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77 changed files with 2286 additions and 9799 deletions

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
# Based on Webkit style
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BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
AfterClass: true
AfterControlStatement: true
AfterEnum: true
AfterFunction: true
AfterNamespace: true
AfterStruct: true
AfterUnion: true
AfterExternBlock: true
BeforeCatch: true
BeforeElse: true
SplitEmptyFunction: false
SplitEmptyRecord: false
SplitEmptyNamespace: false
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
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ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
FixNamespaceComments: true
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
# C++ standard headers (no .h)
- Regex: '<[[:alnum:]_-]+>'
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- Regex: '<[[:alnum:]_./-]+>'
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- Regex: '"[[:alnum:]_.-]+"'
Priority: 3
# Headers from other folders
- Regex: '"[[:alnum:]_/.-]+"'
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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
**Smartphone (please complete the following information):**
- Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

.gitignore vendored
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@ -26,13 +26,3 @@
Network Trash Folder Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items Temporary Items
.apdisk .apdisk
# Linux
# =========================
# Backup files produced by some editors

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@ -1,723 +1,165 @@
ESPUI is a simple library to make a web-based user interface for your projects using
the **ESP8266** or the **ESP32** It uses web sockets and lets you create,
ol, and update elements on your GUI through multiple devices like phones
and tablets.
ESPUI uses simple Arduino-style syntax for creating a solid, functioning user
interface without too much boilerplate code.
So if you either don't know how or just don't want to waste time: this is your
simple solution user interface without the need of internet connectivity or any
additional servers.
The Library runs on any kind of **ESP8266** and **ESP32** (NodeMCU, AI Thinker, etc.).
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [How to Install](#how-to-install)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [UI Elements](#documentation)
* [Button](#button)
* [Switch](#switch)
* [Buttonpad](#buttonpad)
* [Labels](#labels)
* [Slider](#slider)
* [Number Input](#number-input)
* [Text Input](#text-input)
* [File Display](#filedisplay)
* [Date, Time, Colour and Password Input](#date-time-colour-and-password-input)
* [Select control](#select-control)
* [Getting the Time](#getting-the-time)
* [Separators](#separators)
- [Initialisation of the UI](#initialisation-of-the-ui)
- [Tabs](#tabs)
- [Log output](#log-output)
- [Colours](#colours)
- [Advanced Features](#advanced-features)
* [Dynamic Visibility](#dynamic-visibility)
* [Inline Styles](#inline-styles)
* [Disabling Controls](#disabling-controls)
* [Grouped controls](#grouped-controls)
* [Wide controls](#wide-controls)
* [Graph (Experimental)](#graph--experimental-)
* [Captive Portal](#captive-portal)
- [Notes for Development](#notes-for-development)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
### Contributed features ESPUI is a simple library to make a web user interface for your projects using the **ESP8266** or the **ESP32**
It uses web sockets and lets you create, control, and update elements on your GUI through multiple devices like phones and tablets.
- Tabs by @eringerli ESPUI uses simple Arduino-style syntax for creating a solid, functioning user interface without too much boilerplate code.
- Generic API by @eringerli
- Min Max on slider by @eringerli
- OptionList by @eringerli
- Public Access to ESPAsyncServer
- Inline CSS styles by @iangray001
- Separators by @iangray001
- Grouped and wide controls by @iangray001
- Transport layer rework by @iangray001
- Time control by @iangray001
- Vertical controls by @iangray001
- Time/date/password/color input types by @pcbbc
- Delayed response support @MartinMueller2003
- Fragmented control transfer @MartinMueller2003
- Extended Callback @MartinMueller2003
- Added a file display element @MartinMueller2003
## Roadmap So if you either don't know how or just don't want to waste time: this is your simple solution user interface without the need of internet connectivity or any additional servers.
- Fully implement graphs I completely rewrote the EasyUI Library created by ayushsharma82 [Here](https://github.com/ayushsharma82/)
- Expand number input features (floats etc.) Now it uses ESPAsyncWebserver and is mainly to be used with the ESP32 Processor.
- Support for enabling and disabling controls
## Dependencies ## Dependencies
This library is dependent on the following libraries to function properly.
This library is dependent on the following libraries.
- [ESPAsyncWebserver](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer) - [ESPAsyncWebserver](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer)
- [ArduinoJson](https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson) (Last tested with - [ArduinoJson](https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson)
version 6.10.0)
**Plus for ESP8266**
- [ESPAsyncTCP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncTCP)
**Additionally necessary for ESP32**
- [AsyncTCP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/AsyncTCP)
- (_For ESP8266_) [ESPAsyncTCP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncTCP)
- (_For ESP32_) [AsyncTCP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/AsyncTCP)
- (_For ESP32_) [lorol/LittleFS_esp32](https://github.com/lorol/LITTLEFS)
## How to Install ## How to Install
Make sure all the dependencies are installed, then install like so: Make sure all the dependencies are installed, then install like so:
#### Using PlatformIO (_recommended_) #### Directly Through Arduino IDE (*recommended*)
Just include this library as a dependency in `lib_deps` like so: You can find this Library in the Arduino IDE library manager
Go to Sketch > Include Library > Library Manager > Search for "ESPUI" > Install
``` #### Manual Install
lib_deps =
ESP Async WebServer
ESPAsyncTCP # (or AsyncTCP on ESP32)
LittleFS_esp32 # (ESP32 only)
#### Using the Arduino IDE (_recommended_) For Windows: Download the [Repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip) and extract the .zip in Documents>Arduino>Libraries>{Place "ESPUI" folder Here}
You can find this Library in the Arduino IDE library manager. Go to For Linux: Download the [Repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip) and extract the .zip in Sketchbook/Libraries/{Place "ESPUI" folder Here}
`Sketch > Include Library > Library Manager` search for `ESPUI` and install.
If you cannot use the Library Manager, you can download the [repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip) and follow For macOs: Download the [Repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip) and extract the .zip in ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/{Place "ESPUI" folder Here}
the [instructions to manually install libraries](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-all-about-arduino-libraries-install-use/how-to-install-a-library).
#### Manually through IDE
Download the [Repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip), Go to Sketch>Include Library>Add .zip Library> Select the Downloaded .zip File.
## Getting started ## Getting started
ESPUI serves several files to the browser to build up its web interface. This ESPUI serves several Files to the browser to build up its webinterface. This can be achieved in 2 wasy:
can be achieved in 2 ways: _PROGMEM_ or _LITTLEFS_ *PROGMEM* or *SPIFFS*
_When `ESPUI.begin()` is called the default is serving files from Memory and *When `ESPUI.begin()` is called the default is serving files from Memory and ESPUI should work out of the box!*
ESPUI should work out of the box!_
**OPTIONAL:** But if this causes your program to _use too much memory_ you can But if this causes your program to *use too much memory* you can burn the files into the SPIFFS filesystem on the ESP.
burn the files into the LITTLEFS filesystem on the ESP. There are now two ways to There are now two ways to do this: you can either use the ESP file upload tool or you use the library function `ESPUI.prepareFileSystem()`
do this: you can either use the ESP file upload tool or you use the library
function `ESPUI.prepareFileSystem()`
#### Simple filesystem preparation (_recommended_) #### Simple filesystem preparation (*recommended*)
Just open the example sketch **prepareFileSystem** and run it on the ESP, (give Just open the example sketch **prepareFileSystem** and run it on the ESP, (give it up to 30 seconds, you can see the status on the Serial Monitor),
it up to 30 seconds, you can see the status on the Serial Monitor), The library The library will create all needed files.
will create all needed files. Congratulations, you are done, from now on you Congratulations, you are done, from now on you just need to to this again when there is a library update, or when you want to use another chip :-)
just need to do this again when there is a library update, or when you want to Now you can upload your normal sketch, when you do not call the `ESPUI.prepareFileSystem()` function the compiler will strip out all the unnecessary that is already saved in the chip's filesystem and you have more programm memory to work with.
use another chip :-) Now you can upload your normal sketch, when you do not call
the `ESPUI.prepareFileSystem()` function the compiler will strip out all the
unnecessary strings that are already saved in the chip's filesystem and you have #### Manual way (mainly for development)
more program memory to work with.
To do this download and install me-no-devs wonderful [ESP32 sketch data uploader](https://github.com/me-no-dev/arduino-esp32fs-plugin) or for ESP8266 [ESP8266 sketch data uploader](https://github.com/esp8266/arduino-esp8266fs-plugin)
Then open the **gui** example sketch and select "Upload Sketch Data" from the Tools menu for your processor.
Now you are set to go and use any code you want to with this library
## User interface Elements ## User interface Elements
- Label (updateable)
- Button
- Switch (updateable)
- Control pad
- Control pad with center button
- Slider
- Label Checkout the example for the usage
- Button
- Switch
- Control pad
- Slider
- Text Input
- Date, Time, Colour and Password Input
- Numberinput
- Option select
- Separator
- Time
- Graph (partial implementation)
- File Display
## Available colors:
## Roadmap :
- ~~Setup SPIFFS using values in program memory~~
- ~~ESP8266 support~~
- ~~PlattformIO Integration~~
- ~~Multiline Labels~~
- ~~GZip Files and serve from memory~~
- Datagraph output -> *WIP*
- Number input -> *WIP*
- Text input -> *WIP*
- proper return value (as int and not as string) for slider
- Maybe a slider range setting, meanwhile please use *map()*
- Improve slider stability
## Documentation ## Documentation
The heart of ESPUI is [ESPAsyncWebserver](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer). ESPUI's frontend is based on [Skeleton CSS](http://getskeleton.com/) and jQuery-like lightweight [zepto.js](https://zeptojs.com/) for handling events. The communication between the ESP and the client browser works using web sockets. ESPUI does not need network access and can be used in standalone access point mode, all resources are loaded directly from the ESPs memory. The heart of ESPUI is [ESPAsyncWebserver](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer).
<br><br> ESPUI's frontend is based on [Skeleton CSS](http://getskeleton.com/) and jQuery-like lightweight [zepto.js](https://zeptojs.com/) for Handling Click Events Etc. The communication between the *ESP32* and the client browser works using web sockets.
This section will explain in detail how the Library is to be used from the Arduino code side. In the arduino `setup()` routine the interface can be customised by adding UI Elements. This is done by calling the corresponding library methods on the Library object `ESPUI`. Eg: `ESPUI.button("button", &myCallback);` creates a button in the interface that calls the `myCallback(Control *sender, int eventname)` function when changed. All buttons and items call their callback whenever there is a state change from them. This means the button will call the callback when it is pressed and also again when it is released. To separate different events, an integer number with the event name is passed to the callback function that can be handled in a `switch(){}case{}` statement. ESPUI does not need network access and can be used in standalone access point mode.
<br><br> All assets are loaded from the internal SPIFFS filesystem of the ESP32.
Alternativly you may use the extended callback funtion which provides three parameters to the callback function `myCallback(Control *sender, int eventname, void * UserParameter)`. The `UserParameter` is provided as part of the `ESPUI.addControl` method set and allows the user to define contextual information that is to be presented to the callback function in an unmodified form.
<br><br> This section will explain in detail how the Library is to be used from the Arduino code side. As of now the Facilino blocks are not implemented.
It also possible to use a lambda function in the callback parameter. It also allows the user to define, in a more C++ way, contextual information in any form. This is shown by the [completeLambda](examples/completeLambda/completeLambda.ino) example. In the arduino setup() routine the interface can be customised by adding UI Elements. This is done by calling the corresponding library methods on the Library object ESPUI. Eg: `ESPUI.button(“button”, &myCallback);` creates a button in the interface that calls the “myCallback” function when changed. All buttons and items call their callback whenever there is a state change from them. This means the button will call the callback when it is pressed and also again when it is released. To separate different events an integer number with the event name is passed to the callback function that can be handled in a `switch(){}case{}` statement. Here is an overview of the currently implemented different elements of the UI library:
The below example creates a button and defines a lambda function to invoke a more specialized button callback handler:
void YourClassName::setup()
ButtonElementId = ESPUI.addControl(
" Button Face Text ",
[&](Control *sender, int eventname)
myButtonCallback(sender, eventname); // class method
// or
ButtonElementId = ESPUI.button(
" Button Face Text ",
[&](Control *sender, int eventname)
myButtonCallback(sender, eventname); // class method
void YourClassName::myButtonCallback(Control* sender, int eventname)
if (eventname == B_DOWN)
// Handle the button down event
else if (eventname == B_UP)
// Handle the button up event
#### Button #### Button
![Buttons](docs/ui_button.png) ![Buttons](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/blob/master/docs/ui_button.png)
Buttons have a name and a callback value. Their text can be changed at runtime using `ESPUI.updateButton()`. Buttons have a name and a callback value. They have one event for press and one for release.
- `B_DOWN` - Fired when button is pressed.
- `B_UP` - Fired when button is released.
#### Switch #### Switch
![Switches](docs/ui_switches.png) ![Switches](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/blob/master/docs/ui_switches.png)
Switches sync their state on all connected devices. This means when you change Switches sync their state on all connected devices. This means when you change their value they change visibly on all tablets or computers that currently display the interface. They also have two types of events: one for turning on and one for turning off.
their value (either by pressing them, or programmatically using `ESPUI.updateSwitcher()`) they change visibly
on all tablets or computers that currently display the interface.
- `S_ACTIVE` - Fired when turning on.
- `S_INACTIVE` - Fired when turning off.
#### Buttonpad #### Buttonpad
![control pads](docs/ui_controlpad.png) ![control pads](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/blob/master/docs/ui_controlpad.png)
Button pads come in two flavours: with or without a center button. They are Button pads come in two flavours: with or without a center button. They are very useful for con-trolling all kinds of movements of vehicles or also of course our walking robots. They use a single callback per pad and have 8 or 10 different event types to differentiate the button actions.
useful for controlling movements of vehicles/cameras etc. They use a single
callback per pad and have 8 or 10 different event types to differentiate the
button actions.
- `P_FOR_UP`
#### Labels #### Labels
![labels](docs/ui_labels.png) ![labels](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/blob/master/docs/ui_labels.png)
Labels are used to display textual information (i.e. states, values of sensors, Labels are a nice tool to get information from the robot to the user interface. This can be done to show states, values of sensors and configuration parameters. To send data from the code use `ESP.print(labelId, “Text”);` . Labels get a name on creation and a initial value. The name is not changeable once the UI initialised.
configuration parameters etc.). To send data from the code use `ESP.updateLabel()` .
Labels get a name on creation and a initial value.
Labels automatically wrap your text. If you want them to have multiple lines use
the normal `<br>` tag in the string you print to the label.
In fact, because HTML can be used in the label's value, you can make a label display
images by including an `<img>` tag.
ESPUI.label("An Image Label", ControlColor::Peterriver, "<img src='path/to/image'>");
This requires that the client has access to the image in question, either from the internet or a local web server.
Labels automatically wrap your text. If you want them to have multiple lines use the normal `<br>` tag in the string you print to the label
#### Slider #### Slider
![slider](docs/ui_slider.png) ![labels](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/blob/master/docs/ui_slider.png)
Sliders can be used to select (or display) a numerical value. Sliders provide The Slider can be used to slide through a value from 1 to 100. Slides provide realtime data, are touch compatible and can be used to for example control a Servo. The current value is shown while the slider is dragged in a little bubble over the handle.
realtime data and are touch compatible. Note that like all ESPUI functions, the callback does not return an `int`
but a `String` so should be converted with the `.toInt()` function. See the examples for more details. Sliders can
be updated from code using `ESP.updateSlider()`.
A slider usually only sends a new value when it is released to save network bandwidth. #### Initialisation of the UI
This behaviour can be changed globally by setting `sliderContinuous` before `begin()`:
``` After all the elements are configured you can use `ESPUI.begin(“Some Title”);` to start the UI interface. (Or `ESPUI.beginSPIFFS(“Some Title”);` respectively) Make sure you setup a working network connection or AccesPoint **before** (See example). The web interface can then be used from multiple devices at once and also shows an connection status in the top bar.
ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true; The library is designed to be easy to use and can still be extended with a lot of more functionality.
ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control");
- `SL_VALUE` - Fired when a slider value changes.
#### Number Input
The number input can be used to receive numbers from the user. You can
enter a value into it and when you are done with your change it is sent to the
ESP. A number box needs to have a min and a max value. To set it up just use:
`ESPUI.number("Numbertest", &numberCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, 5, 0, 10);`
Number inputs can be updated from code using `ESP.updateNumber()`.
Note that HTML number boxes will respect their min and max when the user
clicks the up and down arrows, but it is possible on most clients to simply type
any number in. As with all user input, numbers should be validated in callback code
because all client side checks can be skipped. If any value from the UI might
cause a problem, validate it.
- `N_VALUE` - Fired when a number value changes.
#### Text Input
The text input works very similar like the number input but allows any string to be entered.
If you attach a Max control to the text input then a max length will be applied
to the control.
text = ESPUI.text("Label", callback, ControlColor::Dark, "Initial value");
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Max, "", "32", ControlColor::None, text);
Text inputs can be updated from code using `ESP.updateText()`.
However even with a set maximum length, user input should still be validated
because it is easy to bypass client-side checks. Never trust user input.
- `T_VALUE` - Fired when a text value changes.
#### Date, Time, Colour and Password Input
As an extension to the text input control, you can also specify the type attribute to be used for the HTML input element.
This allows you to easily create input controls for Date, Time, Colour and Passwords, or indeed any other
[HTML Input Types](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_form_input_types.asp) supported by your browser.
text_date = ESPUI.text("Date", callback, ControlColor::Dark, "2022-05-24");
ESPUI.setInputType(text_date, "date");
text_time = ESPUI.text("Time", callback, ControlColor::Dark, "13:00");
ESPUI.setInputType(text_time, "time");
text_colour = ESPUI.text("Colour", callback, ControlColor::Dark, "#FF0000");
ESPUI.setInputType(text_colour, "color");
text_password = ESPUI.text("Password", callback, ControlColor::Dark, "tiddles123");
ESPUI.setInputType(text_password, "password");
*Important!* This function should be called _before_ `ESPUI.begin` or results will be unreliable.
Note that not all browsers support all input types, and that the control displayed to edit the input is browser dependent.
However even with a type set, user input should still be validated
because it is easy to bypass client-side checks. Never trust user input.
#### File Display
The File Display control is used to upload a file from the ESP file system and display the contents on the UI. The content is Auto Scrolled
to the last line in the file. Syntax:
`fileDisplayId = ESPUI.fileDisplay("Filetest", ControlColor::Turquoise, FullyQualified FilePath);`
After updating the contents of the file, trigger a display update using:
#### Select control
The Select control lets the user select from a predefined list of options. First create a select widget like so
uint16_t select1 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Select, "Select Title", "Initial Value", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &selectExample );
Then add Options to it, specifying the Select as the parent:
ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Option, "Option1", "Opt1", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Option, "Option2", "Opt2", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Option, "Option3", "Opt3", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
Check the **tabbedGui** example for a working demo. Selectors can be updated from code using `ESP.updateSelect()`.
- `S_VALUE` - Fired when a select value changes.
#### Getting the Time
ESPUI can create an invisible control that can be used to fetch the current time from the client
when they are connected to the UI. This could be used to intermittently provide an accurate time
source to your ESP. Remember that clients cannot be relied upon to be correct or truthful.
Create a Time control with the following:
//Add the invisible "Time" control
auto timeId = ESPUI.addControl(Time, "", "", None, 0, timeCallback);
After creating the UI, sending an update to the Time control will cause it to fetch the current
time from the client and then fire its callback with the result.
//Request an update to the time
//Will trigger timeCallback
In `timeCallback` you can then print the control's value as normal:
void timeCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == TM_VALUE) {
The returned string will be an [ISO string](https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_toisostring.asp) as returned by the Javascript `new Date().toISOString()`. The format is `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ` so for example: `2022-01-20T21:44:22.913Z`.
- `TM_VALUE` - Fires when the control is updated with `updateTime()`
#### Separators
You can use separators to break up the UI and better organise your controls. Adding a separator will force any following controls onto the subsequent line. Add separators as follows:
ESPUI.separator("Separator name");
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Separator, "Separator name", "", ControlColor::None, maintab);
Separators fire no events.
### Initialisation of the UI
After all the elements are configured, call `ESPUI.begin("Some Title");`
to start the UI interface. (Or `ESPUI.beginLITTLEFS("Some Title");` respectively)
Make sure you setup a working network connection or AccessPoint **before** (see
the `gui.ino` example). The web interface can then be used from multiple devices at once and
also shows connection status in the top bar.
### Tabs
Tabs can be used to organize your controls into pages. Check the **tabbedGui** example to see
how this is done. Tabs can be created as follows:
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Settings 1", "Settings 1");
Then all widgets for the tab need to be added to it by specifying the tab as the parent. Widgets not
added to a tab will be shown above the tab selctor.
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Text, "Text Title", "a Text Field", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &textCall);
Note that the basic functions to add controls like `ESPUI.button()` or `ESPUI.slider()` do not add to any tab,
so they are good for building small UIs. However if you need to use tabs then you will have to add all your
controls using the full `ESPUI.addControl()` function.
### Log output
ESPUI has several different log levels. You can set them using the
`ESPUI.setVerbosity(Verbosity::VerboseJSON)` function.
Loglevels are:
- `Verbosity::Quiet` (default)
- `Verbosity::Verbose`
- `Verbosity::VerboseJSON`
VerboseJSON outputs the most debug information.
### Colours
A selection of basic colours are available to use:
If you want more control over the UI design, see the Inline Styles section below.
## Advanced Features
ESPUI includes a range of advanced features that can customise your UIs.
### Dynamic Visibility
Controls can be made visible or invisible at runtime with the `updateVisibility()` function.
ESPUI.updateVisibility(controlId, false);
Note that you cannot hide individual controls from a [control group](#grouped-controls), you have to hide the entire group.
### Inline Styles
You can add custom CSS styles to controls. This allows you to style the UI with custom colors, drop shadows,
or other CSS effects. Add styles with the following functions:
setPanelStyle(uint16_t id, String style);
setElementStyle(uint16_t id, String style)
A panel style is applied to the panel on which the UI element is placed, an element style is applied to the element itself.
Because CSS inline styles can only style one specific DOM element, for controls made up of multiple elements (like the pad)
this is limited. Element styles can be applied to all controls, but will only work correctly for the Button, Label, Slider,
Switcher, Number, Text, and Selector.
Dynamic update of styles is supported. When either of the above functions are called, the control is updated live. This could
be used to refect a warning state by changing the color of a button, or for similar effects.
For example, this code will set a control's panel to a random background color:
char stylecol[30];
sprintf(stylecol, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF));
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(switch1, stylecol);
You can get quite creative with this.
![Inline Styles](docs/inlinestyles.gif)
The [completeExample](examples/completeExample/completeExample.cpp) example includes a range of things that you can do with inline styles.
![More Inline Styles](docs/ui_inlinestyles2.png)
### Disabling Controls
It is possible to dynamically enable and disable controls to, for example, provide feedback to the user that a particular feature is
temporarily unavailable. To do this use the following function call:
ESPUI.setEnabled(controlId, enabled);
Setting `enabled` to false will make the control noninteractive and it will visually change to illustrate this to the user. The control
will stop firing any events. Note that whilst the widget will change appearance, the panel of the control will remain whatever colour
it was set to. If you wish to also change the colour of the panel then you should use inline styles to show the noninteractive state. For example:
ESPUI.setEnabled(mainButton, false);
const String disabledstyle = "background-color: #bbb; border-bottom: #999 3px solid;";
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(mainButton, disabledstyle);
This CSS style sets the panel background and its border to grey. To put the control back to enabled use the following:
ESPUI.setEnabled(mainButton, true);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(mainButton, ";");
Note that we have to set the inline style to `";"` (i.e. an empty CSS rule) because if we just try to set it to `""` this will be
interpreted as "do not change the style".
Controls can also be set to disabled before the UI is started.
### Grouped controls
Normally, whenever a control is added to the UI, a new panel is generated with a title. However, you can instead
set the "parent" of a new control to be an existing control. This allows you to add multiple widgets into the same
panel. For example:
panel1 = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "Button Set", "Button A", ControlColor::Turquoise, Control::noParent, btncallback);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "", "Button B", ControlColor::None, panel1, btncallback);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "", "Button C", ControlColor::None, panel1, btncallback);
The first call to `addControl` has no parent (or it could be set to a tab if you are using a tabbed UI), so therefore a new panel is added containing one button
with the value `Button A`. The two subsequent calls have their parent set to the first control we added, so instead of creating
a new panel, the result is the following:
![Grouped buttons](docs/ui_groupedbuttons.png)
The grouped controls operate entirely independently, and can be assigned different callbacks, or updated separately. The grouping
is purely visual.
Most controls can be grouped this way, but the result is not always visually pleasant. This works best with labels, sliders, switchers,
and buttons.
![Other grouped controls](docs/ui_groupedbuttons2.png)
For sliders and switchers, you can also set the controls to be displayed vertically.
auto vertswitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Vertical Switcher", "0", Dark, tab1);
This must be done before `ESPUI.begin()` is called. Vertical layouts are currently only supported for sliders and switchers, and it
is a purely visual change. Behaviour is identical. Mixing horizontal and vertical controls can result in some unpredictable layouts.
When you add multiple buttons to a single panel, the buttons have a title so they can be differentiated. For sliders and switchers this is
not the case. Therefore you might want to add additional labels so that the controls can be distinguished. There is not yet automatic
support for doing this, so the approach is to add labels that have been styled using [inline styles](#inline-styles). By doing this
you can acheieve effects such as this:
![Labelling grouped controls](docs/ui_groupedbuttons3.png)
The code to do this is in the [completeExample](examples/completeExample/completeExample.cpp) example.
### Wide controls
Controls can be set to be displayed "wide" with the function:
ESPUI.setPanelWide(controlid, true);
*Important!* This function should be called _before_ `ESPUI.begin` or results will be unreliable.
Setting a control to wide tells ESPUI to lay out that control as if there was only a single column, even on wide displays.
This can be applied to every element to force a single column layout, or to individual elements to customise the display.
![Wide controls](docs/ui_widecontrols.png)
Note that this will have no effect on small screens.
### Graph (Experimental)
The graph widget can display graph points with timestamp at wich they arrive
Use `ESPUI.addGraphPoint(graphId, random(1, 50));` to add a new value at the current time, use `ESPUI.clearGraph(graphId)` to clear the entire graph.
Graph points are saved in the browser in **localstorage** to be persistant, clear local storageto remove the points or use clearGraph() from a bbutton callback to provide a clear button.
_There are many issues with the graph component currently and work is ongoing. Consider helping us out with development!_
### Captive Portal
ESPUI will redirect all unknown URLs it is asked for to the 'root' of the local HTTP server instead of responding with an HTTP code 404. This makes it act as a simple 'captive portal'. Note you must also set up the ESP to be a DNS server that responds to all DNS requests with the IP address of the ESP. This only effective when the ESP is acting as a WiFi hotspot in AP mode and assigning itself as the DNS server to connected clients.
All the example sketches include the DNS related code and will work as captive portals when used as a hotspot. In the event you wish to disable this feature you can do so by removing the DNS server code and adding the code below.
ESPUI.captivePortal = false;
# Notes for Development # Notes for Development
All changes to the client side files can be made in the examples/gui/data directory. Using the file uploader thin can be used for development. After this you have to compress them and then you can gzip them. I wrote a little useful jsfiddle for this, [CHECK IT OUT](https://jsfiddle.net/s00500/yvLbhuuv/)
If you want to work on the HTML/CSS/JS files, do make changes in the _data_
directory. When you need to transfer that code to the ESP, run
`tools/prepare_static_ui_sources.py -a` (this script needs **python3** with the
modules **htmlmin**, **jsmin** and **csscompressor**). This will generate a) minified files
next to the original files and b) the C header files in `src` that contain the minified and
gzipped HTML/CSS/JS data. Alternatively, you can specify the `--source` and `--target` arguments to the
`prepare_static_ui_sources.py` script (run the script without arguments for
help) if you want to use different locations.
If you don't have a python environment, you need to minify and gzip the
HTML/CSS/JS files manually. I wrote a little useful jsfiddle for this,
[see here](https://jsfiddle.net/s00500/yvLbhuuv/).
If you change something in HTML/CSS/JS and want to create a pull request, please
do include the minified versions and corresponding C header files in your
commits. (Do **NOT** commit all the minified versions for the non changed files)
# Experimental debugging environment using emulation on host
It is possible to run or debug this library on a unix-like computer (Linux,
macOS, WSL) without flashing on hardware, and with your favourite debugging
tools (gdb, valgrind, ...). This is accomplished through the
esp8266/Arduino "emulation on host" environment.
A fake AsyncWebserver library is needed because lwIP is not yet ported to
the emulation environment. Full instructions can be found in this project's
[readme page](https://github.com/d-a-v/emuAsync).
## Changelog for 2.1:
- Adds the ability to have inline styles for widgets and panels
- Adds LittleFS on the ESP32
- Cleans up examples
- Adds Button Animation
- Adds chunking for the widgets so you can add even more of them
- Fixes lots of bugs related to invisible UI elements and sliders
- Adds the ability to change port
## Changelog for 2.0:
- ArduinoJSON 6.10.0 Support
- Split pad into pad and padWithCenter
- Cleaned order of parameters on switch and pad
- Changes all numbers to actually be numbers (slider value, number value, min and max)
# Contribute # Contribute
Liked this Library? You can **support** me by sending me a :coffee: [Coffee](https://paypal.me/lukasbachschwell/3).
Liked this Library? You can **support** me by sending me a :coffee:
Otherwise I really welcome **Pull Requests**.

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<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head><meta charset=utf-8><title>Control</title><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/normalize.css><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/style.css><script src=/js/zepto.min.js></script><script src=/js/slider.js></script><script src=/js/graph.js></script><script src=/js/controls.js></script><script src=/js/tabbedcontent.js></script></head> <body onload=javascript:start();> <div> <h4> <div id=mainHeader>Control</div> <span id=conStatus class=label>Offline</span> </h4> </div> <hr> <div class=container> <div id=row class="row u-full-width"></div> <ul id=tabsnav class="navigation navigation-tabs u-full-width"></ul> <div id=tabscontent class="tabscontent u-full-width"></div> </div> </body> </html>

data/js/controls.js vendored

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const UI_INITIAL_GUI=200;const UI_RELOAD=201;const UPDATE_OFFSET=100;const UI_EXTEND_GUI=210;const UI_TITEL=0;const UI_PAD=1;const UPDATE_PAD=101;const UI_CPAD=2;const UPDATE_CPAD=102;const UI_BUTTON=3;const UPDATE_BUTTON=103;const UI_LABEL=4;const UPDATE_LABEL=104;const UI_SWITCHER=5;const UPDATE_SWITCHER=105;const UI_SLIDER=6;const UPDATE_SLIDER=106;const UI_NUMBER=7;const UPDATE_NUMBER=107;const UI_TEXT_INPUT=8;const UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT=108;const UI_GRAPH=9;const ADD_GRAPH_POINT=10;const CLEAR_GRAPH=109;const UI_TAB=11;const UPDATE_TAB=111;const UI_SELECT=12;const UPDATE_SELECT=112;const UI_OPTION=13;const UPDATE_OPTION=113;const UI_MIN=14;const UPDATE_MIN=114;const UI_MAX=15;const UPDATE_MAX=115;const UI_STEP=16;const UPDATE_STEP=116;const UI_GAUGE=17;const UPDATE_GAUGE=117;const UI_ACCEL=18;const UPDATE_ACCEL=118;const UI_SEPARATOR=19;const UPDATE_SEPARATOR=119;const UI_TIME=20;const UPDATE_TIME=120;const UI_FILEDISPLAY=21;const UPDATE_FILEDISPLAY=121;const UI_FRAGMENT=98;const UP=0;const DOWN=1;const LEFT=2;const RIGHT=3;const CENTER=4;const C_TURQUOISE=0;const C_EMERALD=1;const C_PETERRIVER=2;const C_WETASPHALT=3;const C_SUNFLOWER=4;const C_CARROT=5;const C_ALIZARIN=6;const C_DARK=7;const C_NONE=255;var controlAssemblyArray=new Object();var FragmentAssemblyTimer=new Array();var graphData=new Array();var hasAccel=false;var sliderContinuous=false;function colorClass(colorId){colorId=Number(colorId);switch(colorId){case C_TURQUOISE:return"turquoise";case C_EMERALD:return"emerald";case C_PETERRIVER:return"peterriver";case C_WETASPHALT:return"wetasphalt";case C_SUNFLOWER:return"sunflower";case C_CARROT:return"carrot";case C_ALIZARIN:return"alizarin";case C_DARK:case C_NONE:return"dark";default:return"";}}
var websock;var websockConnected=false;var WebSocketTimer=null;function requestOrientationPermission(){}
function saveGraphData(){localStorage.setItem("espuigraphs",JSON.stringify(graphData));}
function restoreGraphData(id){var savedData=localStorage.getItem("espuigraphs",graphData);if(savedData!=null){savedData=JSON.parse(savedData);let idData=savedData[id];return Array.isArray(idData)?idData:[];}
function restart(){$(document).add("*").off();$("#row").html("");conStatusError();start();}
function conStatusError(){FragmentAssemblyTimer.forEach(element=>{clearInterval(element);});FragmentAssemblyTimer=new Array();controlAssemblyArray=new Array();if(true===websockConnected){websockConnected=false;websock.close();$("#conStatus").removeClass("color-green");$("#conStatus").addClass("color-red");$("#conStatus").html("Error / No Connection &#8635;");$("#conStatus").off();$("#conStatus").on({click:restart,});}}
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function start(){let location=window.location.hostname;let port=window.location.port;document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",handleVisibilityChange,false);if(port!=""||port!=80||port!=443){websock=new WebSocket("ws://"+location+":"+port+"/ws");}else{websock=new WebSocket("ws://"+location+"/ws");}
websock.onopen=function(evt){console.log("websock open");$("#conStatus").addClass("color-green");$("#conStatus").text("Connected");websockConnected=true;FragmentAssemblyTimer.forEach(element=>{clearInterval(element);});FragmentAssemblyTimer=new Array();controlAssemblyArray=new Array();};websock.onclose=function(evt){console.log("websock close");conStatusError();FragmentAssemblyTimer.forEach(element=>{clearInterval(element);});FragmentAssemblyTimer=new Array();controlAssemblyArray=new Array();};websock.onerror=function(evt){console.log("websock Error");restart();FragmentAssemblyTimer.forEach(element=>{clearInterval(element);});FragmentAssemblyTimer=new Array();controlAssemblyArray=new Array();};var handleEvent=function(evt){try{var data=JSON.parse(evt.data);}
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data.controls.forEach(element=>{var fauxEvent={data:JSON.stringify(element),};handleEvent(fauxEvent);});if(data.totalcontrols>(data.controls.length-1)){websock.send("uiok:"+(data.controls.length-1));}
break;case UI_EXTEND_GUI:data.controls.forEach(element=>{var fauxEvent={data:JSON.stringify(element),};handleEvent(fauxEvent);});if(data.totalcontrols>data.startindex+(data.controls.length-1)){websock.send("uiok:"+(data.startindex+(data.controls.length-1)));}
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break;case UI_SWITCHER:if(data.visible){addToHTML(data);switcher(data.id,data.value);}
break;case UI_CPAD:case UI_PAD:if(data.visible){addToHTML(data);$("#pf"+data.id).on({touchstart:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(UP,data.id,true);},touchend:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(UP,data.id,false);},});$("#pl"+data.id).on({touchstart:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(LEFT,data.id,true);},touchend:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(LEFT,data.id,false);},});$("#pr"+data.id).on({touchstart:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(RIGHT,data.id,true);},touchend:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(RIGHT,data.id,false);},});$("#pb"+data.id).on({touchstart:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(DOWN,data.id,true);},touchend:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(DOWN,data.id,false);},});$("#pc"+data.id).on({touchstart:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(CENTER,data.id,true);},touchend:function(e){e.preventDefault();padclick(CENTER,data.id,false);},});}
break;case UI_SLIDER:if(data.visible){addToHTML(data);rangeSlider(!sliderContinuous);}
break;case UI_TAB:if(data.visible){$("#tabsnav").append("<li><a onmouseup='tabclick("+data.id+")' href='#tab"+data.id+"'>"+data.value+"</a></li>");$("#tabscontent").append("<div id='tab"+data.id+"'></div>");tabs=$(".tabscontent").tabbedContent({loop:true}).data("api");$("a").filter(function(){return $(this).attr("href")==="#click-to-switch";}).on("click",function(e){var tab=prompt("Tab to switch to (number or id)?");if(!tabs.switchTab(tab)){alert("That tab does not exist :\\");}
break;case UI_OPTION:if(data.parentControl){var parent=$("#select"+data.parentControl);parent.append("<option id='option"+
"' value='"+
"' "+
break;case UI_MIN:if(data.parentControl){if($('#sl'+data.parentControl).length){$('#sl'+data.parentControl).attr("min",data.value);}else if($('#num'+data.parentControl).length){$('#num'+data.parentControl).attr("min",data.value);}}
break;case UI_MAX:if(data.parentControl){if($('#sl'+data.parentControl).length){$('#sl'+data.parentControl).attr("max",data.value);}else if($('#text'+data.parentControl).length){$('#text'+data.parentControl).attr("maxlength",data.value);}else if($('#num'+data.parentControl).length){$('#num'+data.parentControl).attr("max",data.value);}}
break;case UI_STEP:if(data.parentControl){if($('#sl'+data.parentControl).length){$('#sl'+data.parentControl).attr("step",data.value);}else if($('#num'+data.parentControl).length){$('#num'+data.parentControl).attr("step",data.value);}}
break;case UI_GRAPH:if(data.visible){addToHTML(data);graphData[data.id]=restoreGraphData(data.id);renderGraphSvg(graphData[data.id],"graph"+data.id);}
break;case ADD_GRAPH_POINT:var ts=new Date().getTime();graphData[data.id].push({x:ts,y:data.value});saveGraphData();renderGraphSvg(graphData[data.id],"graph"+data.id);break;case CLEAR_GRAPH:graphData[data.id]=[];saveGraphData();renderGraphSvg(graphData[data.id],"graph"+data.id);break;case UI_ACCEL:if(hasAccel)break;hasAccel=true;if(data.visible){addToHTML(data);requestOrientationPermission();}
break;case UI_FILEDISPLAY:if(data.visible)
break;case UPDATE_LABEL:$("#l"+data.id).html(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#l"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_SWITCHER:switcher(data.id,data.value=="0"?0:1);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#sl"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_SLIDER:$("#sl"+data.id).attr("value",data.value)
break;case UPDATE_NUMBER:$("#num"+data.id).val(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#num"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT:$("#text"+data.id).val(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#text"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_SELECT:$("#select"+data.id).val(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#select"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_BUTTON:$("#btn"+data.id).val(data.value);$("#btn"+data.id).text(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#btn"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_PAD:case UPDATE_CPAD:break;case UPDATE_GAUGE:$("#gauge"+data.id).val(data.value);if(data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')){$("#gauge"+data.id).attr("style",data.elementStyle);}
break;case UPDATE_ACCEL:break;case UPDATE_TIME:var rv=new Date().toISOString();websock.send("time:"+rv+":"+data.id);break;case UPDATE_FILEDISPLAY:FileDisplayUploadFile(data);break;case UI_FRAGMENT:let FragmentLen=data.length;let FragementOffset=data.offset;let NextFragmentOffset=FragementOffset+FragmentLen;let Total=data.total;let Arrived=(FragmentLen+FragementOffset);let FragmentFinal=Total===Arrived;if(!data.hasOwnProperty('control'))
{console.error("UI_FRAGMENT:Missing control record, skipping control");break;}
let control=data.control;StopFragmentAssemblyTimer(data.control.id);if(0===FragementOffset)
{controlAssemblyArray[control.id]=data;controlAssemblyArray[control.id].offset=NextFragmentOffset;StartFragmentAssemblyTimer(control.id);let TotalRequest=JSON.stringify({'id':control.id,'offset':NextFragmentOffset});websock.send("uifragmentok:"+0+": "+TotalRequest+":");break;}
if("undefined"===typeof controlAssemblyArray[control.id])
{console.error("Missing first fragment for control: "+control.id);StartFragmentAssemblyTimer(control.id);let TotalRequest=JSON.stringify({'id':control.id,'offset':0});websock.send("uifragmentok:"+0+": "+TotalRequest+":");break;}
{console.error("Wrong next fragment. Expected: "+controlAssemblyArray[control.id].offset+" Got: "+FragementOffset);StartFragmentAssemblyTimer(control.id);let TotalRequest=JSON.stringify({'id':control.id,'offset':controlAssemblyArray[control.id].length+controlAssemblyArray[control.id].offset});websock.send("uifragmentok:"+0+": "+TotalRequest+":");break;}
{var fauxEvent={data:JSON.stringify(controlAssemblyArray[control.id].control),};handleEvent(fauxEvent);controlAssemblyArray[control.id]=null;}
{StartFragmentAssemblyTimer(control.id);let TotalRequest=JSON.stringify({'id':control.id,'offset':NextFragmentOffset});websock.send("uifragmentok:"+0+": "+TotalRequest+":");}
break;default:console.error("Unknown type or event");break;}
if(data.type>=UPDATE_OFFSET&&data.type<UI_INITIAL_GUI){var element=$("#id"+data.id);if(data.hasOwnProperty('panelStyle')){$("#id"+data.id).attr("style",data.panelStyle);}
if(data.type==UPDATE_SLIDER){element.removeClass("slider-turquoise slider-emerald slider-peterriver slider-wetasphalt slider-sunflower slider-carrot slider-alizarin");element.addClass("slider-"+colorClass(data.color));}else{element.removeClass("turquoise emerald peterriver wetasphalt sunflower carrot alizarin");element.addClass(colorClass(data.color));}
async function FileDisplayUploadFile(data)
{let text=await downloadFile(data.value);let ItemToUpdateId="fd"+data.id;$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).val(text);$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).css("textAlign","left");$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).css("white-space","nowrap");$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).css("overflow","scroll");$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).css("overflow-y","scroll");$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).css("overflow-x","scroll");$("#"+ItemToUpdateId).scrollTop($("#"+ItemToUpdateId).val().length);}
async function downloadFile(filename)
{let response=await fetch(filename);if(response.status!=200){throw new Error("File Read Server Error: '"+response.status+"'");}
let text_data=await response.text();return text_data;}
function StartFragmentAssemblyTimer(Id)
{if("undefined"!==typeof controlAssemblyArray[_Id])
{let TotalRequest=JSON.stringify({'id':controlAssemblyArray[_Id].control.id,'offset':controlAssemblyArray[_Id].offset});websock.send("uifragmentok:"+0+": "+TotalRequest+":");}}},1000,Id);}
function StopFragmentAssemblyTimer(Id)
{if("undefined"!==typeof FragmentAssemblyTimer[Id])
function sliderchange(number){var val=$("#sl"+number).val();websock.send("slvalue:"+val+":"+number);$(".range-slider__range").each(function(){$(this).attr("value",$(this)[0].value);});}
function numberchange(number){var val=$("#num"+number).val();websock.send("nvalue:"+val+":"+number);}
function textchange(number){var val=$("#text"+number).val();websock.send("tvalue:"+val+":"+number);}
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function selectchange(number){var val=$("#select"+number).val();websock.send("svalue:"+val+":"+number);}
function buttonclick(number,isdown){if(isdown)websock.send("bdown:"+number);else websock.send("bup:"+number);}
function padclick(type,number,isdown){if($("#id"+number+" nav").hasClass("disabled")){return;}
switch(type){case CENTER:if(isdown)websock.send("pcdown:"+number);else websock.send("pcup:"+number);break;case UP:if(isdown)websock.send("pfdown:"+number);else websock.send("pfup:"+number);break;case DOWN:if(isdown)websock.send("pbdown:"+number);else websock.send("pbup:"+number);break;case LEFT:if(isdown)websock.send("pldown:"+number);else websock.send("plup:"+number);break;case RIGHT:if(isdown)websock.send("prdown:"+number);else websock.send("prup:"+number);break;}}
function switcher(number,state){if(state==null){if(!$("#sl"+number).hasClass("checked")){websock.send("sactive:"+number);$("#sl"+number).addClass("checked");}else{websock.send("sinactive:"+number);$("#sl"+number).removeClass("checked");}}else if(state==1){$("#sl"+number).addClass("checked");$("#sl"+number).prop("checked",true);}else if(state==0){$("#sl"+number).removeClass("checked");$("#sl"+number).prop("checked",false);}}
var rangeSlider=function(isDiscrete){var range=$(".range-slider__range");var slidercb=function(){sliderchange($(this).attr("id").replace(/^\D+/g,""));};range.on({input:function(){$(this).next().html(this.value)}});range.each(function(){$(this).next().html(this.value);if($(this).attr("callbackSet")!="true"){if(!isDiscrete){$(this).on({input:slidercb});}else{$(this).on({change:slidercb});}
$(this).attr("callbackSet","true");}});};var addToHTML=function(data){panelStyle=data.hasOwnProperty('panelStyle')?" style='"+data.panelStyle+"' ":"";panelwide=data.hasOwnProperty('wide')?"wide":"";if(!data.hasOwnProperty('parentControl')||$("#tab"+data.parentControl).length>0){var parent=data.hasOwnProperty('parentControl')?$("#tab"+data.parentControl):$("#row");var html="";switch(data.type){case UI_LABEL:case UI_BUTTON:case UI_SWITCHER:case UI_CPAD:case UI_PAD:case UI_SLIDER:case UI_NUMBER:case UI_TEXT_INPUT:case UI_SELECT:case UI_GRAPH:case UI_GAUGE:case UI_ACCEL:case UI_FILEDISPLAY:html="<div id='id"+data.id+"' "+panelStyle+" class='two columns "+panelwide+" card tcenter "+
"</div>";break;case UI_SEPARATOR:html="<div id='id"+data.id+"' "+panelStyle+" class='sectionbreak columns'>"+
"<h5>"+data.label+"</h5><hr/></div>";break;case UI_TIME:break;}
parent.append(html);}else{var parent=$("#id"+data.parentControl);parent.append(elementHTML(data));}}
var elementHTML=function(data){var id=data.id
var elementStyle=data.hasOwnProperty('elementStyle')?" style='"+data.elementStyle+"' ":"";var inputType=data.hasOwnProperty('inputType')?" type='"+data.inputType+"' ":"";switch(data.type){case UI_LABEL:return"<span id='l"+id+"' "+elementStyle+
" class='label label-wrap'>"+data.value+"</span>";case UI_FILEDISPLAY:return"<textarea id='fd"+id+"' rows='4' "+elementStyle+
" class='label label-wrap'>"+"</textarea>";case UI_BUTTON:return"<button id='btn"+id+"' "+elementStyle+
" onmousedown='buttonclick("+id+", true)'"+
" onmouseup='buttonclick("+id+", false)'>"+
data.value+"</button>";case UI_SWITCHER:return"<label id='sl"+id+"' "+elementStyle+
" class='switch "+(data.value=="1"?"checked":"")+
(data.hasOwnProperty('vertical')?" vert-switcher ":"")+
"<div class='in'>"+
"<input type='checkbox' id='s"+id+"' onClick='switcher("+id+",null)' "+
(data.value=="1"?"checked":"")+"/></div></label>";case UI_CPAD:case UI_PAD:return"<nav class='control'><ul>"+
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(UP, "+id+", true)' "+
"onmouseup='padclick(UP, "+id+", false)' id='pf"+id+"'>&#9650;</a></li>"+
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(RIGHT, "+id+", true)' "+
"onmouseup='padclick(RIGHT, "+id+", false)' id='pr"+id+"'>&#9650;</a></li>"+
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(LEFT, "+id+", true)' "+
"onmouseup='padclick(LEFT, "+id+", false)' id='pl"+id+"'>&#9650;</a></li>"+
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(DOWN, "+id+", true)' "+
"onmouseup='padclick(DOWN, "+id+", false)' id='pb"+id+"'>&#9650;</a></li>"+
(data.type==UI_CPAD?"<a class='confirm' onmousedown='padclick(CENTER,"+id+", true)' "+
"onmouseup='padclick(CENTER, "+id+", false)' id='pc"+id+"'>OK</a>":"")+
"</nav>";case UI_SLIDER:return"<div class='range-slider "+
(data.hasOwnProperty('vertical')?" vert-slider ":"")+
"<input id='sl"+id+"' type='range' min='0' max='100' value='"+data.value+"' "+
elementStyle+" class='range-slider__range'><span class='range-slider__value'>"+
data.value+"</span></div>";case UI_NUMBER:return"<input style='color:black; "+data.elementStyle+"' id='num"+id+
"' type='number' value='"+data.value+"' onchange='numberchange("+id+")' />";case UI_TEXT_INPUT:return"<input "+inputType+"style='color:black; "+data.elementStyle+"' id='text"+id+
"' value='"+data.value+"' onchange='textchange("+id+")' />";case UI_SELECT:return"<select style='color:black; "+data.elementStyle+"' id='select"+id+
"' onchange='selectchange("+id+")' />";case UI_GRAPH:return"<figure id='graph"+id+"'><figcaption>"+data.label+"</figcaption></figure>";case UI_GAUGE:return"WILL BE A GAUGE <input style='color:black;' id='gauge"+id+
"' type='number' value='"+data.value+"' onchange='numberchange("+id+")' />";case UI_ACCEL:return"ACCEL // Not implemented fully!<div class='accelerometer' id='accel"+id+
"' ><div class='ball"+id+"'></div><pre class='accelerometeroutput"+id+"'></pre>";default:return"";}}
var processEnabled=function(data){switch(data.type){case UI_SWITCHER:case UPDATE_SWITCHER:if(data.enabled){$("#sl"+data.id).removeClass('disabled');$("#s"+data.id).prop("disabled",false);}else{$("#sl"+data.id).addClass('disabled');$("#s"+data.id).prop("disabled",true);}
break;case UI_SLIDER:case UPDATE_SLIDER:$("#sl"+data.id).prop("disabled",!data.enabled);break;case UI_NUMBER:case UPDATE_NUMBER:$("#num"+data.id).prop("disabled",!data.enabled);break;case UI_TEXT_INPUT:case UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT:$("#text"+data.id).prop("disabled",!data.enabled);break;case UI_SELECT:case UPDATE_SELECT:$("#select"+data.id).prop("disabled",!data.enabled);break;case UI_BUTTON:case UPDATE_BUTTON:$("#btn"+data.id).prop("disabled",!data.enabled);break;case UI_PAD:case UI_CPAD:case UPDATE_PAD:case UPDATE_CPAD:case UI_FILEDISPLAY:case UPDATE_FILEDISPLAY:if(data.enabled){$("#id"+data.id+" nav").removeClass('disabled');}else{$("#id"+data.id+" nav").addClass('disabled');}

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@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
function lineGraph(parent, xAccessor, yAccessor) {
// Constant size definitions TODO: this could well be improved and calculated...
const width = 620;
const height = 420;
const gutter = 40;
const pixelsPerTick = 30;
* Creates an object that contatins transform functions that:
* transforms numeric data into coordinate space, linearly
* transforms coordinates into numeric data, linearly
function numericTransformer(dataMin, dataMax, pxMin, pxMax) {
var dataDiff = dataMax - dataMin,
pxDiff = pxMax - pxMin,
dataRatio = pxDiff / dataDiff,
coordRatio = dataDiff / pxDiff;
return {
// transforms a data point to a coordinate point
toCoord: function(data) {
return (data - dataMin) * dataRatio + pxMin;
// transforms a coord point to a data point
toData: function(coord) {
return (coord - pxMin) * coordRatio + dataMin;
* Renders an axis.
* orientation = 'x' or 'y'
* transform = a function for transforming px into data for labeling/creating tick marks
function axisRenderer(orientation, transform) {
var axisGroup = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
var axisPath = document.createElementNS(
axisGroup.setAttribute("class", orientation + "-axis");
var xMin = gutter;
var xMax = width - gutter;
var yMin = height - gutter;
var yMax = gutter;
if (orientation === "x") {
"M " + xMin + " " + yMin + " L " + xMax + " " + yMin
// generate labels
for (var i = xMin; i <= xMax; i++) {
if ((i - xMin) % (pixelsPerTick*3) === 0 && i !== xMin) {
var text = document.createElementNS(
// primitive formatting
text.innerHTML = new Date(Math.floor(transform(i))).toLocaleTimeString();
text.setAttribute("x", i);
text.setAttribute("y", yMin);
// offset the text by 1 em
text.setAttribute("dy", "1em");
} else {
"M " + xMin + " " + yMin + " L " + xMin + " " + yMax
// generate labels
for (var i = yMax; i <= yMin; i++) {
if ((i - yMin) % pixelsPerTick === 0 && i !== yMin) {
var tickGroup = document.createElementNS(
var gridLine = document.createElementNS(
text = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text");
// primitive formatting
text.innerHTML = Math.floor(transform(i));
text.setAttribute("x", xMin);
text.setAttribute("y", i);
// offset the text labels to align with grid line and keeping it to the left of the y-axis
text.setAttribute("dx", "-.5em");
text.setAttribute("dy", ".3em");
"M " + xMin + " " + i + " L " + xMax + " " + i
* Renders a line
function lineRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform, yTransform) {
var line = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
if (!xAccessor.hasNext() || !yAccessor.hasNext()) {
var pathString =
"M " + xTransform(xAccessor.next()) + " " + yTransform(yAccessor.next());
while (xAccessor.hasNext() && yAccessor.hasNext()) {
pathString +=
" L " +
xTransform(xAccessor.next()) +
" " +
line.setAttribute("class", "series");
line.setAttribute("d", pathString);
* Renders data point circles + text labels
function pointRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform, yTransform) {
var pointGroup = document.createElementNS(
pointGroup.setAttribute("class", "data-points");
if (!xAccessor.hasNext() || !yAccessor.hasNext()) {
while (xAccessor.hasNext() && yAccessor.hasNext()) {
var xDataValue = xAccessor.next();
var x = xTransform(xDataValue);
var yDataValue = yAccessor.next();
var y = yTransform(yDataValue);
var circle = document.createElementNS(
circle.setAttribute("cx", x);
circle.setAttribute("cy", y);
circle.setAttribute("r", "4");
var text = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text");
// primitive formatting
text.innerHTML = Math.floor(xDataValue) + " / " + Math.floor(yDataValue);
text.setAttribute("x", x);
text.setAttribute("y", y);
text.setAttribute("dx", "1em");
text.setAttribute("dy", "-.7em");
// perform the rendering
xTransform = numericTransformer(
0 + gutter,
width - gutter
// NOTE: for y... have to reverse coordinate space
yTransform = numericTransformer(
height - gutter,
0 + gutter
axisRenderer("x", xTransform.toData);
axisRenderer("y", yTransform.toData);
lineRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform.toCoord, yTransform.toCoord);
pointRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform.toCoord, yTransform.toCoord);
// Final render function
function renderGraphSvg(dataArray, renderId) {
var figure = document.getElementById(renderId);
while (figure.hasChildNodes()) {
var svg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 640 440");
svg.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet");
// time accessor
(function(data, min, max) {
var i = 0;
return {
hasNext: function() {
return i < data.length;
next: function() {
return data[i++].x;
reset: function() {
i = 0;
min: function() {
return min;
max: function() {
return max;
dataArray.map(function(o) {
return o.x;
dataArray.map(function(o) {
return o.x;
// value accessor
(function(data, min, max) {
var i = 0;
return {
hasNext: function() {
return i < data.length;
next: function() {
return data[i++].y;
reset: function() {
i = 0;
min: function() {
return min;
max: function() {
return max;
dataArray.map(function(o) {
return o.y;
dataArray.map(function(o) {
return o.y;

data/js/graph.min.js vendored
View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
function lineGraph(parent,xAccessor,yAccessor){const width=620;const height=420;const gutter=40;const pixelsPerTick=30;function numericTransformer(dataMin,dataMax,pxMin,pxMax){var dataDiff=dataMax-dataMin,pxDiff=pxMax-pxMin,dataRatio=pxDiff/dataDiff,coordRatio=dataDiff/pxDiff;return{toCoord:function(data){return(data-dataMin)*dataRatio+pxMin;},toData:function(coord){return(coord-pxMin)*coordRatio+dataMin;}};}
function axisRenderer(orientation,transform){var axisGroup=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","g");var axisPath=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","path");axisGroup.setAttribute("class",orientation+"-axis");var xMin=gutter;var xMax=width-gutter;var yMin=height-gutter;var yMax=gutter;if(orientation==="x"){axisPath.setAttribute("d","M "+xMin+" "+yMin+" L "+xMax+" "+yMin);for(var i=xMin;i<=xMax;i++){if((i-xMin)%(pixelsPerTick*3)===0&&i!==xMin){var text=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","text");text.innerHTML=new Date(Math.floor(transform(i))).toLocaleTimeString();text.setAttribute("x",i);text.setAttribute("y",yMin);text.setAttribute("dy","1em");axisGroup.appendChild(text);}}}else{axisPath.setAttribute("d","M "+xMin+" "+yMin+" L "+xMin+" "+yMax);for(var i=yMax;i<=yMin;i++){if((i-yMin)%pixelsPerTick===0&&i!==yMin){var tickGroup=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","g");var gridLine=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","path");text=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","text");text.innerHTML=Math.floor(transform(i));text.setAttribute("x",xMin);text.setAttribute("y",i);text.setAttribute("dx","-.5em");text.setAttribute("dy",".3em");gridLine.setAttribute("d","M "+xMin+" "+i+" L "+xMax+" "+i);tickGroup.appendChild(gridLine);tickGroup.appendChild(text);axisGroup.appendChild(tickGroup);}}}
function lineRenderer(xAccessor,yAccessor,xTransform,yTransform){var line=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","path");xAccessor.reset();yAccessor.reset();if(!xAccessor.hasNext()||!yAccessor.hasNext()){return;}
var pathString="M "+xTransform(xAccessor.next())+" "+yTransform(yAccessor.next());while(xAccessor.hasNext()&&yAccessor.hasNext()){pathString+=" L "+
" "+
function pointRenderer(xAccessor,yAccessor,xTransform,yTransform){var pointGroup=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","g");pointGroup.setAttribute("class","data-points");xAccessor.reset();yAccessor.reset();if(!xAccessor.hasNext()||!yAccessor.hasNext()){return;}
while(xAccessor.hasNext()&&yAccessor.hasNext()){var xDataValue=xAccessor.next();var x=xTransform(xDataValue);var yDataValue=yAccessor.next();var y=yTransform(yDataValue);var circle=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","circle");circle.setAttribute("cx",x);circle.setAttribute("cy",y);circle.setAttribute("r","4");var text=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","text");text.innerHTML=Math.floor(xDataValue)+" / "+Math.floor(yDataValue);text.setAttribute("x",x);text.setAttribute("y",y);text.setAttribute("dx","1em");text.setAttribute("dy","-.7em");pointGroup.appendChild(circle);pointGroup.appendChild(text);}
function renderGraphSvg(dataArray,renderId){var figure=document.getElementById(renderId);while(figure.hasChildNodes()){figure.removeChild(figure.lastChild);}
var svg=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","svg");svg.setAttribute("viewBox","0 0 640 440");svg.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio","xMidYMid meet");lineGraph(svg,(function(data,min,max){var i=0;return{hasNext:function(){return i<data.length;},next:function(){return data[i++].x;},reset:function(){i=0;},min:function(){return min;},max:function(){return max;}};})(dataArray,Math.min.apply(Math,dataArray.map(function(o){return o.x;})),Math.max.apply(Math,dataArray.map(function(o){return o.x;}))),(function(data,min,max){var i=0;return{hasNext:function(){return i<data.length;},next:function(){return data[i++].y;},reset:function(){i=0;},min:function(){return min;},max:function(){return max;}};})(dataArray,Math.min.apply(Math,dataArray.map(function(o){return o.y;})),Math.max.apply(Math,dataArray.map(function(o){return o.y;}))));figure.appendChild(svg);}

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@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
/* -----------------------------------------------------
Material Design Sliders
CodePen URL: https://codepen.io/rkchauhan/pen/xVGGpR
By: Ravikumar Chauhan
-------------------------------------------------------- */
function rkmd_rangeSlider(selector) {
var self, slider_width, slider_offset, curnt, sliderDiscrete, range, slider;
self = $(selector);
slider_width = self.width();
slider_offset = self.offset().left;
sliderDiscrete = self;
sliderDiscrete.each(function (i, v) {
curnt = $(this);
range = curnt.find('input[type="range"]');
slider = curnt.find(".slider");
slider_fill = slider.find(".slider-fill");
slider_handle = slider.find(".slider-handle");
slider_label = slider.find(".slider-label");
var range_val = parseInt(range.val());
slider_fill.css("width", range_val + "%");
slider_handle.css("left", range_val + "%");
self.on("mousedown touchstart", ".slider-handle", function (e) {
if (e.button === 2) {
return false;
var parents = $(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");
var slider_width = parents.width();
var slider_offset = parents.offset().left;
var check_range = parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");
if (check_range === true) {
return false;
var moveFu = function (e) {
var pageX = e.pageX || e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
var slider_new_width = pageX - slider_offset;
if (slider_new_width <= slider_width && !(slider_new_width < "0")) {
slider_move(parents, slider_new_width, slider_width, true);
var upFu = function (e) {
var handlers = {
mousemove: moveFu,
touchmove: moveFu,
mouseup: upFu,
touchend: upFu,
self.on("mousedown touchstart", ".slider", function (e) {
if (e.button === 2) {
return false;
var parents = $(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");
var slider_width = parents.width();
var slider_offset = parents.offset().left;
var check_range = parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");
if (check_range === true) {
return false;
var slider_new_width = e.pageX - slider_offset;
if (slider_new_width <= slider_width && !(slider_new_width < "0")) {
slider_move(parents, slider_new_width, slider_width, true);
var upFu = function (e) {
var handlers = {
mouseup: upFu,
touchend: upFu,
function sliderDiscrete_tmplt() {
var tmplt =
'<div class="slider">' +
'<div class="slider-fill"></div>' +
'<div class="slider-handle"><div class="slider-label"><span>0</span></div></div>' +
return tmplt;
function slider_move(parents, newW, sliderW, send) {
var slider_new_val = parseInt(Math.round((newW / sliderW) * 100));
var slider_fill = parents.find(".slider-fill");
var slider_handle = parents.find(".slider-handle");
var range = parents.find('input[type="range"]');
range.next().html(newW); // update value
slider_fill.css("width", slider_new_val + "%");
left: slider_new_val + "%",
transition: "none",
"-webkit-transition": "none",
"-moz-transition": "none",
if (parents.find(".slider-handle span").text() != slider_new_val) {
parents.find(".slider-handle span").text(slider_new_val);
var number = parents.attr("id").substring(2);
if (send) websock.send("slvalue:" + slider_new_val + ":" + number);

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View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
function rkmd_rangeSlider(selector){var self,slider_width,slider_offset,curnt,sliderDiscrete,range,slider;self=$(selector);slider_width=self.width();slider_offset=self.offset().left;sliderDiscrete=self;sliderDiscrete.each(function(i,v){curnt=$(this);curnt.append(sliderDiscrete_tmplt());range=curnt.find('input[type="range"]');slider=curnt.find(".slider");slider_fill=slider.find(".slider-fill");slider_handle=slider.find(".slider-handle");slider_label=slider.find(".slider-label");var range_val=parseInt(range.val());slider_fill.css("width",range_val+"%");slider_handle.css("left",range_val+"%");slider_label.find("span").text(range_val);});self.on("mousedown touchstart",".slider-handle",function(e){if(e.button===2){return false;}
var parents=$(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");var slider_width=parents.width();var slider_offset=parents.offset().left;var check_range=parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");if(check_range===true){return false;}
$(this).addClass("is-active");var moveFu=function(e){var pageX=e.pageX||e.changedTouches[0].pageX;var slider_new_width=pageX-slider_offset;if(slider_new_width<=slider_width&&!(slider_new_width<"0")){slider_move(parents,slider_new_width,slider_width,true);}};var upFu=function(e){$(this).off(handlers);parents.find(".is-active").removeClass("is-active");};var handlers={mousemove:moveFu,touchmove:moveFu,mouseup:upFu,touchend:upFu,};$(document).on(handlers);});self.on("mousedown touchstart",".slider",function(e){if(e.button===2){return false;}
var parents=$(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");var slider_width=parents.width();var slider_offset=parents.offset().left;var check_range=parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");if(check_range===true){return false;}
var slider_new_width=e.pageX-slider_offset;if(slider_new_width<=slider_width&&!(slider_new_width<"0")){slider_move(parents,slider_new_width,slider_width,true);}
var upFu=function(e){$(this).off(handlers);};var handlers={mouseup:upFu,touchend:upFu,};$(document).on(handlers);});}
function sliderDiscrete_tmplt(){var tmplt='<div class="slider">'+
'<div class="slider-fill"></div>'+
'<div class="slider-handle"><div class="slider-label"><span>0</span></div></div>'+
"</div>";return tmplt;}
function slider_move(parents,newW,sliderW,send){var slider_new_val=parseInt(Math.round((newW/sliderW)*100));var slider_fill=parents.find(".slider-fill");var slider_handle=parents.find(".slider-handle");var range=parents.find('input[type="range"]');range.next().html(newW);slider_fill.css("width",slider_new_val+"%");slider_handle.css({left:slider_new_val+"%",transition:"none","-webkit-transition":"none","-moz-transition":"none",});range.val(slider_new_val);if(parents.find(".slider-handle span").text()!=slider_new_val){parents.find(".slider-handle span").text(slider_new_val);var number=parents.attr("id").substring(2);if(send)websock.send("slvalue:"+slider_new_val+":"+number);}}

View File

@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
* Tabs plugin for jQuery created by Òscar Casajuana < elboletaire at underave dot net >
* @copyright Copyright 2013-2016 Òscar Casajuana
* @license MIT
* @author Òscar Casajuana Alonso <elboletaire at underave dot net>
;(function($, document, window, undefined) {
"use strict";
var Tabbedcontent = function(tabcontent, options) {
var defaults = {
links : tabcontent.prev().find('a').length ? tabcontent.prev().find('a') : '.tabs a', // the tabs itself. By default it selects the links contained in the previous wrapper or the links inside ".tabs a" if there's no previous item
errorSelector : '.error-message', // false to disable
speed : false, // speed of the show effect. Set to null or false to disable
onSwitch : false, // onSwitch callback
onInit : false, // onInit callback
currentClass : 'active', // current selected tab class (is set to the <a> element)
tabErrorClass : 'has-errors', // a class to be added to the tab where errorSelector is detected
history : true, // set to false to disable HTML5 history
historyOnInit : true, // allows to deactivate the history for the intial autmatically tab switch on load
loop : false // if set to true will loop between tabs when using the next() and prev() api methods
firstTime = false,
children = tabcontent.children(),
history = window.history,
loc = document.location,
current = null
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
if (!(options.links instanceof $)) {
options.links = $(options.links);
* Checks if the specified tab id exists.
* @param string tab Tab #id
* @return bool
function tabExists(tab) {
return Boolean(children.filter(tab).length);
* Checks if the current tab is the
* first one in the tabs set.
* @return bool
function isFirst() {
return current === 0;
* Checks if the passed number is an integer.
* @param mixed num The value to be checked.
* @return bool
function isInt(num) {
return num % 1 === 0;
* Checks if the current tab is the
* last one in the tabs set.
* @return {Boolean} [description]
function isLast() {
return current === children.length - 1;
* Filters a tab based on current links href.
* Method for compatibility with Zepto.js
* @param string tab Tab #href
* @return bool
function filterTab(tab) {
return $(this).attr('href').match(new RegExp(tab + '$'));
* Returns an object containing two jQuery instances:
* one for the tab content and the other for its link.
* @param mixed tab A tab id, #id or index.
* @return object With thi
function getTab(tab) {
if (tab instanceof $) {
return {
tab : tab,
link : options.links.eq(tab.index())
if (isInt(tab)) {
return {
tab : children.eq(tab),
link : options.links.eq(tab)
if (children.filter(tab).length) {
return {
tab : children.filter(tab),
link : options.links.filter(function() {
return filterTab.apply(this, [tab]);
// assume it's an id without #
return {
tab : children.filter('#' + tab),
link : options.links.filter(function() {
return filterTab.apply(this, ['#' + tab]);
* Returns the index of the current tab.
* @return int
function getCurrent() {
return options.links.parent().filter('.' + options.currentClass).index();
* Go to the next tab in the tabs set.
* @param bool loop If defined will overwrite options.loop
* @return mixed
function next(loop) {
if (loop === undefined) loop = options.loop;
if (current < children.length) {
return switchTab(current, true);
} else if (loop && current >= children.length) {
return switchTab(0, true);
return false;
* Go to the previous tab in the tabs set.
* @param bool loop If defined will overwrite options.loop
* @return mixed
function prev(loop) {
if (loop === undefined) loop = options.loop;
if (current >= 0) {
return switchTab(current, true);
} else if (loop && current < 0) {
return switchTab(children.length - 1, true);
return false;
* onSwitch callback for switchTab.
* @param string tab The tab #id
* @return void
function onSwitch(tab) {
if (options.history && options.historyOnInit && firstTime && history !== undefined && ('pushState' in history)) {
firstTime = false;
window.setTimeout(function() {
history.replaceState(null, '', tab);
}, 100);
current = getCurrent();
if (options.onSwitch && typeof options.onSwitch === 'function') {
options.onSwitch(tab, api());
tabcontent.trigger('tabcontent.switch', [tab, api()]);
* Switch to specified tab.
* @param mixed tab The tab to switch to.
* @param bool api Set to true to force history writing.
* @return bool Returns false if tab does not exist; true otherwise.
function switchTab(tab, api) {
if (!tab.toString().match(/^#/)) {
tab = '#' + getTab(tab).tab.attr('id');
if (!tabExists(tab)) {
return false;
// Toggle active class
options.links.filter(function() {
return filterTab.apply(this, [tab]);
// Hide tabs
// We need to force the change of the hash if we're using the API
if (options.history && api) {
if (history !== undefined && ('pushState' in history)) {
history.pushState(null, '', tab);
} else {
// force hash change to add it to the history
window.location.hash = tab;
// Show tabs
children.attr('aria-hidden','true').filter(tab).show(options.speed, function() {
if (options.speed) {
if (!options.speed) {
return true;
* Api method to switch tabs.
* @param mixed tab Tab to switch to.
* @return bool Returns false if tab does not exist; true otherwise.
function apiSwitch(tab) {
return switchTab(tab, true);
* Method used to switch tabs using the
* browser query hash.
* @param object e Event.
* @return void
function hashSwitch(e) {
* Initialization method.
* The tab checking preference is:
* - document.location.hash
* - options.errorSelector
* - first tab in the set of tabs
* The onInit method is called at the
* end of this method.
* @return void
function init() {
// Switch to tab using location.hash
if (tabExists(loc.hash)) {
// Switch to current hash tab
// If there's a tab link with the options.currentClass set,
// switch to that tab.
else if (options.links.parent().filter('.' + options.currentClass).length) {
switchTab(options.links.parent().filter('.' + options.currentClass).index());
// Switch to tab containing class options.errorSelector
else if (options.errorSelector && children.find(options.errorSelector).length) {
// Search for errors and show first tab containing one
children.each(function() {
if ($(this).find(options.errorSelector).length) {
switchTab("#" + $(this).attr("id"));
return false;
// Open first tab
else {
switchTab("#" + children.filter(":first-child").attr("id"));
// Add a class to every tab containing errors
if (options.errorSelector) {
children.find(options.errorSelector).each(function() {
var tab = getTab($(this).parent());
// Binding
if ('onhashchange' in window) {
$(window).bind('hashchange', hashSwitch);
} else { // old browsers
var current_href = loc.href;
window.setInterval(function() {
if (current_href !== loc.href) {
current_href = loc.href;
}, 100);
// Bind click event on links, to ensure we don't rewrite the URI in
// case history is disabled
$(options.links).on('click', function(e) {
switchTab($(this).attr('href').replace(/^[^#]+/, ''), options.history);
// onInit callback
if (options.onInit && typeof options.onInit === 'function') {
tabcontent.trigger('tabcontent.init', [api()]);
* Returns the methods exposed in the api.
* @return object Containing each api method.
function api() {
return {
'switch' : apiSwitch,
'switchTab' : apiSwitch, // for old browsers
'getCurrent' : getCurrent,
'getTab' : getTab,
'next' : next,
'prev' : prev,
'isFirst' : isFirst,
'isLast' : isLast
return api();
$.fn.tabbedContent = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var tabs = new Tabbedcontent($(this), options);
$(this).data('api', tabs);
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$, document, window);

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
;(function($,document,window,undefined){"use strict";var Tabbedcontent=function(tabcontent,options){var defaults={links:tabcontent.prev().find('a').length?tabcontent.prev().find('a'):'.tabs a',errorSelector:'.error-message',speed:false,onSwitch:false,onInit:false,currentClass:'active',tabErrorClass:'has-errors',history:true,historyOnInit:true,loop:false},firstTime=false,children=tabcontent.children(),history=window.history,loc=document.location,current=null;options=$.extend(defaults,options);if(!(options.links instanceof $)){options.links=$(options.links);}
function tabExists(tab){return Boolean(children.filter(tab).length);}
function isFirst(){return current===0;}
function isInt(num){return num%1===0;}
function isLast(){return current===children.length-1;}
function filterTab(tab){return $(this).attr('href').match(new RegExp(tab+'$'));}
function getTab(tab){if(tab instanceof $){return{tab:tab,link:options.links.eq(tab.index())};}
if(children.filter(tab).length){return{tab:children.filter(tab),link:options.links.filter(function(){return filterTab.apply(this,[tab]);})};}
return{tab:children.filter('#'+tab),link:options.links.filter(function(){return filterTab.apply(this,['#'+tab]);})};}
function getCurrent(){return options.links.parent().filter('.'+options.currentClass).index();}
function next(loop){++current;if(loop===undefined)loop=options.loop;if(current<children.length){return switchTab(current,true);}else if(loop&&current>=children.length){return switchTab(0,true);}
return false;}
function prev(loop){--current;if(loop===undefined)loop=options.loop;if(current>=0){return switchTab(current,true);}else if(loop&&current<0){return switchTab(children.length-1,true);}
return false;}
function onSwitch(tab){if(options.history&&options.historyOnInit&&firstTime&&history!==undefined&&('pushState'in history)){firstTime=false;window.setTimeout(function(){history.replaceState(null,'',tab);},100);}
current=getCurrent();if(options.onSwitch&&typeof options.onSwitch==='function'){options.onSwitch(tab,api());}
function switchTab(tab,api){if(!tab.toString().match(/^#/)){tab='#'+getTab(tab).tab.attr('id');}
if(!tabExists(tab)){return false;}
options.links.attr('aria-selected','false').parent().removeClass(options.currentClass);options.links.filter(function(){return filterTab.apply(this,[tab]);}).attr('aria-selected','true').parent().addClass(options.currentClass);children.hide();if(options.history&&api){if(history!==undefined&&('pushState'in history)){history.pushState(null,'',tab);}else{window.location.hash=tab;}}
return true;}
function apiSwitch(tab){return switchTab(tab,true);}
function hashSwitch(e){switchTab(loc.hash);}
function init(){if(tabExists(loc.hash)){switchTab(loc.hash);}
else if(options.links.parent().filter('.'+options.currentClass).length){switchTab(options.links.parent().filter('.'+options.currentClass).index());}
else if(options.errorSelector&&children.find(options.errorSelector).length){children.each(function(){if($(this).find(options.errorSelector).length){switchTab("#"+$(this).attr("id"));return false;}});}
if(options.errorSelector){children.find(options.errorSelector).each(function(){var tab=getTab($(this).parent());tab.link.parent().addClass(options.tabErrorClass);});}
if('onhashchange'in window){$(window).bind('hashchange',hashSwitch);}else{var current_href=loc.href;window.setInterval(function(){if(current_href!==loc.href){hashSwitch.call(window.event);current_href=loc.href;}},100);}
$(options.links).on('click',function(e){switchTab($(this).attr('href').replace(/^[^#]+/,''),options.history);e.preventDefault();});if(options.onInit&&typeof options.onInit==='function'){options.onInit(api());}
function api(){return{'switch':apiSwitch,'switchTab':apiSwitch,'getCurrent':getCurrent,'getTab':getTab,'next':next,'prev':prev,'isFirst':isFirst,'isLast':isLast};}
init();return api();};$.fn.tabbedContent=function(options){return this.each(function(){var tabs=new Tabbedcontent($(this),options);$(this).data('api',tabs);});};})(window.jQuery||window.Zepto||window.$,document,window);

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@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
* @file completeExample.cpp
* @author Ian Gray @iangray1000
* This is an example GUI to show off all of the features of ESPUI.
* This can be built using the Arduino IDE, or PlatformIO.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If you just want to see examples of the ESPUI code, jump down to the setUpUI() function
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* When this program boots, it will load an SSID and password from the EEPROM.
* The SSID is a null-terminated C string stored at EEPROM addresses 0-31
* The password is a null-terminated C string stored at EEPROM addresses 32-95.
* If these credentials do not work for some reason, the ESP will create an Access
* Point wifi with the SSID HOSTNAME (defined below). You can then connect and use
* the controls on the "Wifi Credentials" tab to store credentials into the EEPROM.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <ESPUI.h>
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
// esp8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>
#ifndef CORE_MOCK
#warning Try MMU option '2nd heap shared' in 'tools' IDE menu (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#option-summary)
#warning use decorators: { HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM; ESPUI.addControl(...) ... } (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#how-to-select-heap)
#warning then check http://<ip>/heap
#endif // MMU_IRAM_HEAP
#error on ESP8266 and ESPUI, you must define OOM debug option when developping
#define SLOW_BOOT 0
#define HOSTNAME "ESPUITest"
//Function Prototypes
void connectWifi();
void setUpUI();
void enterWifiDetailsCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void textCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void generalCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void scrambleCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void styleCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void updateCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void getTimeCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void graphAddCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void graphClearCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void randomString(char *buf, int len);
void extendedCallback(Control* sender, int type, void* param);
//UI handles
uint16_t wifi_ssid_text, wifi_pass_text;
uint16_t mainLabel, mainSwitcher, mainSlider, mainText, mainNumber, mainScrambleButton, mainTime;
uint16_t styleButton, styleLabel, styleSwitcher, styleSlider, styleButton2, styleLabel2, styleSlider2;
uint16_t graph;
volatile bool updates = false;
// This is the main function which builds our GUI
void setUpUI() {
#ifdef ESP8266
{ HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM;
//Turn off verbose debugging
//Make sliders continually report their position as they are being dragged.
ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
//This GUI is going to be a tabbed GUI, so we are adding most controls using ESPUI.addControl
//which allows us to set a parent control. If we didn't need tabs we could use the simpler add
//functions like:
// ESPUI.button()
// ESPUI.label()
* Tab: Basic Controls
* This tab contains all the basic ESPUI controls, and shows how to read and update them at runtime.
auto maintab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Basic controls");
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "General controls", "", None, maintab);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Button", "Button 1", Alizarin, maintab, extendedCallback, (void*)19);
mainLabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Label", "Label text", Emerald, maintab, generalCallback);
mainSwitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Switcher", "", Sunflower, maintab, generalCallback);
//Sliders default to being 0 to 100, but if you want different limits you can add a Min and Max control
mainSlider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Slider", "200", Turquoise, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Min, "", "10", None, mainSlider);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "400", None, mainSlider);
//These are the values for the selector's options. (Note that they *must* be declared static
//so that the storage is allocated in global memory and not just on the stack of this function.)
static String optionValues[] {"Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3", "Value 4", "Value 5"};
auto mainselector = ESPUI.addControl(Select, "Selector", "Selector", Wetasphalt, maintab, generalCallback);
for(auto const& v : optionValues) {
ESPUI.addControl(Option, v.c_str(), v, None, mainselector);
mainText = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "Text Input", "Initial value", Alizarin, maintab, generalCallback);
//Number inputs also accept Min and Max components, but you should still validate the values.
mainNumber = ESPUI.addControl(Number, "Number Input", "42", Emerald, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Min, "", "10", None, mainNumber);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "50", None, mainNumber);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Updates", "", None, maintab);
//This button will update all the updatable controls on this tab to random values
mainScrambleButton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Scramble Values", "Scramble Values", Carrot, maintab, scrambleCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Constant updates", "0", Carrot, maintab, updateCallback);
mainTime = ESPUI.addControl(Time, "", "", None, 0, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Get Time", "Get Time", Carrot, maintab, getTimeCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Control Pads", "", None, maintab);
ESPUI.addControl(Pad, "Normal", "", Peterriver, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(PadWithCenter, "With center", "", Peterriver, maintab, generalCallback);
* Tab: Colours
* This tab shows all the basic colours
auto colourtab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Colours");
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Alizarin", "Alizarin", Alizarin, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Turquoise", "Turquoise", Turquoise, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Emerald", "Emerald", Emerald, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Peterriver", "Peterriver", Peterriver, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Wetasphalt", "Wetasphalt", Wetasphalt, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Sunflower", "Sunflower", Sunflower, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Carrot", "Carrot", Carrot, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Dark", "Dark", Dark, colourtab, generalCallback);
* Tab: Styled controls
* This tab shows off how inline CSS styles can be applied to elements and panels in order
* to customise the look of the UI.
auto styletab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Styled controls");
styleButton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Styled Button", "Button", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleLabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Styled Label", "This is a label", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleSwitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Styled Switcher", "1", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleSlider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Styled Slider", "0", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
//This button will randomise the colours of the above controls to show updating of inline styles
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Randomise Colours", "Randomise Colours", Sunflower, styletab, styleCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Other styling examples", "", None, styletab);
styleButton2 = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Styled Button", "Button", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleButton2, "background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(131,58,180,1) 0%, rgba(253,29,29,1) 50%, rgba(252,176,69,1) 100%); border-bottom: #555;");
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleButton2, "border-radius: 2em; border: 3px solid black; width: 30%; background-color: #8df;");
styleSlider2 = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Styled Slider", "0", Dark, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSlider2, "background: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue);");
styleLabel2 = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Styled Label", "This is a label", Dark, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleLabel2, "text-shadow: 3px 3px #74b1ff, 6px 6px #c64ad7; font-size: 60px; font-variant-caps: small-caps; background-color: unset; color: #c4f0bb; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px black;");
* Tab: Grouped controls
* This tab shows how multiple control can be grouped into the same panel through the use of the
* parentControl value. This also shows how to add labels to grouped controls, and how to use vertical controls.
auto grouptab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Grouped controls");
//The parent of this button is a tab, so it will create a new panel with one control.
auto groupbutton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Button Group", "Button A", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//However the parent of this button is another control, so therefore no new panel is
//created and the button is added to the existing panel.
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button B", Alizarin, groupbutton, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button C", Alizarin, groupbutton, generalCallback);
//Sliders can be grouped as well
//To label each slider in the group, we are going add additional labels and give them custom CSS styles
//We need this CSS style rule, which will remove the label's background and ensure that it takes up the entire width of the panel
String clearLabelStyle = "background-color: unset; width: 100%;";
//First we add the main slider to create a panel
auto groupsliders = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Slider Group", "10", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//Then we add a label and set its style to the clearLabelStyle. Here we've just given it the name "A"
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
//We can now continue to add additional sliders and labels
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "20", None, groupsliders, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "30", None, groupsliders, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
//We can also usefully group switchers.
auto groupswitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Switcher Group", "0", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
//To label these switchers we need to first go onto a "new line" below the line of switchers
//To do this we add an empty label set to be clear and full width (with our clearLabelStyle)
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, groupswitcher), clearLabelStyle);
//We will now need another label style. This one sets its width to the same as a switcher (and turns off the background)
String switcherLabelStyle = "width: 60px; margin-left: .3rem; margin-right: .3rem; background-color: unset;";
//We can now just add the styled labels.
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
//You can mix and match different control types, but the results might sometimes
//need additional styling to lay out nicely.
auto grouplabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Mixed Group", "Main label", Dark, grouptab);
auto grouplabel2 = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "Secondary label", Emerald, grouplabel);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button D", Alizarin, grouplabel, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, grouplabel, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(grouplabel2, "font-size: x-large; font-family: serif;");
//Some controls can even support vertical orientation, currently Switchers and Sliders
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Vertical controls", "", None, grouptab);
auto vertgroupswitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Vertical Switcher Group", "0", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//On the following lines we wrap the value returned from addControl and send it straight to setVertical
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
//The mechanism for labelling vertical switchers is the same as we used above for horizontal ones
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, vertgroupswitcher), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
auto vertgroupslider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Vertical Slider Group", "15", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "25", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "35", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "45", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
//The mechanism for labelling vertical sliders is the same as we used above for switchers
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, vertgroupslider), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
//Note that combining vertical and horizontal sliders is going to result in very messy layout!
* Tab: Example UI
* An example UI for the documentation
auto exampletab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "Example", "Example");
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Control and Status", "", None, exampletab);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Power", "1", Alizarin, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Status", "System status: OK", Wetasphalt, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Settings", "", None, exampletab);
ESPUI.addControl(PadWithCenter, "Attitude Control", "", Dark, exampletab, generalCallback);
auto examplegroup1 = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature A", Carrot, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature B", Carrot, examplegroup1, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature C", Carrot, examplegroup1, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Value control", "45", Peterriver, exampletab, generalCallback);
* Tab: WiFi Credentials
* You use this tab to enter the SSID and password of a wifi network to autoconnect to.
auto wifitab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "WiFi Credentials");
wifi_ssid_text = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "SSID", "", Alizarin, wifitab, textCallback);
//Note that adding a "Max" control to a text control sets the max length
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "32", None, wifi_ssid_text);
wifi_pass_text = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "Password", "", Alizarin, wifitab, textCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "64", None, wifi_pass_text);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Save", "Save", Peterriver, wifitab, enterWifiDetailsCallback);
//Finally, start up the UI.
//This should only be called once we are connected to WiFi.
#ifdef ESP8266
} // HeapSelectIram
//This callback generates and applies inline styles to a bunch of controls to change their colour.
//The styles created are of the form:
// "border-bottom: #999 3px solid; background-color: #aabbcc;"
// "background-color: #aabbcc;"
void styleCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
//Declare space for style strings. These have to be static so that they are always available
//to the websocket layer. If we'd not made them static they'd be allocated on the heap and
//will be unavailable when we leave this function.
static char stylecol1[60], stylecol2[30];
if(type == B_UP) {
//Generate two random HTML hex colour codes, and print them into CSS style rules
sprintf(stylecol1, "border-bottom: #999 3px solid; background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF));
sprintf(stylecol2, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF));
//Apply those styles to various elements to show how controls react to styling
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleButton, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleButton, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleLabel, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleLabel, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleSwitcher, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSwitcher, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleSlider, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSlider, stylecol2);
//This callback updates the "values" of a bunch of controls
void scrambleCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
static char rndString1[10];
static char rndString2[20];
static bool scText = false;
if(type == B_UP) { //Button callbacks generate events for both UP and DOWN.
//Generate some random text
randomString(rndString1, 10);
randomString(rndString2, 20);
//Set the various controls to random value to show how controls can be updated at runtime
ESPUI.updateLabel(mainLabel, String(rndString1));
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(mainSwitcher, ESPUI.getControl(mainSwitcher)->value.toInt() ? false : true);
ESPUI.updateSlider(mainSlider, random(10, 400));
ESPUI.updateText(mainText, String(rndString2));
ESPUI.updateNumber(mainNumber, random(100000));
ESPUI.updateButton(mainScrambleButton, scText ? "Scrambled!" : "Scrambled.");
scText = !scText;
void updateCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
updates = (sender->value.toInt() > 0);
void getTimeCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
void graphAddCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
ESPUI.addGraphPoint(graph, random(1, 50));
void graphClearCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
//Most elements in this test UI are assigned this generic callback which prints some
//basic information. Event types are defined in ESPUI.h
void generalCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
Serial.print("CB: id(");
Serial.print(") Type(");
Serial.print(") '");
Serial.print("' = ");
// Most elements in this test UI are assigned this generic callback which prints some
// basic information. Event types are defined in ESPUI.h
// The extended param can be used to hold a pointer to additional information
// or for C++ it can be used to return a this pointer for quick access
// using a lambda function
void extendedCallback(Control* sender, int type, void* param)
Serial.print("CB: id(");
Serial.print(") Type(");
Serial.print(") '");
Serial.print("' = ");
Serial.print("param = ");
void setup() {
if(SLOW_BOOT) delay(5000); //Delay booting to give time to connect a serial monitor
#if defined(ESP32)
WiFi.setSleep(false); //For the ESP32: turn off sleeping to increase UI responsivness (at the cost of power use)
void loop() {
static long unsigned lastTime = 0;
//Send periodic updates if switcher is turned on
if(updates && millis() > lastTime + 500) {
static uint16_t sliderVal = 10;
//Flick this switcher on and off
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(mainSwitcher, ESPUI.getControl(mainSwitcher)->value.toInt() ? false : true);
sliderVal += 10;
if(sliderVal > 400) sliderVal = 10;
//Sliders, numbers, and labels can all be updated at will
ESPUI.updateSlider(mainSlider, sliderVal);
ESPUI.updateNumber(mainNumber, random(100000));
ESPUI.updateLabel(mainLabel, String(sliderVal));
lastTime = millis();
//Simple debug UART interface
if(Serial.available()) {
switch(Serial.read()) {
case 'w': //Print IP details
case 'W': //Reconnect wifi
case 'C': //Force a crash (for testing exception decoder)
#if !defined(ESP32)
((void (*)())0xf00fdead)();
#if !defined(ESP32)
//We don't need to call this explicitly on ESP32 but we do on 8266
//If you are here just to see examples of how to use ESPUI, you can ignore the following functions
void readStringFromEEPROM(String& buf, int baseaddress, int size) {
for (int i = baseaddress; i < baseaddress+size; i++) {
char c = EEPROM.read(i);
buf += c;
if(!c) break;
void connectWifi() {
int connect_timeout;
#if defined(ESP32)
Serial.println("Begin wifi...");
//Load credentials from EEPROM
String stored_ssid, stored_pass;
readStringFromEEPROM(stored_ssid, 0, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(stored_pass, 32, 96);
//Try to connect with stored credentials, fire up an access point if they don't work.
#if defined(ESP32)
WiFi.begin(stored_ssid.c_str(), stored_pass.c_str());
WiFi.begin(stored_ssid, stored_pass);
connect_timeout = 28; //7 seconds
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && connect_timeout > 0) {
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Wifi started");
if (!MDNS.begin(HOSTNAME)) {
Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
} else {
Serial.println("\nCreating access point...");
WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
connect_timeout = 20;
do {
} while(connect_timeout);
void enterWifiDetailsCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
Serial.println("Saving credentials to EPROM...");
unsigned int i;
for(i = 0; i < ESPUI.getControl(wifi_ssid_text)->value.length(); i++) {
EEPROM.write(i, ESPUI.getControl(wifi_ssid_text)->value.charAt(i));
if(i==30) break; //Even though we provided a max length, user input should never be trusted
EEPROM.write(i, '\0');
for(i = 0; i < ESPUI.getControl(wifi_pass_text)->value.length(); i++) {
EEPROM.write(i + 32, ESPUI.getControl(wifi_pass_text)->value.charAt(i));
if(i==94) break; //Even though we provided a max length, user input should never be trusted
EEPROM.write(i + 32, '\0');
void textCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
//This callback is needed to handle the changed values, even though it doesn't do anything itself.
void randomString(char *buf, int len) {
for(auto i = 0; i < len-1; i++)
buf[i] = random(0, 26) + 'A';
buf[len-1] = '\0';

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
// placeholder
#include "completeExample.cpp"

View File

@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
* @file completeExample.cpp
* @author Ian Gray @iangray1000
* This is an example GUI to show off all of the features of ESPUI.
* This can be built using the Arduino IDE, or PlatformIO.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If you just want to see examples of the ESPUI code, jump down to the setUpUI() function
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* When this program boots, it will load an SSID and password from the EEPROM.
* The SSID is a null-terminated C string stored at EEPROM addresses 0-31
* The password is a null-terminated C string stored at EEPROM addresses 32-95.
* If these credentials do not work for some reason, the ESP will create an Access
* Point wifi with the SSID HOSTNAME (defined below). You can then connect and use
* the controls on the "Wifi Credentials" tab to store credentials into the EEPROM.
* Version with lambdas. Comparing to version with only callbacks:
* diff -u ../completeExample/completeExample.cpp completeLambda.ino|less
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <ESPUI.h>
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
// esp8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>
#ifndef CORE_MOCK
#warning Try MMU option '2nd heap shared' in 'tools' IDE menu (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#option-summary)
#warning use decorators: { HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM; ESPUI.addControl(...) ... } (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#how-to-select-heap)
#warning then check http://<ip>/heap
#endif // MMU_IRAM_HEAP
#error on ESP8266 and ESPUI, you must define OOM debug option when developping
#define SLOW_BOOT 0
#define HOSTNAME "ESPUITest"
//Function Prototypes
void connectWifi();
void setUpUI();
void textCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void generalCallback(Control *sender, int type);
void randomString(char *buf, int len);
void paramCallback(Control* sender, int type, int param);
//UI handles
uint16_t wifi_ssid_text, wifi_pass_text;
uint16_t mainLabel, mainSwitcher, mainSlider, mainText, mainNumber, mainScrambleButton, mainTime;
uint16_t styleButton, styleLabel, styleSwitcher, styleSlider, styleButton2, styleLabel2, styleSlider2;
uint16_t graph;
volatile bool updates = false;
// This is the main function which builds our GUI
void setUpUI() {
#ifdef ESP8266
{ HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM;
//Turn off verbose debugging
//Make sliders continually report their position as they are being dragged.
ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
//This GUI is going to be a tabbed GUI, so we are adding most controls using ESPUI.addControl
//which allows us to set a parent control. If we didn't need tabs we could use the simpler add
//functions like:
// ESPUI.button()
// ESPUI.label()
* Tab: Basic Controls
* This tab contains all the basic ESPUI controls, and shows how to read and update them at runtime.
auto maintab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Basic controls");
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "General controls", "", None, maintab);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Button", "Button 1", Alizarin, maintab, [](Control *sender, int type){ paramCallback(sender, type, 19); });
mainLabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Label", "Label text", Emerald, maintab, generalCallback);
mainSwitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Switcher", "", Sunflower, maintab, generalCallback);
//Sliders default to being 0 to 100, but if you want different limits you can add a Min and Max control
mainSlider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Slider", "200", Turquoise, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Min, "", "10", None, mainSlider);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "400", None, mainSlider);
//These are the values for the selector's options. (Note that they *must* be declared static
//so that the storage is allocated in global memory and not just on the stack of this function.)
static String optionValues[] {"Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3", "Value 4", "Value 5"};
auto mainselector = ESPUI.addControl(Select, "Selector", "Selector", Wetasphalt, maintab, generalCallback);
for(auto const& v : optionValues) {
ESPUI.addControl(Option, v.c_str(), v, None, mainselector);
mainText = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "Text Input", "Initial value", Alizarin, maintab, generalCallback);
//Number inputs also accept Min and Max components, but you should still validate the values.
mainNumber = ESPUI.addControl(Number, "Number Input", "42", Emerald, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Min, "", "10", None, mainNumber);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "50", None, mainNumber);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Updates", "", None, maintab);
//This button will update all the updatable controls on this tab to random values
mainScrambleButton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Scramble Values", "Scramble Values", Carrot, maintab,
//This callback updates the "values" of a bunch of controls
[](Control *sender, int type) {
static char rndString1[10];
static char rndString2[20];
static bool scText = false;
if(type == B_UP) { //Button callbacks generate events for both UP and DOWN.
//Generate some random text
randomString(rndString1, 10);
randomString(rndString2, 20);
//Set the various controls to random value to show how controls can be updated at runtime
ESPUI.updateLabel(mainLabel, String(rndString1));
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(mainSwitcher, ESPUI.getControl(mainSwitcher)->value.toInt() ? false : true);
ESPUI.updateSlider(mainSlider, random(10, 400));
ESPUI.updateText(mainText, String(rndString2));
ESPUI.updateNumber(mainNumber, random(100000));
ESPUI.updateButton(mainScrambleButton, scText ? "Scrambled!" : "Scrambled.");
scText = !scText;
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Constant updates", "0", Carrot, maintab,
[](Control *sender, int type) {
updates = (sender->value.toInt() > 0);
mainTime = ESPUI.addControl(Time, "", "", None, 0, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Get Time", "Get Time", Carrot, maintab,
[](Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Control Pads", "", None, maintab);
ESPUI.addControl(Pad, "Normal", "", Peterriver, maintab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(PadWithCenter, "With center", "", Peterriver, maintab, generalCallback);
* Tab: Colours
* This tab shows all the basic colours
auto colourtab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Colours");
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Alizarin", "Alizarin", Alizarin, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Turquoise", "Turquoise", Turquoise, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Emerald", "Emerald", Emerald, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Peterriver", "Peterriver", Peterriver, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Wetasphalt", "Wetasphalt", Wetasphalt, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Sunflower", "Sunflower", Sunflower, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Carrot", "Carrot", Carrot, colourtab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Dark", "Dark", Dark, colourtab, generalCallback);
* Tab: Styled controls
* This tab shows off how inline CSS styles can be applied to elements and panels in order
* to customise the look of the UI.
auto styletab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Styled controls");
styleButton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Styled Button", "Button", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleLabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Styled Label", "This is a label", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleSwitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Styled Switcher", "1", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
styleSlider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Styled Slider", "0", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
//This button will randomise the colours of the above controls to show updating of inline styles
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Randomise Colours", "Randomise Colours", Sunflower, styletab,
//This callback generates and applies inline styles to a bunch of controls to change their colour.
//The styles created are of the form:
// "border-bottom: #999 3px solid; background-color: #aabbcc;"
// "background-color: #aabbcc;"
[](Control *sender, int type) {
//Declare space for style strings. These have to be static so that they are always available
//to the websocket layer. If we'd not made them static they'd be allocated on the heap and
//will be unavailable when we leave this function.
static char stylecol1[60], stylecol2[30];
if(type == B_UP) {
//Generate two random HTML hex colour codes, and print them into CSS style rules
sprintf(stylecol1, "border-bottom: #999 3px solid; background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF));
sprintf(stylecol2, "background-color: #%06X;", (unsigned int) random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF));
//Apply those styles to various elements to show how controls react to styling
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleButton, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleButton, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleLabel, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleLabel, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleSwitcher, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSwitcher, stylecol2);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleSlider, stylecol1);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSlider, stylecol2);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Other styling examples", "", None, styletab);
styleButton2 = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Styled Button", "Button", Alizarin, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setPanelStyle(styleButton2, "background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(131,58,180,1) 0%, rgba(253,29,29,1) 50%, rgba(252,176,69,1) 100%); border-bottom: #555;");
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleButton2, "border-radius: 2em; border: 3px solid black; width: 30%; background-color: #8df;");
styleSlider2 = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Styled Slider", "0", Dark, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleSlider2, "background: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue);");
styleLabel2 = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Styled Label", "This is a label", Dark, styletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(styleLabel2, "text-shadow: 3px 3px #74b1ff, 6px 6px #c64ad7; font-size: 60px; font-variant-caps: small-caps; background-color: unset; color: #c4f0bb; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px black;");
* Tab: Grouped controls
* This tab shows how multiple control can be grouped into the same panel through the use of the
* parentControl value. This also shows how to add labels to grouped controls, and how to use vertical controls.
auto grouptab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "Grouped controls");
//The parent of this button is a tab, so it will create a new panel with one control.
auto groupbutton = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Button Group", "Button A", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//However the parent of this button is another control, so therefore no new panel is
//created and the button is added to the existing panel.
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button B", Alizarin, groupbutton, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button C", Alizarin, groupbutton, generalCallback);
//Sliders can be grouped as well
//To label each slider in the group, we are going add additional labels and give them custom CSS styles
//We need this CSS style rule, which will remove the label's background and ensure that it takes up the entire width of the panel
String clearLabelStyle = "background-color: unset; width: 100%;";
//First we add the main slider to create a panel
auto groupsliders = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Slider Group", "10", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//Then we add a label and set its style to the clearLabelStyle. Here we've just given it the name "A"
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
//We can now continue to add additional sliders and labels
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "20", None, groupsliders, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "30", None, groupsliders, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, groupsliders), clearLabelStyle);
//We can also usefully group switchers.
auto groupswitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Switcher Group", "0", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, groupswitcher, generalCallback);
//To label these switchers we need to first go onto a "new line" below the line of switchers
//To do this we add an empty label set to be clear and full width (with our clearLabelStyle)
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, groupswitcher), clearLabelStyle);
//We will now need another label style. This one sets its width to the same as a switcher (and turns off the background)
String switcherLabelStyle = "width: 60px; margin-left: .3rem; margin-right: .3rem; background-color: unset;";
//We can now just add the styled labels.
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, groupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
//You can mix and match different control types, but the results might sometimes
//need additional styling to lay out nicely.
auto grouplabel = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Mixed Group", "Main label", Dark, grouptab);
auto grouplabel2 = ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "Secondary label", Emerald, grouplabel);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "", "Button D", Alizarin, grouplabel, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "1", Sunflower, grouplabel, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(grouplabel2, "font-size: x-large; font-family: serif;");
//Some controls can even support vertical orientation, currently Switchers and Sliders
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Vertical controls", "", None, grouptab);
auto vertgroupswitcher = ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Vertical Switcher Group", "0", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
//On the following lines we wrap the value returned from addControl and send it straight to setVertical
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "", "0", None, vertgroupswitcher, generalCallback));
//The mechanism for labelling vertical switchers is the same as we used above for horizontal ones
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, vertgroupswitcher), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, vertgroupswitcher), switcherLabelStyle);
auto vertgroupslider = ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Vertical Slider Group", "15", Dark, grouptab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "25", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "35", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
ESPUI.setVertical(ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "", "45", None, vertgroupslider, generalCallback));
//The mechanism for labelling vertical sliders is the same as we used above for switchers
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "", None, vertgroupslider), clearLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "A", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "B", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "C", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
ESPUI.setElementStyle(ESPUI.addControl(Label, "", "D", None, vertgroupslider), switcherLabelStyle);
//Note that combining vertical and horizontal sliders is going to result in very messy layout!
* Tab: Example UI
* An example UI for the documentation
auto exampletab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "Example", "Example");
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Control and Status", "", None, exampletab);
ESPUI.addControl(Switcher, "Power", "1", Alizarin, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Label, "Status", "System status: OK", Wetasphalt, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Separator, "Settings", "", None, exampletab);
ESPUI.addControl(PadWithCenter, "Attitude Control", "", Dark, exampletab, generalCallback);
auto examplegroup1 = ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature A", Carrot, exampletab, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature B", Carrot, examplegroup1, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Activate Features", "Feature C", Carrot, examplegroup1, generalCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Slider, "Value control", "45", Peterriver, exampletab, generalCallback);
* Tab: WiFi Credentials
* You use this tab to enter the SSID and password of a wifi network to autoconnect to.
auto wifitab = ESPUI.addControl(Tab, "", "WiFi Credentials");
wifi_ssid_text = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "SSID", "", Alizarin, wifitab, textCallback);
//Note that adding a "Max" control to a text control sets the max length
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "32", None, wifi_ssid_text);
wifi_pass_text = ESPUI.addControl(Text, "Password", "", Alizarin, wifitab, textCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(Max, "", "64", None, wifi_pass_text);
ESPUI.addControl(Button, "Save", "Save", Peterriver, wifitab,
[](Control *sender, int type) {
if(type == B_UP) {
Serial.println("Saving credentials to EPROM...");
unsigned int i;
for(i = 0; i < ESPUI.getControl(wifi_ssid_text)->value.length(); i++) {
EEPROM.write(i, ESPUI.getControl(wifi_ssid_text)->value.charAt(i));
if(i==30) break; //Even though we provided a max length, user input should never be trusted
EEPROM.write(i, '\0');
for(i = 0; i < ESPUI.getControl(wifi_pass_text)->value.length(); i++) {
EEPROM.write(i + 32, ESPUI.getControl(wifi_pass_text)->value.charAt(i));
if(i==94) break; //Even though we provided a max length, user input should never be trusted
EEPROM.write(i + 32, '\0');
//Finally, start up the UI.
//This should only be called once we are connected to WiFi.
#ifdef ESP8266
} // HeapSelectIram
//Most elements in this test UI are assigned this generic callback which prints some
//basic information. Event types are defined in ESPUI.h
void generalCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
Serial.print("CB: id(");
Serial.print(") Type(");
Serial.print(") '");
Serial.print("' = ");
// Most elements in this test UI are assigned this generic callback which prints some
// basic information. Event types are defined in ESPUI.h
// The extended param can be used to pass additional information
void paramCallback(Control* sender, int type, int param)
Serial.print("CB: id(");
Serial.print(") Type(");
Serial.print(") '");
Serial.print("' = ");
Serial.print("param = ");
void setup() {
if(SLOW_BOOT) delay(5000); //Delay booting to give time to connect a serial monitor
#if defined(ESP32)
WiFi.setSleep(false); //For the ESP32: turn off sleeping to increase UI responsivness (at the cost of power use)
void loop() {
static long unsigned lastTime = 0;
//Send periodic updates if switcher is turned on
if(updates && millis() > lastTime + 500) {
static uint16_t sliderVal = 10;
//Flick this switcher on and off
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(mainSwitcher, ESPUI.getControl(mainSwitcher)->value.toInt() ? false : true);
sliderVal += 10;
if(sliderVal > 400) sliderVal = 10;
//Sliders, numbers, and labels can all be updated at will
ESPUI.updateSlider(mainSlider, sliderVal);
ESPUI.updateNumber(mainNumber, random(100000));
ESPUI.updateLabel(mainLabel, String(sliderVal));
lastTime = millis();
//Simple debug UART interface
if(Serial.available()) {
switch(Serial.read()) {
case 'w': //Print IP details
case 'W': //Reconnect wifi
case 'C': //Force a crash (for testing exception decoder)
#if !defined(ESP32)
((void (*)())0xf00fdead)();
#if !defined(ESP32)
//We don't need to call this explicitly on ESP32 but we do on 8266
//If you are here just to see examples of how to use ESPUI, you can ignore the following functions
void readStringFromEEPROM(String& buf, int baseaddress, int size) {
for (int i = baseaddress; i < baseaddress+size; i++) {
char c = EEPROM.read(i);
buf += c;
if(!c) break;
void connectWifi() {
int connect_timeout;
#if defined(ESP32)
Serial.println("Begin wifi...");
//Load credentials from EEPROM
String stored_ssid, stored_pass;
readStringFromEEPROM(stored_ssid, 0, 32);
readStringFromEEPROM(stored_pass, 32, 96);
//Try to connect with stored credentials, fire up an access point if they don't work.
#if defined(ESP32)
WiFi.begin(stored_ssid.c_str(), stored_pass.c_str());
WiFi.begin(stored_ssid, stored_pass);
connect_timeout = 28; //7 seconds
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && connect_timeout > 0) {
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Wifi started");
if (!MDNS.begin(HOSTNAME)) {
Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
} else {
Serial.println("\nCreating access point...");
WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
connect_timeout = 20;
do {
} while(connect_timeout);
void textCallback(Control *sender, int type) {
//This callback is needed to handle the changed values, even though it doesn't do anything itself.
void randomString(char *buf, int len) {
for(auto i = 0; i < len-1; i++)
buf[i] = random(0, 26) + 'A';
buf[len-1] = '\0';

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESPUI.h>
const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 4, 1);
DNSServer dnsServer;
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h>
// esp8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>
#ifndef CORE_MOCK
#warning Try MMU option '2nd heap shared' in 'tools' IDE menu (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#option-summary)
#warning use decorators: { HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM; ESPUI.addControl(...) ... } (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#how-to-select-heap)
#warning then check http://<ip>/heap
#endif // MMU_IRAM_HEAP
#if !defined(DEBUG_ESP_OOM)
#error on ESP8266 and ESPUI, you must define OOM debug option when developping
const char* ssid = "ESPUI";
const char* password = "espui";
const char* hostname = "espui";
uint16_t status;
uint16_t button1;
uint16_t millisLabelId;
uint16_t switchOne;
void numberCall(Control* sender, int type)
void textCall(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Text: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void slider(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Slider: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void buttonCallback(Control* sender, int type)
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Button DOWN");
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Button UP");
void buttonExample(Control* sender, int type, void* param)
Serial.print("param: ");
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Status: Start");
ESPUI.updateControlValue(status, "Start");
ESPUI.getControl(button1)->color = ControlColor::Carrot;
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Status: Stop");
ESPUI.updateControlValue(status, "Stop");
ESPUI.getControl(button1)->color = ControlColor::Peterriver;
void padExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
Serial.print("left down");
case P_LEFT_UP:
Serial.print("left up");
Serial.print("right down");
case P_RIGHT_UP:
Serial.print("right up");
case P_FOR_DOWN:
Serial.print("for down");
case P_FOR_UP:
Serial.print("for up");
Serial.print("back down");
case P_BACK_UP:
Serial.print("back up");
Serial.print("center down");
Serial.print("center up");
Serial.print(" ");
void switchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void selectExample(Control* sender, int value)
Serial.print("Select: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void otherSwitchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void setup(void)
#if defined(ESP32)
// try to connect to existing network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("\n\nTry to connect to existing network");
uint8_t timeout = 10;
// Wait for connection, 5s timeout
} while (timeout && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED);
// not connected -> create hotspot
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("\n\nCreating hotspot");
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
#if defined(ESP32)
uint32_t chipid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i = i + 8)
chipid |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i;
uint32_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
char ap_ssid[25];
snprintf(ap_ssid, 26, "ESPUI-%08X", chipid);
timeout = 5;
} while (timeout);
dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP);
Serial.println("\n\nWiFi parameters:");
Serial.print("Mode: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? "Station" : "Client");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? WiFi.softAPIP() : WiFi.localIP());
#ifdef ESP8266
{ HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM;
status = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Status:", "Stop", ControlColor::Turquoise);
uint16_t select1 = ESPUI.addControl(
ControlType::Select, "Select:", "", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &selectExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option1", "Opt1", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option2", "Opt2", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option3", "Opt3", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ControlType::Text, "Text Test:", "a Text Field", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &textCall);
millisLabelId = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Millis:", "0", ControlColor::Emerald, Control::noParent);
button1 = ESPUI.addControl(
ControlType::Button, "Push Button", "Press", ControlColor::Peterriver, Control::noParent, &buttonCallback);
ControlType::Button, "Other Button", "Press", ControlColor::Wetasphalt, Control::noParent, &buttonExample, (void*)19);
ControlType::PadWithCenter, "Pad with center", "", ControlColor::Sunflower, Control::noParent, &padExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Pad, "Pad without center", "", ControlColor::Carrot, Control::noParent, &padExample);
switchOne = ESPUI.addControl(
ControlType::Switcher, "Switch one", "", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &switchExample);
ControlType::Switcher, "Switch two", "", ControlColor::None, Control::noParent, &otherSwitchExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Slider, "Slider one", "30", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &slider);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Slider, "Slider two", "100", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &slider);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number, "Number:", "50", ControlColor::Alizarin, Control::noParent, &numberCall);
* .begin loads and serves all files from PROGMEM directly.
* If you want to serve the files from LITTLEFS use ESPUI.beginLITTLEFS
* (.prepareFileSystem has to be run in an empty sketch before)
// Enable this option if you want sliders to be continuous (update during move) and not discrete (update on stop)
// ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
* Optionally you can use HTTP BasicAuth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a
* SECURE way of limiting access.
* Anyone who is able to sniff traffic will be able to intercept your password
* since it is transmitted in cleartext. Just add a string as username and
* password, for example begin("ESPUI Control", "username", "password")
ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control");
#ifdef ESP8266
} // HeapSelectIram
void loop(void)
static long oldTime = 0;
static bool testSwitchState = false;
if (millis() - oldTime > 5000)
ESPUI.updateControlValue(millisLabelId, String(millis()));
testSwitchState = !testSwitchState;
ESPUI.updateControlValue(switchOne, testSwitchState ? "1" : "0");
oldTime = millis();

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
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/* Switch
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cursor: pointer;
height: 10px;
left: 12px;
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
width: 10px;
.in {
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 12px;
-webkit-transition: left 0.08s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: left 0.08s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: left 0.08s ease-in-out;
-ms-transition: left 0.08s ease-in-out;
transition: left 0.08s ease-in-out;
.switch.checked div {
left: 38px;
.switch .in:before {
background: #fff;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #f0f0f0 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #fff), color-stop(100%, #f0f0f0));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #f0f0f0 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #f0f0f0 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%, #f0f0f0 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 0%, #f0f0f0 100%);
border: 1px solid #fff;
border-radius: 2px;
box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
content: '';
height: 18px;
position: absolute;
top: -5px;
left: -9px;
width: 26px;
.switch .in:after {
background: #f0f0f0;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0f0 0%, #fff 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #f0f0f0), color-stop(100%, #fff));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0f0 0%, #fff 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0f0 0%, #fff 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0f0 0%, #fff 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f0f0f0 0%, #fff 100%);
border-radius: 10px;
content: '';
height: 12px;
margin: -1px 0 0 -1px;
position: absolute;
width: 12px;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Material Design Range Slider - by Ravikumar Chauhan
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.rkmd-slider {
display: block;
position: relative;
font-size: 16px;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"] {
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
opacity: 0;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"] + .slider {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 4px;
background-color: #bebebe;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"] + .slider .slider-fill {
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 0%;
height: 100%;
user-select: none;
z-index: 1;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"] + .slider .slider-handle {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
top: -5.5px;
left: 0%;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
margin-left: -8px;
border-radius: 50%;
transition: all .2s ease;
user-select: none;
z-index: 2;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider {
background-color: #b0b0b0 !important;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-fill,
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle {
cursor: default !important;
background-color: #b0b0b0 !important;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-fill .slider-label,
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle .slider-label {
display: none;
background-color: #b0b0b0 !important;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-fill.is-active,
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle.is-active {
top: -5.5px;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
margin-left: -8px;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-fill.is-active .slider-label,
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle.is-active .slider-label {
display: none;
border-radius: 50%;
transform: none;
.rkmd-slider input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle:active {
box-shadow: none !important;
transform: scale(1) !important;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Discrete Range Slider - by Ravikumar Chauhan
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle .slider-label {
position: absolute;
top: -17.5px;
left: -2px;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 100%;
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-transform: scale(0.5) rotate(-45deg);
transform: scale(0.5) rotate(-45deg);
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease;
transition: all .2s ease;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle .slider-label span {
position: absolute;
top: 7px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
color: #fff;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
transform: rotate(45deg);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle.is-active {
top: 0px;
margin-left: -2px;
width: 4px;
height: 4px;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle.is-active .slider-label {
top: -15px;
left: -2px;
border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(23px, -25px);
transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(23px, -25px);
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete .slider .slider-handle.is-active .slider-label span {
opacity: 1;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-turquoise .slider-label {
background-color: #16a085;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-emerald .slider-label {
background-color: #27ae60;
.peterriver {
background: #3498db;
border-bottom: #2980b9 3px solid;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-peterriver .slider-label {
background-color: #2980b9;
.wetasphalt {
background: #34495e;
border-bottom: #2c3e50 3px solid;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-wetasphalt .slider-label {
background-color: #2c3e50;
.sunflower {
background: #f1c40f;
border-bottom: #E6BB0F 3px solid;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-sunflower .slider-label {
background-color: #E6BB0F;
.carrot {
background: #e67e22;
border-bottom: #d35400 3px solid;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-carrot .slider-label {
background-color: #d35400;
.alizarin {
background: #e74c3c;
border-bottom: #c0392b 3px solid;
.rkmd-slider.slider-discrete.slider-alizarin .slider-label {
background-color: #c0392b;
.rkmd-slider.slider-light input[type="range"] + .slider {
background-color: #5c5c5c;
.rkmd-slider.slider-light input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider {
background-color: #5c5c5c !important;
.rkmd-slider.slider-light input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-fill,
.rkmd-slider.slider-light input[type="range"]:disabled + .slider .slider-handle {
background-color: #5c5c5c !important;

examples/gui/data/css/style.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/normalize.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<script src="/js/zepto.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/slider.js"></script>
<script src="/js/controls.js"></script>
<body onload="javascript:start();">
<h4><div id="mainHeader">Control</div> <span id="conStatus" class="label">Offline</span></h4></div>
<hr />
<div class="container">
<div id="row" class="row u-full-width">

examples/gui/data/js/controls.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
const UI_TITEL = 0;
const UI_LABEL = 1;
const UPDATE_LABEL = 6;
const UI_BUTTON = 2;
const UI_SWITCHER = 3;
const UI_PAD = 4;
const UI_CPAD = 5;
const UI_SLIDER = 8;
const UPDATE_SLIDER = 9;
const UI_NUMBER = 10;
const UPDATE_NUMBER = 11;
const UI_TEXT_INPUT = 12;
const UI_GRAPH = 14;
const CLEAR_GRAPH = 15;
const ADD_GRAPH_POINT = 16;
const FOR = 0;
const BACK = 1;
const LEFT = 2;
const RIGHT = 3;
const CENTER = 4;
// Colors
const C_TURQUOISE = 0;
const C_EMERALD = 1;
const C_PETERRIVER = 2;
const C_WETASPHALT = 3;
const C_SUNFLOWER = 4;
const C_CARROT = 5;
const C_ALIZARIN = 6;
const C_NONE = 7;
function colorClass(colorId) {
colorId = Number(colorId);
switch (colorId) {
return "turquoise";
return "emerald";
return "peterriver";
return "wetasphalt";
return "sunflower";
case C_CARROT:
return "carrot"
return "alizarin"
case C_NONE:
return ""
return "";
var websock;
function start() {
websock = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.hostname + '/ws');
websock.onopen = function(evt) {
console.log('websock open');
websock.onclose = function(evt) {
console.log('websock close');
$("#conStatus").text("Error / No Connection");
websock.onerror = function(evt) {
$("#conStatus").text("Error / No Connection");
websock.onmessage = function(evt) {
var data = JSON.parse(evt.data);
var e = document.body;
var center = "";
switch (data.type) {
case UI_TITEL:
document.title = data.label;
case UI_LABEL:
$('#row').append("<div class='two columns card tcenter " + colorClass(data.color) + "'><h5 id='" + data.id + "'>" + data.label + "</h5><hr /><span id='l" + data.id + "' class='label label-wrap'>" + data.value + "</span></div>");
$('#row').append("<div class='one columns card tcenter " + colorClass(data.color) + "'><h5>" + data.label + "</h5><hr/><button onmousedown='buttonclick(" + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='buttonclick(" + data.id + ", false)' id='" + data.id + "'>" + data.value + "</button></div>");
$('#' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
buttonclick(data.id, true)
$('#' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
buttonclick(data.id, false)
var label = "<label id='sl" + data.id + "' class='switch checked'>";
var input = "<div class='in'><input type='checkbox' id='s" + data.id + "' onClick='switcher(" + data.id + ",null)' checked></div>";
if (data.value == "0") {
label = "<label id='sl" + data.id + "' class='switch'>";
input = "<div class='in'><input type='checkbox' id='s" + data.id + "' onClick='switcher(" + data.id + ",null)' ></div>";
"<div id='" + data.id + "' class='one columns card tcenter " + colorClass(data.color) + "'><h5>" + data.label + "</h5><hr/>" +
label + input +
"</label>" +
case UI_CPAD:
center = "<a class='confirm' onmousedown='padclick(CENTER, " + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='padclick(CENTER, " + data.id + ", false)' href='#' id='pc" + data.id + "'>OK</a>";
case UI_PAD:
"<div class='two columns card tcenter " + colorClass(data.color) + "'><h5>" + data.label + "</h5><hr/>" +
"<nav class='control'>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(FOR, " + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='padclick(FOR, " + data.id + ", false)' href='#' id='pf" + data.id + "'>▲</a></li>" +
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(RIGHT, " + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='padclick(RIGHT, " + data.id + ", false)' href='#' id='pr" + data.id + "'>▲</a></li>" +
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(LEFT, " + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='padclick(LEFT, " + data.id + ", false)' href='#' id='pl" + data.id + "'>▲</a></li>" +
"<li><a onmousedown='padclick(BACK, " + data.id + ", true)' onmouseup='padclick(BACK, " + data.id + ", false)' href='#' id='pb" + data.id + "'>▲</a></li>" +
"</ul>" +
center +
"</nav>" +
$('#pf' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
padclick(FOR, data.id, true)
$('#pf' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
padclick(FOR, data.id, false)
$('#pl' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
padclick(LEFT, data.id, true)
$('#pl' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
padclick(LEFT, data.id, false)
$('#pr' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
padclick(RIGHT, data.id, true)
$('#pr' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
padclick(RIGHT, data.id, false)
$('#pb' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
padclick(BACK, data.id, true)
$('#pb' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
padclick(BACK, data.id, false)
$('#pc' + data.id).on({
'touchstart': function(e) {
padclick(CENTER, data.id, true)
$('#pc' + data.id).on({
'touchend': function(e) {
padclick(CENTER, data.id, false)
$('#l' + data.id).html(data.value);
if (data.value == "0")
switcher(data.id, 0);
switcher(data.id, 1);
"<div class='two columns card tcenter card-slider " + colorClass(data.color) + "'>" +
"<h5 id='" + data.id + "'>" + data.label + "</h5><hr />" +
"<div id='sl" + data.id + "' class='rkmd-slider slider-discrete slider-" + colorClass(data.color) + "'>" +
"<input type='range' min='0' max='100' value='" + data.value + "'>" +
"</div>" +
"<script>" +
"rkmd_rangeSlider('#sl" + data.id + "');" +
slider_move($('#sl' + data.id), data.value, '100', false);
"<div class='two columns card tcenter" + colorClass(data.color) + "'>" +
"<h5 id='" + data.id + "'>" + data.label + "</h5><hr />" +
"<input id='num" + data.id + "' type='number' value='" + data.value + "' onchange='numberchange(" + data.id + ")' />" +
$('#num' + data.id).val(data.value);
"<div class='two columns card tcenter" + colorClass(data.color) + "'>" +
"<h5 id='" + data.id + "'>" + data.label + "</h5><hr />" +
"<input id='num" + data.id + "' type='number' value='" + data.value + "' onchange='numberchange(" + data.id + ")' />" +
$('#num' + data.id).val(data.value);
console.error('Unknown type or event');
function numberchange(number) {
var val = $('#num' + data.id).val();
websock.send("nchange:" + number + ":" + val);
function buttonclick(number, isdown) {
if (isdown) websock.send("bdown:" + number);
else websock.send("bup:" + number);
function padclick(type, number, isdown) {
switch (type) {
case CENTER:
if (isdown) websock.send("pcdown:" + number);
else websock.send("pcup:" + number);
case FOR:
if (isdown) websock.send("pfdown:" + number);
else websock.send("pfup:" + number);
case BACK:
if (isdown) websock.send("pbdown:" + number);
else websock.send("pbup:" + number);
case LEFT:
if (isdown) websock.send("pldown:" + number);
else websock.send("plup:" + number);
case RIGHT:
if (isdown) websock.send("prdown:" + number);
else websock.send("prup:" + number);
function switcher(number, state) {
if (state == null) {
if ($('#s' + number).is(':checked')) {
websock.send("sactive:" + number);
$('#sl' + number).addClass('checked');
} else {
websock.send("sinactive:" + number);
$('#sl' + number).removeClass('checked');
} else if (state == 1) {
$('#sl' + number).addClass('checked');
$('#sl' + number).prop("checked", true);
} else if (state == 0) {
$('#sl' + number).removeClass('checked');
$('#sl' + number).prop("checked", false);

examples/gui/data/js/controls.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
/* -----------------------------------------------------
Material Design Sliders
CodePen URL: https://codepen.io/rkchauhan/pen/xVGGpR
By: Ravikumar Chauhan
-------------------------------------------------------- */
function rkmd_rangeSlider(selector) {
var self, slider_width, slider_offset, curnt, sliderDiscrete, range, slider;
self = $(selector);
slider_width = self.width();
slider_offset = self.offset().left;
sliderDiscrete = self;
sliderDiscrete.each(function(i, v) {
curnt = $(this);
range = curnt.find('input[type="range"]');
slider = curnt.find('.slider');
slider_fill = slider.find('.slider-fill');
slider_handle = slider.find('.slider-handle');
slider_label = slider.find('.slider-label');
var range_val = parseInt(range.val());
slider_fill.css('width', range_val + '%');
slider_handle.css('left', range_val + '%');
self.on('mousedown touchstart', '.slider-handle', function(e) {
if (e.button === 2) {
return false;
var parents = $(this).parents('.rkmd-slider');
var slider_width = parents.width();
var slider_offset = parents.offset().left;
var check_range = parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(':disabled');
if (check_range === true) {
return false;
var moveFu =
function(e) {
var slider_new_width = e.pageX - slider_offset;
if (slider_new_width <= slider_width && !(slider_new_width < '0')) {
slider_move(parents, slider_new_width, slider_width, true);
var upFu =
function(e) {
var handlers = {
mousemove: moveFu,
touchmove: moveFu,
mouseup: upFu,
touchend: upFu
self.on('mousedown touchstart', '.slider', function(e) {
if (e.button === 2) {
return false;
var parents = $(this).parents('.rkmd-slider');
var slider_width = parents.width();
var slider_offset = parents.offset().left;
var check_range = parents.find('input[type="range"]').is(':disabled');
if (check_range === true) {
return false;
var slider_new_width = e.pageX - slider_offset;
if (slider_new_width <= slider_width && !(slider_new_width < '0')) {
slider_move(parents, slider_new_width, slider_width, true);
var upFu =
function(e) {
var handlers = {
mouseup: upFu,
touchend: upFu
function sliderDiscrete_tmplt() {
var tmplt = '<div class="slider">' +
'<div class="slider-fill"></div>' +
'<div class="slider-handle"><div class="slider-label"><span>0</span></div></div>' +
return tmplt;
function slider_move(parents, newW, sliderW, send) {
var slider_new_val = parseInt(Math.round(newW / sliderW * 100));
var slider_fill = parents.find('.slider-fill');
var slider_handle = parents.find('.slider-handle');
var range = parents.find('input[type="range"]');
slider_fill.css('width', slider_new_val + '%');
'left': slider_new_val + '%',
'transition': 'none',
'-webkit-transition': 'none',
'-moz-transition': 'none'
if (parents.find('.slider-handle span').text() != slider_new_val) {
parents.find('.slider-handle span').text(slider_new_val);
var number = parents.attr('id').substring(2);
if (send) websock.send('slvalue:' + slider_new_val + ':' + number);

examples/gui/data/js/slider.min.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
function rkmd_rangeSlider(b){var f,e,c,a,g,d,h;f=$(b);e=f.width();c=f.offset().left;g=f;g.each(function(k,j){a=$(this);a.append(sliderDiscrete_tmplt());d=a.find('input[type="range"]');h=a.find(".slider");slider_fill=h.find(".slider-fill");slider_handle=h.find(".slider-handle");slider_label=h.find(".slider-label");var l=parseInt(d.val());slider_fill.css("width",l+"%");slider_handle.css("left",l+"%");slider_label.find("span").text(l)});f.on("mousedown touchstart",".slider-handle",function(o){if(o.button===2){return false}var m=$(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");var l=m.width();var i=m.offset().left;var k=m.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");if(k===true){return false}$(this).addClass("is-active");var p=function(r){var q=r.pageX-i;if(q<=l&&!(q<"0")){slider_move(m,q,l,true)}};var n=function(q){$(this).off(j);m.find(".is-active").removeClass("is-active")};var j={mousemove:p,touchmove:p,mouseup:n,touchend:n};$(document).on(j)});f.on("mousedown touchstart",".slider",function(p){if(p.button===2){return false}var m=$(this).parents(".rkmd-slider");var l=m.width();var i=m.offset().left;var k=m.find('input[type="range"]').is(":disabled");if(k===true){return false}var o=p.pageX-i;if(o<=l&&!(o<"0")){slider_move(m,o,l,true)}var n=function(q){$(this).off(j)};var j={mouseup:n,touchend:n};$(document).on(j)})}function sliderDiscrete_tmplt(){var a='<div class="slider"><div class="slider-fill"></div><div class="slider-handle"><div class="slider-label"><span>0</span></div></div></div>';return a}function slider_move(g,a,h,e){var i=parseInt(Math.round(a/h*100));var b=g.find(".slider-fill");var c=g.find(".slider-handle");var f=g.find('input[type="range"]');b.css("width",i+"%");c.css({left:i+"%",transition:"none","-webkit-transition":"none","-moz-transition":"none"});f.val(i);if(g.find(".slider-handle span").text()!=i){g.find(".slider-handle span").text(i);var d=g.attr("id").substring(2);if(e){websock.send("slvalue:"+i+":"+d)}}};

View File

@ -1,301 +1,161 @@
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESPUI.h> #include <ESPUI.h>
const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 4, 1);
DNSServer dnsServer;
#if defined(ESP32) #if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFi.h>
#else #else
// esp8266 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>
#ifndef CORE_MOCK
#warning Try MMU option '2nd heap shared' in 'tools' IDE menu (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#option-summary)
#warning use decorators: { HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM; ESPUI.addControl(...) ... } (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#how-to-select-heap)
#warning then check http://<ip>/heap
#endif // MMU_IRAM_HEAP
#error on ESP8266 and ESPUI, you must define OOM debug option when developping
#endif #endif
const char* ssid = "ESPUI"; const char *ssid = "ESPUI";
const char* password = "espui"; const char *password = "";
const char* hostname = "espui"; long oldTime = 0;
bool switchi = false;
int statusLabelId; void slider(Control sender, int type) {
int graphId; Serial.println(sender.value);
int millisLabelId;
int testSwitchId;
void numberCall(Control* sender, int type)
} }
void textCall(Control* sender, int type) void buttonCallback(Control sender, int type) {
{ switch (type) {
Serial.print("Text: ID: "); case B_DOWN:
Serial.print(sender->id); Serial.println("Button DOWN");
Serial.print(", Value: "); break;
Serial.println(sender->value); case B_UP:
Serial.println("Button UP");
} }
void slider(Control* sender, int type) void buttonExample(Control sender, int type) {
{ switch (type) {
Serial.print("Slider: ID: "); case B_DOWN:
Serial.print(sender->id); Serial.println("Status: Start");
Serial.print(", Value: "); ESPUI.print(0, "Status: Start");
Serial.println(sender->value); break;
// Like all Control Values in ESPUI slider values are Strings. To use them as int simply do this: case B_UP:
int sliderValueWithOffset = sender->value.toInt() + 100; Serial.println("Status: Stop");
Serial.print("SliderValue with offset"); ESPUI.print(0, "Status: Stop");
Serial.println(sliderValueWithOffset); break;
void padExample(Control sender, int value) {
switch (value) {
Serial.print("left down");
case P_LEFT_UP:
Serial.print("left up");
Serial.print("right down");
case P_RIGHT_UP:
Serial.print("right up");
case P_FOR_DOWN:
Serial.print("for down");
case P_FOR_UP:
Serial.print("for up");
Serial.print("back down");
case P_BACK_UP:
Serial.print("back up");
Serial.print("center down");
Serial.print("center up");
Serial.print(" ");
} }
void buttonCallback(Control* sender, int type) void switchExample(Control sender, int value) {
{ switch (value) {
switch (type) case S_ACTIVE:
{ Serial.print("Active:");
case B_DOWN: break;
Serial.println("Button DOWN"); case S_INACTIVE:
break; Serial.print("Inactive");
case B_UP: }
Serial.println("Button UP"); Serial.print(" ");
break; Serial.println(sender.id);
} }
void buttonExample(Control* sender, int type, void* param) void otherSwitchExample(Control sender, int value) {
{ switch (value) {
Serial.print("param: "); case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.println((long)param); Serial.print("Active:");
switch (type) break;
{ case S_INACTIVE:
case B_DOWN: Serial.print("Inactive");
Serial.println("Status: Start"); break;
ESPUI.print(statusLabelId, "Start"); }
break; Serial.print(" ");
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Status: Stop");
ESPUI.print(statusLabelId, "Stop");
void padExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
Serial.print("left down");
case P_LEFT_UP:
Serial.print("left up");
Serial.print("right down");
case P_RIGHT_UP:
Serial.print("right up");
case P_FOR_DOWN:
Serial.print("for down");
case P_FOR_UP:
Serial.print("for up");
Serial.print("back down");
case P_BACK_UP:
Serial.print("back up");
Serial.print("center down");
Serial.print("center up");
Serial.print(" ");
} }
void switchExample(Control* sender, int value) void setup(void) {
{ Serial.begin(115200);
switch (value) WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);
case S_ACTIVE:
case S_INACTIVE: #if defined(ESP32)
Serial.print("Inactive"); WiFi.setHostname(ssid);
break; #else
} WiFi.hostname(ssid);
Serial.print(" "); WiFi.softAP(ssid);
Serial.println(sender->id); // WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);
Serial.print("IP address: ");
// change the beginning to this if you want to join an existing network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
// Wait for connection
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("IP address: ");
ESPUI.label("Status:", COLOR_TURQUOISE, "Stop");
ESPUI.label("Millis:", COLOR_EMERALD, "0");
ESPUI.button("Push Button", &buttonCallback, COLOR_PETERRIVER);
ESPUI.button("Other Button", &buttonExample, COLOR_WETASPHALT, "Press");
ESPUI.pad("Pad with center", true, &padExample, COLOR_SUNFLOWER);
ESPUI.pad("Pad without center", false, &padExample, COLOR_CARROT);
ESPUI.switcher("Switch one", false, &switchExample, COLOR_ALIZARIN);
ESPUI.switcher("Switch two", true, &otherSwitchExample, COLOR_NONE);
ESPUI.slider("Slider one", &slider, COLOR_ALIZARIN, "30");
ESPUI.slider("Slider two", &slider, COLOR_NONE, "100");
.begin loads and serves all files from PROGMEM directly.
If you want to serve the files from SPIFFS use .beginSPIFFS (.prepareFileSystem has to be run in an empty sketch before)
ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control");
} }
void otherSwitchExample(Control* sender, int value) void loop(void) {
{ if (millis() - oldTime > 5000) {
switch (value) ESPUI.print("Millis:", String(millis()));
{ switchi = !switchi;
case S_ACTIVE: ESPUI.updateSwitcher("Switch one", switchi);
Serial.print("Active:"); oldTime = millis();
break; }
Serial.print(" ");
void setup(void)
#if defined(ESP32)
// try to connect to existing network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("\n\nTry to connect to existing network");
uint8_t timeout = 10;
// Wait for connection, 5s timeout
} while (timeout && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED);
// not connected -> create hotspot
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("\n\nCreating hotspot");
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
#if defined(ESP32)
uint32_t chipid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i = i + 8)
chipid |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i;
uint32_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
char ap_ssid[25];
snprintf(ap_ssid, 26, "ESPUI-%08X", chipid);
timeout = 5;
} while (timeout);
dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP);
Serial.println("\n\nWiFi parameters:");
Serial.print("Mode: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? "Station" : "Client");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? WiFi.softAPIP() : WiFi.localIP());
#ifdef ESP8266
{ HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM;
statusLabelId = ESPUI.label("Status:", ControlColor::Turquoise, "Stop");
millisLabelId = ESPUI.label("Millis:", ControlColor::Emerald, "0");
ESPUI.button("Push Button", &buttonCallback, ControlColor::Peterriver, "Press");
ESPUI.button("Other Button", &buttonExample, ControlColor::Wetasphalt, "Press", (void*)19);
ESPUI.padWithCenter("Pad with center", &padExample, ControlColor::Sunflower);
ESPUI.pad("Pad without center", &padExample, ControlColor::Carrot);
testSwitchId = ESPUI.switcher("Switch one", &switchExample, ControlColor::Alizarin, false);
ESPUI.switcher("Switch two", &otherSwitchExample, ControlColor::None, true);
ESPUI.slider("Slider one", &slider, ControlColor::Alizarin, 30);
ESPUI.slider("Slider two", &slider, ControlColor::None, 100);
ESPUI.text("Text Test:", &textCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, "a Text Field");
ESPUI.number("Numbertest", &numberCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, 5, 0, 10);
graphId = ESPUI.graph("Graph Test", ControlColor::Wetasphalt);
* .begin loads and serves all files from PROGMEM directly.
* If you want to serve the files from LITTLEFS use ESPUI.beginLITTLEFS
* (.prepareFileSystem has to be run in an empty sketch before)
// Enable this option if you want sliders to be continuous (update during move) and not discrete (update on stop)
// ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
* Optionally you can use HTTP BasicAuth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a
* SECURE way of limiting access.
* Anyone who is able to sniff traffic will be able to intercept your password
* since it is transmitted in cleartext. Just add a string as username and
* password, for example begin("ESPUI Control", "username", "password")
ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control");
#ifdef ESP8266
} // HeapSelectIram
void loop(void)
static long oldTime = 0;
static bool testSwitchState = false;
if (millis() - oldTime > 5000)
ESPUI.print(millisLabelId, String(millis()));
ESPUI.addGraphPoint(graphId, random(1, 50));
testSwitchState = !testSwitchState;
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(testSwitchId, testSwitchState);
oldTime = millis();
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
#include <ESPUI.h> #include <ESPUI.h>
void setup(void) void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(115200); Serial.begin(115200);
ESPUI.setVerbosity(Verbosity::Verbose); //Enable verbose output so you see the files in LittleFS ESPUI.prepareFileSystem();
delay(500); //Delay to allow Serial Monitor to start after a reset
Serial.println(F("\nPreparing filesystem with ESPUI resources"));
ESPUI.prepareFileSystem(); //Copy across current version of ESPUI resources
Serial.println(F("Done, files..."));
ESPUI.list(); //List all files on LittleFS, for info
} }
void loop() void loop() {
} }

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESPUI.h>
const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 4, 1);
DNSServer dnsServer;
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h>
// esp8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <umm_malloc/umm_heap_select.h>
#ifndef CORE_MOCK
#warning Try MMU option '2nd heap shared' in 'tools' IDE menu (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#option-summary)
#warning use decorators: { HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM; ESPUI.addControl(...) ... } (cf. https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mmu.html#how-to-select-heap)
#warning then check http://<ip>/heap
#endif // MMU_IRAM_HEAP
#error on ESP8266 and ESPUI, you must define OOM debug option when developping
const char* ssid = "ESPUI";
const char* password = "espui";
const char* hostname = "espui";
uint16_t button1;
uint16_t switchOne;
uint16_t status;
void numberCall(Control* sender, int type)
void textCall(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Text: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void slider(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Slider: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void buttonCallback(Control* sender, int type)
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Button DOWN");
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Button UP");
void buttonExample(Control* sender, int type, void* param)
Serial.print("param: ");
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Status: Start");
ESPUI.updateControlValue(status, "Start");
ESPUI.getControl(button1)->color = ControlColor::Carrot;
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Status: Stop");
ESPUI.updateControlValue(status, "Stop");
ESPUI.getControl(button1)->color = ControlColor::Peterriver;
void padExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
Serial.print("left down");
case P_LEFT_UP:
Serial.print("left up");
Serial.print("right down");
case P_RIGHT_UP:
Serial.print("right up");
case P_FOR_DOWN:
Serial.print("for down");
case P_FOR_UP:
Serial.print("for up");
Serial.print("back down");
case P_BACK_UP:
Serial.print("back up");
Serial.print("center down");
Serial.print("center up");
Serial.print(" ");
void switchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void selectExample(Control* sender, int value)
Serial.print("Select: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void otherSwitchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void setup(void)
#if defined(ESP32)
// try to connect to existing network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("\n\nTry to connect to existing network");
uint8_t timeout = 10;
// Wait for connection, 5s timeout
} while (timeout && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED);
// not connected -> create hotspot
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("\n\nCreating hotspot");
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
#if defined(ESP32)
uint32_t chipid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i = i + 8)
chipid |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i;
uint32_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
char ap_ssid[25];
snprintf(ap_ssid, 26, "ESPUI-%08X", chipid);
timeout = 5;
} while (timeout);
dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP);
Serial.println("\n\nWiFi parameters:");
Serial.print("Mode: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? "Station" : "Client");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? WiFi.softAPIP() : WiFi.localIP());
#ifdef ESP8266
{ HeapSelectIram doAllocationsInIRAM;
uint16_t tab1 = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Settings 1", "Settings 1");
uint16_t tab2 = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Settings 2", "Settings 2");
uint16_t tab3 = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Tab, "Settings 3", "Settings 3");
// shown above all tabs
status = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Status:", "Stop", ControlColor::Turquoise);
uint16_t select1
= ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Select, "Select:", "", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &selectExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option1", "Opt1", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option2", "Opt2", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Option, "Option3", "Opt3", ControlColor::Alizarin, select1);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Text, "Text Test:", "a Text Field", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &textCall);
// tabbed controls
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Label, "Millis:", "0", ControlColor::Emerald, tab1);
button1 = ESPUI.addControl(
ControlType::Button, "Push Button", "Press", ControlColor::Peterriver, tab1, &buttonCallback);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Button, "Other Button", "Press", ControlColor::Wetasphalt, tab1, &buttonExample, (void*)19);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::PadWithCenter, "Pad with center", "", ControlColor::Sunflower, tab2, &padExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Pad, "Pad without center", "", ControlColor::Carrot, tab3, &padExample);
switchOne = ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Switch one", "", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab3, &switchExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Switcher, "Switch two", "", ControlColor::None, tab3, &otherSwitchExample);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Slider, "Slider one", "30", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &slider);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Slider, "Slider two", "100", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab3, &slider);
ESPUI.addControl(ControlType::Number, "Number:", "50", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab3, &numberCall);
* .begin loads and serves all files from PROGMEM directly.
* If you want to serve the files from LITTLEFS use ESPUI.beginLITTLEFS
* (.prepareFileSystem has to be run in an empty sketch before)
// Enable this option if you want sliders to be continuous (update during move) and not discrete (update on stop)
// ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
* Optionally you can use HTTP BasicAuth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a
* SECURE way of limiting access.
* Anyone who is able to sniff traffic will be able to intercept your password
* since it is transmitted in cleartext. Just add a string as username and
* password, for example begin("ESPUI Control", "username", "password")
ESPUI.begin("ESPUI Control");
#ifdef ESP8266
} // HeapSelectIram
void loop(void)
static long oldTime = 0;
static bool switchi = false;
if (millis() - oldTime > 5000)
switchi = !switchi;
ESPUI.updateControlValue(switchOne, switchi ? "1" : "0");
oldTime = millis();

View File

@ -21,11 +21,9 @@ slider KEYWORD2
begin KEYWORD2 begin KEYWORD2
print KEYWORD2 print KEYWORD2
updateSwitcher KEYWORD2 updateSwitcher KEYWORD2
updateSlider KEYWORD2 updateSlider KEYWORD2
captivePortal LITERAL1
####################################### #######################################
# Instances (KEYWORD2) # Instances (KEYWORD2)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
{ {
"langs": { "langs":
"en-GB": { {
"keys": { "en-GB":
"LANG_ESPUI_ESPUI_HOTSPOT": "Enable Wifi Hotspot Code", "LANG_ESPUI_ESPUI_HOTSPOT": "Enable Wifi Hotspot Code",
@ -19,45 +22,6 @@
"LANG_ESPUI_PAD_CENTER": "Center button?" "LANG_ESPUI_PAD_CENTER": "Center button?"
} }
"zh-CN": {
"keys": {
"LANG_ESPUI_LABEL_TOOLTIP": "一个网页接口的标签,你可通过修改代码去更新它",
"tr-TR": {
"keys": {
"LANG_SUBCATERGORY_ESPUI": "Kullanıcı Arayüzü",
"LANG_ESPUI_ESPUI_HOTSPOT": "Wifi Erişim Noktası Kodunu Etkinleştir",
"LANG_ESPUI_ESPUI_TOOLTIP": "ESP32/ESP8266'da bir web arayüzü oluşturur",
"LANG_ESPUI_BUTTON_BUTTON": "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Düğmesi",
"LANG_ESPUI_BUTTON_TOOLTIP": "Bir web arayüzü düğmesi",
"LANG_ESPUI_LABEL_LABEL": "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Etiketi",
"LANG_ESPUI_LABEL_TOOLTIP": "Kodunuzdan güncelleyebileceğiniz bir web arayüzü etiketi",
"LANG_ESPUI_SWITCH_SWITCH": "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Anahtarı",
"LANG_ESPUI_PAD_CENTER": "Orta düğme?"
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
{ {
"name": "ESPUI", "name": "ESPUI",
"keywords": "espressif web interface iot easy ui", "keywords": "espressif web interface iot control simple easy ui userinterface",
"description": "ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library", "description": "ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library",
"repository": { "repository":
"type": "git", "type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI.git" "url": "https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI.git"
}, },
"authors": [ "authors":
{ {
"name": "Lukas Bachschwell", "name": "Lukas Bachschwell",
"email": "lukas@lbsfilm.at", "email": "lukas@lbsfilm.at",
@ -14,19 +16,13 @@
"maintainer": true "maintainer": true
} }
], ],
"dependencies": [ "dependencies":
{ {
"name": "ESP Async WebServer", "name": "ESP Async WebServer",
"authors": "Hristo Gochkov", "authors": "Hristo Gochkov",
"frameworks": "arduino" "frameworks": "arduino"
}, },
{ "version": "1.5.2",
"name": "ArduinoJson",
"authors": "Benoit Blanchon",
"frameworks": "arduino"
"version": "2.2.4",
"frameworks": "arduino", "frameworks": "arduino",
"platforms": "*" "platforms": "*"
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name=ESPUI name=ESPUI
version=2.2.4 version=1.5.2
author=Lukas Bachschwell author=Lukas Bachschwell
maintainer=Lukas Bachschwell <lukas@lbsfilm.at> maintainer=Lukas Bachschwell <lukas@lbsfilm.at>
sentence=ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library sentence=ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library
@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ paragraph=A simple library that implements a web graphical user interface for ES
category=Communication category=Communication
url=https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI url=https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI
architectures=* architectures=*

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
src_dir = ./src
data_dir = ../../data
framework = arduino
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
lib_extra_dirs = ../../
lib_deps =
; bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ ^6.18.5
bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ ^7.0.4
https://github.com/bmedici/ESPAsyncWebServer ; Use a fork of the library that has a bugfix for the compile.... https://github.com/esphome/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/17
lib_ignore =
ESP Async WebServer ; force the use of the esphome version
AsyncTCP ; force the use of the esphome version
LittleFS_esp32 ; force the use of the ESP32 built into the core version
; Additional scripts: Usage: see https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/issues/144#issuecomment-1005135077
;extra_scripts =
; LittleFSBuilder.py
platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
upload_port = COM8
monitor_port = COM8
monitor_speed = 115200
platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
board_build.flash_mode = dout
build_flags =
lib_deps =
upload_port = COM6
monitor_port = COM6
monitor_speed = 115200

View File

@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESPUI.h>
const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 4, 1);
DNSServer dnsServer;
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "YourNetworkName";
const char* password = "YourNetworkPassphrase";
const char* hostname = "espui";
String DisplayTestFileName = "/FileName.txt";
int fileDisplayId = Control::noParent;
int statusLabelId = Control::noParent;
int graphId = Control::noParent;
#endif // def TEST_GRAPH
int millisLabelId = Control::noParent;
int testSwitchId = Control::noParent;
char HugeText[1025];
void numberCall(Control* sender, int type)
void textCall(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Text: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
void slider(Control* sender, int type)
Serial.print("Slider: ID: ");
Serial.print(", Value: ");
// Like all Control Values in ESPUI slider values are Strings. To use them as int simply do this:
int sliderValueWithOffset = sender->value.toInt() + 100;
Serial.print("SliderValue with offset");
void buttonCallback(Control* sender, int type)
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Button DOWN");
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Button UP");
void buttonExample(Control* sender, int type, void* param)
Serial.println(String("param: ") + String(long(param)));
switch (type)
case B_DOWN:
Serial.println("Status: Start");
ESPUI.print(statusLabelId, "Start");
case B_UP:
Serial.println("Status: Stop");
ESPUI.print(statusLabelId, "Stop");
void padExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
Serial.print("left down");
case P_LEFT_UP:
Serial.print("left up");
Serial.print("right down");
case P_RIGHT_UP:
Serial.print("right up");
case P_FOR_DOWN:
Serial.print("for down");
case P_FOR_UP:
Serial.print("for up");
Serial.print("back down");
case P_BACK_UP:
Serial.print("back up");
Serial.print("center down");
Serial.print("center up");
Serial.print(" ");
void switchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void otherSwitchExample(Control* sender, int value)
switch (value)
case S_ACTIVE:
Serial.print(" ");
void setup(void)
memset(HugeText, 0x0, sizeof(HugeText));
memset(HugeText, 'a', sizeof(HugeText)-1);
#if defined(ESP32)
// try to connect to existing network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("\n\nTry to connect to existing network");
uint8_t timeout = 10;
// Wait for connection, 5s timeout
} while (timeout && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED);
// not connected -> create hotspot
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("\n\nCreating hotspot");
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
#if defined(ESP32)
uint32_t chipid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i = i + 8)
chipid |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i;
uint32_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
char ap_ssid[25];
snprintf(ap_ssid, 26, "ESPUI-%08X", chipid);
timeout = 5;
} while (timeout);
dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP);
Serial.println("\n\nWiFi parameters:");
Serial.print("Mode: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? "Station" : "Client");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_AP ? WiFi.softAPIP() : WiFi.localIP());
statusLabelId = ESPUI.label("Status:", ControlColor::Turquoise, "Stop");
millisLabelId = ESPUI.label("Millis:", ControlColor::Emerald, "0");
ESPUI.button("Push Button", &buttonCallback, ControlColor::Peterriver, "Press");
ESPUI.button("Other Button", &buttonExample, ControlColor::Wetasphalt, "Press", (void*)19);
ESPUI.padWithCenter("Pad with center", &padExample, ControlColor::Sunflower);
ESPUI.pad("Pad without center", &padExample, ControlColor::Carrot);
testSwitchId = ESPUI.switcher("Switch one", &switchExample, ControlColor::Alizarin, false);
ESPUI.switcher("Switch two", &otherSwitchExample, ControlColor::None, true);
ESPUI.slider("Slider one", &slider, ControlColor::Alizarin, 30, 0, 30);
ESPUI.slider("Slider two", &slider, ControlColor::None, 100);
ESPUI.text("Text Test:", &textCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, "a Text Field");
ESPUI.text("Huge Text Test:", &textCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, HugeText);
ESPUI.number("Numbertest", &numberCall, ControlColor::Alizarin, 5, 0, 10);
fileDisplayId = ESPUI.fileDisplay("Filetest", ControlColor::Turquoise, DisplayTestFileName);
graphId = ESPUI.graph("Graph Test", ControlColor::Wetasphalt);
#endif // def TEST_GRAPH
* .begin loads and serves all files from PROGMEM directly.
* If you want to serve the files from LITTLEFS use ESPUI.beginLITTLEFS
* (.prepareFileSystem has to be run in an empty sketch before)
// Enable this option if you want sliders to be continuous (update during move) and not discrete (update on stop)
// ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
* Optionally you can use HTTP BasicAuth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a
* SECURE way of limiting access.
* Anyone who is able to sniff traffic will be able to intercept your password
* since it is transmitted in cleartext. Just add a string as username and
* password, for example begin("ESPUI Control", "username", "password")
ESPUI.sliderContinuous = true;
// these files are used by browsers to auto config a connection.
ESPUI.writeFile("/wpad.dat", " ");
ESPUI.writeFile("/connecttest.txt", " ");
// create a text file
ESPUI.writeFile("/DisplayFile.txt", "Test Line\n");
void loop(void)
static long oldTime = 0;
static bool testSwitchState = false;
if (millis() - oldTime > 5000)
ESPUI.print(millisLabelId, String(millis()));
ESPUI.addGraphPoint(graphId, random(1, 50));
#endif // def TEST_GRAPH
testSwitchState = !testSwitchState;
ESPUI.updateSwitcher(testSwitchId, testSwitchState);
// update the file Display file.
File testFile = ESPUI.EspuiLittleFS.open(String("/") + DisplayTestFileName, "a");
uint32_t filesize = testFile.size();
String TestLine = String("Current Time = ") + String(millis()) + "\n";
if(filesize < 1000)
testFile.write((const uint8_t*)TestLine.c_str(), TestLine.length());
TestLine += String("filesize: ") + String(filesize);
// Serial.println(TestLine);
oldTime = millis();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,70 +1,72 @@
#pragma once #ifndef ESPUI_h
#define ESPUI_h
// comment out to turn off debug output #define debug true
// #define DEBUG_ESPUI true
#include <Arduino.h> #include "Arduino.h"
#include "ArduinoJson.h"
#include <ArduinoJson.h> #include "FS.h"
#if ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR > 6 #include "stdlib_noniso.h"
#define AllocateJsonDocument(name, size) JsonDocument name
#define AllocateJsonArray(doc, name) doc[name].to<JsonArray>()
#define AllocateJsonObject(doc) doc.add<JsonObject>()
#define AllocateNamedJsonObject(t, s, n) t[n] = s
#define AllocateJsonDocument(name, size) DynamicJsonDocument name(size)
#define AllocateJsonArray(doc, name) doc.createNestedArray(name)
#define AllocateJsonObject(doc) doc.createNestedObject()
#define AllocateNamedJsonObject(t, s, n) t = s.createNestedObject(n)
#include <stdlib_noniso.h>
#ifdef ESP32
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <LITTLEFS.h>
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <map>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include "ESPUIcontrol.h"
#include "ESPUIclient.h"
#if defined(ESP32) #if defined(ESP32)
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include "SPIFFS.h"
#include "WiFi.h" #include "WiFi.h"
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#else #else
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h> #include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <Hash.h> #include <Hash.h>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <SPIFFSEditor.h>
#define FILE_WRITE "w"
#endif #endif
#define FILE_WRITING "w" typedef struct Control {
unsigned int type;
unsigned int id; // just mirroring the id here for practical reasons
const char *label;
void (*callback)(Control, int);
String value;
unsigned int color;
} Control;
// Message Types (and control types) // Message Types (and control types)
#define UI_TITEL 0
enum MessageTypes : uint8_t #define UI_LABEL 1
{ #define UPDATE_LABEL 6
InitialGui = 200,
Reload = 201, #define UI_BUTTON 2
ExtendGUI = 210,
UpdateGui = 220, #define UI_SWITCHER 3
ExtendedUpdateGui = 230, #define UPDATE_SWITCHER 7
#define UI_PAD 4
#define UI_CPAD 5
#define UI_SLIDER 8
#define UI_NUMBER 10
#define UPDATE_NUMBER 11
#define UI_TEXT_INPUT 12
#define UI_GRAPH 14
#define CLEAR_GRAPH 15
#define ADD_GRAPH_POINT 16
#define UI_INITIAL_GUI MessageTypes::InitialGui
#define UI_EXTEND_GUI MessageTypes::ExtendGUI
#define UI_RELOAD MessageTypes::Reload
// Values // Values
#define B_DOWN -1 #define B_DOWN -1
@ -86,209 +88,72 @@ enum MessageTypes : uint8_t
#define SL_VALUE 8 #define SL_VALUE 8
#define N_VALUE 9 #define N_VALUE 9
#define T_VALUE 10
#define S_VALUE 11
#define TM_VALUE 12
enum Verbosity : uint8_t // Colors
Quiet = 0, #define COLOR_EMERALD 1
Verbose, #define COLOR_PETERRIVER 2
}; #define COLOR_SUNFLOWER 4
#define COLOR_CARROT 5
#define COLOR_NONE 6
class ESPUIClass {
class ESPUIClass
public: public:
ESPUIClass() void begin(const char *_title); // Setup servers and page in Memorymode
{ void beginSPIFFS(const char *_title); // Setup servers and page in SPIFFSmode
#ifdef ESP32
ControlsSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
#endif // def ESP32
unsigned int jsonUpdateDocumentSize = 2000;
#ifdef ESP8266
unsigned int jsonInitialDocumentSize = 2000;
unsigned int jsonChunkNumberMax = 5;
unsigned int jsonInitialDocumentSize = 8000;
unsigned int jsonChunkNumberMax = 0;
bool sliderContinuous = false;
void onWsEvent(AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client, AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len);
bool captivePortal = true;
void setVerbosity(Verbosity verbosity); void prepareFileSystem(); // Initially preps the filesystem and loads a lot of stuff into SPIFFS
void begin(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, void list();
uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in Memorymode // Creating Elements
void beginSPIFFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr,
uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode (DEPRECATED, use beginLITTLEFS)
void beginLITTLEFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr,
uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode
void prepareFileSystem(bool format = true); // Initially preps the filesystem and loads a lot of int button(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, String value = ""); // Create Event Button
// stuff into LITTLEFS int switcher(const char *label, bool startState, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color); // Create Toggle Button
void list(); // Lists LITTLEFS directory int pad(const char *label, bool centerButton, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color); // Create Pad Control
void writeFile(const char* path, const char* data); int slider(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, String value); // Create Slider Control
int number(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, int number, int min, int max); // Create a Number Input Control
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label); // Output only
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value); int label(const char *label, int color, String value = ""); // Create Label
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color); int graph(const char *label, int color); // Create Graph display
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl);
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback);
bool removeControl(uint16_t id, bool force_rebuild_ui = false); // Update Elements
void print(int id, String value);
void print(String label, String value);
// create Elements void updateSwitcher(int id, bool nValue, int clientId = -1);
// Create Event Button void updateSwitcher(String label, bool nValue, int clientId = -1);
uint16_t button(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color, const String& value = "");
uint16_t switcher(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color, bool startState = false); // Create Toggle Button
uint16_t pad(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control
uint16_t padWithCenter(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control with Centerbutton
uint16_t slider(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create Slider Control
uint16_t number(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create a Number Input Control
uint16_t text(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create a Text Input Control
// Output only void updateSlider(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
uint16_t label(const char* label, ControlColor color, void updateSlider(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
const String& value = ""); // Create Label
uint16_t graph(const char* label, ControlColor color); // Create Graph display
uint16_t gauge(const char* label, ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0,
int max = 100); // Create Gauge display
uint16_t separator(const char* label); //Create separator
uint16_t fileDisplay(const char* label, ControlColor color, String filename);
// Input only void updateNumber(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
uint16_t accelerometer(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback, ControlColor color); void updateNumber(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
// Update Elements void clearGraph(int id, int clientId = -1);
void clearGraph(String label, int clientId = -1);
Control* getControl(uint16_t id); void addGraphPoint(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
Control* getControlNoLock(uint16_t id); void addGraphPoint(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
// Update Elements
void updateControlValue(uint16_t id, const String& value, int clientId = -1);
void updateControlValue(Control* control, const String& value, int clientId = -1);
void updateControlLabel(uint16_t control, const char * value, int clientId = -1); void textThem(String text, int clientId);
void updateControlLabel(Control* control, const char * value, int clientId = -1);
void updateControl(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); // Variables ---
void updateControl(Control* control, int clientId = -1); const char *ui_title = "ESPUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name
int cIndex = 0; // Control index
Control *controls[25];
void jsonDom(AsyncWebSocketClient *client);
int getIdByLabel(String label);
bool labelExists(String label);
void print(uint16_t id, const String& value); private:
void updateLabel(uint16_t id, const String& value); AsyncWebServer *server;
void updateButton(uint16_t id, const String& value); AsyncWebSocket *ws;
void updateSwitcher(uint16_t id, bool nValue, int clientId = -1);
void updateSlider(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
void updateNumber(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
void updateText(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1);
void updateSelect(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1);
void updateGauge(uint16_t id, int number, int clientId);
void updateTime(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1);
void clearGraph(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1);
void addGraphPoint(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1);
void setPanelStyle(uint16_t id, const String& style, int clientId = -1);
void setElementStyle(uint16_t id, const String& style, int clientId = -1);
void setInputType(uint16_t id, const String& type, int clientId = -1);
void setPanelWide(uint16_t id, bool wide);
void setVertical(uint16_t id, bool vert = true);
void setEnabled(uint16_t id, bool enabled = true, int clientId = -1);
void updateVisibility(uint16_t id, bool visibility, int clientId = -1);
// Variables
const char* ui_title = "ESPUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name
Control* controls = nullptr;
void jsonReload();
void jsonDom(uint16_t startidx, AsyncWebSocketClient* client = nullptr, bool Updating = false);
Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity::Quiet;
uint32_t GetNextControlChangeId();
// emulate former extended callback API by using an intermediate lambda (no deprecation)
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, void* userData)
return addControl(type, label, value, color, parentControl, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); });
uint16_t button(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, const String& value, void* userData)
return button(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color, value);
uint16_t switcher(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, bool startState, void* userData)
return switcher(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color, startState);
uint16_t pad(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, void* userData)
return pad(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color);
uint16_t padWithCenter(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, void* userData)
return padWithCenter(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color);
uint16_t slider(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, int value, int min, int max, void* userData)
return slider(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color, value, min, max);
uint16_t number(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, int value, int min, int max, void* userData)
return number(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color, value, min, max);
uint16_t text(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, const String& value, void* userData)
return text(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); } , color, value);
uint16_t accelerometer(const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int, void*)> callback, ControlColor color, void* userData)
return accelerometer(label, [callback, userData](Control* sender, int type){ callback(sender, type, userData); }, color);
AsyncWebServer* WebServer() {return server;}
AsyncWebSocket* WebSocket() {return ws;}
#if defined(ESP32)
fs::LittleFSFS & EspuiLittleFS = LittleFS;
# endif
fs::FS & EspuiLittleFS = LittleFS;
friend class ESPUIclient;
friend class ESPUIcontrol;
#ifdef ESP32
SemaphoreHandle_t ControlsSemaphore = NULL;
#endif // def ESP32
void RemoveToBeDeletedControls();
AsyncWebServer* server;
AsyncWebSocket* ws;
const char* basicAuthUsername = nullptr;
const char* basicAuthPassword = nullptr;
bool basicAuth = true;
uint16_t controlCount = 0;
uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, Control* control);
#define ClientUpdateType_t ESPUIclient::ClientUpdateType_t
void NotifyClients(ClientUpdateType_t newState);
void NotifyClient(uint32_t WsClientId, ClientUpdateType_t newState);
bool SendJsonDocToWebSocket(ArduinoJson::JsonDocument& document, uint16_t clientId);
std::map<uint32_t, ESPUIclient*> MapOfClients;
uint32_t ControlChangeID = 0;
}; };
extern ESPUIClass ESPUI; extern ESPUIClass ESPUI;

View File

@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
#include "ESPUI.h"
#include "ESPUIclient.h"
#include "ESPUIcontrol.h"
// JSONSlave:
// helper to process exact JSON serialization size
// it takes ~2ms on esp8266 and avoid large String reallocation which is really worth the cost
class JSONSlave: public Print
size_t write (uint8_t c) override { counter++; return 1; }
size_t write (const uint8_t* buf, size_t count) override { counter += count; return count; }
size_t get_counter () { return counter; }
static size_t serializedSize (JsonDocument& doc)
JSONSlave counter;
serializeJson(doc, counter);
return counter.get_counter();
static size_t serialize (JsonDocument& doc, String& str)
size_t s = serializedSize(doc) + 10; // 10 is paranoid
serializeJson(doc, str);
return s;
static String toString (JsonDocument& doc)
String str;
serialize(doc, str);
return str;
size_t counter = 0;
ESPUIclient::ESPUIclient(AsyncWebSocketClient * _client):
ESPUIclient::ESPUIclient(const ESPUIclient& source):
bool ESPUIclient::CanSend()
bool Response = false;
if (nullptr != client)
Response = client->canSend();
return Response;
void ESPUIclient::FillInHeader(JsonDocument& document)
document[F("type")] = UI_EXTEND_GUI;
document[F("sliderContinuous")] = ESPUI.sliderContinuous;
document[F("startindex")] = 0;
document[F("totalcontrols")] = ESPUI.controlCount;
JsonArray items = AllocateJsonArray(document, F("controls"));
JsonObject titleItem = AllocateJsonObject(items);
titleItem[F("type")] = (int)UI_TITLE;
titleItem[F("label")] = ESPUI.ui_title;
bool ESPUIclient::IsSyncronized()
return ((ClientUpdateType_t::Synchronized == ClientUpdateType) &&
(&fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp == pCurrentFsmState));
bool ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t value)
bool Response = false;
do // once
// Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:CannotSend"));
AllocateJsonDocument(document, ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize);
if(ClientUpdateType_t::ReloadNeeded == value)
// Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:set type to reload"));
document["type"] = int(UI_RELOAD);
// dont send any controls
Response = SendJsonDocToWebSocket(document);
// Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:NotificationSent:Response: ") + String(Response));
} while (false);
return Response;
void ESPUIclient::NotifyClient(ClientUpdateType_t newState)
// Handle Websockets Communication
bool ESPUIclient::onWsEvent(AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len)
bool Response = false;
// Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent: type: ") + String(type));
switch (type)
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:onWsEvent:WS_EVT_CONNECT: Call NotifyClient: RebuildNeeded");
// Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA"));
String msg = "";
msg.reserve(len + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
msg += (char)data[i];
String cmd = msg.substring(0, msg.indexOf(":"));
String value = msg.substring(cmd.length() + 1, msg.lastIndexOf(':'));
uint16_t id = msg.substring(msg.lastIndexOf(':') + 1).toInt();
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON)
Serial.println(String(F(" WS msg: ")) + msg);
Serial.println(String(F(" WS cmd: ")) + cmd);
Serial.println(String(F(" WS id: ")) + String(id));
Serial.println(String(F("WS value: ")) + String(value));
if (cmd.equals(F("uiok")))
// Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:ProcessAck:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName());
pCurrentFsmState->ProcessAck(id, emptyString);
if (cmd.equals(F("uifragmentok")))
// Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:uifragmentok:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName() + ":ProcessAck");
// Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:uifragmentok:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName() + ":ProcessAck:value:'" + value + "'");
pCurrentFsmState->ProcessAck(uint16_t(-1), value);
Serial.println(F("ERROR:ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uifragmentok:ProcessAck:Fragment Header is missing"));
if (cmd.equals(F("uiuok")))
// Serial.println(F("WS_EVT_DATA: uiuok. Unlock new async notifications"));
// Serial.println(F("WS_EVT_DATA:Process Control"));
Control* control = ESPUI.getControl(id);
if (nullptr == control)
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
Serial.println(String(F("No control found for ID ")) + String(id));
control->onWsEvent(cmd, value);
// notify other clients of change
Response = true;
// Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:default"));
} // end switch
return Response;
Prepare a chunk of elements as a single JSON string. If the allowed number of elements is greater than the total
number this will represent the entire UI. More likely, it will represent a small section of the UI to be sent. The
client will acknowledge receipt by requesting the next chunk.
uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex,
JsonDocument & rootDoc,
bool InUpdateMode,
String FragmentRequestString)
#ifdef ESP32
xSemaphoreTake(ESPUI.ControlsSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
#endif // def ESP32
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. InUpdateMode: ") + String(InUpdateMode));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. startindex: ") + String(startindex));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. FragmentRequestString: '") + FragmentRequestString + "'");
int elementcount = 0;
uint32_t MaxMarshaledJsonSize = (!InUpdateMode) ? ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize: ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize;
uint32_t EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize = 0;
do // once
// Follow the list until control points to the startindex'th node
Control* control = ESPUI.controls;
uint32_t currentIndex = 0;
uint32_t DataOffset = 0;
JsonArray items = rootDoc[F("controls")];
bool SingleControl = false;
// Serial.println(F("prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Got Header (1)"));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:startindex: ") + String(startindex));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:currentIndex: ") + String(currentIndex));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:FragmentRequestString: '") + FragmentRequestString + "'");
// this is actually a fragment or directed update request
// parse the string we got from the UI and try to update that specific
// control.
AllocateJsonDocument(FragmentRequest, FragmentRequestString.length() * 3);
if(0 >= FragmentRequest.capacity())
Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Could not allocate memory for a fragmentation request. Skipping Response"));
size_t FragmentRequestStartOffset = FragmentRequestString.indexOf("{");
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(FragmentRequest, FragmentRequestString.substring(FragmentRequestStartOffset));
if(DeserializationError::Ok != error)
Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Could not extract json from the fragment request"));
Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Request does not contain a control ID"));
uint16_t ControlId = uint16_t(FragmentRequest[F("id")]);
Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Request does not contain a starting offset"));
DataOffset = uint16_t(FragmentRequest[F("offset")]);
control = ESPUI.getControlNoLock(ControlId);
if(nullptr == control)
Serial.println(String(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Requested control: ")) + String(ControlId) + F(" does not exist"));
// Serial.println(F("prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:disable the control search operation"));
currentIndex = 1;
startindex = 0;
SingleControl = true;
// find a control to send
while ((startindex > currentIndex) && (nullptr != control))
// only count active controls
if (!control->ToBeDeleted())
// In update mode we only count the controls that have been updated.
// not in update mode. Count all active controls
control = control->next;
// any controls left to be processed?
if(nullptr == control)
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: No controls to process");
// keep track of the number of elements we have serialised into this
// message. Overflow is detected and handled later in this loop
// and needs an index to the last item added.
while (nullptr != control)
// skip deleted controls or controls that have not been updated
if (control->ToBeDeleted() && !SingleControl)
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Ignoring Deleted control: ") + String(control->id));
control = control->next;
if(InUpdateMode && !SingleControl)
// dont skip this control
// control has not been updated. Skip it
control = control->next;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: MaxMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(MaxMarshaledJsonSize));
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Cur EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize));
JsonObject item = AllocateJsonObject(items);
uint32_t RemainingSpace = (MaxMarshaledJsonSize - EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize) - 100;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: RemainingSpace: ")) + String(RemainingSpace));
uint32_t SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl = 0;
bool ControlIsFragmented = control->MarshalControl(item,
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl: ")) + String(SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl));
EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize += SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: New EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize));
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: ControlIsFragmented: ")) + String(ControlIsFragmented));
// did the control get added to the doc?
if (0 == SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl ||
(ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax > 0 && (elementcount % ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax) == 0))
// Serial.println( String("prepareJSONChunk: too much data in the message. Remove the last entry"));
if (1 == elementcount)
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Control ")) + String(control->id) + F(" is too large to be sent to the browser."));
// Serial.println(String(F("ERROR: prepareJSONChunk: value: ")) + control->value);
item = AllocateJsonObject(items);
elementcount = 0;
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Defering control: ") + String(control->id));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount));
// exit the loop
control = nullptr;
else if ((SingleControl) ||
(ControlIsFragmented) ||
(MaxMarshaledJsonSize < (EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize + 100)))
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Doc is Full, Fragmented Control or Single Control. exit loop");
control = nullptr;
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Next Control");
control = control->next;
} // end while (control != nullptr)
} while (false);
#ifdef ESP32
#endif // def ESP32
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: END: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount));
return elementcount;
Convert & Transfer Arduino elements to JSON elements. This function sends a chunk of
JSON describing the controls of the UI, starting from the control at index startidx.
If startidx is 0 then a UI_INITIAL_GUI message will be sent, else a UI_EXTEND_GUI.
Both message types contain a list of serialised UI elements. Only a portion of the UI
will be sent in order to avoid websocket buffer overflows. The client will acknowledge
receipt of a partial message by requesting the next chunk of UI.
The protocol is:
SERVER: SendControlsToClient(0):
"UI_INITIAL_GUI: n serialised UI elements"
CLIENT: controls.js:handleEvent()
SERVER: SendControlsToClient(n):
"UI_EXTEND_GUI: n serialised UI elements"
CLIENT: controls.js:handleEvent()
Returns true if all controls have been sent (aka: Done)
bool ESPUIclient::SendControlsToClient(uint16_t startidx, ClientUpdateType_t TransferMode, String FragmentRequest)
bool Response = false;
// Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:startidx: ") + String(startidx));
do // once
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Cannot Send to clients.");
else if ((startidx >= ESPUI.controlCount) && (emptyString.equals(FragmentRequest)))
// Serial.println(F("ERROR:ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: No more controls to send."));
Response = true;
AllocateJsonDocument(document, ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize);
document[F("startindex")] = startidx;
document[F("totalcontrols")] = uint16_t(-1); // ESPUI.controlCount;
if(0 == startidx)
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Tell client we are starting a transfer of controls.");
document["type"] = (ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded == TransferMode) ? UI_INITIAL_GUI : UI_EXTEND_GUI;
CurrentSyncID = NextSyncID;
NextSyncID = ESPUI.GetNextControlChangeId();
// Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:type: ") + String((uint32_t)document["type"]));
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Build Controls.");
if(prepareJSONChunk(startidx, document, ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded == TransferMode, FragmentRequest))
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON)
Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Sending elements --------->"));
serializeJson(document, Serial);
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Send message.");
if(true == SendJsonDocToWebSocket(document))
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Sent.");
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Send failed.");
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: No elements to send.");
Response = true;
} while(false);
// Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:Response: ") + String(Response));
return Response;
bool ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket(JsonDocument& document)
bool Response = true;
do // once
if (!CanSend())
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON)
Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: Cannot Send to client. Not sending websocket message"));
// Serial.println("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: Cannot Send to client. Not sending websocket message");
Response = false;
String json = JSONSlave::toString(document);
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON)
Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: json: '")) + json + "'");
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON)
Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: client.text"));
// Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: client.text"));
} while (false);
return Response;
void ESPUIclient::SetState(ClientUpdateType_t value)
// only a higher priority state request can replace the current state request
if(uint32_t(ClientUpdateType) < uint32_t(value))
ClientUpdateType = value;

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "ESPUIclientFsm.h"
#include "ESPUIcontrol.h"
class ESPUIclient
enum ClientUpdateType_t
{ // this is an orderd list. highest number is highest priority
Synchronized = 0,
UpdateNeeded = 1,
RebuildNeeded = 2,
ReloadNeeded = 3,
// bool HasBeenNotified = false; // Set when a notification has been sent and we are waiting for a reply
// bool DelayedNotification = false; // set if a delayed notification is needed
ClientUpdateType_t ClientUpdateType = ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded;
AsyncWebSocketClient * client = nullptr;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state_WaitForAck;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading;
friend class fsm_EspuiClient_state;
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp;
fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate_imp;
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding_imp;
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading_imp;
fsm_EspuiClient_state* pCurrentFsmState = &fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp;
time_t EspuiClientEndTime = 0;
// bool NeedsNotification() { return pCurrentFsmState != &fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp; }
bool CanSend();
void FillInHeader(ArduinoJson::JsonDocument& document);
uint32_t prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex, JsonDocument& rootDoc, bool InUpdateMode, String value);
bool SendControlsToClient(uint16_t startidx, ClientUpdateType_t TransferMode, String FragmentRequest);
bool SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t value);
uint32_t CurrentSyncID = 0;
uint32_t NextSyncID = 0;
ESPUIclient(AsyncWebSocketClient * _client);
ESPUIclient(const ESPUIclient & source);
virtual ~ESPUIclient();
void NotifyClient(ClientUpdateType_t value);
bool onWsEvent(AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len);
bool IsSyncronized();
uint32_t id() { return client->id(); }
void SetState(ClientUpdateType_t value);
bool SendJsonDocToWebSocket(ArduinoJson::JsonDocument& document);

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
#include "ESPUI.h"
#include "ESPUIclient.h"
// FSM definitions
void fsm_EspuiClient_state::Init()
// Serial.println(String("fsm_EspuiClient_state:Init: ") + GetStateName());
Parent->pCurrentFsmState = this;
bool fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle::NotifyClient()
bool Response = false;
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: NotifyClient"));
ClientUpdateType_t TypeToProcess = Parent->ClientUpdateType;
// Clear the type so that we capture any changes in type that happen
// while we are processing the current request.
Parent->ClientUpdateType = ClientUpdateType_t::Synchronized;
// Start processing the current request.
switch (TypeToProcess)
case ClientUpdateType_t::Synchronized:
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: NotifyClient:State:Synchronized"));
// Parent->fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp.Init();
Response = true; // Parent->SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded);
case ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded:
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: NotifyClient:State:UpdateNeeded"));
Response = Parent->SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded);
case ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded:
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: NotifyClient:State:RebuildNeeded"));
Response = Parent->SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded);
case ClientUpdateType_t::ReloadNeeded:
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: NotifyClient:State:ReloadNeeded"));
Response = Parent->SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t::ReloadNeeded);
return Response;
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle::ProcessAck(uint16_t ControlIndex, String FragmentRequestString)
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle::ProcessAck:Fragmentation:Got fragment Header"));
Parent->SendControlsToClient(ControlIndex, ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded, FragmentRequestString);
// This is an unexpected request for control data from the browser
// treat it as if it was a rebuild operation
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle: ProcessAck:Error: Rebuild"));
bool fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate::NotifyClient()
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate:NotifyClient"));
return true; /* Ignore request */
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate::ProcessAck(uint16_t ControlIndex, String FragmentRequest)
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate: ProcessAck"));
if(Parent->SendControlsToClient(ControlIndex, ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded, FragmentRequest))
// No more data to send. Go back to idle or start next request
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding::Init()
// Serial.println(String("fsm_EspuiClient_state:Init: ") + GetStateName());
Parent->CurrentSyncID = 0;
Parent->NextSyncID = 0;
Parent->pCurrentFsmState = this;
bool fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding::NotifyClient()
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding: NotifyClient"));
return true; /* Ignore request */
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding::ProcessAck(uint16_t ControlIndex, String FragmentRequest)
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding: ProcessAck"));
if(Parent->SendControlsToClient(ControlIndex, ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded, FragmentRequest))
// No more data to send. Go back to idle or start next request
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading::Init()
// Serial.println(String("fsm_EspuiClient_state:Init: ") + GetStateName());
Parent->CurrentSyncID = 0;
Parent->NextSyncID = 0;
Parent->pCurrentFsmState = this;
void fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading::ProcessAck(uint16_t ControlIndex, String FragmentRequestString)
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading::ProcessAck:Fragmentation:Got fragment Header"));
Parent->SendControlsToClient(ControlIndex, ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded, FragmentRequestString);
bool fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading::NotifyClient()
// Serial.println(F("fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading: NotifyClient"));
return true; /* Ignore request */

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
// forward declaration
class ESPUIclient;
* Generic fsm base class.
class fsm_EspuiClient_state
fsm_EspuiClient_state() {};
virtual ~fsm_EspuiClient_state() {}
void Init();
virtual bool NotifyClient() = 0;
virtual void ProcessAck(uint16_t id, String FragmentRequest) = 0;
virtual String GetStateName () = 0;
void SetParent(ESPUIclient * value) { Parent = value; }
ESPUIclient * Parent = nullptr;
}; // fsm_EspuiClient_state
class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle : public fsm_EspuiClient_state
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle() {}
virtual ~fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle() {}
virtual bool NotifyClient();
virtual void ProcessAck(uint16_t id, String FragmentRequest);
String GetStateName() { return String(F("Idle")); }
}; // fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle
class fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate : public fsm_EspuiClient_state
fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate() {}
virtual ~fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate() {}
virtual bool NotifyClient();
virtual void ProcessAck(uint16_t id, String FragmentRequest);
String GetStateName() { return String(F("Sending Update")); }
}; // fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate
class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding : public fsm_EspuiClient_state
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding() {}
virtual ~fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding() {}
void Init();
virtual bool NotifyClient();
virtual void ProcessAck(uint16_t id, String FragmentRequest);
String GetStateName() { return String(F("Sending Rebuild")); }
}; // fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding
class fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading : public fsm_EspuiClient_state
fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading() {}
virtual ~fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading() {}
void Init();
virtual bool NotifyClient();
virtual void ProcessAck(uint16_t id, String FragmentRequest);
String GetStateName() { return String(F("Reloading")); }
}; // fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading

View File

@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
#include "ESPUI.h"
static uint16_t idCounter = 0;
static const String ControlError = "*** ESPUI ERROR: Could not transfer control ***";
Control::Control(ControlType type, const char* label, std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback,
const String& value, ControlColor color, bool visible, uint16_t parentControl)
: type(type),
id = ++idCounter;
ControlChangeID = 1;
Control::Control(const Control& Control)
: type(Control.type),
{ }
void Control::SendCallback(int type)
callback(this, type);
void Control::DeleteControl()
_ToBeDeleted = true;
callback = nullptr;
bool Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item,
bool refresh,
uint32_t StartingOffset,
uint32_t AvailMarshaledLength,
uint32_t &EstimatedMarshaledLength)
// this code assumes MaxMarshaledLength > JsonMarshalingRatio
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: StartingOffset: ") + String(StartingOffset));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: AvailMarshaledLength: ") + String(AvailMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Control ID: ") + String(id));
bool ControlIsFragmented = false;
// create a new item in the response document
JsonObject & item = _item;
// how much space do we expect to use?
uint32_t ValueMarshaledLength = (value.length() - StartingOffset) * JsonMarshalingRatio;
uint32_t LabelMarshaledLength = strlen(label) * JsonMarshalingRatio;
uint32_t MinimumMarshaledLength = LabelMarshaledLength + JsonMarshaledOverhead;
uint32_t MaximumMarshaledLength = ValueMarshaledLength + MinimumMarshaledLength;
uint32_t SpaceForMarshaledValue = AvailMarshaledLength - MinimumMarshaledLength;
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: value.length(): ") + String(value.length()));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: ValueMarshaledLength: ") + String(ValueMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: LabelMarshaledLength: ") + String(LabelMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MaximumMarshaledLength: ") + String(MaximumMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MinimumMarshaledLength: ") + String(MinimumMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: SpaceForMarshaledValue: ") + String(SpaceForMarshaledValue));
// will the item fit in the remaining space? Fragment if not
if (AvailMarshaledLength < MinimumMarshaledLength)
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Cannot Marshal control. Not enough space for basic headers."));
EstimatedMarshaledLength = 0;
return false;
uint32_t MaxValueLength = (SpaceForMarshaledValue / JsonMarshalingRatio);
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MaxValueLength: ") + String(MaxValueLength));
uint32_t ValueLenToSend = min((value.length() - StartingOffset), MaxValueLength);
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: ValueLenToSend: ") + String(ValueLenToSend));
uint32_t AdjustedMarshaledLength = (ValueLenToSend * JsonMarshalingRatio) + MinimumMarshaledLength;
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: AdjustedMarshaledLength: ") + String(AdjustedMarshaledLength));
bool NeedToFragment = (ValueLenToSend < value.length());
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: NeedToFragment: ") + String(NeedToFragment));
if ((AdjustedMarshaledLength > AvailMarshaledLength) && (0 != ValueLenToSend))
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Cannot Marshal control. Not enough space for marshaled control."));
EstimatedMarshaledLength = 0;
return false;
EstimatedMarshaledLength = AdjustedMarshaledLength;
// are we fragmenting?
if(NeedToFragment || StartingOffset)
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Start Fragment Processing"));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:id: ") + String(id));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:StartingOffset: ") + String(StartingOffset));
if(0 == StartingOffset)
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: New control to fragement. ID: ") + String(id));
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Next fragement. ID: ") + String(id));
// indicate that no additional controls should be sent
ControlIsFragmented = true;
// fill in the fragment header
_item[F("type")] = uint32_t(ControlType::Fragment);
_item[F("id")] = id;
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Final length: ") + String(length));
_item[F("offset")] = StartingOffset;
_item[F("length")] = ValueLenToSend;
_item[F("total")] = value.length();
AllocateNamedJsonObject(item, _item, F("control"));
item[F("id")] = id;
ControlType TempType = (ControlType::Password == type) ? ControlType::Text : type;
item[F("type")] = uint32_t(TempType) + uint32_t(ControlType::UpdateOffset);
item[F("type")] = uint32_t(TempType);
item[F("label")] = label;
item[F ("value")] = (ControlType::Password == type) ? F ("--------") : value.substring(StartingOffset, StartingOffset + ValueLenToSend);
item[F("visible")] = visible;
item[F("color")] = (int)color;
item[F("enabled")] = enabled;
if (!panelStyle.isEmpty()) {item[F("panelStyle")] = panelStyle;}
if (!elementStyle.isEmpty()) {item[F("elementStyle")] = elementStyle;}
if (!inputType.isEmpty()) {item[F("inputType")] = inputType;}
if (wide == true) {item[F("wide")] = true;}
if (vertical == true) {item[F("vertical")] = true;}
if (parentControl != Control::noParent)
item[F("parentControl")] = String(parentControl);
// special case for selects: to preselect an option, you have to add
// "selected" to <option>
if (ControlType::Option == type)
Control* ParentControl = ESPUI.getControlNoLock(parentControl);
if (nullptr == ParentControl)
item[F("selected")] = emptyString;
else if (ParentControl->value == value)
item[F("selected")] = F("selected");
item[F("selected")] = "";
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Done"));
return ControlIsFragmented;
void Control::MarshalErrorMessage(JsonObject & item)
item[F("id")] = id;
item[F("type")] = uint32_t(ControlType::Label);
item[F("label")] = ControlError.c_str();
item[F("value")] = ControlError;
item[F("visible")] = true;
item[F("color")] = (int)ControlColor::Carrot;
item[F("enabled")] = true;
if (parentControl != Control::noParent)
item[F("parentControl")] = String(parentControl);
void Control::onWsEvent(String & cmd, String& data)
do // once
// Serial.println(String(F("Control::onWsEvent")));
if (!HasCallback())
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
Serial.println(String(F("Control::onWsEvent:No callback found for ID ")) + String(id));
// Serial.println("Control::onWsEvent:Generating callback");
if (cmd.equals(F("bdown")))
if (cmd.equals(F("bup")))
if (cmd.equals(F("pfdown")))
if (cmd.equals(F("pfup")))
if (cmd.equals(F("pldown")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("plup")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("prdown")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("prup")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("pbdown")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("pbup")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("pcdown")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("pcup")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("sactive")))
value = "1";
else if (cmd.equals(F("sinactive")))
value = "0";
// updateControl(c, client->id());
else if (cmd.equals(F("slvalue")))
value = data;
// updateControl(c, client->id());
else if (cmd.equals(F("nvalue")))
value = data;
// updateControl(c, client->id());
else if (cmd.equals(F("tvalue")))
value = data;
// updateControl(c, client->id());
else if (cmd.equals(F("tabvalue")))
else if (cmd.equals(F("svalue")))
value = data;
// updateControl(c, client->id());
else if (cmd.equals(F("time")))
value = data;
// updateControl(c, client->id());
#if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI)
if (ESPUI.verbosity)
Serial.println(F("Control::onWsEvent:Malformed message from the websocket"));
} while (false);

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <functional>
enum ControlType : uint8_t
// fixed Controls
Title = 0,
// updatable Controls
Fragment = 98,
Password = 99,
UpdateOffset = 100,
enum ControlColor : uint8_t
None = 0xFF
class Control
ControlType type;
uint16_t id; // just mirroring the id here for practical reasons
const char* label;
std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback;
String value;
ControlColor color;
bool visible;
bool wide;
bool vertical;
bool enabled;
uint16_t parentControl;
String panelStyle;
String elementStyle;
String inputType;
Control* next;
static constexpr uint16_t noParent = 0xffff;
Control(ControlType type,
const char* label,
std::function<void(Control*, int)> callback,
const String& value,
ControlColor color,
bool visible,
uint16_t parentControl);
Control(const Control& Control);
void SendCallback(int type);
bool HasCallback() { return (nullptr != callback); }
bool MarshalControl(ArduinoJson::JsonObject& item, bool refresh, uint32_t DataOffset, uint32_t MaxLength, uint32_t & EstimmatedUsedSpace);
void MarshalErrorMessage(ArduinoJson::JsonObject& item);
void DeleteControl();
void onWsEvent(String& cmd, String& data);
inline bool ToBeDeleted() { return _ToBeDeleted; }
inline bool NeedsSync(uint32_t lastControlChangeID) {return (false == _ToBeDeleted) && (lastControlChangeID < ControlChangeID);}
void SetControlChangedId(uint32_t value) {ControlChangeID = value;}
bool _ToBeDeleted = false;
uint32_t ControlChangeID = 0;
String OldValue = emptyString;
// multiplier for converting a typical controller label or value to a Json object
#define JsonMarshalingRatio 3
// Marshaed Control overhead length
#define JsonMarshaledOverhead 64
#define UI_TITLE ControlType::Title
#define UI_LABEL ControlType::Label
#define UI_BUTTON ControlType::Button
#define UI_SWITCHER ControlType::Switcher
#define UI_PAD ControlType::Pad
#define UI_CPAD ControlType::Cpad
#define UI_SLIDER ControlType::Slider
#define UI_NUMBER ControlType::Number
#define UI_TEXT_INPUT ControlType::Text
#define UI_GRAPH ControlType::Graph
#define UI_ADD_GRAPH_POINT ControlType::GraphPoint
#define UPDATE_LABEL ControlType::UpdateLabel
#define UPDATE_SWITCHER ControlType::UpdateSwitcher
#define UPDATE_SLIDER ControlType::UpdateSlider
#define UPDATE_NUMBER ControlType::UpdateNumber
#define UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT ControlType::UpdateText
#define CLEAR_GRAPH ControlType::ClearGraph
// Colors
#define COLOR_TURQUOISE ControlColor::Turquoise
#define COLOR_EMERALD ControlColor::Emerald
#define COLOR_PETERRIVER ControlColor::Peterriver
#define COLOR_WETASPHALT ControlColor::Wetasphalt
#define COLOR_SUNFLOWER ControlColor::Sunflower
#define COLOR_CARROT ControlColor::Carrot
#define COLOR_ALIZARIN ControlColor::Alizarin
#define COLOR_DARK ControlColor::Dark
#define COLOR_NONE ControlColor::None

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
const char JS_GRAPH[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
function lineGraph(parent,xAccessor,yAccessor){const width=620;const height=420;const gutter=40;const pixelsPerTick=30;function numericTransformer(dataMin,dataMax,pxMin,pxMax){var dataDiff=dataMax-dataMin,pxDiff=pxMax-pxMin,dataRatio=pxDiff/dataDiff,coordRatio=dataDiff/pxDiff;return{toCoord:function(data){return(data-dataMin)*dataRatio+pxMin;},toData:function(coord){return(coord-pxMin)*coordRatio+dataMin;}};}
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)====="; )=====";
const uint8_t JS_SLIDER_GZIP[881] PROGMEM = { 31,139,8,0,3,199,199,101,2,255,237,86,77,143,218,48,16,189,243,43,88,107,187,196,93,240,210,61,18,204,165,85,165,30,122,106,165,86,90,173,144,73,156,141,69,112,162,216,129,182,44,255,189,227,143,132,36,192,106,219,83,15,61,37,246,60,143,223,204,60,123,156,84,50,210,34,151,195,114,189,137,151,37,147,79,252,75,38,98,94,6,138,103,60,210,121,137,247,91,86,14,97,148,140,149,181,44,119,34,214,105,61,200,147,68,113,61,142,170,82,106,63,247,65,168,168,228,154,143,173,59,63,25,26,15,244,250,232,54,108,123,163,198,74,236,111,208,88,156,107,103,114,255,1,38,25,79,116,216,221,199,34,122,115,132,179,40,13,18,31,93,32,198,91,188,183,28,129,130,78,133,194,161,29,17,86,20,92,198,65,119,241,82,111,138,12,54,195,161,141,128,58,104,34,0,56,18,178,168,244,131,254,89,112,138,172,21,61,142,106,198,109,32,34,110,14,53,225,36,34,203,168,251,239,66,38,198,114,196,165,76,198,25,63,143,116,182,35,54,99,43,126,193,169,53,1,210,84,207,18,93,110,89,70,11,86,42,254,73,234,192,78,17,152,50,97,182,24,146,72,169,0,217,74,160,113,179,238,22,189,233,19,116,64,83,142,75,56,203,192,179,82,5,147,8,19,205,127,248,173,13,26,135,7,28,186,242,202,0,109,242,74,241,56,223,201,161,206,171,40,85,154,149,224,186,31,250,184,169,41,199,123,145,4,156,172,42,173,115,73,41,189,199,123,168,30,148,96,152,176,76,241,240,48,48,177,67,196,92,106,85,215,157,248,49,36,202,72,126,210,84,201,170,188,45,73,15,108,84,217,2,120,101,214,136,174,56,13,46,74,121,180,118,199,169,65,189,160,31,34,128,207,44,22,138,173,50,30,3,25,8,172,237,130,82,93,86,252,36,188,58,36,22,199,239,51,102,202,33,212,132,65,118,182,220,7,180,201,183,252,99,69,219,57,115,57,121,226,223,41,39,246,251,252,12,181,76,205,62,241,87,147,120,174,30,166,143,206,212,142,89,242,93,147,24,48,77,58,169,48,132,251,184,57,109,167,243,230,230,234,20,129,166,8,227,189,159,54,92,3,159,172,113,31,218,189,123,108,54,194,195,193,242,171,138,94,132,117,90,128,90,224,84,83,194,121,239,148,1,145,86,166,72,201,205,222,103,82,232,54,168,125,208,189,149,168,193,206,92,98,199,86,169,237,9,139,168,138,153,33,229,172,112,189,184,209,33,188,14,226,60,170,54,64,3,27,197,31,185,189,254,24,252,215,127,47,188,19,117,122,85,255,11,250,28,252,129,60,207,74,237,111,132,116,24,212,155,13,207,119,53,123,3,216,127,58,154,199,98,59,140,140,240,41,242,74,88,140,110,7,103,230,93,147,90,204,239,192,114,9,226,175,232,197,25,147,235,70,139,185,233,3,139,233,252,206,126,157,179,198,37,114,127,40,244,101,182,28,79,227,233,22,2,42,240,205,39,31,190,144,35,255,94,57,214,167,211,246,62,51,157,146,50,175,64,138,129,89,122,231,151,226,183,239,166,83,220,17,185,237,215,189,91,163,219,176,91,96,223,180,207,195,155,174,221,244,226,215,28,10,247,248,32,210,180,76,76,82,189,201,44,227,203,221,186,27,243,165,150,189,55,135,116,118,138,5,209,50,169,132,73,244,12,201,92,66,171,69,147,29,95,173,133,158,28,77,232,104,219,228,191,206,25,14,53,113,243,182,232,110,99,207,245,75,41,26,182,159,9,248,138,246,150,239,95,189,182,191,175,73,188,172,54,43,120,163,213,62,152,214,37,220,246,112,219,16,85,173,148,46,133,124,10,238,45,69,43,35,8,93,229,209,154,152,1,188,95,50,240,83,241,25,186,237,103,14,166,156,103,211,144,126,3,128,124,107,46,79,11,0,0 };
const uint8_t JS_SLIDER_GZIP[] PROGMEM = { 31,139,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,213,85,203,146,211,48,16,252,149,172,106,33,22,235,104,195,30,227,40,23,184,112,224,196,133,42,138,218,146,45,217,86,34,75,142,37,103,1,87,254,157,145,108,231,13,236,149,139,31,51,147,86,207,244,184,147,183,58,115,210,232,73,179,169,248,115,195,116,33,190,40,201,69,19,165,184,219,177,102,146,199,34,206,98,22,23,49,143,203,36,167,247,144,72,4,205,201,139,228,174,140,112,146,193,179,201,115,43,92,132,137,18,185,75,10,154,39,5,17,44,43,163,124,128,143,54,241,26,119,12,126,237,74,105,113,194,8,171,107,161,121,100,195,97,31,165,205,26,225,196,179,171,106,5,56,56,225,148,145,92,66,193,84,234,186,117,223,220,207,90,80,20,248,161,239,83,156,148,99,30,145,30,2,225,164,127,120,206,165,82,180,60,207,206,124,240,88,82,50,205,149,184,42,234,195,199,50,197,82,113,13,21,162,80,228,167,163,104,205,26,43,62,105,23,113,178,99,202,83,63,161,65,50,107,35,20,38,133,98,245,128,222,92,82,232,11,252,212,46,243,225,148,225,100,91,51,141,48,113,226,135,139,20,222,227,4,38,174,35,84,153,214,10,110,94,244,196,153,54,43,173,99,13,192,92,118,19,31,52,48,184,147,121,100,72,218,58,103,52,165,244,9,119,48,245,182,209,147,156,41,43,246,190,163,106,212,136,64,103,66,59,160,71,252,110,204,14,99,238,251,174,14,11,224,223,37,188,159,47,129,143,110,32,250,23,17,137,4,240,5,151,150,165,74,112,64,6,118,27,160,229,154,86,92,48,27,57,49,206,63,40,230,103,38,237,140,65,91,59,49,48,170,233,161,207,166,223,220,45,109,160,135,66,124,157,73,143,188,93,82,245,246,237,29,220,209,28,97,220,13,115,174,204,78,68,85,188,141,85,28,206,221,239,3,156,62,194,109,113,55,30,15,45,70,107,156,84,227,70,156,144,32,141,240,80,215,236,122,188,53,237,130,92,190,102,81,199,65,176,225,57,196,219,122,161,251,40,124,21,11,189,79,238,35,110,178,182,2,5,176,23,123,253,90,217,79,244,174,131,222,245,255,168,183,71,51,180,62,213,207,12,250,153,155,250,153,131,126,255,82,239,92,143,215,204,125,63,130,77,110,187,85,216,54,70,167,75,46,119,147,204,47,0,69,195,244,86,215,177,222,138,86,203,71,200,220,74,15,159,237,173,84,239,60,171,165,247,131,213,124,249,24,238,3,208,201,117,154,12,179,100,151,204,251,105,21,96,231,101,44,122,222,242,232,96,159,153,43,73,99,90,16,144,61,150,239,222,207,231,184,87,59,165,197,109,59,245,201,236,42,121,176,209,240,255,49,166,255,96,228,233,153,71,202,222,3,179,16,236,252,98,45,66,8,180,101,218,74,223,202,2,105,163,193,214,208,236,69,164,27,233,102,199,20,58,230,42,243,235,70,34,124,67,222,166,101,88,190,219,196,39,167,118,139,239,168,196,221,43,10,101,223,46,135,118,153,115,13,88,0,108,56,177,109,106,93,35,117,17,61,133,19,97,232,192,218,154,108,67,172,8,214,174,128,78,43,22,232,1,250,132,43,7,3,218,39,191,1,31,225,29,112,150,7,0,0 };

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from jsmin import jsmin as jsminify
from htmlmin import minify as htmlminify
from csscompressor import compress as cssminify
import gzip
import sys
import os.path
import argparse
import re
from glob import glob
TARGET_TEMPLATE = '''const char {constant}[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
const uint8_t {constant}_GZIP[{gziplen}] PROGMEM = {{ {gzipdata} }};
def parse_arguments(args=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Prepares ESPUI header files by minifying and gzipping HTML, JS and CSS source files.")
parser.add_argument("--auto", "--all", "-a", dest="auto", action="store_true",
help="Automatically find all source files in data/ and write C header files to src/")
parser.add_argument("--source", "--sources", "-s", dest="sources", default=None,
help="Sources directory containing CSS or JS files OR one specific file to minify")
parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", dest="target", default=None,
help="Target directory containing C header files OR one C header file")
parser.add_argument("--nostoremini", "-m", action="store_false", dest="storemini",
help="Do not store intermediate minified files next to the originals (i.e. only write to the C header files)")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
if not args.auto and (not args.sources or not args.target):
print("ERROR: You need to specify either --auto or both --source and --target\n")
return args
def get_context(infile, outfile):
infile = os.path.realpath(infile)
dir, name, type = (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(infile)), os.path.basename(infile).split(os.path.extsep)[0], os.path.basename(infile).split(os.path.extsep)[-1] )
type = type.strip(".").lower()
if dir.lower() == type:
dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(infile)))
if type == "htm":
type = 'html'
name = os.path.basename(name)
indir = os.path.dirname(infile)
if os.path.isdir(outfile):
outdir = os.path.realpath(outfile)
outfilename = "%s%s%s.h" % (dir, name.capitalize(), type.upper())
outfile = os.path.realpath(os.path.sep.join([outdir, outfilename]))
outfile = os.path.realpath(outfile)
outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
outfilename = os.path.basename(outfile)
minifile = re.sub('\.([^.]+)$', '.min.\\1', infile) if not ".min." in infile else infile
constant = '%s_%s' % (type.upper(), name.upper())
return locals()
def perform_gzip(c):
compressed = gzip.compress(bytes(c['minidata'], 'utf-8'))
c['gzipdata'] = ','.join([ str(b) for b in compressed ])
c['gziplen'] = len(compressed)
print(" GZIP data length: %s" % c['gziplen'])
return c
def perform_minify(c):
with open(c['infile']) as infile:
minifier = {
'css': cssminify,
'js': jsminify,
'html': htmlminify
}.get(c['type']) or htmlminify
print(" Using %s minifier" % c['type'])
c['minidata'] = minifier(infile.read())
return perform_gzip(c)
def process_file(infile, outdir, storemini=True):
print("Processing file %s" % infile)
c = get_context(infile, outdir)
c = perform_minify(c)
if storemini:
if c['infile'] == c['minifile']:
print(" Original file is already minified, refusing to overwrite it")
print(" Writing minified file %s" % c['minifile'])
with open(c['minifile'], 'w+') as minifile:
with open(c['outfile'], 'w+') as outfile:
print(" Using C constant names %s and %s_GZIP" % (c['constant'], c['constant']))
print(" Writing C header file %s" % c['outfile'])
def filenamefilter(pattern, strings):
return filter(re.compile(pattern).search, strings)
def process_dir(sourcedir, outdir, recursive=True, storemini=True):
pattern = r'/*\.(css|js|htm|html)$'
files = glob(sourcedir + "/**/*", recursive=True)+glob(sourcedir + "/*") if recursive else glob(sourcedir + "/*")
files = filenamefilter(pattern, files)
for f in set(files):
if not '.min.' in f:
process_file(f, outdir, storemini)
elif not os.path.isfile(f.replace(".min.", ".")):
process_file(f, outdir, storemini)
def check_args(args):
abort = 0
if not os.path.exists(args.sources):
print("ERROR: Source %s does not exist" % args.sources)
abort += 2
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.target)):
print("ERROR: Parent directory of target %s does not exist" % args.target)
abort += 4
if os.path.isdir(args.sources) and not os.path.isdir(args.target):
print("ERROR: Source %s is a directory, target %s is not" % (args.sources, args.target))
abort += 8
if abort > 0:
def main(args):
args.sources = os.path.realpath(args.sources or os.sep.join((os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "data")))
args.target = os.path.realpath(args.target or os.sep.join((os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "src")))
if os.path.isfile(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a file, will process one file only." % args.sources)
process_file(args.sources, args.target, storemini = args.storemini)
elif os.path.isdir(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a directory, searching for files recursively..." % args.sources)
process_dir(args.sources, args.target, recursive = True, storemini = args.storemini)
if __name__ == "__main__" and "get_ipython" not in dir():