bee === Bee is a command-line tool facilitating development of Beego-based application. [![Build Status](]( ## Requirements - Go version >= 1.3. ## Installation To install `bee` use the `go get` command: ```bash go get ``` Then you can add `bee` binary to PATH environment variable in your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` file: ```bash export PATH=$PATH:/bin ``` > If you already have `bee` installed, updating `bee` is simple: ```bash go get -u ``` ------ On **Mac OS X**, bee can be installed via [Homebrew]( ```bash brew tap youngsterxyf/bee brew tap-pin youngsterxyf/bee brew install --HEAD bee ``` ## Basic commands Bee provides a variety of commands which can be helpful at various stages of development. The top level commands include: ``` new Create a Beego application run Run the app and start a Web server for development pack Compress a beego project into a single file api Create an API beego application hprose Create an rpc application use hprose base on beego framework bale Packs non-Go files to Go source files version Prints the current Bee version generate Source code generator migrate Run database migrations fix Fix the Beego application to make it compatible with Beego 1.6 ``` ### bee version To display the current version of `bee`, `beego` and `go` installed on your machine: ```bash $ bee version ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 ├── Beego : 1.7.0 ├── GoVersion : go1.6.2 ├── GOOS : windows ├── GOARCH : amd64 ├── NumCPU : 4 ├── GOPATH : C:\Users\beeuser\go ├── GOROOT : C:\go ├── Compiler : gc └── Date : Monday, 22 Aug 2016 ``` ### bee new To create a new Beego web application: ```bash $ bee new my-web-app ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 14:53:45 [INFO] Creating application... create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\conf\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\controllers\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\models\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\routers\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\tests\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\static\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\static\js\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\static\css\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\static\img\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\views\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\conf\app.conf create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\controllers\default.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\views\index.tpl create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\routers\router.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\tests\default_test.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\main.go 2016/08/22 14:53:45 [SUCC] New application successfully created! ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help new`. ### bee run To run the application we just created, you can navigate to the application folder and execute: ```bash $ cd my-web-app && bee run ``` Or from anywhere in your machine: ``` $ bee run ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help run`. ### bee pack To compress a Beego application into a single deployable file: ```bash $ bee pack ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 15:11:01 Packaging application: C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app 2016/08/22 15:11:01 Building application... 2016/08/22 15:11:01 Env: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 2016/08/22 15:11:08 Build successful 2016/08/22 15:11:08 Excluding relpath prefix: . 2016/08/22 15:11:08 Excluding relpath suffix: .go:.DS_Store:.tmp 2016/08/22 15:11:10 Writing to output: `C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app\my-web-app.tar.gz` ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help pack`. ### bee api To create a Beego API application: ```bash $ bee api my-api ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 15:14:10 [INFO] Creating API... create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\conf create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\controllers create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\tests create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\conf\app.conf create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\models create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\routers\ create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\controllers\object.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\controllers\user.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\tests\default_test.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\routers\router.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\models\object.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\models\user.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-api\main.go 2016/08/22 15:14:10 [SUCC] New API successfully created! ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help api`. ### bee hprose To create an Hprose RPC application based on Beego: ```bash $ bee hprose my-rpc-app ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 16:09:13 [INFO] Creating Hprose application... create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\conf create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\conf\app.conf create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\models create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\models\object.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\models\user.go create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-rpc-app\main.go 2016/08/22 16:09:13 [SUCC] New Hprose application successfully created! ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help hprose`. ### bee bale To pack all the static files into Go source files: ```bash $ bee bale ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 16:37:24 [INFO] Detected bee.json 2016/08/22 16:37:24 [INFO] Packaging directory(static/js) 2016/08/22 16:37:24 [INFO] Packaging directory(static/css) 2016/08/22 16:37:24 [SUCC] Baled resources successfully! ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help bale`. ### bee migrate For database migrations, use `bee migrate`. For more information on the usage, run `bee help migrate`. ### bee generate Bee also comes with a source code generator which speeds up the development. For example, to generate a new controller named `hello`: ```bash $ bee generate controller hello ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.5.0 2016/08/22 16:55:30 [INFO] Using 'Hello' as controller name 2016/08/22 16:55:30 [INFO] Using 'controllers' as package name create C:\Users\beeuser\go\src\\user\my-web-app/controllers/hello.go 2016/08/22 16:55:30 [SUCC] Controller successfully generated! ``` For more information on the usage, run `bee help generate`. ## Shortcuts Because you'll likely type these generator commands over and over, it makes sense to create aliases: ```bash # Generator Stuff alias g:a="bee generate appcode" alias g:m="bee generate model" alias g:c="bee generate controller" alias g:v="bee generate view" alias g:mi="bee generate migration" ``` These can be stored , for example, in your `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.bashrc` files. ## Help To print more information on the usage of a particular command, use `bee help `. For instance, to get more information about the `run` command: ```bash $ bee help run usage: bee run [appname] [watchall] [-main=*.go] [-downdoc=true] [-gendoc=true] [-vendor=true] [-e=folderToExclude] [-tags=goBuildTags] Run command will supervise the file system of the beego project using inotify, it will recompile and restart the app after any modifications. ``` ## Contributing Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are always welcome. We work on two branches: `master` for stable, released code and `develop`, a development branch. It might be important to distinguish them when you are reading the commit history searching for a feature or a bugfix, or when you are unsure of where to base your work from when contributing. ### Found a bug? Please [submit an issue][new-issue] on GitHub and we will follow up. Even better, we would appreciate a [Pull Request][new-pr] with a fix for it! - If the bug was found in a release, it is best to base your work on `master` and submit your PR against it. - If the bug was found on `develop` (the development branch), base your work on `develop` and submit your PR against it. Please follow the [Pull Request Guidelines][new-pr]. ### Want a feature? Feel free to request a feature by [submitting an issue][new-issue] on GitHub and open the discussion. If you'd like to implement a new feature, please consider opening an issue first to talk about it. It may be that somebody is already working on it, or that there are particular issues that you should be aware of before implementing the change. If you are about to open a Pull Request, please make sure to follow the [submissions guidelines][new-pr]. ## Submission Guidelines ### Submitting an issue Before you submit an issue, search the archive, maybe you will find that a similar one already exists. If you are submitting an issue for a bug, please include the following: - An overview of the issue - Your use case (why is this a bug for you?) - The version of `bee` you are running (include the output of `bee version`) - Steps to reproduce the issue - Eventually, logs from your application. - Ideally, a suggested fix The more information you give us, the more able to help we will be! ### Submitting a Pull Request - First of all, make sure to base your work on the `develop` branch (the development branch): ``` # a bugfix branch for develop would be prefixed by fix/ # a bugfix branch for master would be prefixed by hotfix/ $ git checkout -b feature/my-feature develop ``` - Please create commits containing **related changes**. For example, two different bugfixes should produce two separate commits. A feature should be made of commits splitted by **logical chunks** (no half-done changes). Use your best judgement as to how many commits your changes require. - Write insightful and descriptive commit messages. It lets us and future contributors quickly understand your changes without having to read your changes. Please provide a summary in the first line (50-72 characters) and eventually, go to greater lengths in your message's body. A good example can be found in [Angular commit message format]( - Please **include the appropriate test cases** for your patch. - Make sure all tests pass before submitting your changes. - Rebase your commits. It may be that new commits have been introduced on `develop`. Rebasing will update your branch with the most recent code and make your changes easier to review: ``` $ git fetch $ git rebase origin/develop ``` - Push your changes: ``` $ git push origin -u feature/my-feature ``` - Open a pull request against the `develop` branch. - If we suggest changes: - Please make the required updates (after discussion if any) - Only create new commits if it makes sense. Generally, you will want to amend your latest commit or rebase your branch after the new changes: ``` $ git rebase -i develop # choose which commits to edit and perform the updates ``` - Re-run the tests - Force push to your branch: ``` $ git push origin feature/my-feature -f ``` [new-issue]: #submitting-an-issue [new-pr]: #submitting-a-pull-request ## Licence ```text Copyright 2016 bee authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```