mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2024-10-01 21:21:48 +00:00
astaxie f6ce2656db beego: support namespace
ns := beego.NewNamespace("/v1/api/")
ns.Cond(func(ctx *context.Context)bool{
	    if ctx.Input.Domain() == "www.beego.me" {
	    	return true
	    return false
.Filter("before", Authenticate)
.Router("/order",	&admin.OrderController{})
.Get("/version",func (ctx *context.Context) {
.Post("/login",func (ctx *context.Context) {
	if ctx.Query("username") == "admin" && ctx.Query("username") ==
"password" {

		Get("/order/:id", func(ctx *context.Context) {
2014-05-16 23:47:29 +08:00

316 lines
8.0 KiB

// Beego (http://beego.me/)
// @description beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
// @link http://github.com/astaxie/beego for the canonical source repository
// @license http://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/LICENSE
// @authors astaxie
package beego
import (
// beego web framework version.
const VERSION = "1.1.4"
type hookfunc func() error //hook function to run
var hooks []hookfunc //hook function slice to store the hookfunc
type groupRouter struct {
pattern string
controller ControllerInterface
mappingMethods string
// RouterGroups which will store routers
type GroupRouters []groupRouter
// Get a new GroupRouters
func NewGroupRouters() GroupRouters {
return make(GroupRouters, 0)
// Add Router in the GroupRouters
// it is for plugin or module to register router
func (gr *GroupRouters) AddRouter(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethod ...string) {
var newRG groupRouter
if len(mappingMethod) > 0 {
newRG = groupRouter{
} else {
newRG = groupRouter{
*gr = append(*gr, newRG)
func (gr *GroupRouters) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface) {
newRG := groupRouter{
*gr = append(*gr, newRG)
// AddGroupRouter with the prefix
// it will register the router in BeeApp
// the follow code is write in modules:
// GR:=NewGroupRouters()
// GR.AddRouter("/login",&UserController,"get:Login")
// GR.AddRouter("/logout",&UserController,"get:Logout")
// GR.AddRouter("/register",&UserController,"get:Reg")
// the follow code is write in app:
// import "github.com/beego/modules/auth"
// AddRouterGroup("/admin", auth.GR)
func AddGroupRouter(prefix string, groups GroupRouters) *App {
for _, v := range groups {
if v.pattern == "" {
BeeApp.AutoRouterWithPrefix(prefix, v.controller)
} else if v.mappingMethods != "" {
BeeApp.Router(prefix+v.pattern, v.controller, v.mappingMethods)
} else {
BeeApp.Router(prefix+v.pattern, v.controller)
return BeeApp
// Router adds a patterned controller handler to BeeApp.
// it's an alias method of App.Router.
func Router(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *App {
BeeApp.Router(rootpath, c, mappingMethods...)
return BeeApp
// RESTRouter adds a restful controller handler to BeeApp.
// its' controller implements beego.ControllerInterface and
// defines a param "pattern/:objectId" to visit each resource.
func RESTRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface) *App {
Router(rootpath, c)
Router(path.Join(rootpath, ":objectId"), c)
return BeeApp
// AutoRouter adds defined controller handler to BeeApp.
// it's same to App.AutoRouter.
func AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *App {
return BeeApp
// AutoPrefix adds controller handler to BeeApp with prefix.
// it's same to App.AutoRouterWithPrefix.
func AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *App {
BeeApp.AutoRouterWithPrefix(prefix, c)
return BeeApp
// register router for Get method
func Get(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Get(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Post method
func Post(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Post(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Delete method
func Delete(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Delete(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Put method
func Put(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Put(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Head method
func Head(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Head(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Options method
func Options(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Options(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for Patch method
func Patch(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Patch(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for all method
func Any(rootpath string, f FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Any(rootpath, f)
return BeeApp
// register router for own Handler
func Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) *App {
BeeApp.Handler(rootpath, h, options...)
return BeeApp
// ErrorHandler registers http.HandlerFunc to each http err code string.
// usage:
// beego.ErrorHandler("404",NotFound)
// beego.ErrorHandler("500",InternalServerError)
func Errorhandler(err string, h http.HandlerFunc) *App {
middleware.Errorhandler(err, h)
return BeeApp
// SetViewsPath sets view directory to BeeApp.
// it's alias of App.SetViewsPath.
func SetViewsPath(path string) *App {
return BeeApp
// SetStaticPath sets static directory and url prefix to BeeApp.
// it's alias of App.SetStaticPath.
func SetStaticPath(url string, path string) *App {
if !strings.HasPrefix(url, "/") {
url = "/" + url
url = strings.TrimRight(url, "/")
StaticDir[url] = path
return BeeApp
// DelStaticPath removes the static folder setting in this url pattern in beego application.
// it's alias of App.DelStaticPath.
func DelStaticPath(url string) *App {
delete(StaticDir, url)
return BeeApp
// [Deprecated] use InsertFilter.
// Filter adds a FilterFunc under pattern condition and named action.
// The actions contains BeforeRouter,AfterStatic,BeforeExec,AfterExec and FinishRouter.
// it's alias of App.Filter.
func AddFilter(pattern, action string, filter FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.Filter(pattern, action, filter)
return BeeApp
// InsertFilter adds a FilterFunc with pattern condition and action constant.
// The pos means action constant including
// beego.BeforeRouter, beego.AfterStatic, beego.BeforeExec, beego.AfterExec and beego.FinishRouter.
// it's alias of App.InsertFilter.
func InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc) *App {
BeeApp.InsertFilter(pattern, pos, filter)
return BeeApp
// The hookfunc will run in beego.Run()
// such as sessionInit, middlerware start, buildtemplate, admin start
func AddAPPStartHook(hf hookfunc) {
hooks = append(hooks, hf)
// Run beego application.
// it's alias of App.Run.
func Run() {
if EnableAdmin {
go beeAdminApp.Run()
func initBeforeHttpRun() {
// if AppConfigPath not In the conf/app.conf reParse config
if AppConfigPath != filepath.Join(AppPath, "conf", "app.conf") {
err := ParseConfig()
if err != nil && AppConfigPath != filepath.Join(workPath, "conf", "app.conf") {
// configuration is critical to app, panic here if parse failed
// do hooks function
for _, hk := range hooks {
err := hk()
if err != nil {
if SessionOn {
var err error
sessionConfig := AppConfig.String("sessionConfig")
if sessionConfig == "" {
sessionConfig = `{"cookieName":"` + SessionName + `",` +
`"gclifetime":` + strconv.FormatInt(SessionGCMaxLifetime, 10) + `,` +
`"providerConfig":"` + SessionSavePath + `",` +
`"secure":` + strconv.FormatBool(HttpTLS) + `,` +
`"sessionIDHashFunc":"` + SessionHashFunc + `",` +
`"sessionIDHashKey":"` + SessionHashKey + `",` +
`"enableSetCookie":` + strconv.FormatBool(SessionAutoSetCookie) + `,` +
`"cookieLifeTime":` + strconv.Itoa(SessionCookieLifeTime) + `}`
GlobalSessions, err = session.NewManager(SessionProvider,
if err != nil {
go GlobalSessions.GC()
err := BuildTemplate(ViewsPath)
if err != nil {
if RunMode == "dev" {
middleware.VERSION = VERSION
middleware.AppName = AppName
func TestBeegoInit(apppath string) {
AppPath = apppath
AppConfigPath = filepath.Join(AppPath, "conf", "app.conf")
err := ParseConfig()
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// for init if doesn't have app.conf will not panic
func init() {
hooks = make([]hookfunc, 0)
//init mime