package beego import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" "" ) var BeeAdminApp *AdminApp //func MyFilterMonitor(method, requestPath string, t time.Duration) bool { // if method == "POST" { // return false // } // if t.Nanoseconds() < 100 { // return false // } // if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, "/astaxie") { // return false // } // return true //} //beego.FilterMonitorFunc = MyFilterMonitor var FilterMonitorFunc func(string, string, time.Duration) bool func init() { BeeAdminApp = &AdminApp{ routers: make(map[string]http.HandlerFunc), } BeeAdminApp.Route("/", AdminIndex) BeeAdminApp.Route("/qps", QpsIndex) BeeAdminApp.Route("/prof", ProfIndex) BeeAdminApp.Route("/healthcheck", Healthcheck) BeeAdminApp.Route("/task", TaskStatus) BeeAdminApp.Route("/runtask", RunTask) BeeAdminApp.Route("/listconf", ListConf) FilterMonitorFunc = func(string, string, time.Duration) bool { return true } } func AdminIndex(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rw.Write([]byte("Welcome to Admin Dashboard\n")) rw.Write([]byte("There are servral functions:\n")) rw.Write([]byte("1. Record all request and request time, http://localhost:8088/qps\n")) rw.Write([]byte("2. Get runtime profiling data by the pprof, http://localhost:8088/prof\n")) rw.Write([]byte("3. Get healthcheck result from http://localhost:8088/prof\n")) rw.Write([]byte("4. Get current task infomation from taskhttp://localhost:8088/task \n")) rw.Write([]byte("5. To run a task passed a param http://localhost:8088/runtask\n")) } func QpsIndex(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { toolbox.StatisticsMap.GetMap(rw) } func ListConf(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() command := r.Form.Get("command") if command != "" { switch command { case "conf": fmt.Fprintln(rw, "list all beego's conf:") fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AppName:", AppName) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AppPath:", AppPath) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AppConfigPath:", AppConfigPath) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "StaticDir:", StaticDir) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "StaticExtensionsToGzip:", StaticExtensionsToGzip) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpAddr:", HttpAddr) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpPort:", HttpPort) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpTLS:", HttpTLS) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpCertFile:", HttpCertFile) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpKeyFile:", HttpKeyFile) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "RecoverPanic:", RecoverPanic) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AutoRender:", AutoRender) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "ViewsPath:", ViewsPath) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "RunMode:", RunMode) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionOn:", SessionOn) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionProvider:", SessionProvider) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionName:", SessionName) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionGCMaxLifetime:", SessionGCMaxLifetime) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionSavePath:", SessionSavePath) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionHashFunc:", SessionHashFunc) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionHashKey:", SessionHashKey) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "SessionCookieLifeTime:", SessionCookieLifeTime) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "UseFcgi:", UseFcgi) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "MaxMemory:", MaxMemory) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "EnableGzip:", EnableGzip) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "DirectoryIndex:", DirectoryIndex) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "EnableHotUpdate:", EnableHotUpdate) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "HttpServerTimeOut:", HttpServerTimeOut) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "ErrorsShow:", ErrorsShow) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "XSRFKEY:", XSRFKEY) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "EnableXSRF:", EnableXSRF) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "XSRFExpire:", XSRFExpire) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "CopyRequestBody:", CopyRequestBody) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "TemplateLeft:", TemplateLeft) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "TemplateRight:", TemplateRight) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "BeegoServerName:", BeegoServerName) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "EnableAdmin:", EnableAdmin) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AdminHttpAddr:", AdminHttpAddr) fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AdminHttpPort:", AdminHttpPort) case "router": fmt.Fprintln(rw, "Print all router infomation:") for _, router := range BeeApp.Handlers.fixrouters { if router.hasMethod { fmt.Fprintln(rw, router.pattern, "----", router.methods, "----", router.controllerType.Name()) } else { fmt.Fprintln(rw, router.pattern, "----", router.controllerType.Name()) } } for _, router := range BeeApp.Handlers.routers { if router.hasMethod { fmt.Fprintln(rw, router.pattern, "----", router.methods, "----", router.controllerType.Name()) } else { fmt.Fprintln(rw, router.pattern, "----", router.controllerType.Name()) } } if BeeApp.Handlers.enableAuto { for controllerName, methodObj := range BeeApp.Handlers.autoRouter { fmt.Fprintln(rw, controllerName, "----") for methodName, obj := range methodObj { fmt.Fprintln(rw, " ", methodName, "-----", obj.Name()) } } } case "filter": fmt.Fprintln(rw, "Print all filter infomation:") if BeeApp.Handlers.enableFilter { fmt.Fprintln(rw, "BeforeRouter:") if bf, ok := BeeApp.Handlers.filters[BeforeRouter]; ok { for _, f := range bf { fmt.Fprintln(rw, f.pattern, f.filterFunc) } } fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AfterStatic:") if bf, ok := BeeApp.Handlers.filters[AfterStatic]; ok { for _, f := range bf { fmt.Fprintln(rw, f.pattern, f.filterFunc) } } fmt.Fprintln(rw, "BeforeExec:") if bf, ok := BeeApp.Handlers.filters[BeforeExec]; ok { for _, f := range bf { fmt.Fprintln(rw, f.pattern, f.filterFunc) } } fmt.Fprintln(rw, "AfterExec:") if bf, ok := BeeApp.Handlers.filters[AfterExec]; ok { for _, f := range bf { fmt.Fprintln(rw, f.pattern, f.filterFunc) } } fmt.Fprintln(rw, "FinishRouter:") if bf, ok := BeeApp.Handlers.filters[FinishRouter]; ok { for _, f := range bf { fmt.Fprintln(rw, f.pattern, f.filterFunc) } } } default: rw.Write([]byte("command not support")) } } else { rw.Write([]byte("ListConf support this command:\n")) rw.Write([]byte("1. command=conf\n")) rw.Write([]byte("2. command=router\n")) rw.Write([]byte("3. command=filter\n")) } } func ProfIndex(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() command := r.Form.Get("command") if command != "" { toolbox.ProcessInput(command, rw) } else { rw.Write([]byte("request url like '/prof?command=lookup goroutine'\n")) rw.Write([]byte("the command have below types:\n")) rw.Write([]byte("1. lookup goroutine\n")) rw.Write([]byte("2. lookup heap\n")) rw.Write([]byte("3. lookup threadcreate\n")) rw.Write([]byte("4. lookup block\n")) rw.Write([]byte("5. start cpuprof\n")) rw.Write([]byte("6. stop cpuprof\n")) rw.Write([]byte("7. get memprof\n")) rw.Write([]byte("8. gc summary\n")) } } func Healthcheck(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { for name, h := range toolbox.AdminCheckList { if err := h.Check(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s : ok\n", name) } else { fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s : %s\n", name, err.Error()) } } } func TaskStatus(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { for tname, tk := range toolbox.AdminTaskList { fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s:%s:%s", tname, tk.GetStatus(), tk.GetPrev().String()) } } //to run a Task by http from the querystring taskname //url like /task?taskname=sendmail func RunTask(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { req.ParseForm() taskname := req.Form.Get("taskname") if t, ok := toolbox.AdminTaskList[taskname]; ok { err := t.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%s run success,Now the Status is %s", t.GetStatus()) } else { fmt.Fprintf(rw, "there's no task which named:%s", taskname) } } type AdminApp struct { routers map[string]http.HandlerFunc } func (admin *AdminApp) Route(pattern string, f http.HandlerFunc) { admin.routers[pattern] = f } func (admin *AdminApp) Run() { if len(toolbox.AdminTaskList) > 0 { toolbox.StartTask() } addr := AdminHttpAddr if AdminHttpPort != 0 { addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", AdminHttpAddr, AdminHttpPort) } for p, f := range admin.routers { http.Handle(p, f) } err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil) if err != nil { BeeLogger.Critical("Admin ListenAndServe: ", err) } }