function lineGraph(parent, xAccessor, yAccessor) { // Constant size definitions TODO: this could well be improved and calculated... const width = 620; const height = 420; const gutter = 40; const pixelsPerTick = 30; /** * Creates an object that contatins transform functions that: * transforms numeric data into coordinate space, linearly * transforms coordinates into numeric data, linearly */ function numericTransformer(dataMin, dataMax, pxMin, pxMax) { var dataDiff = dataMax - dataMin, pxDiff = pxMax - pxMin, dataRatio = pxDiff / dataDiff, coordRatio = dataDiff / pxDiff; return { // transforms a data point to a coordinate point toCoord: function(data) { return (data - dataMin) * dataRatio + pxMin; }, // transforms a coord point to a data point toData: function(coord) { return (coord - pxMin) * coordRatio + dataMin; } }; } /** * Renders an axis. * orientation = 'x' or 'y' * transform = a function for transforming px into data for labeling/creating tick marks */ function axisRenderer(orientation, transform) { var axisGroup = document.createElementNS("", "g"); var axisPath = document.createElementNS( "", "path" ); axisGroup.setAttribute("class", orientation + "-axis"); var xMin = gutter; var xMax = width - gutter; var yMin = height - gutter; var yMax = gutter; if (orientation === "x") { axisPath.setAttribute( "d", "M " + xMin + " " + yMin + " L " + xMax + " " + yMin ); // generate labels for (var i = xMin; i <= xMax; i++) { if ((i - xMin) % pixelsPerTick === 0 && i !== xMin) { var text = document.createElementNS( "", "text" ); // primitive formatting text.innerHTML = Math.floor(transform(i)); text.setAttribute("x", i); text.setAttribute("y", yMin); // offset the text by 1 em text.setAttribute("dy", "1em"); axisGroup.appendChild(text); } } } else { axisPath.setAttribute( "d", "M " + xMin + " " + yMin + " L " + xMin + " " + yMax ); // generate labels for (var i = yMax; i <= yMin; i++) { if ((i - yMin) % pixelsPerTick === 0 && i !== yMin) { var tickGroup = document.createElementNS( "", "g" ); var gridLine = document.createElementNS( "", "path" ); text = document.createElementNS("", "text"); // primitive formatting text.innerHTML = Math.floor(transform(i)); text.setAttribute("x", xMin); text.setAttribute("y", i); // offset the text labels to align with grid line and keeping it to the left of the y-axis text.setAttribute("dx", "-.5em"); text.setAttribute("dy", ".3em"); gridLine.setAttribute( "d", "M " + xMin + " " + i + " L " + xMax + " " + i ); tickGroup.appendChild(gridLine); tickGroup.appendChild(text); axisGroup.appendChild(tickGroup); } } } axisGroup.appendChild(axisPath); parent.appendChild(axisGroup); } /** * Renders a line */ function lineRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform, yTransform) { var line = document.createElementNS("", "path"); xAccessor.reset(); yAccessor.reset(); if (!xAccessor.hasNext() || !yAccessor.hasNext()) { return; } var pathString = "M " + xTransform( + " " + yTransform(; while (xAccessor.hasNext() && yAccessor.hasNext()) { pathString += " L " + xTransform( + " " + yTransform(; } line.setAttribute("class", "series"); line.setAttribute("d", pathString); parent.appendChild(line); } /** * Renders data point circles + text labels */ function pointRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform, yTransform) { var pointGroup = document.createElementNS( "", "g" ); pointGroup.setAttribute("class", "data-points"); xAccessor.reset(); yAccessor.reset(); if (!xAccessor.hasNext() || !yAccessor.hasNext()) { return; } while (xAccessor.hasNext() && yAccessor.hasNext()) { var xDataValue =; var x = xTransform(xDataValue); var yDataValue =; var y = yTransform(yDataValue); var circle = document.createElementNS( "", "circle" ); circle.setAttribute("cx", x); circle.setAttribute("cy", y); circle.setAttribute("r", "4"); var text = document.createElementNS("", "text"); // primitive formatting text.innerHTML = Math.floor(xDataValue) + " / " + Math.floor(yDataValue); text.setAttribute("x", x); text.setAttribute("y", y); text.setAttribute("dx", "1em"); text.setAttribute("dy", "-.7em"); pointGroup.appendChild(circle); pointGroup.appendChild(text); } parent.appendChild(pointGroup); } // perform the rendering xTransform = numericTransformer( xAccessor.min(), xAccessor.max(), 0 + gutter, width - gutter ); // NOTE: for y... have to reverse coordinate space yTransform = numericTransformer( yAccessor.min(), yAccessor.max(), height - gutter, 0 + gutter ); axisRenderer("x", xTransform.toData); axisRenderer("y", yTransform.toData); lineRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform.toCoord, yTransform.toCoord); pointRenderer(xAccessor, yAccessor, xTransform.toCoord, yTransform.toCoord); } // Final render function function renderGraphSvg(dataArray, renderId) { var figure = document.getElementById(renderId); while (figure.hasChildNodes()) { figure.removeChild(figure.lastChild); } console.log(dataArray); var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 640 440"); svg.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"); lineGraph( svg, // time accessor (function(data, min, max) { var i = 0; return { hasNext: function() { return i < data.length; }, next: function() { return data[i++].x; }, reset: function() { i = 0; }, min: function() { return min; }, max: function() { return max; } }; })( dataArray, Math.min.apply( Math, { return o.x; }) ), Math.max.apply( Math, { return o.x; }) ) ), // value accessor (function(data, min, max) { var i = 0; return { hasNext: function() { return i < data.length; }, next: function() { return data[i++].y; }, reset: function() { i = 0; }, min: function() { return min; }, max: function() { return max; } }; })( dataArray, Math.min.apply( Math, { return o.y; }) ), Math.max.apply( Math, { return o.y; }) ) ) ); figure.appendChild(svg); }