package govaluate import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" ) func parseTokens(expression string, functions map[string]ExpressionFunction) ([]ExpressionToken, error) { var ret []ExpressionToken var token ExpressionToken var stream *lexerStream var state lexerState var err error var found bool stream = newLexerStream(expression) state = validLexerStates[0] for stream.canRead() { token, err, found = readToken(stream, state, functions) if err != nil { return ret, err } if !found { break } state, err = getLexerStateForToken(token.Kind) if err != nil { return ret, err } // append this valid token ret = append(ret, token) } err = checkBalance(ret) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } func readToken(stream *lexerStream, state lexerState, functions map[string]ExpressionFunction) (ExpressionToken, error, bool) { var function ExpressionFunction var ret ExpressionToken var tokenValue interface{} var tokenTime time.Time var tokenString string var kind TokenKind var character rune var found bool var completed bool var err error // numeric is 0-9, or . or 0x followed by digits // string starts with ' // variable is alphanumeric, always starts with a letter // bracket always means variable // symbols are anything non-alphanumeric // all others read into a buffer until they reach the end of the stream for stream.canRead() { character = stream.readCharacter() if unicode.IsSpace(character) { continue } kind = UNKNOWN // numeric constant if isNumeric(character) { if stream.canRead() && character == '0' { character = stream.readCharacter() if stream.canRead() && character == 'x' { tokenString, _ = readUntilFalse(stream, false, true, true, isHexDigit) tokenValueInt, err := strconv.ParseUint(tokenString, 16, 64) if err != nil { errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse hex value '%v' to uint64\n", tokenString) return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New(errorMsg), false } kind = NUMERIC tokenValue = float64(tokenValueInt) break } else { stream.rewind(1) } } tokenString = readTokenUntilFalse(stream, isNumeric) tokenValue, err = strconv.ParseFloat(tokenString, 64) if err != nil { errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse numeric value '%v' to float64\n", tokenString) return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New(errorMsg), false } kind = NUMERIC break } // comma, separator if character == ',' { tokenValue = "," kind = SEPARATOR break } // escaped variable if character == '[' { tokenValue, completed = readUntilFalse(stream, true, false, true, isNotClosingBracket) kind = VARIABLE if !completed { return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New("Unclosed parameter bracket"), false } // above method normally rewinds us to the closing bracket, which we want to skip. stream.rewind(-1) break } // regular variable - or function? if unicode.IsLetter(character) { tokenString = readTokenUntilFalse(stream, isVariableName) tokenValue = tokenString kind = VARIABLE // boolean? if tokenValue == "true" { kind = BOOLEAN tokenValue = true } else { if tokenValue == "false" { kind = BOOLEAN tokenValue = false } } // textual operator? if tokenValue == "in" || tokenValue == "IN" { // force lower case for consistency tokenValue = "in" kind = COMPARATOR } // function? function, found = functions[tokenString] if found { kind = FUNCTION tokenValue = function } // accessor? accessorIndex := strings.Index(tokenString, ".") if accessorIndex > 0 { // check that it doesn't end with a hanging period if tokenString[len(tokenString)-1] == '.' { errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Hanging accessor on token '%s'", tokenString) return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New(errorMsg), false } kind = ACCESSOR splits := strings.Split(tokenString, ".") tokenValue = splits // check that none of them are unexported for i := 1; i < len(splits); i++ { firstCharacter := getFirstRune(splits[i]) if unicode.ToUpper(firstCharacter) != firstCharacter { errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to access unexported field '%s' in token '%s'", splits[i], tokenString) return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New(errorMsg), false } } } break } if !isNotQuote(character) { tokenValue, completed = readUntilFalse(stream, true, false, true, isNotQuote) if !completed { return ExpressionToken{}, errors.New("Unclosed string literal"), false } // advance the stream one position, since reading until false assumes the terminator is a real token stream.rewind(-1) // check to see if this can be parsed as a time. tokenTime, found = tryParseTime(tokenValue.(string)) if found { kind = TIME tokenValue = tokenTime } else { kind = STRING } break } if character == '(' { tokenValue = character kind = CLAUSE break } if character == ')' { tokenValue = character kind = CLAUSE_CLOSE break } // must be a known symbol tokenString = readTokenUntilFalse(stream, isNotAlphanumeric) tokenValue = tokenString // quick hack for the case where "-" can mean "prefixed negation" or "minus", which are used // very differently. if state.canTransitionTo(PREFIX) { _, found = prefixSymbols[tokenString] if found { kind = PREFIX break } } _, found = modifierSymbols[tokenString] if found { kind = MODIFIER break } _, found = logicalSymbols[tokenString] if found { kind = LOGICALOP break } _, found = comparatorSymbols[tokenString] if found { kind = COMPARATOR break } _, found = ternarySymbols[tokenString] if found { kind = TERNARY break } errorMessage := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid token: '%s'", tokenString) return ret, errors.New(errorMessage), false } ret.Kind = kind ret.Value = tokenValue return ret, nil, (kind != UNKNOWN) } func readTokenUntilFalse(stream *lexerStream, condition func(rune) bool) string { var ret string stream.rewind(1) ret, _ = readUntilFalse(stream, false, true, true, condition) return ret } /* Returns the string that was read until the given [condition] was false, or whitespace was broken. Returns false if the stream ended before whitespace was broken or condition was met. */ func readUntilFalse(stream *lexerStream, includeWhitespace bool, breakWhitespace bool, allowEscaping bool, condition func(rune) bool) (string, bool) { var tokenBuffer bytes.Buffer var character rune var conditioned bool conditioned = false for stream.canRead() { character = stream.readCharacter() // Use backslashes to escape anything if allowEscaping && character == '\\' { character = stream.readCharacter() tokenBuffer.WriteString(string(character)) continue } if unicode.IsSpace(character) { if breakWhitespace && tokenBuffer.Len() > 0 { conditioned = true break } if !includeWhitespace { continue } } if condition(character) { tokenBuffer.WriteString(string(character)) } else { conditioned = true stream.rewind(1) break } } return tokenBuffer.String(), conditioned } /* Checks to see if any optimizations can be performed on the given [tokens], which form a complete, valid expression. The returns slice will represent the optimized (or unmodified) list of tokens to use. */ func optimizeTokens(tokens []ExpressionToken) ([]ExpressionToken, error) { var token ExpressionToken var symbol OperatorSymbol var err error var index int for index, token = range tokens { // if we find a regex operator, and the right-hand value is a constant, precompile and replace with a pattern. if token.Kind != COMPARATOR { continue } symbol = comparatorSymbols[token.Value.(string)] if symbol != REQ && symbol != NREQ { continue } index++ token = tokens[index] if token.Kind == STRING { token.Kind = PATTERN token.Value, err = regexp.Compile(token.Value.(string)) if err != nil { return tokens, err } tokens[index] = token } } return tokens, nil } /* Checks the balance of tokens which have multiple parts, such as parenthesis. */ func checkBalance(tokens []ExpressionToken) error { var stream *tokenStream var token ExpressionToken var parens int stream = newTokenStream(tokens) for stream.hasNext() { token = if token.Kind == CLAUSE { parens++ continue } if token.Kind == CLAUSE_CLOSE { parens-- continue } } if parens != 0 { return errors.New("Unbalanced parenthesis") } return nil } func isDigit(character rune) bool { return unicode.IsDigit(character) } func isHexDigit(character rune) bool { character = unicode.ToLower(character) return unicode.IsDigit(character) || character == 'a' || character == 'b' || character == 'c' || character == 'd' || character == 'e' || character == 'f' } func isNumeric(character rune) bool { return unicode.IsDigit(character) || character == '.' } func isNotQuote(character rune) bool { return character != '\'' && character != '"' } func isNotAlphanumeric(character rune) bool { return !(unicode.IsDigit(character) || unicode.IsLetter(character) || character == '(' || character == ')' || character == '[' || character == ']' || // starting to feel like there needs to be an `isOperation` func (#59) !isNotQuote(character)) } func isVariableName(character rune) bool { return unicode.IsLetter(character) || unicode.IsDigit(character) || character == '_' || character == '.' } func isNotClosingBracket(character rune) bool { return character != ']' } /* Attempts to parse the [candidate] as a Time. Tries a series of standardized date formats, returns the Time if one applies, otherwise returns false through the second return. */ func tryParseTime(candidate string) (time.Time, bool) { var ret time.Time var found bool timeFormats := [...]string{ time.ANSIC, time.UnixDate, time.RubyDate, time.Kitchen, time.RFC3339, time.RFC3339Nano, "2006-01-02", // RFC 3339 "2006-01-02 15:04", // RFC 3339 with minutes "2006-01-02 15:04:05", // RFC 3339 with seconds "2006-01-02 15:04:05-07:00", // RFC 3339 with seconds and timezone "2006-01-02T15Z0700", // ISO8601 with hour "2006-01-02T15:04Z0700", // ISO8601 with minutes "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700", // ISO8601 with seconds "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z0700", // ISO8601 with nanoseconds } for _, format := range timeFormats { ret, found = tryParseExactTime(candidate, format) if found { return ret, true } } return time.Now(), false } func tryParseExactTime(candidate string, format string) (time.Time, bool) { var ret time.Time var err error ret, err = time.ParseInLocation(format, candidate, time.Local) if err != nil { return time.Now(), false } return ret, true } func getFirstRune(candidate string) rune { for _, character := range candidate { return character } return 0 }