#ifndef ESPUI_h #define ESPUI_h #define DEBUG_ESPUI true #define WS_AUTHENTICATION false #include "Arduino.h" #include "ArduinoJson.h" #include "stdlib_noniso.h" #if defined(ESP32) #include #include #include #include "WiFi.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_WRITE "w" #endif // Message Types (and control types) enum ControlType : uint8_t { // fixed controls Title = 0, // updatable controls Pad, PadWithCenter, Button, Label, Switcher, Slider, Number, Text, Graph, GraphPoint, Tab, Select, Option, Min, Max, Step, Gauge, Accel, Separator, Time, UpdateOffset = 100, UpdatePad = 101, UpdatePadWithCenter, ButtonButton, UpdateLabel, UpdateSwitcher, UpdateSlider, UpdateNumber, UpdateText, ClearGraph, UpdateTab, UpdateSelection, UpdateOption, UpdateMin, UpdateMax, UpdateStep, UpdateGauge, UpdateAccel, UpdateSeparator, UpdateTime, InitialGui = 200, Reload = 201, ExtendGUI = 210 }; #define UI_INITIAL_GUI ControlType::InitialGui #define UI_RELOAD ControlType::Reload #define UI_EXTEND_GUI ControlType::ExtendGUI #define UI_TITLE ControlType::Title #define UI_LABEL ControlType::Label #define UI_BUTTON ControlType::Button #define UI_SWITCHER ControlType::Switcher #define UI_PAD ControlType::Pad #define UI_CPAD ControlType::Cpad #define UI_SLIDER ControlType::Slider #define UI_NUMBER ControlType::Number #define UI_TEXT_INPUT ControlType::Text #define UI_GRAPH ControlType::Graph #define UI_ADD_GRAPH_POINT ControlType::GraphPoint #define UPDATE_LABEL ControlType::UpdateLabel #define UPDATE_SWITCHER ControlType::UpdateSwitcher #define UPDATE_SLIDER ControlType::UpdateSlider #define UPDATE_NUMBER ControlType::UpdateNumber #define UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT ControlType::UpdateText #define CLEAR_GRAPH ControlType::ClearGraph // Colors enum ControlColor : uint8_t { Turquoise, Emerald, Peterriver, Wetasphalt, Sunflower, Carrot, Alizarin, Dark, None = 0xFF }; #define COLOR_TURQUOISE ControlColor::Turquoise #define COLOR_EMERALD ControlColor::Emerald #define COLOR_PETERRIVER ControlColor::Peterriver #define COLOR_WETASPHALT ControlColor::Wetasphalt #define COLOR_SUNFLOWER ControlColor::Sunflower #define COLOR_CARROT ControlColor::Carrot #define COLOR_ALIZARIN ControlColor::Alizarin #define COLOR_DARK ControlColor::Dark #define COLOR_NONE ControlColor::None class Control { public: ControlType type; uint16_t id; // just mirroring the id here for practical reasons const char* label; void (*callback)(Control*, int); void (*extendedCallback)(Control*, int, void*); void* user; String value; ControlColor color; bool visible; bool wide; bool vertical; bool enabled; uint16_t parentControl; String panelStyle; String elementStyle; String inputType; Control* next; static constexpr uint16_t noParent = 0xffff; Control( ControlType type, const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), void* UserData, const String& value, ControlColor color, bool visible, uint16_t parentControl) : type(type), label(label), callback(nullptr), extendedCallback(callback), user(UserData), value(value), color(color), visible(visible), wide(false), vertical(false), enabled(true), parentControl(parentControl), next(nullptr) { id = idCounter++; } Control(const Control& control) : type(control.type), id(control.id), label(control.label), callback(control.callback), extendedCallback(control.extendedCallback), user(control.user), value(control.value), color(control.color), visible(control.visible), parentControl(control.parentControl), next(control.next) { } void SendCallback(int type); bool HasCallback() { return ((nullptr != callback) || (nullptr != extendedCallback)); } private: static uint16_t idCounter; }; // Values #define B_DOWN -1 #define B_UP 1 #define P_LEFT_DOWN -2 #define P_LEFT_UP 2 #define P_RIGHT_DOWN -3 #define P_RIGHT_UP 3 #define P_FOR_DOWN -4 #define P_FOR_UP 4 #define P_BACK_DOWN -5 #define P_BACK_UP 5 #define P_CENTER_DOWN -6 #define P_CENTER_UP 6 #define S_ACTIVE -7 #define S_INACTIVE 7 #define SL_VALUE 8 #define N_VALUE 9 #define T_VALUE 10 #define S_VALUE 11 #define TM_VALUE 12 enum Verbosity : uint8_t { Quiet = 0, Verbose, VerboseJSON }; class ESPUIClass { public: ESPUIClass() { verbosity = Verbosity::Quiet; jsonUpdateDocumentSize = 2000; jsonInitialDocumentSize = 8000; sliderContinuous = false; } unsigned int jsonUpdateDocumentSize; unsigned int jsonInitialDocumentSize; bool sliderContinuous; void setVerbosity(Verbosity verbosity); void begin(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in Memorymode void beginSPIFFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode (DEPRECATED, use beginLITTLEFS) void beginLITTLEFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode void prepareFileSystem(); // Initially preps the filesystem and loads a lot of // stuff into LITTLEFS void list(); // Lists LITTLEFS directory uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, void (*callback)(Control*, int)); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void *), void* UserData); bool removeControl(uint16_t id, bool force_reload_ui = false); // create Elements uint16_t button(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create Event Button uint16_t switcher(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, bool startState = false); // Create Toggle Button uint16_t pad(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control uint16_t padWithCenter(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control with Centerbutton uint16_t slider(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create Slider Control uint16_t number(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create a Number Input Control uint16_t text(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create a Text Input Control // Output only uint16_t label(const char* label, ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create Label uint16_t graph(const char* label, ControlColor color); // Create Graph display uint16_t gauge(const char* label, ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create Gauge display uint16_t separator(const char* label); //Create separator // Input only uint16_t accelerometer(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); // Update Elements Control* getControl(uint16_t id); // Update Elements void updateControlValue(uint16_t id, const String& value, int clientId = -1); void updateControlValue(Control* control, const String& value, int clientId = -1); void updateControl(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void updateControl(Control* control, int clientId = -1); void print(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateLabel(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateButton(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateSwitcher(uint16_t id, bool nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSlider(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateNumber(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateText(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSelect(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateGauge(uint16_t id, int number, int clientId); void updateTime(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void clearGraph(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void addGraphPoint(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void setPanelStyle(uint16_t id, String style, int clientId = -1); void setElementStyle(uint16_t id, String style, int clientId = -1); void setInputType(uint16_t id, String type, int clientId = -1); void setPanelWide(uint16_t id, bool wide); void setVertical(uint16_t id, bool vert = true); void setEnabled(uint16_t id, bool enabled = true, int clientId = -1); void updateVisibility(uint16_t id, bool visibility, int clientId = -1); // Variables const char* ui_title = "ESPUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name Control* controls = nullptr; void jsonReload(); void jsonDom(uint16_t startidx, AsyncWebSocketClient* client = nullptr); Verbosity verbosity; AsyncWebServer* server; AsyncWebSocket* ws; private: const char* basicAuthUsername = nullptr; const char* basicAuthPassword = nullptr; bool basicAuth = true; uint16_t controlCount = 0; void prepareJSONChunk(AsyncWebSocketClient* client, uint16_t startindex, JsonArray* items); }; extern ESPUIClass ESPUI; #endif