import requests import json import base64 import uuid from pushnotifier.exceptions import * class PushNotifier: def __init__(self, username, password, package_name, api_key): """ Initialize a new PushNotifier object Args: username (str): your username for password (str): your password for package_name (str): the package you want to send the messages to api_key (str): your api key ( """ self.base_url = '' self.login_url = self.base_url + '/user/login' self.devices_url = self.base_url + '/devices' self.refresh_url = self.base_url + '/user/refresh' self.send_text_url = self.base_url + '/notifications/text' self.send_image_url = self.base_url + '/notifications/image' self.username = username self.package_name = package_name self.api_key = api_key self.app_token = self.__get_app_token(password) self.headers = {'X-AppToken': self.app_token} def login(self, password): """ Used to verify everything is working fine Args: password (str): your password for Returns: dict: basic information about your account """ login_data = { 'username': self.username, 'password': password } r =, json=login_data, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) return r.json() def __get_app_token(self, password): login_data = { 'username': self.username, 'password': password } r =, data=login_data, auth=(self.package_name, self.api_key)) if r.status_code == 401: raise UnauthorizedError elif r.status_code == 403: raise IncorrectCredentialsError elif r.status_code == 404: raise UserNotFoundError app_token = json.loads(r.text)['app_token'] return app_token def refresh_token(self): """ Used to refresh your app token Returns: str: new app token """ r = requests.get(self.refresh_url, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) new_token = r.json()['app_token'] self.app_token = new_token return new_token def get_all_devices(self): """ Get all devices linked with your account Returns: list: list with all devices linked with your account """ r = requests.get(self.devices_url, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) devices = r.json() devices_array = [] for index, _ in enumerate(devices): devices_array.append(devices[index]['id']) return devices_array def send_text(self, text, devices=None, silent=False): """ Sends a text to all devices specified Args: text (str): the text you want to send devices (list): a list of all devices you want to send the text to silent (bool): if False the message triggers a sound Returns: int: error code or 200 if everything went fine Raises: MalformedRequestError: the request is malformed, i.e. missing content DeviceNotFoundError: a device couldn\'t be found """ if devices == None: body = { "devices": self.get_all_devices(), "content": text, "silent": silent } else: body = { "devices": devices, "content": text, "silent": silent } r = requests.put(self.send_text_url, json=body, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) if r.status_code == 200: return 200 elif r.status_code == 400: raise MalformedRequestError elif r.status_code == 404: raise DeviceNotFoundError def send_url(self, url, devices=None, silent=False): """ Sends a url to all devices specified Args: url (str): the url you want to send devices (list): a list of all devices you want to send the url to silent (bool): if False the message triggers a sound Returns: int: error code or 200 if everything went fine Raises: MalformedRequestError: the request is malformed, i.e. missing content DeviceNotFoundError: a device couldn\'t be found """ if devices == None: body = { "devices": self.get_all_devices(), "content": url, "silent": silent } else: body = { "devices": devices, "content": url, "silent": silent } r = requests.put(self.send_text_url, json=body, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) if r.status_code == 200: return 200 elif r.status_code == 400: raise MalformedRequestError elif r.status_code == 404: raise DeviceNotFoundError def send_notification(self, text, url, devices=None, silent=False): """ Sends a notification (text + url) to all devices specified Args: text (str): the text you want to send url (str): the url you want to send devices (list): a list of all devices you want to send the notification to silent (bool): if False the message triggers a sound Returns: int: error code or 200 if everything went fine Raises: MalformedRequestError: the request is malformed, i.e. missing content DeviceNotFoundError: a device couldn\'t be found """ if devices == None: body = { "devices": self.get_all_devices(), "content": text, "url": url, "silent": silent } else: body = { "devices": devices, "content": text, "url": url, "silent": silent } r = requests.put(self.send_text_url, json=body, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) if r.status_code == 200: return 200 elif r.status_code == 400: raise MalformedRequestError elif r.status_code == 404: raise DeviceNotFoundError def send_image(self, image_path, devices=None, silent=False): """ Thanks to @Logxn (github/logxn) for this method Sends an image to all devices specified Args: image_path (str): the path to the image you want to send devices (list): a list of all devices you want to send the image to silent (bool): if False the message triggers a sound Returns: int: error code or 200 if everything went fine Raises: MalformedRequestError: the request is malformed, i.e. missing content DeviceNotFoundError: a device couldn\'t be found PayloadTooLargeError: your image is too big (> 5 MB) UnsupportedMediaTypeError: you passed an invalid file type or the device(s) you tried to send this image to can\'t receive images """ with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file: encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode( # encoded_image are base64 encoded bytes of the image_file bytes # since json can't handle raw bytes we need to decode them into a base64 string encoded_image = encoded_bytes.decode() # generate random file name file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) if devices == None: body = { "devices": self.get_all_devices(), "content": encoded_image, "filename": file_name, "silent": silent } else: body = { "devices": devices, "content": encoded_image, "filename": file_name, "silent": silent } r = requests.put(self.send_image_url, json=body, auth=( self.package_name, self.api_key), headers=self.headers) if r.status_code == 200: return 200 elif r.status_code == 400: raise MalformedRequestError elif r.status_code == 404: raise DeviceNotFoundError elif r.status_code == 413: raise PayloadTooLargeError elif r.status_code == 415: raise UnsupportedMediaTypeError else: raise UnknownError