ok := p.routers[httpMethod]; ok { runObject := t.Match(urlPath, context) if r, ok := runObject.(*ControllerInfo); ok { return r, true } } return } func toURL(params map[string]string) string { if len(params) == 0 { return "" } u := "?" for k, v := range params { u += k + "=" + v + "&" } return strings.TrimRight(u, "&") } // LogAccess logging info HTTP Access func LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int) { // Skip logging if AccessLogs config is false if !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs { return } // Skip logging static requests unless EnableStaticLogs config is true if !BConfig.Log.EnableStaticLogs && DefaultAccessLogFilter.Filter(ctx) { return } var ( requestTime time.Time elapsedTime time.Duration r = ctx.Request ) if startTime != nil { requestTime = *startTime elapsedTime = time.Since(*startTime) } record := &logs.AccessLogRecord{ RemoteAddr: ctx.Input.IP(), RequestTime: requestTime, RequestMethod: r.Method, Request: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", r.Method, r.RequestURI, r.Proto), ServerProtocol: r.Proto, Host: r.Host, Status: statusCode, ElapsedTime: elapsedTime, HTTPReferrer: r.Header.Get("Referer"), HTTPUserAgent: r.Header.Get("User-Agent"), RemoteUser: r.Header.Get("Remote-User"), BodyBytesSent: r.ContentLength, } logs.AccessLog(record, BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat) }