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// Beego (http://beego.me/)
// @description beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
// @link http://github.com/astaxie/beego for the canonical source repository
// @license http://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/LICENSE
// @authors astaxie
package beego
import (
type Tree struct {
//search fix route first
fixrouters map[string]*Tree
//if set, failure to match fixrouters search then search wildcard
wildcard *Tree
//if set, failure to match wildcard search
leaves []*leafInfo
func NewTree() *Tree {
return &Tree{
fixrouters: make(map[string]*Tree),
// add Tree to the exist Tree
// prefix should has no params
func (t *Tree) AddTree(prefix string, tree *Tree) {
t.addtree(splitPath(prefix), tree, nil, "")
func (t *Tree) addtree(segments []string, tree *Tree, wildcards []string, reg string) {
if len(segments) == 0 {
panic("prefix should has path")
seg := segments[0]
iswild, params, regexpStr := splitSegment(seg)
if len(segments) == 1 && seg != "" {
if iswild {
wildcards = append(wildcards, params...)
if regexpStr != "" {
for _, w := range params {
if w == "." || w == ":" {
regexpStr = "([^/]+)/" + regexpStr
reg = reg + regexpStr
filterTreeWithPrefix(tree, wildcards, reg)
t.wildcard = tree
} else {
filterTreeWithPrefix(tree, wildcards, reg)
t.fixrouters[seg] = tree
if iswild {
if t.wildcard == nil {
t.wildcard = NewTree()
wildcards = append(wildcards)
if regexpStr != "" {
for _, w := range params {
if w == "." || w == ":" {
regexpStr = "([^/]+)/" + regexpStr
reg = reg + regexpStr
t.wildcard.addtree(segments[1:], tree, wildcards, reg)
} else {
subTree := NewTree()
t.fixrouters[seg] = subTree
subTree.addtree(segments[1:], tree, wildcards, reg)
func filterTreeWithPrefix(t *Tree, wildcards []string, reg string) {
for _, v := range t.fixrouters {
filterTreeWithPrefix(v, wildcards, reg)
if t.wildcard != nil {
filterTreeWithPrefix(t.wildcard, wildcards, reg)
for _, l := range t.leaves {
l.wildcards = append(wildcards, l.wildcards...)
if reg != "" {
filterCards := []string{}
for _, v := range l.wildcards {
if v == ":" || v == "." {
filterCards = append(filterCards, v)
l.wildcards = filterCards
l.regexps = regexp.MustCompile("^" + reg + strings.Trim(l.regexps.String(), "^$") + "$")
} else {
if l.regexps != nil {
filterCards := []string{}
for _, v := range l.wildcards {
if v == ":" || v == "." {
filterCards = append(filterCards, v)
l.wildcards = filterCards
for _, w := range wildcards {
if w == "." || w == ":" {
reg = "([^/]+)/" + reg
l.regexps = regexp.MustCompile("^" + reg + strings.Trim(l.regexps.String(), "^$") + "$")
// call addseg function
func (t *Tree) AddRouter(pattern string, runObject interface{}) {
t.addseg(splitPath(pattern), runObject, nil, "")
// "/"
// "admin" ->
func (t *Tree) addseg(segments []string, route interface{}, wildcards []string, reg string) {
if len(segments) == 0 {
if reg != "" {
filterCards := []string{}
for _, v := range wildcards {
if v == ":" || v == "." {
filterCards = append(filterCards, v)
t.leaves = append(t.leaves, &leafInfo{runObject: route, wildcards: filterCards, regexps: regexp.MustCompile("^" + reg + "$")})
} else {
t.leaves = append(t.leaves, &leafInfo{runObject: route, wildcards: wildcards})
} else {
seg := segments[0]
iswild, params, regexpStr := splitSegment(seg)
//for the router /login/*/access match /login/2009/11/access
if !iswild && utils.InSlice(":splat", wildcards) {
iswild = true
regexpStr = seg
if seg == "*" && len(wildcards) > 0 && reg == "" {
iswild = true
regexpStr = "(.+)"
if iswild {
if t.wildcard == nil {
t.wildcard = NewTree()
if regexpStr != "" {
if reg == "" {
rr := ""
for _, w := range wildcards {
if w == "." || w == ":" {
if w == ":splat" {
rr = rr + "(.+)/"
} else {
rr = rr + "([^/]+)/"
regexpStr = rr + regexpStr
} else {
regexpStr = "/" + regexpStr
} else if reg != "" {
for _, w := range params {
if w == "." || w == ":" {
regexpStr = "/([^/]+)" + regexpStr
t.wildcard.addseg(segments[1:], route, append(wildcards, params...), reg+regexpStr)
} else {
subTree, ok := t.fixrouters[seg]
if !ok {
subTree = NewTree()
t.fixrouters[seg] = subTree
subTree.addseg(segments[1:], route, wildcards, reg)
// match router to runObject & params
func (t *Tree) Match(pattern string) (runObject interface{}, params map[string]string) {
if len(pattern) == 0 || pattern[0] != '/' {
return nil, nil
return t.match(splitPath(pattern), nil)
func (t *Tree) match(segments []string, wildcardValues []string) (runObject interface{}, params map[string]string) {
// Handle leaf nodes:
if len(segments) == 0 {
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(wildcardValues); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
if t.wildcard != nil {
for _, l := range t.wildcard.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(wildcardValues); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
return nil, nil
seg, segs := segments[0], segments[1:]
subTree, ok := t.fixrouters[seg]
if ok {
runObject, params = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues)
} else if len(segs) == 0 { //.json .xml
if subindex := strings.LastIndex(seg, "."); subindex != -1 {
subTree, ok = t.fixrouters[seg[:subindex]]
if ok {
runObject, params = subTree.match(segs, wildcardValues)
if runObject != nil {
if params == nil {
params = make(map[string]string)
params[":ext"] = seg[subindex+1:]
return runObject, params
if runObject == nil && t.wildcard != nil {
runObject, params = t.wildcard.match(segs, append(wildcardValues, seg))
if runObject == nil {
for _, l := range t.leaves {
if ok, pa := l.match(append(wildcardValues, segments...)); ok {
return l.runObject, pa
return runObject, params
type leafInfo struct {
// names of wildcards that lead to this leaf. eg, ["id" "name"] for the wildcard ":id" and ":name"
wildcards []string
// if the leaf is regexp
regexps *regexp.Regexp
runObject interface{}
func (leaf *leafInfo) match(wildcardValues []string) (ok bool, params map[string]string) {
if leaf.regexps == nil {
// has error
if len(wildcardValues) == 0 && len(leaf.wildcards) > 0 {
if utils.InSlice(":", leaf.wildcards) {
params = make(map[string]string)
j := 0
for _, v := range leaf.wildcards {
if v == ":" {
params[v] = ""
j += 1
return true, params
return false, nil
} else if len(wildcardValues) == 0 { // static path
return true, nil
// match *
if len(leaf.wildcards) == 1 && leaf.wildcards[0] == ":splat" {
params = make(map[string]string)
params[":splat"] = path.Join(wildcardValues...)
return true, params
// match *.*
if len(leaf.wildcards) == 3 && leaf.wildcards[0] == "." {
params = make(map[string]string)
lastone := wildcardValues[len(wildcardValues)-1]
strs := strings.SplitN(lastone, ".", 2)
if len(strs) == 2 {
params[":ext"] = strs[1]
} else {
params[":ext"] = ""
params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[:len(wildcardValues)-1]...) + "/" + strs[0]
return true, params
// match :id
params = make(map[string]string)
j := 0
for _, v := range leaf.wildcards {
if v == ":" {
if v == "." {
lastone := wildcardValues[len(wildcardValues)-1]
strs := strings.SplitN(lastone, ".", 2)
if len(strs) == 2 {
params[":ext"] = strs[1]
} else {
params[":ext"] = ""
if len(wildcardValues[j:]) == 1 {
params[":path"] = strs[0]
} else {
params[":path"] = path.Join(wildcardValues[j:]...) + "/" + strs[0]
return true, params
params[v] = wildcardValues[j]
j += 1
if len(params) != len(wildcardValues) {
return false, nil
return true, params
if !leaf.regexps.MatchString(path.Join(wildcardValues...)) {
return false, nil
params = make(map[string]string)
matches := leaf.regexps.FindStringSubmatch(path.Join(wildcardValues...))
for i, match := range matches[1:] {
params[leaf.wildcards[i]] = match
return true, params
// "/" -> []
// "/admin" -> ["admin"]
// "/admin/" -> ["admin"]
// "/admin/users" -> ["admin", "users"]
func splitPath(key string) []string {
elements := strings.Split(key, "/")
if elements[0] == "" {
elements = elements[1:]
if elements[len(elements)-1] == "" {
elements = elements[:len(elements)-1]
return elements
// "admin" -> false, nil, ""
// ":id" -> true, [:id], ""
// "?:id" -> true, [: :id], "" : meaning can empty
// ":id:int" -> true, [:id], ([0-9]+)
// ":name:string" -> true, [:name], ([\w]+)
// ":id([0-9]+)" -> true, [:id], ([0-9]+)
// ":id([0-9]+)_:name" -> true, [:id :name], ([0-9]+)_(.+)
// "cms_:id_:page.html" -> true, [:id :page], cms_(.+)_(.+).html
// "*" -> true, [:splat], ""
// "*.*" -> true,[. :path :ext], "" . meaning separator
func splitSegment(key string) (bool, []string, string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, "*") {
if key == "*.*" {
return true, []string{".", ":path", ":ext"}, ""
} else {
return true, []string{":splat"}, ""
if strings.ContainsAny(key, ":") {
var paramsNum int
var out []rune
var start bool
var startexp bool
var param []rune
var expt []rune
var skipnum int
params := []string{}
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`)
for i, v := range key {
if skipnum > 0 {
skipnum -= 1
if start {
//:id:int and :name:string
if v == ':' {
if len(key) >= i+4 {
if key[i+1:i+4] == "int" {
out = append(out, []rune("([0-9]+)")...)
params = append(params, ":"+string(param))
start = false
startexp = false
skipnum = 3
param = make([]rune, 0)
paramsNum += 1
if len(key) >= i+7 {
if key[i+1:i+7] == "string" {
out = append(out, []rune(`([\w]+)`)...)
params = append(params, ":"+string(param))
paramsNum += 1
start = false
startexp = false
skipnum = 6
param = make([]rune, 0)
// params only support a-zA-Z0-9
if reg.MatchString(string(v)) {
param = append(param, v)
if v != '(' {
out = append(out, []rune(`(.+)`)...)
params = append(params, ":"+string(param))
param = make([]rune, 0)
paramsNum += 1
start = false
startexp = false
if startexp {
if v != ')' {
expt = append(expt, v)
if v == ':' {
param = make([]rune, 0)
start = true
} else if v == '(' {
startexp = true
start = false
params = append(params, ":"+string(param))
paramsNum += 1
expt = make([]rune, 0)
expt = append(expt, '(')
} else if v == ')' {
startexp = false
expt = append(expt, ')')
out = append(out, expt...)
param = make([]rune, 0)
} else if v == '?' {
params = append(params, ":")
} else {
out = append(out, v)
if len(param) > 0 {
if paramsNum > 0 {
out = append(out, []rune(`(.+)`)...)
params = append(params, ":"+string(param))
return true, params, string(out)
} else {
return false, nil, ""