mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2024-06-18 12:44:14 +00:00

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package beego
import (
var gmfim map[string]*MemFileInfo = make(map[string]*MemFileInfo)
// OpenMemZipFile returns MemFile object with a compressed static file.
// it's used for serve static file if gzip enable.
func OpenMemZipFile(path string, zip string) (*MemFile, error) {
osfile, e := os.Open(path)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
defer osfile.Close()
osfileinfo, e := osfile.Stat()
if e != nil {
return nil, e
modtime := osfileinfo.ModTime()
fileSize := osfileinfo.Size()
cfi, ok := gmfim[zip+":"+path]
if ok && cfi.ModTime() == modtime && cfi.fileSize == fileSize {
//fmt.Printf("read %s file %s from cache\n", zip, path)
} else {
//fmt.Printf("NOT read %s file %s from cache\n", zip, path)
var content []byte
if zip == "gzip" {
var zipbuf bytes.Buffer
gzipwriter, e := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&zipbuf, gzip.BestCompression)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
_, e = io.Copy(gzipwriter, osfile)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
content, e = ioutil.ReadAll(&zipbuf)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
} else if zip == "deflate" {
var zipbuf bytes.Buffer
deflatewriter, e := flate.NewWriter(&zipbuf, flate.BestCompression)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
_, e = io.Copy(deflatewriter, osfile)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
content, e = ioutil.ReadAll(&zipbuf)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
} else {
content, e = ioutil.ReadAll(osfile)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
cfi = &MemFileInfo{osfileinfo, modtime, content, int64(len(content)), fileSize}
gmfim[zip+":"+path] = cfi
//fmt.Printf("%s file %s to %d, cache it\n", zip, path, len(content))
return &MemFile{fi: cfi, offset: 0}, nil
// MemFileInfo contains a compressed file bytes and file information.
// it implements os.FileInfo interface.
type MemFileInfo struct {
modTime time.Time
content []byte
contentSize int64
fileSize int64
// Name returns the compressed filename.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) Name() string {
return fi.Name()
// Size returns the raw file content size, not compressed size.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) Size() int64 {
return fi.contentSize
// Mode returns file mode.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
return fi.Mode()
// ModTime returns the last modified time of raw file.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
return fi.modTime
// IsDir returns the compressing file is a directory or not.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) IsDir() bool {
return fi.IsDir()
// return nil. implement the os.FileInfo interface method.
func (fi *MemFileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
return nil
// MemFile contains MemFileInfo and bytes offset when reading.
// it implements io.Reader,io.ReadCloser and io.Seeker.
type MemFile struct {
fi *MemFileInfo
offset int64
// Close memfile.
func (f *MemFile) Close() error {
return nil
// Get os.FileInfo of memfile.
func (f *MemFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) {
return f.fi, nil
// read os.FileInfo of files in directory of memfile.
// it returns empty slice.
func (f *MemFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
infos := []os.FileInfo{}
return infos, nil
// Read bytes from the compressed file bytes.
func (f *MemFile) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if len(f.fi.content)-int(f.offset) >= len(p) {
n = len(p)
} else {
n = len(f.fi.content) - int(f.offset)
err = io.EOF
copy(p, f.fi.content[f.offset:f.offset+int64(n)])
f.offset += int64(n)
var errWhence = errors.New("Seek: invalid whence")
var errOffset = errors.New("Seek: invalid offset")
// Read bytes from the compressed file bytes by seeker.
func (f *MemFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err error) {
switch whence {
return 0, errWhence
case os.SEEK_SET:
case os.SEEK_CUR:
offset += f.offset
case os.SEEK_END:
offset += int64(len(f.fi.content))
if offset < 0 || int(offset) > len(f.fi.content) {
return 0, errOffset
f.offset = offset
return f.offset, nil
// GetAcceptEncodingZip returns accept encoding format in http header.
// zip is first, then deflate if both accepted.
// If no accepted, return empty string.
func GetAcceptEncodingZip(r *http.Request) string {
ss := r.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding")
ss = strings.ToLower(ss)
if strings.Contains(ss, "gzip") {
return "gzip"
} else if strings.Contains(ss, "deflate") {
return "deflate"
} else {
return ""
return ""
// CloseZWriter closes the io.Writer after compressing static file.
func CloseZWriter(zwriter io.Writer) {
if zwriter == nil {
switch zwriter.(type) {
case *gzip.Writer:
case *flate.Writer:
//其他情况不close, 保持和默认(非压缩)行为一致
case io.WriteCloser: