#pragma once // comment out to turn off debug output #define DEBUG_ESPUI true #define WS_AUTHENTICATION false #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ESPUIcontrol.h" #include "ESPUIclient.h" #if defined(ESP32) #include #include "WiFi.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_WRITE "w" #endif // Message Types (and control types) enum MessageTypes : uint8_t { InitialGui = 200, Reload = 201, ExtendGUI = 210, UpdateGui = 220, ExtendedUpdateGui = 230, }; #define UI_INITIAL_GUI MessageTypes::InitialGui #define UI_EXTEND_GUI MessageTypes::ExtendGUI #define UI_RELOAD MessageTypes::Reload // Values #define B_DOWN -1 #define B_UP 1 #define P_LEFT_DOWN -2 #define P_LEFT_UP 2 #define P_RIGHT_DOWN -3 #define P_RIGHT_UP 3 #define P_FOR_DOWN -4 #define P_FOR_UP 4 #define P_BACK_DOWN -5 #define P_BACK_UP 5 #define P_CENTER_DOWN -6 #define P_CENTER_UP 6 #define S_ACTIVE -7 #define S_INACTIVE 7 #define SL_VALUE 8 #define N_VALUE 9 #define T_VALUE 10 #define S_VALUE 11 #define TM_VALUE 12 enum Verbosity : uint8_t { Quiet = 0, Verbose, VerboseJSON }; class ESPUIClass { public: ESPUIClass() { verbosity = Verbosity::Quiet; jsonUpdateDocumentSize = 2000; jsonInitialDocumentSize = 8000; sliderContinuous = false; #ifdef ESP32 ControlsSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); xSemaphoreGive(ControlsSemaphore); #endif // def ESP32 } unsigned int jsonUpdateDocumentSize; unsigned int jsonInitialDocumentSize; bool sliderContinuous; void onWsEvent(AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client, AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len); bool captivePortal = true; void setVerbosity(Verbosity verbosity); void begin(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in Memorymode void beginSPIFFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode (DEPRECATED, use beginLITTLEFS) void beginLITTLEFS(const char* _title, const char* username = nullptr, const char* password = nullptr, uint16_t port = 80); // Setup server and page in LITTLEFS mode void prepareFileSystem(); // Initially preps the filesystem and loads a lot of // stuff into LITTLEFS void list(); // Lists LITTLEFS directory uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, void (*callback)(Control*, int)); uint16_t addControl(ControlType type, const char* label, const String& value, ControlColor color, uint16_t parentControl, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void *), void* UserData); bool removeControl(uint16_t id, bool force_rebuild_ui = false); // create Elements // Create Event Button uint16_t button(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); uint16_t button(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, const String& value, void* UserData); uint16_t switcher(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, bool startState = false); // Create Toggle Button uint16_t switcher(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, bool startState, void* UserData); // Create Toggle Button uint16_t pad(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control uint16_t pad(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, void* UserData); // Create Pad Control uint16_t padWithCenter(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); // Create Pad Control with Centerbutton uint16_t padWithCenter(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, void* UserData); // Create Pad Control with Centerbutton uint16_t slider(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create Slider Control uint16_t slider(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, int value, int min, int max, void* UserData); // Create Slider Control uint16_t number(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create a Number Input Control uint16_t number(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, int value, int min, int max, void* UserData); // Create a Number Input Control uint16_t text(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create a Text Input Control uint16_t text(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, const String& value, void* UserData); // Create a Text Input Control // Output only uint16_t label(const char* label, ControlColor color, const String& value = ""); // Create Label uint16_t graph(const char* label, ControlColor color); // Create Graph display uint16_t gauge(const char* label, ControlColor color, int value, int min = 0, int max = 100); // Create Gauge display uint16_t separator(const char* label); //Create separator // Input only uint16_t accelerometer(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int), ControlColor color); uint16_t accelerometer(const char* label, void (*callback)(Control*, int, void*), ControlColor color, void* UserData); // Update Elements Control* getControl(uint16_t id); Control* getControlNoLock(uint16_t id); // Update Elements void updateControlValue(uint16_t id, const String& value, int clientId = -1); void updateControlValue(Control* control, const String& value, int clientId = -1); void updateControlLabel(uint16_t control, const char * value, int clientId = -1); void updateControlLabel(Control* control, const char * value, int clientId = -1); void updateControl(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void updateControl(Control* control, int clientId = -1); void print(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateLabel(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateButton(uint16_t id, const String& value); void updateSwitcher(uint16_t id, bool nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSlider(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateNumber(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateText(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateSelect(uint16_t id, const String& nValue, int clientId = -1); void updateGauge(uint16_t id, int number, int clientId); void updateTime(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void clearGraph(uint16_t id, int clientId = -1); void addGraphPoint(uint16_t id, int nValue, int clientId = -1); void setPanelStyle(uint16_t id, String style, int clientId = -1); void setElementStyle(uint16_t id, String style, int clientId = -1); void setInputType(uint16_t id, String type, int clientId = -1); void setPanelWide(uint16_t id, bool wide); void setVertical(uint16_t id, bool vert = true); void setEnabled(uint16_t id, bool enabled = true, int clientId = -1); void updateVisibility(uint16_t id, bool visibility, int clientId = -1); // Variables const char* ui_title = "ESPUI"; // Store UI Title and Header Name Control* controls = nullptr; void jsonReload(); void jsonDom(uint16_t startidx, AsyncWebSocketClient* client = nullptr, bool Updating = false); Verbosity verbosity; protected: friend class ESPUIclient; friend class ESPUIcontrol; #ifdef ESP32 SemaphoreHandle_t ControlsSemaphore = NULL; #endif // def ESP32 void RemoveToBeDeletedControls(); AsyncWebServer* server; AsyncWebSocket* ws; const char* basicAuthUsername = nullptr; const char* basicAuthPassword = nullptr; bool basicAuth = true; uint16_t controlCount = 0; #define ClientUpdateType_t ESPUIclient::ClientUpdateType_t void NotifyClients(ClientUpdateType_t newState); void NotifyClient(uint32_t WsClientId, ClientUpdateType_t newState); void ClearControlUpdateFlags(); bool SendJsonDocToWebSocket(ArduinoJson::DynamicJsonDocument& document, uint16_t clientId); std::map MapOfClients; }; extern ESPUIClass ESPUI;