sessionmanager ============== sessionmanager is a golang session manager. It can use session for many providers.Just like the `database/sql` and `database/sql/driver`. ##How to install go get ##how many providers support Now this sessionmanager support memory/file/redis/mysql ##How do we use it? first you must import it import ( "" ) then in you web app init the globalsession manager var globalSessions *session.Manager use memory as providers: func init() { globalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("memory", "gosessionid", 3600,"") go globalSessions.GC() } use mysql as providers,the last param is the DNS, learn more from [mysql]( func init() { globalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("mysql", "gosessionid", 3600,"username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value") go globalSessions.GC() } use file as providers,the last param is the path where to store the file: func init() { globalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("file", "gosessionid", 3600,"./tmp") go globalSessions.GC() } use redis as providers,the last param is the redis's conn address: func init() { globalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("redis", "gosessionid", 3600,"") go globalSessions.GC() } at last in the handlerfunc you can use it like this func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { sess := globalSessions.SessionStart(w, r) defer sess.SessionRelease() username := sess.Get("username") fmt.Println(username) if r.Method == "GET" { t, _ := template.ParseFiles("login.gtpl") t.Execute(w, nil) } else { fmt.Println("username:", r.Form["username"]) sess.Set("username", r.Form["username"]) fmt.Println("password:", r.Form["password"]) } } ##How to write own provider When we develop a web app, maybe you want to write a provider because you must meet the requirements. Write a provider is so easy. You only define two struct type(Session and Provider),which satisfy the interface definition.Maybe The memory provider is a good example for you. type SessionStore interface { Set(key, value interface{}) error //set session value Get(key interface{}) interface{} //get session value Delete(key interface{}) error //delete session value SessionID() string //back current sessionID SessionRelease() // release the resource } type Provider interface { SessionInit(maxlifetime int64, savePath string) error SessionRead(sid string) (SessionStore, error) SessionDestroy(sid string) error SessionGC() } ##LICENSE BSD License