package validation import ( "regexp" "testing" "time" ) func TestRequired(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Required(nil, "nil").Ok { t.Error("nil object should be false") } if valid.Required("", "string").Ok { t.Error("\"'\" string should be false") } if !valid.Required("astaxie", "string").Ok { t.Error("string should be true") } if valid.Required(0, "zero").Ok { t.Error("Integer should not be equal 0") } if !valid.Required(1, "int").Ok { t.Error("Integer except 0 should be true") } if !valid.Required(time.Now(), "time").Ok { t.Error("time should be true") } if valid.Required([]string{}, "emptySlice").Ok { t.Error("empty slice should be false") } if !valid.Required([]interface{}{"ok"}, "slice").Ok { t.Error("slice should be true") } } func TestMin(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Min(-1, 0, "min0").Ok { t.Error("-1 is less than the minimum value of 0 should be false") } if !valid.Min(1, 0, "min0").Ok { t.Error("1 is greater or equal than the minimum value of 0 should be true") } } func TestMax(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Max(1, 0, "max0").Ok { t.Error("1 is greater than the minimum value of 0 should be false") } if !valid.Max(-1, 0, "max0").Ok { t.Error("-1 is less or equal than the maximum value of 0 should be true") } } func TestRange(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Range(-1, 0, 1, "range0_1").Ok { t.Error("-1 is bettween 0 and 1 should be false") } if !valid.Range(1, 0, 1, "range0_1").Ok { t.Error("1 is bettween 0 and 1 should be true") } } func TestMinSize(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.MinSize("", 1, "minSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"\" is less than the minimum value of 1 should be false") } if !valid.MinSize("ok", 1, "minSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"ok\" is greater or equal than the minimum value of 1 should be true") } if valid.MinSize([]string{}, 1, "minSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of empty slice is less than the minimum value of 1 should be false") } if !valid.MinSize([]interface{}{"ok"}, 1, "minSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of [\"ok\"] is greater or equal than the minimum value of 1 should be true") } } func TestMaxSize(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.MaxSize("ok", 1, "maxSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"ok\" is greater than the maximum value of 1 should be false") } if !valid.MaxSize("", 1, "maxSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"\" is less or equal than the maximum value of 1 should be true") } if valid.MaxSize([]interface{}{"ok", false}, 1, "maxSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of [\"ok\", false] is greater than the maximum value of 1 should be false") } if !valid.MaxSize([]string{}, 1, "maxSize1").Ok { t.Error("the length of empty slice is less or equal than the maximum value of 1 should be true") } } func TestLength(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Length("", 1, "length1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"\" must equal 1 should be false") } if !valid.Length("1", 1, "length1").Ok { t.Error("the length of \"1\" must equal 1 should be true") } if valid.Length([]string{}, 1, "length1").Ok { t.Error("the length of empty slice must equal 1 should be false") } if !valid.Length([]interface{}{"ok"}, 1, "length1").Ok { t.Error("the length of [\"ok\"] must equal 1 should be true") } } func TestAlpha(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Alpha("a,1-@ $", "alpha").Ok { t.Error("\"a,1-@ $\" are valid alpha characters should be false") } if !valid.Alpha("abCD", "alpha").Ok { t.Error("\"abCD\" are valid alpha characters should be true") } } func TestNumeric(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Numeric("a,1-@ $", "numeric").Ok { t.Error("\"a,1-@ $\" are valid numeric characters should be false") } if !valid.Numeric("1234", "numeric").Ok { t.Error("\"1234\" are valid numeric characters should be true") } } func TestAlphaNumeric(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.AlphaNumeric("a,1-@ $", "alphaNumeric").Ok { t.Error("\"a,1-@ $\" are valid alpha or numeric characters should be false") } if !valid.AlphaNumeric("1234aB", "alphaNumeric").Ok { t.Error("\"1234aB\" are valid alpha or numeric characters should be true") } } func TestMatch(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Match("suchuangji@gmail", regexp.MustCompile("^\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+$"), "match").Ok { t.Error("\"suchuangji@gmail\" match \"^\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+$\" should be false") } if !valid.Match("", regexp.MustCompile("^\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+$"), "match").Ok { t.Error("\"suchuangji@gmail\" match \"^\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+$\" should be true") } } func TestNoMatch(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.NoMatch("123@gmail", regexp.MustCompile("[^\\w\\d]"), "nomatch").Ok { t.Error("\"123@gmail\" not match \"[^\\w\\d]\" should be false") } if !valid.NoMatch("123gmail", regexp.MustCompile("[^\\w\\d]"), "match").Ok { t.Error("\"123@gmail\" not match \"[^\\w\\d@]\" should be true") } } func TestAlphaDash(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.AlphaDash("a,1-@ $", "alphaDash").Ok { t.Error("\"a,1-@ $\" are valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters should be false") } if !valid.AlphaDash("1234aB-_", "alphaDash").Ok { t.Error("\"1234aB\" are valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters should be true") } } func TestEmail(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Email("not@a email", "email").Ok { t.Error("\"not@a email\" is a valid email address should be false") } if !valid.Email("", "email").Ok { t.Error("\"\" is a valid email address should be true") } } func TestIP(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.IP("", "IP").Ok { t.Error("\"\" is a valid ip address should be false") } if !valid.IP("", "IP").Ok { t.Error("\"\" is a valid ip address should be true") } } func TestBase64(t *testing.T) { valid := Validation{} if valid.Base64("", "base64").Ok { t.Error("\"\" are a valid base64 characters should be false") } if !valid.Base64("c3VjaHVhbmdqaUBnbWFpbC5jb20=", "base64").Ok { t.Error("\"c3VjaHVhbmdqaUBnbWFpbC5jb20=\" are a valid base64 characters should be true") } }