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2014-05-16 17:37:45 +00:00
package main
import (
2014-05-22 02:35:37 +00:00
2014-05-16 17:37:45 +00:00
2014-05-22 02:35:37 +00:00
path "path/filepath"
2014-05-16 17:37:45 +00:00
var cmdVersion = &Command{
UsageLine: "version",
Short: "show the bee & beego version",
Long: `
show the bee & beego version
bee version
bee: 1.1.1
beego: 1.2
func init() {
cmdVersion.Run = versionCmd
func versionCmd(cmd *Command, args []string) {
2014-05-16 17:53:42 +00:00
fmt.Println("bee :" + version)
2014-05-22 02:35:37 +00:00
fmt.Println("beego :" + getbeegoVersion())
fmt.Println("Go :" + runtime.Version())
func getbeegoVersion() string {
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
re, err := regexp.Compile(`const VERSION = "([0-9.]+)"`)
2014-05-16 17:53:42 +00:00
if err != nil {
2014-05-22 02:35:37 +00:00
return ""
if gopath == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("you should set GOPATH in the env")
return ""
wgopath := path.SplitList(gopath)
for _, wg := range wgopath {
wg, _ = path.EvalSymlinks(path.Join(wg, "src", "", "astaxie", "beego"))
filename := path.Join(wg, "beego.go")
_, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
ColorLog("[ERRO] get beego.go has error\n")
fd, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] open beego.go has error\n")
reader := bufio.NewReader(fd)
for {
byteLine, _, er := reader.ReadLine()
if er != nil && er != io.EOF {
return ""
if er == io.EOF {
line := string(byteLine)
s := re.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(s) >= 2 {
return s[1]
2014-05-16 17:53:42 +00:00
2014-05-22 02:35:37 +00:00
return "you don't install beego,install first:"
2014-05-16 17:37:45 +00:00