// Beego (http://beego.me/) // // @description beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language. // // @link http://github.com/astaxie/beego for the canonical source repository // // @license http://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/LICENSE // // @authors astaxie package config import ( "os" "testing" ) var jsoncontext = `{ "appname": "beeapi", "httpport": 8080, "mysqlport": 3600, "PI": 3.1415976, "runmode": "dev", "autorender": false, "copyrequestbody": true, "database": { "host": "host", "port": "port", "database": "database", "username": "username", "password": "password", "conns":{ "maxconnection":12, "autoconnect":true, "connectioninfo":"info" } } }` var jsoncontextwitharray = `[ { "url": "user", "serviceAPI": "http://www.test.com/user" }, { "url": "employee", "serviceAPI": "http://www.test.com/employee" } ]` func TestJsonStartsWithArray(t *testing.T) { f, err := os.Create("testjsonWithArray.conf") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = f.WriteString(jsoncontextwitharray) if err != nil { f.Close() t.Fatal(err) } f.Close() defer os.Remove("testjsonWithArray.conf") jsonconf, err := NewConfig("json", "testjsonWithArray.conf") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } rootArray, err := jsonconf.DIY("rootArray") if err != nil { t.Error("array does not exist as element") } rootArrayCasted := rootArray.([]interface{}) if rootArrayCasted == nil { t.Error("array from root is nil") } else { elem := rootArrayCasted[0].(map[string]interface{}) if elem["url"] != "user" || elem["serviceAPI"] != "http://www.test.com/user" { t.Error("array[0] values are not valid") } elem2 := rootArrayCasted[1].(map[string]interface{}) if elem2["url"] != "employee" || elem2["serviceAPI"] != "http://www.test.com/employee" { t.Error("array[1] values are not valid") } } } func TestJson(t *testing.T) { f, err := os.Create("testjson.conf") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = f.WriteString(jsoncontext) if err != nil { f.Close() t.Fatal(err) } f.Close() defer os.Remove("testjson.conf") jsonconf, err := NewConfig("json", "testjson.conf") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if jsonconf.String("appname") != "beeapi" { t.Fatal("appname not equal to beeapi") } if port, err := jsonconf.Int("httpport"); err != nil || port != 8080 { t.Error(port) t.Fatal(err) } if port, err := jsonconf.Int64("mysqlport"); err != nil || port != 3600 { t.Error(port) t.Fatal(err) } if pi, err := jsonconf.Float("PI"); err != nil || pi != 3.1415976 { t.Error(pi) t.Fatal(err) } if jsonconf.String("runmode") != "dev" { t.Fatal("runmode not equal to dev") } if v, err := jsonconf.Bool("autorender"); err != nil || v != false { t.Error(v) t.Fatal(err) } if v, err := jsonconf.Bool("copyrequestbody"); err != nil || v != true { t.Error(v) t.Fatal(err) } if err = jsonconf.Set("name", "astaxie"); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if jsonconf.String("name") != "astaxie" { t.Fatal("get name error") } if jsonconf.String("database::host") != "host" { t.Fatal("get database::host error") } if jsonconf.String("database::conns::connectioninfo") != "info" { t.Fatal("get database::conns::connectioninfo error") } if maxconnection, err := jsonconf.Int("database::conns::maxconnection"); err != nil || maxconnection != 12 { t.Fatal("get database::conns::maxconnection error") } if db, err := jsonconf.DIY("database"); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if m, ok := db.(map[string]interface{}); !ok { t.Log(db) t.Fatal("db not map[string]interface{}") } else { if m["host"].(string) != "host" { t.Fatal("get host err") } } if _, err := jsonconf.Int("unknown"); err == nil { t.Error("unknown keys should return an error when expecting an Int") } if _, err := jsonconf.Int64("unknown"); err == nil { t.Error("unknown keys should return an error when expecting an Int64") } if _, err := jsonconf.Float("unknown"); err == nil { t.Error("unknown keys should return an error when expecting a Float") } if _, err := jsonconf.DIY("unknown"); err == nil { t.Error("unknown keys should return an error when expecting an interface{}") } if val := jsonconf.String("unknown"); val != "" { t.Error("unknown keys should return an empty string when expecting a String") } if _, err := jsonconf.Bool("unknown"); err == nil { t.Error("unknown keys should return an error when expecting a Bool") } }