#ifndef EasyUI_h #define EasyUI_h #include "Arduino.h" #include "stdlib_noniso.h" #include "FS.h" #include "ESP8266WiFi.h" #include "WiFiClient.h" #include "ESP8266WebServer.h" #include "ArduinoJson.h" #include "WebSocketsServer.h" #include "Hash.h" #define HARDWARE "esp8266" class EasyUIClass{ public: void begin(); // Begin HTTP Server + WebSocketsServer & Initalize All Elements void title(const char* _title); // Define Webpage Header Name and title void toggleButton(uint8_t pin, const char* tbutton_label, int start_state = 0, bool swap_state = false); // Create Toggle Button void label(const char* label_name, const char* label_val); // Create Label void loop(); // Do All Loop Work // Variables --- const char* ui_title = "EasyUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name int tb_index; // Calculate How Many Toggle Buttons int l_index; // Calculate How Many Labels bool tbutton_swap[10]; uint8_t tbutton_pinout[10]; // Stores GPIO Values - MAX 10 const char* label_value[10]; // Stores Label Values - MAX 10 const char* tbuttontitle[10]; // Stores Toggle Button Titles - MAX 10 const char* label_title[10]; // Stores Label Titles - MAX 10 // const char* variable_type[10]; // un-used feature for now // Stores Label Types, Like 'C' , 'F' or '%' - MAX 10 String webpage; // Coverts Arduino elements to JSON elements String ws = ""; // Stores Websockets Script // Don't Issue the Below functions in your Sketch! - These are Resposible for Webpage functioning. void tbClick(String _index, String _status); void tbuttonStatus(); void handleWebpage(); private: std::unique_ptr server; // Create Unique Instance for Webserver std::unique_ptr webSocket; // Create Unique Instance for WebSocketsServer void handleRoot(); // Handle Index HTML void handleNCSS(); // Handle Normalize CSS void handleSCSS(); // Handle Main Style CSS void handleJS(); // Handle JQuery void handleNotFound(); // Handle Page Not-Found void handleSockets(); // Handle Sockets Script }; extern EasyUIClass EasyUI; #endif