mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2025-03-13 01:24:57 +00:00
yuyongsheng 5aa085bf41 1. remove the invalid comments.
2. allow the user to config "Enable" store/get sessionId into/from http header
3. allow the user to config "Enable" get sessionId from Url query
4. when enable sessionId in http header, check the sessionName format as CanonicalMIMRHeaderKey, then panic if not.
2016-04-21 09:57:44 +08:00

102 lines
2.6 KiB

package beego
import (
func registerMime() error {
for k, v := range mimemaps {
mime.AddExtensionType(k, v)
return nil
// register default error http handlers, 404,401,403,500 and 503.
func registerDefaultErrorHandler() error {
m := map[string]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request){
"401": unauthorized,
"402": paymentRequired,
"403": forbidden,
"404": notFound,
"405": methodNotAllowed,
"500": internalServerError,
"501": notImplemented,
"502": badGateway,
"503": serviceUnavailable,
"504": gatewayTimeout,
for e, h := range m {
if _, ok := ErrorMaps[e]; !ok {
ErrorHandler(e, h)
return nil
func registerSession() error {
if BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionOn {
var err error
sessionConfig := AppConfig.String("sessionConfig")
if sessionConfig == "" {
conf := map[string]interface{}{
"cookieName": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionName,
"gclifetime": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionGCMaxLifetime,
"providerConfig": filepath.ToSlash(BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionProviderConfig),
"secure": BConfig.Listen.EnableHTTPS,
"enableSetCookie": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionAutoSetCookie,
"domain": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDomain,
"cookieLifeTime": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionCookieLifeTime,
"enableSidInHttpHeader": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.EnableSidInHttpHeader,
"sessionNameInHttpHeader": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionNameInHttpHeader,
"enableSidInUrlQuery": BConfig.WebConfig.Session.EnableSidInUrlQuery,
confBytes, err := json.Marshal(conf)
if err != nil {
return err
sessionConfig = string(confBytes)
if GlobalSessions, err = session.NewManager(BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionProvider, sessionConfig); err != nil {
return err
go GlobalSessions.GC()
return nil
func registerTemplate() error {
if err := BuildTemplate(BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath); err != nil {
if BConfig.RunMode == DEV {
return err
return nil
func registerAdmin() error {
if BConfig.Listen.EnableAdmin {
go beeAdminApp.Run()
return nil
func registerGzip() error {
if BConfig.EnableGzip {
AppConfig.DefaultInt("gzipMinLength", -1),
AppConfig.DefaultInt("gzipCompressLevel", -1),
AppConfig.DefaultStrings("includedMethods", []string{"GET"}),
return nil