#ifndef ESPUI_h #define ESPUI_h #define DEBUG_ESPUI true #include "Arduino.h" #include "ArduinoJson.h" #include "FS.h" #include "stdlib_noniso.h" #if defined(ESP32) #include #include #include "SPIFFS.h" #include "WiFi.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_WRITE "w" #endif typedef struct Control { unsigned int type; unsigned int id; // just mirroring the id here for practical reasons const char *label; void (*callback)(Control, int); String value; unsigned int color; } Control; // Message Types (and control types) #define UI_INITIAL_GUI 100 #define UI_TITEL 0 #define UI_LABEL 1 #define UPDATE_LABEL 6 #define UI_BUTTON 2 #define UI_SWITCHER 3 #define UPDATE_SWITCHER 7 #define UI_PAD 4 #define UI_CPAD 5 #define UI_SLIDER 8 #define UPDATE_SLIDER 9 #define UI_NUMBER 10 #define UPDATE_NUMBER 11 #define UI_TEXT_INPUT 12 #define UPDATE_TEXT_INPUT 13 #define UI_GRAPH 14 #define CLEAR_GRAPH 15 #define ADD_GRAPH_POINT 16 // Values #define B_DOWN -1 #define B_UP 1 #define P_LEFT_DOWN -2 #define P_LEFT_UP 2 #define P_RIGHT_DOWN -3 #define P_RIGHT_UP 3 #define P_FOR_DOWN -4 #define P_FOR_UP 4 #define P_BACK_DOWN -5 #define P_BACK_UP 5 #define P_CENTER_DOWN -6 #define P_CENTER_UP 6 #define S_ACTIVE -7 #define S_INACTIVE 7 #define SL_VALUE 8 #define N_VALUE 9 #define T_VALUE 10 // Colors #define COLOR_TURQUOISE 0 #define COLOR_EMERALD 1 #define COLOR_PETERRIVER 2 #define COLOR_WETASPHALT 3 #define COLOR_SUNFLOWER 4 #define COLOR_CARROT 5 #define COLOR_ALIZARIN 6 #define COLOR_NONE 6 class ESPUIClass { public: void begin(const char *_title); // Setup servers and page in Memorymode void begin(const char *_title, const char *username, const char *password); void beginSPIFFS(const char *_title); // Setup servers and page in SPIFFSmode void beginSPIFFS(const char *_title, const char *username, const char *password); void prepareFileSystem(); // Initially preps the filesystem and loads a lot // of stuff into SPIFFS void list(); // Creating Elements int button(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, String value = ""); // Create Event Button int switcher(const char *label, bool startState, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color); // Create Toggle Button int pad(const char *label, bool centerButton, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color); // Create Pad Control int slider(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, String value); // Create Slider Control int number(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, int number, int min, int max); // Create a Number Input Control int text(const char *label, void (*callBack)(Control, int), int color, String value = ""); // Create a Text Input Control // Output only int label(const char *label, int color, String value = ""); // Create Label int graph(const char *label, int color); // Create Graph display // Update Elements void print(int id, String value); void print(String label, String value); void updateSwitcher(int id, bool nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSwitcher(String label, bool nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSlider(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSlider(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateNumber(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateNumber(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateText(int id, String nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateText(String label, String nValue, int clientId = -1); void clearGraph(int id, int clientId = -1); void clearGraph(String label, int clientId = -1); void addGraphPoint(int id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void addGraphPoint(String label, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void textThem(String text, int clientId); // Variables --- const char *ui_title = "ESPUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name int cIndex = 0; // Control index Control *controls[25]; void jsonDom(AsyncWebSocketClient *client); int getIdByLabel(String label); bool labelExists(String label); private: const char *basicAuthUsername; const char *basicAuthPassword; bool basicAuth = true; AsyncWebServer *server; AsyncWebSocket *ws; }; extern ESPUIClass ESPUI; #endif