mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2024-09-28 21:11:49 +00:00
Wenkai Yin 5a02c556b2 Send the request from context rather than the original one to handlers
The filters may do some changes to the request, such as putting values in the request's context

Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin <yinw@vmware.com>
2020-01-10 17:58:00 +08:00

1009 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package beego
import (
beecontext "github.com/astaxie/beego/context"
// default filter execution points
const (
BeforeStatic = iota
const (
routerTypeBeego = iota
var (
// HTTPMETHOD list the supported http methods.
HTTPMETHOD = map[string]bool{
"GET": true,
"POST": true,
"PUT": true,
"DELETE": true,
"PATCH": true,
"OPTIONS": true,
"HEAD": true,
"TRACE": true,
"CONNECT": true,
"MKCOL": true,
"COPY": true,
"MOVE": true,
"PROPFIND": true,
"PROPPATCH": true,
"LOCK": true,
"UNLOCK": true,
// these beego.Controller's methods shouldn't reflect to AutoRouter
exceptMethod = []string{"Init", "Prepare", "Finish", "Render", "RenderString",
"RenderBytes", "Redirect", "Abort", "StopRun", "UrlFor", "ServeJSON", "ServeJSONP",
"ServeYAML", "ServeXML", "Input", "ParseForm", "GetString", "GetStrings", "GetInt", "GetBool",
"GetFloat", "GetFile", "SaveToFile", "StartSession", "SetSession", "GetSession",
"DelSession", "SessionRegenerateID", "DestroySession", "IsAjax", "GetSecureCookie",
"SetSecureCookie", "XsrfToken", "CheckXsrfCookie", "XsrfFormHtml",
"GetControllerAndAction", "ServeFormatted"}
urlPlaceholder = "{{placeholder}}"
// DefaultAccessLogFilter will skip the accesslog if return true
DefaultAccessLogFilter FilterHandler = &logFilter{}
// FilterHandler is an interface for
type FilterHandler interface {
Filter(*beecontext.Context) bool
// default log filter static file will not show
type logFilter struct {
func (l *logFilter) Filter(ctx *beecontext.Context) bool {
requestPath := path.Clean(ctx.Request.URL.Path)
if requestPath == "/favicon.ico" || requestPath == "/robots.txt" {
return true
for prefix := range BConfig.WebConfig.StaticDir {
if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, prefix) {
return true
return false
// ExceptMethodAppend to append a slice's value into "exceptMethod", for controller's methods shouldn't reflect to AutoRouter
func ExceptMethodAppend(action string) {
exceptMethod = append(exceptMethod, action)
// ControllerInfo holds information about the controller.
type ControllerInfo struct {
pattern string
controllerType reflect.Type
methods map[string]string
handler http.Handler
runFunction FilterFunc
routerType int
initialize func() ControllerInterface
methodParams []*param.MethodParam
// ControllerRegister containers registered router rules, controller handlers and filters.
type ControllerRegister struct {
routers map[string]*Tree
enablePolicy bool
policies map[string]*Tree
enableFilter bool
filters [FinishRouter + 1][]*FilterRouter
pool sync.Pool
// NewControllerRegister returns a new ControllerRegister.
func NewControllerRegister() *ControllerRegister {
return &ControllerRegister{
routers: make(map[string]*Tree),
policies: make(map[string]*Tree),
pool: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return beecontext.NewContext()
// Add controller handler and pattern rules to ControllerRegister.
// usage:
// default methods is the same name as method
// Add("/user",&UserController{})
// Add("/api/list",&RestController{},"*:ListFood")
// Add("/api/create",&RestController{},"post:CreateFood")
// Add("/api/update",&RestController{},"put:UpdateFood")
// Add("/api/delete",&RestController{},"delete:DeleteFood")
// Add("/api",&RestController{},"get,post:ApiFunc"
// Add("/simple",&SimpleController{},"get:GetFunc;post:PostFunc")
func (p *ControllerRegister) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) {
p.addWithMethodParams(pattern, c, nil, mappingMethods...)
func (p *ControllerRegister) addWithMethodParams(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, methodParams []*param.MethodParam, mappingMethods ...string) {
reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
t := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type()
methods := make(map[string]string)
if len(mappingMethods) > 0 {
semi := strings.Split(mappingMethods[0], ";")
for _, v := range semi {
colon := strings.Split(v, ":")
if len(colon) != 2 {
panic("method mapping format is invalid")
comma := strings.Split(colon[0], ",")
for _, m := range comma {
if m == "*" || HTTPMETHOD[strings.ToUpper(m)] {
if val := reflectVal.MethodByName(colon[1]); val.IsValid() {
methods[strings.ToUpper(m)] = colon[1]
} else {
panic("'" + colon[1] + "' method doesn't exist in the controller " + t.Name())
} else {
panic(v + " is an invalid method mapping. Method doesn't exist " + m)
route := &ControllerInfo{}
route.pattern = pattern
route.methods = methods
route.routerType = routerTypeBeego
route.controllerType = t
route.initialize = func() ControllerInterface {
vc := reflect.New(route.controllerType)
execController, ok := vc.Interface().(ControllerInterface)
if !ok {
panic("controller is not ControllerInterface")
elemVal := reflect.ValueOf(c).Elem()
elemType := reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem()
execElem := reflect.ValueOf(execController).Elem()
numOfFields := elemVal.NumField()
for i := 0; i < numOfFields; i++ {
fieldType := elemType.Field(i)
elemField := execElem.FieldByName(fieldType.Name)
if elemField.CanSet() {
fieldVal := elemVal.Field(i)
return execController
route.methodParams = methodParams
if len(methods) == 0 {
for m := range HTTPMETHOD {
p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route)
} else {
for k := range methods {
if k == "*" {
for m := range HTTPMETHOD {
p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route)
} else {
p.addToRouter(k, pattern, route)
func (p *ControllerRegister) addToRouter(method, pattern string, r *ControllerInfo) {
if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive {
pattern = strings.ToLower(pattern)
if t, ok := p.routers[method]; ok {
t.AddRouter(pattern, r)
} else {
t := NewTree()
t.AddRouter(pattern, r)
p.routers[method] = t
// Include only when the Runmode is dev will generate router file in the router/auto.go from the controller
// Include(&BankAccount{}, &OrderController{},&RefundController{},&ReceiptController{})
func (p *ControllerRegister) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) {
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV {
skip := make(map[string]bool, 10)
for _, c := range cList {
reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
t := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type()
wgopath := utils.GetGOPATHs()
if len(wgopath) == 0 {
panic("you are in dev mode. So please set gopath")
pkgpath := ""
for _, wg := range wgopath {
wg, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(wg, "src", t.PkgPath()))
if utils.FileExists(wg) {
pkgpath = wg
if pkgpath != "" {
if _, ok := skip[pkgpath]; !ok {
skip[pkgpath] = true
parserPkg(pkgpath, t.PkgPath())
for _, c := range cList {
reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
t := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type()
key := t.PkgPath() + ":" + t.Name()
if comm, ok := GlobalControllerRouter[key]; ok {
for _, a := range comm {
for _, f := range a.Filters {
p.InsertFilter(f.Pattern, f.Pos, f.Filter, f.ReturnOnOutput, f.ResetParams)
p.addWithMethodParams(a.Router, c, a.MethodParams, strings.Join(a.AllowHTTPMethods, ",")+":"+a.Method)
// Get add get method
// usage:
// Get("/", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Get(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("get", pattern, f)
// Post add post method
// usage:
// Post("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Post(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("post", pattern, f)
// Put add put method
// usage:
// Put("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Put(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("put", pattern, f)
// Delete add delete method
// usage:
// Delete("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Delete(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("delete", pattern, f)
// Head add head method
// usage:
// Head("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Head(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("head", pattern, f)
// Patch add patch method
// usage:
// Patch("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Patch(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("patch", pattern, f)
// Options add options method
// usage:
// Options("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Options(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("options", pattern, f)
// Any add all method
// usage:
// Any("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) Any(pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
p.AddMethod("*", pattern, f)
// AddMethod add http method router
// usage:
// AddMethod("get","/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){
// ctx.Output.Body("hello world")
// })
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddMethod(method, pattern string, f FilterFunc) {
method = strings.ToUpper(method)
if method != "*" && !HTTPMETHOD[method] {
panic("not support http method: " + method)
route := &ControllerInfo{}
route.pattern = pattern
route.routerType = routerTypeRESTFul
route.runFunction = f
methods := make(map[string]string)
if method == "*" {
for val := range HTTPMETHOD {
methods[val] = val
} else {
methods[method] = method
route.methods = methods
for k := range methods {
if k == "*" {
for m := range HTTPMETHOD {
p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route)
} else {
p.addToRouter(k, pattern, route)
// Handler add user defined Handler
func (p *ControllerRegister) Handler(pattern string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) {
route := &ControllerInfo{}
route.pattern = pattern
route.routerType = routerTypeHandler
route.handler = h
if len(options) > 0 {
if _, ok := options[0].(bool); ok {
pattern = path.Join(pattern, "?:all(.*)")
for m := range HTTPMETHOD {
p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route)
// AddAuto router to ControllerRegister.
// example beego.AddAuto(&MainContorlller{}),
// MainController has method List and Page.
// visit the url /main/list to execute List function
// /main/page to execute Page function.
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface) {
p.AddAutoPrefix("/", c)
// AddAutoPrefix Add auto router to ControllerRegister with prefix.
// example beego.AddAutoPrefix("/admin",&MainContorlller{}),
// MainController has method List and Page.
// visit the url /admin/main/list to execute List function
// /admin/main/page to execute Page function.
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) {
reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
rt := reflectVal.Type()
ct := reflect.Indirect(reflectVal).Type()
controllerName := strings.TrimSuffix(ct.Name(), "Controller")
for i := 0; i < rt.NumMethod(); i++ {
if !utils.InSlice(rt.Method(i).Name, exceptMethod) {
route := &ControllerInfo{}
route.routerType = routerTypeBeego
route.methods = map[string]string{"*": rt.Method(i).Name}
route.controllerType = ct
pattern := path.Join(prefix, strings.ToLower(controllerName), strings.ToLower(rt.Method(i).Name), "*")
patternInit := path.Join(prefix, controllerName, rt.Method(i).Name, "*")
patternFix := path.Join(prefix, strings.ToLower(controllerName), strings.ToLower(rt.Method(i).Name))
patternFixInit := path.Join(prefix, controllerName, rt.Method(i).Name)
route.pattern = pattern
for m := range HTTPMETHOD {
p.addToRouter(m, pattern, route)
p.addToRouter(m, patternInit, route)
p.addToRouter(m, patternFix, route)
p.addToRouter(m, patternFixInit, route)
// InsertFilter Add a FilterFunc with pattern rule and action constant.
// params is for:
// 1. setting the returnOnOutput value (false allows multiple filters to execute)
// 2. determining whether or not params need to be reset.
func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, params ...bool) error {
mr := &FilterRouter{
tree: NewTree(),
pattern: pattern,
filterFunc: filter,
returnOnOutput: true,
if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive {
mr.pattern = strings.ToLower(pattern)
paramsLen := len(params)
if paramsLen > 0 {
mr.returnOnOutput = params[0]
if paramsLen > 1 {
mr.resetParams = params[1]
mr.tree.AddRouter(pattern, true)
return p.insertFilterRouter(pos, mr)
// add Filter into
func (p *ControllerRegister) insertFilterRouter(pos int, mr *FilterRouter) (err error) {
if pos < BeforeStatic || pos > FinishRouter {
return errors.New("can not find your filter position")
p.enableFilter = true
p.filters[pos] = append(p.filters[pos], mr)
return nil
// URLFor does another controller handler in this request function.
// it can access any controller method.
func (p *ControllerRegister) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string {
paths := strings.Split(endpoint, ".")
if len(paths) <= 1 {
logs.Warn("urlfor endpoint must like path.controller.method")
return ""
if len(values)%2 != 0 {
logs.Warn("urlfor params must key-value pair")
return ""
params := make(map[string]string)
if len(values) > 0 {
key := ""
for k, v := range values {
if k%2 == 0 {
key = fmt.Sprint(v)
} else {
params[key] = fmt.Sprint(v)
controllerName := strings.Join(paths[:len(paths)-1], "/")
methodName := paths[len(paths)-1]
for m, t := range p.routers {
ok, url := p.getURL(t, "/", controllerName, methodName, params, m)
if ok {
return url
return ""
func (p *ControllerRegister) getURL(t *Tree, url, controllerName, methodName string, params map[string]string, httpMethod string) (bool, string) {
for _, subtree := range t.fixrouters {
u := path.Join(url, subtree.prefix)
ok, u := p.getURL(subtree, u, controllerName, methodName, params, httpMethod)
if ok {
return ok, u
if t.wildcard != nil {
u := path.Join(url, urlPlaceholder)
ok, u := p.getURL(t.wildcard, u, controllerName, methodName, params, httpMethod)
if ok {
return ok, u
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if c, ok := l.runObject.(*ControllerInfo); ok {
if c.routerType == routerTypeBeego &&
strings.HasSuffix(path.Join(c.controllerType.PkgPath(), c.controllerType.Name()), controllerName) {
find := false
if HTTPMETHOD[strings.ToUpper(methodName)] {
if len(c.methods) == 0 {
find = true
} else if m, ok := c.methods[strings.ToUpper(methodName)]; ok && m == strings.ToUpper(methodName) {
find = true
} else if m, ok = c.methods["*"]; ok && m == methodName {
find = true
if !find {
for m, md := range c.methods {
if (m == "*" || m == httpMethod) && md == methodName {
find = true
if find {
if l.regexps == nil {
if len(l.wildcards) == 0 {
return true, strings.Replace(url, "/"+urlPlaceholder, "", 1) + toURL(params)
if len(l.wildcards) == 1 {
if v, ok := params[l.wildcards[0]]; ok {
delete(params, l.wildcards[0])
return true, strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, v, 1) + toURL(params)
return false, ""
if len(l.wildcards) == 3 && l.wildcards[0] == "." {
if p, ok := params[":path"]; ok {
if e, isok := params[":ext"]; isok {
delete(params, ":path")
delete(params, ":ext")
return true, strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, p+"."+e, -1) + toURL(params)
canSkip := false
for _, v := range l.wildcards {
if v == ":" {
canSkip = true
if u, ok := params[v]; ok {
delete(params, v)
url = strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, u, 1)
} else {
if canSkip {
canSkip = false
return false, ""
return true, url + toURL(params)
var i int
var startReg bool
regURL := ""
for _, v := range strings.Trim(l.regexps.String(), "^$") {
if v == '(' {
startReg = true
} else if v == ')' {
startReg = false
if v, ok := params[l.wildcards[i]]; ok {
delete(params, l.wildcards[i])
regURL = regURL + v
} else {
} else if !startReg {
regURL = string(append([]rune(regURL), v))
if l.regexps.MatchString(regURL) {
ps := strings.Split(regURL, "/")
for _, p := range ps {
url = strings.Replace(url, urlPlaceholder, p, 1)
return true, url + toURL(params)
return false, ""
func (p *ControllerRegister) execFilter(context *beecontext.Context, urlPath string, pos int) (started bool) {
var preFilterParams map[string]string
for _, filterR := range p.filters[pos] {
if filterR.returnOnOutput && context.ResponseWriter.Started {
return true
if filterR.resetParams {
preFilterParams = context.Input.Params()
if ok := filterR.ValidRouter(urlPath, context); ok {
if filterR.resetParams {
for k, v := range preFilterParams {
context.Input.SetParam(k, v)
if filterR.returnOnOutput && context.ResponseWriter.Started {
return true
return false
// Implement http.Handler interface.
func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
startTime := time.Now()
var (
runRouter reflect.Type
findRouter bool
runMethod string
methodParams []*param.MethodParam
routerInfo *ControllerInfo
isRunnable bool
context := p.pool.Get().(*beecontext.Context)
context.Reset(rw, r)
defer p.pool.Put(context)
if BConfig.RecoverFunc != nil {
defer BConfig.RecoverFunc(context)
context.Output.EnableGzip = BConfig.EnableGzip
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV {
context.Output.Header("Server", BConfig.ServerName)
var urlPath = r.URL.Path
if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive {
urlPath = strings.ToLower(urlPath)
// filter wrong http method
if !HTTPMETHOD[r.Method] {
exception("405", context)
goto Admin
// filter for static file
if len(p.filters[BeforeStatic]) > 0 && p.execFilter(context, urlPath, BeforeStatic) {
goto Admin
if context.ResponseWriter.Started {
findRouter = true
goto Admin
if r.Method != http.MethodGet && r.Method != http.MethodHead {
if BConfig.CopyRequestBody && !context.Input.IsUpload() {
// session init
if BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionOn {
var err error
context.Input.CruSession, err = GlobalSessions.SessionStart(rw, r)
if err != nil {
exception("503", context)
goto Admin
defer func() {
if context.Input.CruSession != nil {
if len(p.filters[BeforeRouter]) > 0 && p.execFilter(context, urlPath, BeforeRouter) {
goto Admin
// User can define RunController and RunMethod in filter
if context.Input.RunController != nil && context.Input.RunMethod != "" {
findRouter = true
runMethod = context.Input.RunMethod
runRouter = context.Input.RunController
} else {
routerInfo, findRouter = p.FindRouter(context)
//if no matches to url, throw a not found exception
if !findRouter {
exception("404", context)
goto Admin
if splat := context.Input.Param(":splat"); splat != "" {
for k, v := range strings.Split(splat, "/") {
context.Input.SetParam(strconv.Itoa(k), v)
//execute middleware filters
if len(p.filters[BeforeExec]) > 0 && p.execFilter(context, urlPath, BeforeExec) {
goto Admin
//check policies
if p.execPolicy(context, urlPath) {
goto Admin
if routerInfo != nil {
//store router pattern into context
context.Input.SetData("RouterPattern", routerInfo.pattern)
if routerInfo.routerType == routerTypeRESTFul {
if _, ok := routerInfo.methods[r.Method]; ok {
isRunnable = true
} else {
exception("405", context)
goto Admin
} else if routerInfo.routerType == routerTypeHandler {
isRunnable = true
routerInfo.handler.ServeHTTP(context.ResponseWriter, context.Request)
} else {
runRouter = routerInfo.controllerType
methodParams = routerInfo.methodParams
method := r.Method
if r.Method == http.MethodPost && context.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodPut {
method = http.MethodPut
if r.Method == http.MethodPost && context.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodDelete {
method = http.MethodDelete
if m, ok := routerInfo.methods[method]; ok {
runMethod = m
} else if m, ok = routerInfo.methods["*"]; ok {
runMethod = m
} else {
runMethod = method
// also defined runRouter & runMethod from filter
if !isRunnable {
//Invoke the request handler
var execController ControllerInterface
if routerInfo != nil && routerInfo.initialize != nil {
execController = routerInfo.initialize()
} else {
vc := reflect.New(runRouter)
var ok bool
execController, ok = vc.Interface().(ControllerInterface)
if !ok {
panic("controller is not ControllerInterface")
//call the controller init function
execController.Init(context, runRouter.Name(), runMethod, execController)
//call prepare function
//if XSRF is Enable then check cookie where there has any cookie in the request's cookie _csrf
if BConfig.WebConfig.EnableXSRF {
if r.Method == http.MethodPost || r.Method == http.MethodDelete || r.Method == http.MethodPut ||
(r.Method == http.MethodPost && (context.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodDelete || context.Input.Query("_method") == http.MethodPut)) {
if !context.ResponseWriter.Started {
//exec main logic
switch runMethod {
case http.MethodGet:
case http.MethodPost:
case http.MethodDelete:
case http.MethodPut:
case http.MethodHead:
case http.MethodPatch:
case http.MethodOptions:
case http.MethodTrace:
if !execController.HandlerFunc(runMethod) {
vc := reflect.ValueOf(execController)
method := vc.MethodByName(runMethod)
in := param.ConvertParams(methodParams, method.Type(), context)
out := method.Call(in)
//For backward compatibility we only handle response if we had incoming methodParams
if methodParams != nil {
p.handleParamResponse(context, execController, out)
//render template
if !context.ResponseWriter.Started && context.Output.Status == 0 {
if BConfig.WebConfig.AutoRender {
if err := execController.Render(); err != nil {
// finish all runRouter. release resource
//execute middleware filters
if len(p.filters[AfterExec]) > 0 && p.execFilter(context, urlPath, AfterExec) {
goto Admin
if len(p.filters[FinishRouter]) > 0 && p.execFilter(context, urlPath, FinishRouter) {
goto Admin
//admin module record QPS
statusCode := context.ResponseWriter.Status
if statusCode == 0 {
statusCode = 200
LogAccess(context, &startTime, statusCode)
timeDur := time.Since(startTime)
context.ResponseWriter.Elapsed = timeDur
if BConfig.Listen.EnableAdmin {
pattern := ""
if routerInfo != nil {
pattern = routerInfo.pattern
if FilterMonitorFunc(r.Method, r.URL.Path, timeDur, pattern, statusCode) {
routerName := ""
if runRouter != nil {
routerName = runRouter.Name()
go toolbox.StatisticsMap.AddStatistics(r.Method, r.URL.Path, routerName, timeDur)
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV && !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs {
match := map[bool]string{true: "match", false: "nomatch"}
devInfo := fmt.Sprintf("|%15s|%s %3d %s|%13s|%8s|%s %-7s %s %-3s",
logs.ColorByStatus(statusCode), statusCode, logs.ResetColor(),
logs.ColorByMethod(r.Method), r.Method, logs.ResetColor(),
if routerInfo != nil {
devInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" r:%s", routerInfo.pattern)
// Call WriteHeader if status code has been set changed
if context.Output.Status != 0 {
func (p *ControllerRegister) handleParamResponse(context *beecontext.Context, execController ControllerInterface, results []reflect.Value) {
//looping in reverse order for the case when both error and value are returned and error sets the response status code
for i := len(results) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
result := results[i]
if result.Kind() != reflect.Interface || !result.IsNil() {
resultValue := result.Interface()
if !context.ResponseWriter.Started && len(results) > 0 && context.Output.Status == 0 {
// FindRouter Find Router info for URL
func (p *ControllerRegister) FindRouter(context *beecontext.Context) (routerInfo *ControllerInfo, isFind bool) {
var urlPath = context.Input.URL()
if !BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive {
urlPath = strings.ToLower(urlPath)
httpMethod := context.Input.Method()
if t, ok := p.routers[httpMethod]; ok {
runObject := t.Match(urlPath, context)
if r, ok := runObject.(*ControllerInfo); ok {
return r, true
func toURL(params map[string]string) string {
if len(params) == 0 {
return ""
u := "?"
for k, v := range params {
u += k + "=" + v + "&"
return strings.TrimRight(u, "&")
// LogAccess logging info HTTP Access
func LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int) {
//Skip logging if AccessLogs config is false
if !BConfig.Log.AccessLogs {
//Skip logging static requests unless EnableStaticLogs config is true
if !BConfig.Log.EnableStaticLogs && DefaultAccessLogFilter.Filter(ctx) {
var (
requestTime time.Time
elapsedTime time.Duration
r = ctx.Request
if startTime != nil {
requestTime = *startTime
elapsedTime = time.Since(*startTime)
record := &logs.AccessLogRecord{
RemoteAddr: ctx.Input.IP(),
RequestTime: requestTime,
RequestMethod: r.Method,
Request: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", r.Method, r.RequestURI, r.Proto),
ServerProtocol: r.Proto,
Host: r.Host,
Status: statusCode,
ElapsedTime: elapsedTime,
HTTPReferrer: r.Header.Get("Referer"),
HTTPUserAgent: r.Header.Get("User-Agent"),
RemoteUser: r.Header.Get("Remote-User"),
BodyBytesSent: 0, //@todo this one is missing!
logs.AccessLog(record, BConfig.Log.AccessLogsFormat)