#include "ESPUI.h" #include "ESPUIclient.h" #include "ESPUIcontrol.h" // JSONSlave: // helper to process exact JSON serialization size // it takes ~2ms on esp8266 and avoid large String reallocation which is really worth the cost class JSONSlave: public Print { public: size_t write (uint8_t c) override { counter++; return 1; } size_t write (const uint8_t* buf, size_t count) override { counter += count; return count; } size_t get_counter () { return counter; } static size_t serializedSize (JsonDocument& doc) { JSONSlave counter; serializeJson(doc, counter); return counter.get_counter(); } static size_t serialize (JsonDocument& doc, String& str) { size_t s = serializedSize(doc) + 10; // 10 is paranoid str.reserve(s); serializeJson(doc, str); return s; } static String toString (JsonDocument& doc) { String str; serialize(doc, str); return str; } protected: size_t counter = 0; }; ESPUIclient::ESPUIclient(AsyncWebSocketClient * _client): client(_client) { fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp.Init(); } ESPUIclient::ESPUIclient(const ESPUIclient& source): client(source.client) { fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_SendingUpdate_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Rebuilding_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Reloading_imp.SetParent(this); fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp.Init(); } ESPUIclient::~ESPUIclient() { } bool ESPUIclient::CanSend() { bool Response = false; if (nullptr != client) { Response = client->canSend(); } return Response; } void ESPUIclient::FillInHeader(JsonDocument& document) { document[F("type")] = UI_EXTEND_GUI; document[F("sliderContinuous")] = ESPUI.sliderContinuous; document[F("startindex")] = 0; document[F("totalcontrols")] = ESPUI.controlCount; JsonArray items = AllocateJsonArray(document, F("controls")); JsonObject titleItem = AllocateJsonObject(items); titleItem[F("type")] = (int)UI_TITLE; titleItem[F("label")] = ESPUI.ui_title; } bool ESPUIclient::IsSyncronized() { return ((ClientUpdateType_t::Synchronized == ClientUpdateType) && (&fsm_EspuiClient_state_Idle_imp == pCurrentFsmState)); } bool ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification(ClientUpdateType_t value) { bool Response = false; do // once { if(!CanSend()) { // Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:CannotSend")); break; } AllocateJsonDocument(document, ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize); FillInHeader(document); if(ClientUpdateType_t::ReloadNeeded == value) { // Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:set type to reload")); document["type"] = int(UI_RELOAD); } // dont send any controls Response = SendJsonDocToWebSocket(document); // Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient::SendClientNotification:NotificationSent:Response: ") + String(Response)); } while (false); return Response; } void ESPUIclient::NotifyClient(ClientUpdateType_t newState) { SetState(newState); pCurrentFsmState->NotifyClient(); } // Handle Websockets Communication bool ESPUIclient::onWsEvent(AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len) { bool Response = false; // Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent: type: ") + String(type)); switch (type) { case WS_EVT_PONG: { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_PONG")); } #endif break; } case WS_EVT_ERROR: { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_ERROR")); } #endif break; } case WS_EVT_CONNECT: { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_CONNECT")); Serial.println(client->id()); } #endif // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:onWsEvent:WS_EVT_CONNECT: Call NotifyClient: RebuildNeeded"); NotifyClient(ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded); break; } case WS_EVT_DATA: { // Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA")); String msg = ""; msg.reserve(len + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { msg += (char)data[i]; } String cmd = msg.substring(0, msg.indexOf(":")); String value = msg.substring(cmd.length() + 1, msg.lastIndexOf(':')); uint16_t id = msg.substring(msg.lastIndexOf(':') + 1).toInt(); #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON) { Serial.println(String(F(" WS msg: ")) + msg); Serial.println(String(F(" WS cmd: ")) + cmd); Serial.println(String(F(" WS id: ")) + String(id)); Serial.println(String(F("WS value: ")) + String(value)); } #endif if (cmd.equals(F("uiok"))) { // Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:ProcessAck:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName()); pCurrentFsmState->ProcessAck(id, emptyString); break; } if (cmd.equals(F("uifragmentok"))) { // Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:uifragmentok:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName() + ":ProcessAck"); if(!emptyString.equals(value)) { // Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uiok:uifragmentok:")) + pCurrentFsmState->GetStateName() + ":ProcessAck:value:'" + value + "'"); pCurrentFsmState->ProcessAck(uint16_t(-1), value); } else { Serial.println(F("ERROR:ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:WS_EVT_DATA:uifragmentok:ProcessAck:Fragment Header is missing")); } break; } if (cmd.equals(F("uiuok"))) { // Serial.println(F("WS_EVT_DATA: uiuok. Unlock new async notifications")); break; } // Serial.println(F("WS_EVT_DATA:Process Control")); Control* control = ESPUI.getControl(id); if (nullptr == control) { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity) { Serial.println(String(F("No control found for ID ")) + String(id)); } #endif break; } control->onWsEvent(cmd, value); // notify other clients of change Response = true; break; } default: { // Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::OnWsEvent:default")); break; } } // end switch return Response; } /* Prepare a chunk of elements as a single JSON string. If the allowed number of elements is greater than the total number this will represent the entire UI. More likely, it will represent a small section of the UI to be sent. The client will acknowledge receipt by requesting the next chunk. */ uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex, JsonDocument & rootDoc, bool InUpdateMode, String FragmentRequestString) { #ifdef ESP32 xSemaphoreTake(ESPUI.ControlsSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY); #endif // def ESP32 // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. InUpdateMode: ") + String(InUpdateMode)); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. startindex: ") + String(startindex)); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. FragmentRequestString: '") + FragmentRequestString + "'"); int elementcount = 0; uint32_t MaxMarshaledJsonSize = (!InUpdateMode) ? ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize: ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize; uint32_t EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize = 0; do // once { // Follow the list until control points to the startindex'th node Control* control = ESPUI.controls; uint32_t currentIndex = 0; uint32_t DataOffset = 0; JsonArray items = rootDoc[F("controls")]; bool SingleControl = false; if(!emptyString.equals(FragmentRequestString)) { // Serial.println(F("prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Got Header (1)")); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:startindex: ") + String(startindex)); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:currentIndex: ") + String(currentIndex)); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk:FragmentRequestString: '") + FragmentRequestString + "'"); // this is actually a fragment or directed update request // parse the string we got from the UI and try to update that specific // control. AllocateJsonDocument(FragmentRequest, FragmentRequestString.length() * 3); /* ArduinoJson::detail::sizeofObject(N); if(0 >= FragmentRequest.capacity()) { Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Could not allocate memory for a fragmentation request. Skipping Response")); break; } */ size_t FragmentRequestStartOffset = FragmentRequestString.indexOf("{"); DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(FragmentRequest, FragmentRequestString.substring(FragmentRequestStartOffset)); if(DeserializationError::Ok != error) { Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Could not extract json from the fragment request")); break; } if(!FragmentRequest["id"].is()) { Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Request does not contain a control ID")); break; } uint16_t ControlId = uint16_t(FragmentRequest[F("id")]); if(!FragmentRequest["offset"].is()) { Serial.println(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Request does not contain a starting offset")); break; } DataOffset = uint16_t(FragmentRequest[F("offset")]); control = ESPUI.getControlNoLock(ControlId); if(nullptr == control) { Serial.println(String(F("ERROR:prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:Requested control: ")) + String(ControlId) + F(" does not exist")); break; } // Serial.println(F("prepareJSONChunk:Fragmentation:disable the control search operation")); currentIndex = 1; startindex = 0; SingleControl = true; } // find a control to send while ((startindex > currentIndex) && (nullptr != control)) { // only count active controls if (!control->ToBeDeleted()) { if(InUpdateMode) { // In update mode we only count the controls that have been updated. if(control->NeedsSync(CurrentSyncID)) { ++currentIndex; } } else { // not in update mode. Count all active controls ++currentIndex; } } control = control->next; } // any controls left to be processed? if(nullptr == control) { // Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: No controls to process"); break; } // keep track of the number of elements we have serialised into this // message. Overflow is detected and handled later in this loop // and needs an index to the last item added. while (nullptr != control) { // skip deleted controls or controls that have not been updated if (control->ToBeDeleted() && !SingleControl) { // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Ignoring Deleted control: ") + String(control->id)); control = control->next; continue; } if(InUpdateMode && !SingleControl) { if(control->NeedsSync(CurrentSyncID)) { // dont skip this control } else { // control has not been updated. Skip it control = control->next; continue; } } // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: MaxMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(MaxMarshaledJsonSize)); // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Cur EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize)); JsonObject item = AllocateJsonObject(items); elementcount++; uint32_t RemainingSpace = (MaxMarshaledJsonSize - EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize) - 100; // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: RemainingSpace: ")) + String(RemainingSpace)); uint32_t SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl = 0; bool ControlIsFragmented = control->MarshalControl(item, InUpdateMode, DataOffset, RemainingSpace, SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl); // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl: ")) + String(SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl)); EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize += SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl; // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: New EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize)); // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: ControlIsFragmented: ")) + String(ControlIsFragmented)); // did the control get added to the doc? if (0 == SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl || (ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax > 0 && (elementcount % ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax) == 0)) { // Serial.println( String("prepareJSONChunk: too much data in the message. Remove the last entry")); if (1 == elementcount) { // Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Control ")) + String(control->id) + F(" is too large to be sent to the browser.")); // Serial.println(String(F("ERROR: prepareJSONChunk: value: ")) + control->value); rootDoc.clear(); item = AllocateJsonObject(items); control->MarshalErrorMessage(item); elementcount = 0; } else { // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Defering control: ") + String(control->id)); // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount)); items.remove(elementcount); --elementcount; } // exit the loop control = nullptr; } else if ((SingleControl) || (ControlIsFragmented) || (MaxMarshaledJsonSize < (EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize + 100))) { // Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Doc is Full, Fragmented Control or Single Control. exit loop"); control = nullptr; } else { // Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Next Control"); control = control->next; } } // end while (control != nullptr) } while (false); #ifdef ESP32 xSemaphoreGive(ESPUI.ControlsSemaphore); #endif // def ESP32 // Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: END: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount)); return elementcount; } /* Convert & Transfer Arduino elements to JSON elements. This function sends a chunk of JSON describing the controls of the UI, starting from the control at index startidx. If startidx is 0 then a UI_INITIAL_GUI message will be sent, else a UI_EXTEND_GUI. Both message types contain a list of serialised UI elements. Only a portion of the UI will be sent in order to avoid websocket buffer overflows. The client will acknowledge receipt of a partial message by requesting the next chunk of UI. The protocol is: SERVER: SendControlsToClient(0): "UI_INITIAL_GUI: n serialised UI elements" CLIENT: controls.js:handleEvent() "uiok:n" SERVER: SendControlsToClient(n): "UI_EXTEND_GUI: n serialised UI elements" CLIENT: controls.js:handleEvent() "uiok:2*n" etc. Returns true if all controls have been sent (aka: Done) */ bool ESPUIclient::SendControlsToClient(uint16_t startidx, ClientUpdateType_t TransferMode, String FragmentRequest) { bool Response = false; // Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:startidx: ") + String(startidx)); do // once { if(!CanSend()) { // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Cannot Send to clients."); break; } else if ((startidx >= ESPUI.controlCount) && (emptyString.equals(FragmentRequest))) { // Serial.println(F("ERROR:ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: No more controls to send.")); Response = true; break; } AllocateJsonDocument(document, ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize); FillInHeader(document); document[F("startindex")] = startidx; document[F("totalcontrols")] = uint16_t(-1); // ESPUI.controlCount; if(0 == startidx) { // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Tell client we are starting a transfer of controls."); document["type"] = (ClientUpdateType_t::RebuildNeeded == TransferMode) ? UI_INITIAL_GUI : UI_EXTEND_GUI; CurrentSyncID = NextSyncID; NextSyncID = ESPUI.GetNextControlChangeId(); } // Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:type: ") + String((uint32_t)document["type"])); // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Build Controls."); if(prepareJSONChunk(startidx, document, ClientUpdateType_t::UpdateNeeded == TransferMode, FragmentRequest)) { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Sending elements --------->")); serializeJson(document, Serial); Serial.println(); } #endif // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Send message."); if(true == SendJsonDocToWebSocket(document)) { // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Sent."); } else { // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: Send failed."); } } else { // Serial.println("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient: No elements to send."); Response = true; } } while(false); // Serial.println(String("ESPUIclient:SendControlsToClient:Response: ") + String(Response)); return Response; } bool ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket(JsonDocument& document) { bool Response = true; do // once { if (!CanSend()) { #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: Cannot Send to client. Not sending websocket message")); } #endif // Serial.println("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: Cannot Send to client. Not sending websocket message"); Response = false; break; } String json = JSONSlave::toString(document); #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON) { Serial.println(String(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: json: '")) + json + "'"); } #endif #if defined(DEBUG_ESPUI) if (ESPUI.verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON) { Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: client.text")); } #endif // Serial.println(F("ESPUIclient::SendJsonDocToWebSocket: client.text")); client->text(json); } while (false); return Response; } void ESPUIclient::SetState(ClientUpdateType_t value) { // only a higher priority state request can replace the current state request if(uint32_t(ClientUpdateType) < uint32_t(value)) { ClientUpdateType = value; } }