/**********************************************************\ | | | hprose | | | | Official WebSite: http://www.hprose.com/ | | http://www.hprose.org/ | | | \**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************\ * * * Build rpc application use Hprose base on beego * * * * LastModified: Oct 13, 2014 * * Author: Liu jian * * * \**********************************************************/ package main import ( "fmt" "os" path "path/filepath" "strings" ) var isCreateHproseApp = false var cmdHproseapp = &Command{ // CustomFlags: true, UsageLine: "hprose [appname]", Short: "create an rpc application use hprose base on beego framework", Long: ` create an rpc application use hprose base on beego framework bee hprose [appname] [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn=root:@tcp(] -tables: a list of table names separated by ',', default is empty, indicating all tables -driver: [mysql | postgres | sqlite], the default is mysql -conn: the connection string used by the driver, the default is '' e.g. for mysql: root:@tcp( e.g. for postgres: postgres://postgres:postgres@ if conn is empty will create a example rpc application. otherwise generate rpc application use hprose based on an existing database. In the current path, will create a folder named [appname] In the appname folder has the follow struct: ├── conf │ └── app.conf ├── main.go └── models └── object.go └── user.go `, } var hproseconf = `appname = {{.Appname}} httpport = 8080 runmode = dev autorender = false copyrequestbody = true EnableDocs = true ` var hproseMaingo = `package main import ( "{{.Appname}}/models" "github.com/hprose/hprose-go/hprose" "github.com/astaxie/beego" ) func main() { service := hprose.NewHttpService() service.AddFunction("AddOne", models.AddOne) service.AddFunction("GetOne", models.GetOne) beego.Handler("/", service) beego.Run() } ` var hproseMainconngo = `package main import ( "{{.Appname}}/models" "github.com/hprose/hprose-go/hprose" "github.com/astaxie/beego" "github.com/astaxie/beego/orm" {{.DriverPkg}} ) func init() { orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "{{.DriverName}}", "{{.conn}}") } func main() { service := hprose.NewHttpService() {{HproseFunctionList}} beego.Handler("/", service) beego.Run() } ` var hproseModels = `package models import ( "errors" "strconv" "time" ) var ( Objects map[string]*Object ) type Object struct { ObjectId string Score int64 PlayerName string } func init() { Objects = make(map[string]*Object) Objects["hjkhsbnmn123"] = &Object{"hjkhsbnmn123", 100, "astaxie"} Objects["mjjkxsxsaa23"] = &Object{"mjjkxsxsaa23", 101, "someone"} } func AddOne(object Object) (ObjectId string) { object.ObjectId = "astaxie" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10) Objects[object.ObjectId] = &object return object.ObjectId } func GetOne(ObjectId string) (object *Object, err error) { if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok { return v, nil } return nil, errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist") } func GetAll() map[string]*Object { return Objects } func Update(ObjectId string, Score int64) (err error) { if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok { v.Score = Score return nil } return errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist") } func Delete(ObjectId string) { delete(Objects, ObjectId) } ` var hproseModels2 = `package models import ( "errors" "strconv" "time" ) var ( UserList map[string]*User ) func init() { UserList = make(map[string]*User) u := User{"user_11111", "astaxie", "11111", Profile{"male", 20, "Singapore", "astaxie@gmail.com"}} UserList["user_11111"] = &u } type User struct { Id string Username string Password string Profile Profile } type Profile struct { Gender string Age int Address string Email string } func AddUser(u User) string { u.Id = "user_" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10) UserList[u.Id] = &u return u.Id } func GetUser(uid string) (u *User, err error) { if u, ok := UserList[uid]; ok { return u, nil } return nil, errors.New("User not exists") } func GetAllUsers() map[string]*User { return UserList } func UpdateUser(uid string, uu *User) (a *User, err error) { if u, ok := UserList[uid]; ok { if uu.Username != "" { u.Username = uu.Username } if uu.Password != "" { u.Password = uu.Password } if uu.Profile.Age != 0 { u.Profile.Age = uu.Profile.Age } if uu.Profile.Address != "" { u.Profile.Address = uu.Profile.Address } if uu.Profile.Gender != "" { u.Profile.Gender = uu.Profile.Gender } if uu.Profile.Email != "" { u.Profile.Email = uu.Profile.Email } return u, nil } return nil, errors.New("User Not Exist") } func Login(username, password string) bool { for _, u := range UserList { if u.Username == username && u.Password == password { return true } } return false } func DeleteUser(uid string) { delete(UserList, uid) } ` var hproseAddFunctions = []string{} func init() { cmdHproseapp.Run = createhprose cmdHproseapp.Flag.Var(&tables, "tables", "specify tables to generate model") cmdHproseapp.Flag.Var(&driver, "driver", "database driver: mysql, postgresql, etc.") cmdHproseapp.Flag.Var(&conn, "conn", "connection string used by the driver to connect to a database instance") } func createhprose(cmd *Command, args []string) int { isCreateHproseApp = true curpath, _ := os.Getwd() if len(args) > 1 { cmd.Flag.Parse(args[1:]) } apppath, packpath, err := checkEnv(args[0]) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(2) } if driver == "" { driver = "mysql" } if conn == "" { } os.MkdirAll(apppath, 0755) fmt.Println("create app folder:", apppath) os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "conf"), 0755) fmt.Println("create conf:", path.Join(apppath, "conf")) fmt.Println("create conf app.conf:", path.Join(apppath, "conf", "app.conf")) writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "conf", "app.conf"), strings.Replace(hproseconf, "{{.Appname}}", args[0], -1)) if conn != "" { ColorLog("[INFO] Using '%s' as 'driver'\n", driver) ColorLog("[INFO] Using '%s' as 'conn'\n", conn) ColorLog("[INFO] Using '%s' as 'tables'\n", tables) generateHproseAppcode(string(driver), string(conn), "1", string(tables), path.Join(curpath, args[0])) fmt.Println("create main.go:", path.Join(apppath, "main.go")) maingoContent := strings.Replace(hproseMainconngo, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1) maingoContent = strings.Replace(maingoContent, "{{.DriverName}}", string(driver), -1) maingoContent = strings.Replace(maingoContent, "{{HproseFunctionList}}", strings.Join(hproseAddFunctions, ""), -1) if driver == "mysql" { maingoContent = strings.Replace(maingoContent, "{{.DriverPkg}}", `_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"`, -1) } else if driver == "postgres" { maingoContent = strings.Replace(maingoContent, "{{.DriverPkg}}", `_ "github.com/lib/pq"`, -1) } writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "main.go"), strings.Replace( maingoContent, "{{.conn}}", conn.String(), -1, ), ) } else { os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "models"), 0755) fmt.Println("create models:", path.Join(apppath, "models")) fmt.Println("create models object.go:", path.Join(apppath, "models", "object.go")) writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "models", "object.go"), apiModels) fmt.Println("create models user.go:", path.Join(apppath, "models", "user.go")) writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "models", "user.go"), apiModels2) fmt.Println("create main.go:", path.Join(apppath, "main.go")) writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "main.go"), strings.Replace(hproseMaingo, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1)) } return 0 }