// Beego (http://beego.me/) // // @description beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language. // // @link http://github.com/astaxie/beego for the canonical source repository // // @license http://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/LICENSE // // @authors astaxie package utils import ( "math/rand" "time" ) type reducetype func(interface{}) interface{} type filtertype func(interface{}) bool // InSlice checks given string in string slice or not. func InSlice(v string, sl []string) bool { for _, vv := range sl { if vv == v { return true } } return false } // InSliceIface checks given interface in interface slice. func InSliceIface(v interface{}, sl []interface{}) bool { for _, vv := range sl { if vv == v { return true } } return false } // SliceRandList generate an int slice from min to max. func SliceRandList(min, max int) []int { if max < min { min, max = max, min } length := max - min + 1 t0 := time.Now() rand.Seed(int64(t0.Nanosecond())) list := rand.Perm(length) for index, _ := range list { list[index] += min } return list } // SliceMerge merges interface slices to one slice. func SliceMerge(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (c []interface{}) { c = append(slice1, slice2...) return } // SliceReduce generates a new slice after parsing every value by reduce function func SliceReduce(slice []interface{}, a reducetype) (dslice []interface{}) { for _, v := range slice { dslice = append(dslice, a(v)) } return } // SliceRand returns random one from slice. func SliceRand(a []interface{}) (b interface{}) { randnum := rand.Intn(len(a)) b = a[randnum] return } // SliceSum sums all values in int64 slice. func SliceSum(intslice []int64) (sum int64) { for _, v := range intslice { sum += v } return } // SliceFilter generates a new slice after filter function. func SliceFilter(slice []interface{}, a filtertype) (ftslice []interface{}) { for _, v := range slice { if a(v) { ftslice = append(ftslice, v) } } return } // SliceDiff returns diff slice of slice1 - slice2. func SliceDiff(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (diffslice []interface{}) { for _, v := range slice1 { if !InSliceIface(v, slice2) { diffslice = append(diffslice, v) } } return } // SliceIntersect returns diff slice of slice1 - slice2. func SliceIntersect(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (diffslice []interface{}) { for _, v := range slice1 { if !InSliceIface(v, slice2) { diffslice = append(diffslice, v) } } return } // SliceChuck separates one slice to some sized slice. func SliceChunk(slice []interface{}, size int) (chunkslice [][]interface{}) { if size >= len(slice) { chunkslice = append(chunkslice, slice) return } end := size for i := 0; i <= (len(slice) - size); i += size { chunkslice = append(chunkslice, slice[i:end]) end += size } return } // SliceRange generates a new slice from begin to end with step duration of int64 number. func SliceRange(start, end, step int64) (intslice []int64) { for i := start; i <= end; i += step { intslice = append(intslice, i) } return } // SlicePad prepends size number of val into slice. func SlicePad(slice []interface{}, size int, val interface{}) []interface{} { if size <= len(slice) { return slice } for i := 0; i < (size - len(slice)); i++ { slice = append(slice, val) } return slice } // SliceUnique cleans repeated values in slice. func SliceUnique(slice []interface{}) (uniqueslice []interface{}) { for _, v := range slice { if !InSliceIface(v, uniqueslice) { uniqueslice = append(uniqueslice, v) } } return } // SliceShuffle shuffles a slice. func SliceShuffle(slice []interface{}) []interface{} { for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ { a := rand.Intn(len(slice)) b := rand.Intn(len(slice)) slice[a], slice[b] = slice[b], slice[a] } return slice }