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x2j.go - Unmarshal dynamic / arbitrary XML docs and extract values (using wildcards, if necessary).
20 December 2013:
Non-UTF8 character sets supported via the X2jCharsetReader variable.
12 December 2013:
For symmetry, the package j2x has functions that marshal JSON strings and
map[string]interface{} values to XML encoded strings: http://godoc.org/github.com/clbanning/j2x.
Also, ToTree(), ToMap(), ToJson(), ToJsonIndent(), ReaderValuesFromTagPath() and ReaderValuesForTag() use io.Reader instead of string or []byte.
If you want to process a stream of XML messages check out XmlMsgsFromReader().
I make extensive use of JSON for messaging and typically unmarshal the messages into
map[string]interface{} variables. This is easily done using json.Unmarshal from the
standard Go libraries. Unfortunately, many legacy solutions use structured
XML messages; in those environments the applications would have to be refitted to
interoperate with my components.
The better solution is to just provide an alternative HTTP handler that receives
XML doc messages and parses it into a map[string]interface{} variable and then reuse
all the JSON-based code. The Go xml.Unmarshal() function does not provide the same
option of unmarshaling XML messages into map[string]interface{} variables. So I wrote
a couple of small functions to fill this gap.
Of course, once the XML doc was unmarshal'd into a map[string]interface{} variable it
was just a matter of calling json.Marshal() to provide it as a JSON string. Hence 'x2j'
rather than just 'x2m'.
The package is fairly well self-documented. (http://godoc.org/github.com/clbanning/x2j)
The one really useful function is:
- Unmarshal(doc []byte, v interface{}) error
where v is a pointer to a variable of type 'map[string]interface{}', 'string', or
any other type supported by xml.Unmarshal().
To retrieve a value for specific tag use:
- DocValue(doc, path string, attrs ...string) (interface{},error)
- MapValue(m map[string]interface{}, path string, attr map[string]interface{}, recast ...bool) (interface{}, error)
The 'path' argument is a period-separated tag hierarchy - also known as dot-notation.
It is the program's responsibility to cast the returned value to the proper type; possible
types are the normal JSON unmarshaling types: string, float64, bool, []interface, map[string]interface{}.
To retrieve all values associated with a tag occurring anywhere in the XML document use:
- ValuesForTag(doc, tag string) ([]interface{}, error)
- ValuesForKey(m map[string]interface{}, key string) []interface{}
Demos: http://play.golang.org/p/m8zP-cpk0O
Returned values should be one of map[string]interface, []interface{}, or string.
All the values assocated with a tag-path that may include one or more wildcard characters -
'*' - can also be retrieved using:
- ValuesFromTagPath(doc, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)
- ValuesFromKeyPath(map[string]interface{}, path string, getAttrs ...bool) []interface{}
Demos: http://play.golang.org/p/kUQnZ8VuhS
NOTE: care should be taken when using "*" at the end of a path - i.e., "books.book.*". See
the x2jpath_test.go case on how the wildcard returns all key values and collapses list values;
the same message structure can load a []interface{} or a map[string]interface{} (or an interface{})
value for a tag.
See the test cases in "x2jpath_test.go" and programs in "example" subdirectory for more.
- Attributes are parsed to map[string]interface{} values by prefixing a hyphen, '-',
to the attribute label.
- If the element is a simple element and has attributes, the element value
is given the key '#text' for its map[string]interface{} representation. (See
the 'atomFeedString.xml' test data, below.)
Sometime messages may be logged into files for transmission via FTP (e.g.) and subsequent
processing. You can use the bulk XML message processor to convert files of XML messages into
map[string]interface{} values with custom processing and error handler functions. See
the notes and test code for:
- XmlMsgsFromFile(fname string, phandler func(map[string]interface{}) bool, ehandler func(error) bool,recast ...bool) error
Nothing fancy here, just brute force.
- Use xml.Decoder to parse the XML doc and build a tree.
- Walk the tree and load values into a map[string]interface{} variable, 'm', as
- Use json.Marshaler to convert 'm' to JSON.
As for testing:
- Copy an XML doc into 'x2j_test.xml'.
- Run "go test" and you'll get a full dump.
("pathTestString.xml" and "atomFeedString.xml" are test data from "read_test.go"
in the encoding/xml directory of the standard package library.)
- putting a XML API on our message hub middleware (http://jsonhub.net)
- loading XML data into NoSQL database, such as, mongoDB
Upgrading to Go 1.1 environment results in performance improvements for XML and JSON
unmarshalling, in general. The x2j package gets an average performance boost of 40%.
----- Go 1.0.2 ----- ----------- Go 1.1 -----------
iterations ns/op iterations ns/op % improved
Benchmark_UseXml-4 100000 18776 200000 10377 45%
Benchmark_UseX2j-4 50000 55323 50000 33958 39%
Benchmark_UseJson-4 1000000 2257 1000000 1484 34%
Benchmark_UseJsonToMap-4 1000000 2531 1000000 1566 38%
BenchmarkBig_UseXml-4 100000 28918 100000 15876 45%
BenchmarkBig_UseX2j-4 20000 86338 50000 52661 39%
BenchmarkBig_UseJson-4 500000 4448 1000000 2664 40%
BenchmarkBig_UseJsonToMap-4 200000 9076 500000 5753 37%
BenchmarkBig3_UseXml-4 50000 42224 100000 24686 42%
BenchmarkBig3_UseX2j-4 10000 147407 20000 84332 43%
BenchmarkBig3_UseJson-4 500000 5921 500000 3930 34%
BenchmarkBig3_UseJsonToMap-4 200000 13037 200000 8670 33%
The x2j package gets an additional 15-20% performance boost going to Go 1.2.
------ Go 1.1 ------ ----------- Go 1.2 -----------
iterations ns/op iterations ns/op % improved
Benchmark_UseXml-4 200000 10377 200000 11031 -6%
Benchmark_UseX2j-4 50000 33958 100000 29188 14%
Benchmark_UseJson-4 1000000 1484 1000000 1347 9%
Benchmark_UseJsonToMap-4 1000000 1566 1000000 1434 8%
BenchmarkBig_UseXml-4 100000 15876 100000 16585 -4%
BenchmarkBig_UseX2j-4 50000 52661 50000 43452 17%
BenchmarkBig_UseJson-4 1000000 2664 1000000 2523 5%
BenchmarkBig_UseJsonToMap-4 500000 5753 500000 4992 13%
BenchmarkBig3_UseXml-4 100000 24686 100000 24348 1%
BenchmarkBig3_UseX2j-4 20000 84332 50000 66736 21%
BenchmarkBig3_UseJson-4 500000 3930 500000 3733 5%
BenchmarkBig3_UseJsonToMap-4 200000 8670 200000 7810 10%