mirror of https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI.git synced 2024-09-28 18:11:50 +00:00
Christian Riggenbach a4989b4eb0 Reordered arguments of ESPUIClass::addControl
The arguments value, color and callback have defaults
2019-03-03 21:50:06 +01:00

820 lines
21 KiB

#include "ESPUI.h"
#include "dataIndexHTML.h"
#include "dataNormalizeCSS.h"
#include "dataStyleCSS.h"
#include "dataControlsJS.h"
#include "dataSliderJS.h"
#include "dataZeptoJS.h"
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <functional>
uint16_t Control::idCounter = 0;
// ################# Spiffs functions
#if defined(ESP32)
void listDir( const char* dirname, uint8_t levels ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "Listing directory: %s\n", dirname );
File root = SPIFFS.open( dirname );
if ( !root ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Failed to open directory" );
if ( !root.isDirectory() ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Not a directory" );
File file = root.openNextFile();
while ( file ) {
if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.print( " DIR : " );
Serial.println( file.name() );
if ( levels ) {
listDir( file.name(), levels - 1 );
} else {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.print( " FILE: " );
Serial.print( file.name() );
Serial.print( " SIZE: " );
Serial.println( file.size() );
file = root.openNextFile();
void listDir( const char* dirname, uint8_t levels ) {
// ignoring levels for esp8266
Serial.printf( "Listing directory: %s\n", dirname );
String str = "";
Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir( "/" );
while ( dir.next() ) {
Serial.print( " FILE: " );
Serial.print( dir.fileName() );
Serial.print( " SIZE: " );
Serial.println( dir.fileSize() );
void ESPUIClass::list() {
if ( !SPIFFS.begin() ) {
Serial.println( "SPIFFS Mount Failed" );
listDir( "/", 1 );
#if defined(ESP32)
Serial.println( SPIFFS.totalBytes() );
Serial.println( SPIFFS.usedBytes() );
FSInfo fs_info;
SPIFFS.info( fs_info );
Serial.println( fs_info.totalBytes );
Serial.println( fs_info.usedBytes );
void deleteFile( const char* path ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.print( SPIFFS.exists( path ) );
if ( !SPIFFS.exists( path ) ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "File: %s does not exist, not deleting\n", path );
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "Deleting file: %s\n", path );
if ( SPIFFS.remove( path ) ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "File deleted" );
} else {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Delete failed" );
void writeFile( const char* path, const char* data ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "Writing file: %s\n", path );
File file = SPIFFS.open( path, FILE_WRITE );
if ( !file ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Failed to open file for writing" );
#if defined(ESP32)
if ( file.print( data ) ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "File written" );
} else {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Write failed" );
if ( file.print( FPSTR( data ) ) ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "File written" );
} else {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Write failed" );
// end Spiffs functions
void ESPUIClass::prepareFileSystem() {
// this function should only be used once
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "About to prepare filesystem..." );
#if defined(ESP32)
if ( !SPIFFS.begin( true ) ) {
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "SPIFFS Mount Failed" );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
listDir( "/", 1 );
Serial.println( "SPIFFS Mount ESP32 Done" );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "SPIFFS Mount ESP8266 Done" );
deleteFile( "/index.htm" );
deleteFile( "/css/style.css" );
deleteFile( "/css/normalize.css" );
deleteFile( "/js/zepto.min.js" );
deleteFile( "/js/controls.js" );
deleteFile( "/js/slider.js" );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Cleanup done" );
// Now write
writeFile( "/index.htm", HTML_INDEX );
writeFile( "/css/style.css", CSS_STYLE );
writeFile( "/css/normalize.css", CSS_NORMALIZE );
writeFile( "/js/zepto.min.js", JS_ZEPTO );
writeFile( "/js/controls.js", JS_CONTROLS );
writeFile( "/js/slider.js", JS_SLIDER );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Done Initializing filesystem :-)" );
#if defined(ESP32)
if ( this->verbosity ) {
listDir( "/", 1 );
// Handle Websockets Communication
void onWsEvent( AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client,
AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len ) {
switch ( type ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "Disconnected!\n" );
case WS_EVT_PONG: {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "Received PONG!\n" );
case WS_EVT_ERROR: {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.printf( "WebSocket Error!\n" );
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.print( "Connected: " );
Serial.println( client->id() );
ESPUI.jsonDom( client );
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "JSON Data Sent to Client!" );
case WS_EVT_DATA: {
String msg = "";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
msg += ( char )data[i];
Control* c = ESPUI.getControl( msg.substring( msg.lastIndexOf( ':' ) + 1 ).toInt() );
if ( c != nullptr && c->callback != nullptr ) {
if ( msg.startsWith( "bdown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, B_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "bup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, B_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pfdown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_FOR_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pfup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_FOR_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pldown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_LEFT_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "plup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_LEFT_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "prdown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_RIGHT_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "prup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_RIGHT_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pbdown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_BACK_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pbup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_BACK_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pcdown:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_CENTER_DOWN );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "pcup:" ) ) {
c->callback( *c, P_CENTER_UP );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "sactive:" ) ) {
ESPUI.updateSwitcher( c->id, true );
c->callback( *c, S_ACTIVE );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "sinactive:" ) ) {
ESPUI.updateSwitcher( c->id, false );
c->callback( *c, S_INACTIVE );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "slvalue:" ) ) {
int value = msg.substring( msg.indexOf( ':' ) + 1, msg.lastIndexOf( ':' ) ).toInt();
ESPUI.updateSlider( c->id, value, client->id() );
c->callback( *c, SL_VALUE );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "nvalue:" ) ) {
int value = msg.substring( msg.indexOf( ':' ) + 1, msg.lastIndexOf( ':' ) ).toInt();
ESPUI.updateNumber( c->id, value, client->id() );
c->callback( *c, N_VALUE );
} else if ( msg.startsWith( "tvalue:" ) ) {
String value = msg.substring( msg.indexOf( ':' ) + 1, msg.lastIndexOf( ':' ) );
ESPUI.updateText( c->id, value, client->id() );
c->callback( *c, T_VALUE );
} else {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "Maleformated id in websocket message" );
int ESPUIClass::addControl( ControlType type, const char* label,
String value, ControlColor color,
void ( *callback )( Control, int ) ) {
if ( this->getControl( label ) != nullptr ) {
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "UI ERROR: Element " + String( label ) +
" exists, skipping creating element!" );
return -1;
Control* control = new Control( type, label, callback, value, color );
if ( this->controls == nullptr ) {
this->controls = control;
} else {
Control* iterator = this->controls;
while ( iterator->next != nullptr ) {
iterator = iterator->next;
iterator->next = control;
return control->id;
int ESPUIClass::label( const char* label, ControlColor color, String value ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Label, label, value, color );
int ESPUIClass::graph( const char* label, ControlColor color ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Graph, label, "", color );
// TODO: this still needs a range setting
int ESPUIClass::slider( const char* label, void ( *callback )( Control, int ),
ControlColor color, String value ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Button, label, "", color, callback );
int ESPUIClass::button( const char* label, void ( *callback )( Control, int ),
ControlColor color, String value ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Button, label, value, color, callback );
int ESPUIClass::switcher( const char* label, bool startState,
void ( *callback )( Control, int ), ControlColor color ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Switcher, label, "", color, callback );
int ESPUIClass::pad( const char* label, bool center,
void ( *callback )( Control, int ), ControlColor color ) {
if ( center ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Cpad, label, "", color, callback );
} else {
return addControl( ControlType::Pad, label, "", color, callback );
// TODO: min and max need to be saved, they also need to be sent to the frontend
int ESPUIClass::number( const char* label, void ( *callback )( Control, int ),
ControlColor color, int number, int min, int max ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Number, label, String( number ), color, callback );
int ESPUIClass::text( const char* label, void ( *callback )( Control, int ),
ControlColor color, String value ) {
return addControl( ControlType::Text, label, value, color, callback );
Control* ESPUIClass::getControl( int id ) {
Control* control = this->controls;
while ( control != nullptr ) {
if ( control->id == id ) {
return control;
control = control->next;
return nullptr;
Control* ESPUIClass::getControl( String label ) {
Control* control = this->controls;
while ( control != nullptr ) {
if ( String( control->label ) == label ) {
return control;
control = control->next;
return nullptr;
void ESPUIClass::updateControl( Control* control, String value, int clientId ) {
if ( control ) {
control->value = value;
String json;
StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
root["type"] = ( int )control->type + ControlType::UpdateOffset;
root["value"] = control->value;
root["id"] = control->id;
root.printTo( json );
if ( clientId > 0 ) {
// This is a hacky workaround because ESPAsyncWebServer does not have a function
// like this and it's clients array is private
int tryId = 0;
for ( int count = 0; count < this->ws->count(); ) {
if ( this->ws->hasClient( tryId ) ) {
if ( clientId != tryId ) {
this->ws->client( tryId )->text( json );
if ( this->verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON ) {
Serial.println( json );
} else {
if ( this->verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON ) {
Serial.println( json );
this->ws->textAll( json );
void ESPUIClass::updateControl( int id, String value, int clientId ) {
Control* control = getControl( id );
if ( control ) {
updateControl( control, value, clientId );
} else {
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( String( "Error: There is no control with ID " ) + String( id ) );
void ESPUIClass::updateControl( String label, String value, int clientId ) {
Control* control = getControl( label );
if ( control ) {
updateControl( control, value, clientId );
} else {
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( String( "Error: There is no control with label " ) + label );
void ESPUIClass::print( int id, String value ) {
updateControl( id, value );
void ESPUIClass::print( String label, String value ) {
updateControl( label, value );
void ESPUIClass::updateLabel( int id, String value ) {
updateControl( id, value );
void ESPUIClass::updateLabel( String label, String value ) {
updateControl( label, value );
void ESPUIClass::updateSlider( int id, int nValue, int clientId ) {
updateControl( id, String( nValue ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateSlider( String label, int nValue, int clientId ) {
updateControl( label, String( nValue ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateSwitcher( int id, bool nValue, int clientId ) {
updateControl( id, String( int( nValue ? 1 : 0 ) ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateSwitcher( String label, bool nValue, int clientId ) {
updateControl( label, String( int( nValue ? 1 : 0 ) ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateNumber( int id, int number, int clientId ) {
updateControl( id, String( number ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateNumber( String label, int number, int clientId ) {
updateControl( label, String( number ), clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateText( int id, String text, int clientId ) {
updateControl( id, text, clientId );
void ESPUIClass::updateText( String label, String text, int clientId ) {
updateControl( label, text, clientId );
Convert & Transfer Arduino elements to JSON elements
Initially this function used to send the control element data individually.
Due to a change in the ESPAsyncWebserver library this had top be changed to be
sent as one blob at the beginning. Therefore a new type is used as well
void ESPUIClass::jsonDom( AsyncWebSocketClient* client ) {
String json;
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer( 2000 );
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
root["type"] = ( int )UI_INITIAL_GUI;
JsonArray& items = jsonBuffer.createArray();
Control* control = this->controls;
JsonObject& item = jsonBuffer.createObject();
item["type"] = ( int )UI_TITLE;
item["label"] = String( ui_title );
items.add( item );
while ( control != nullptr ) {
JsonObject& item = jsonBuffer.createObject();
item["id"] = String( control->id );
item["type"] = ( int )control->type;
item["label"] = String( control->label );
item["value"] = String( control->value );
item["color"] = ( int )control->color;
items.add( item );
control = control->next;
// Send as one big bunch
root["controls"] = items;
root.printTo( json );
if ( this->verbosity >= Verbosity::VerboseJSON ) {
Serial.println( json );
client->text( json );
void ESPUIClass::beginSPIFFS( const char* _title, const char* username, const char* password ) {
ui_title = _title;
this->basicAuthUsername = username;
this->basicAuthPassword = password;
if ( username == nullptr && password == nullptr ) {
basicAuth = false;
} else {
basicAuth = true;
server = new AsyncWebServer( 80 );
ws = new AsyncWebSocket( "/ws" );
if ( !SPIFFS.begin() ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
"PREPARE YOUR ESP!!!!!!!" );
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
listDir( "/", 1 );
if ( !SPIFFS.exists( "/index.htm" ) ) {
if ( ESPUI.verbosity ) {
"Please read the README!!!!!!!, Make sure to "
"ESPUI.prepareFileSystem() once in an empty sketch" );
ws->onEvent( onWsEvent );
server->addHandler( ws );
if ( basicAuth ) {
ws->setAuthentication( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword );
server->serveStatic( "/", SPIFFS, "/" )
.setDefaultFile( "index.htm" )
.setAuthentication( username, password );
} else {
server->serveStatic( "/", SPIFFS, "/" )
.setDefaultFile( "index.htm" );
// Heap for general Servertest
server->on( "/heap", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
request->send( 200, "text/plain",
String( ESP.getFreeHeap() ) + " In SPIFFSmode" );
} );
[]( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
request->send( 404 );
} );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "UI Initialized" );
void ESPUIClass::begin( const char* _title, const char* username, const char* password ) {
basicAuthUsername = username;
basicAuthPassword = password;
if ( username != nullptr && password != nullptr ) {
basicAuth = true;
} else {
basicAuth = false;
ui_title = _title;
server = new AsyncWebServer( 80 );
ws = new AsyncWebSocket( "/ws" );
ws->onEvent( onWsEvent );
server->addHandler( ws );
if ( basicAuth && WS_AUTHENTICATION )
ws->setAuthentication( username, password );
server->on( "/", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
request->beginResponse_P( 200, "text/html", HTML_INDEX );
request->send( response );
} );
// Javascript files
server->on( "/js/zepto.min.js", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
200, "application/javascript", JS_ZEPTO_GZIP, sizeof( JS_ZEPTO_GZIP ) );
response->addHeader( "Content-Encoding", "gzip" );
request->send( response );
} );
server->on( "/js/controls.js", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
200, "application/javascript", JS_CONTROLS_GZIP, sizeof( JS_CONTROLS_GZIP ) );
response->addHeader( "Content-Encoding", "gzip" );
request->send( response );
} );
server->on( "/js/slider.js", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
200, "application/javascript", JS_SLIDER_GZIP, sizeof( JS_SLIDER_GZIP ) );
response->addHeader( "Content-Encoding", "gzip" );
request->send( response );
} );
// Stylesheets
server->on( "/css/style.css", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
200, "text/css", CSS_STYLE_GZIP, sizeof( CSS_STYLE_GZIP ) );
response->addHeader( "Content-Encoding", "gzip" );
request->send( response );
} );
"/css/normalize.css", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
AsyncWebServerResponse* response =
200, "text/css", CSS_NORMALIZE_GZIP, sizeof( CSS_NORMALIZE_GZIP ) );
response->addHeader( "Content-Encoding", "gzip" );
request->send( response );
} );
// Heap for general Servertest
server->on( "/heap", HTTP_GET, []( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
if ( ESPUI.basicAuth && !request->authenticate( ESPUI.basicAuthUsername, ESPUI.basicAuthPassword ) ) {
return request->requestAuthentication();
request->send( 200, "text/plain",
String( ESP.getFreeHeap() ) + " In Memorymode" );
} );
[]( AsyncWebServerRequest * request ) {
request->send( 404 );
} );
if ( this->verbosity ) {
Serial.println( "UI Initialized" );