mirror of https://github.com/beego/bee.git synced 2024-10-05 20:21:49 +00:00
2017-03-26 16:55:28 +02:00

265 lines
5.6 KiB

package api
import (
// ConvertBreakpoint converts from a proc.Breakpoint to
// an api.Breakpoint.
func ConvertBreakpoint(bp *proc.Breakpoint) *Breakpoint {
b := &Breakpoint{
Name: bp.Name,
ID: bp.ID,
FunctionName: bp.FunctionName,
File: bp.File,
Line: bp.Line,
Addr: bp.Addr,
Tracepoint: bp.Tracepoint,
Stacktrace: bp.Stacktrace,
Goroutine: bp.Goroutine,
Variables: bp.Variables,
LoadArgs: LoadConfigFromProc(bp.LoadArgs),
LoadLocals: LoadConfigFromProc(bp.LoadLocals),
TotalHitCount: bp.TotalHitCount,
b.HitCount = map[string]uint64{}
for idx := range bp.HitCount {
b.HitCount[strconv.Itoa(idx)] = bp.HitCount[idx]
var buf bytes.Buffer
printer.Fprint(&buf, token.NewFileSet(), bp.Cond)
b.Cond = buf.String()
return b
// ConvertThread converts a proc.Thread into an
// api thread.
func ConvertThread(th *proc.Thread) *Thread {
var (
function *Function
file string
line int
pc uint64
gid int
loc, err := th.Location()
if err == nil {
pc = loc.PC
file = loc.File
line = loc.Line
function = ConvertFunction(loc.Fn)
var bp *Breakpoint
if th.CurrentBreakpoint != nil && th.BreakpointConditionMet {
bp = ConvertBreakpoint(th.CurrentBreakpoint)
if g, _ := th.GetG(); g != nil {
gid = g.ID
return &Thread{
ID: th.ID,
PC: pc,
File: file,
Line: line,
Function: function,
GoroutineID: gid,
Breakpoint: bp,
func prettyTypeName(typ dwarf.Type) string {
if typ == nil {
return ""
if typ.Common().Name != "" {
return typ.Common().Name
r := typ.String()
if r == "*void" {
return "unsafe.Pointer"
return r
// ConvertVar converts from proc.Variable to api.Variable.
func ConvertVar(v *proc.Variable) *Variable {
r := Variable{
Addr: v.Addr,
OnlyAddr: v.OnlyAddr,
Name: v.Name,
Kind: v.Kind,
Len: v.Len,
Cap: v.Cap,
r.Type = prettyTypeName(v.DwarfType)
r.RealType = prettyTypeName(v.RealType)
if v.Unreadable != nil {
r.Unreadable = v.Unreadable.Error()
if v.Value != nil {
switch v.Kind {
case reflect.Float32:
f, _ := constant.Float64Val(v.Value)
r.Value = strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 32)
case reflect.Float64:
f, _ := constant.Float64Val(v.Value)
r.Value = strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64)
case reflect.String, reflect.Func:
r.Value = constant.StringVal(v.Value)
r.Value = v.Value.String()
switch v.Kind {
case reflect.Complex64:
r.Children = make([]Variable, 2)
r.Len = 2
real, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Real(v.Value))
imag, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Imag(v.Value))
r.Children[0].Name = "real"
r.Children[0].Kind = reflect.Float32
r.Children[0].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(real, 'f', -1, 32)
r.Children[1].Name = "imaginary"
r.Children[1].Kind = reflect.Float32
r.Children[1].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(imag, 'f', -1, 32)
case reflect.Complex128:
r.Children = make([]Variable, 2)
r.Len = 2
real, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Real(v.Value))
imag, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Imag(v.Value))
r.Children[0].Name = "real"
r.Children[0].Kind = reflect.Float64
r.Children[0].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(real, 'f', -1, 64)
r.Children[1].Name = "imaginary"
r.Children[1].Kind = reflect.Float64
r.Children[1].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(imag, 'f', -1, 64)
r.Children = make([]Variable, len(v.Children))
for i := range v.Children {
r.Children[i] = *ConvertVar(&v.Children[i])
return &r
// ConvertFunction converts from gosym.Func to
// api.Function.
func ConvertFunction(fn *gosym.Func) *Function {
if fn == nil {
return nil
return &Function{
Name: fn.Name,
Type: fn.Type,
Value: fn.Value,
GoType: fn.GoType,
// ConvertGoroutine converts from proc.G to api.Goroutine.
func ConvertGoroutine(g *proc.G) *Goroutine {
th := g.Thread()
tid := 0
if th != nil {
tid = th.ID
return &Goroutine{
ID: g.ID,
CurrentLoc: ConvertLocation(g.CurrentLoc),
UserCurrentLoc: ConvertLocation(g.UserCurrent()),
GoStatementLoc: ConvertLocation(g.Go()),
ThreadID: tid,
// ConvertLocation converts from proc.Location to api.Location.
func ConvertLocation(loc proc.Location) Location {
return Location{
PC: loc.PC,
File: loc.File,
Line: loc.Line,
Function: ConvertFunction(loc.Fn),
func ConvertAsmInstruction(inst proc.AsmInstruction, text string) AsmInstruction {
var destloc *Location
if inst.DestLoc != nil {
r := ConvertLocation(*inst.DestLoc)
destloc = &r
return AsmInstruction{
Loc: ConvertLocation(inst.Loc),
DestLoc: destloc,
Text: text,
Bytes: inst.Bytes,
Breakpoint: inst.Breakpoint,
AtPC: inst.AtPC,
func LoadConfigToProc(cfg *LoadConfig) *proc.LoadConfig {
if cfg == nil {
return nil
return &proc.LoadConfig{
func LoadConfigFromProc(cfg *proc.LoadConfig) *LoadConfig {
if cfg == nil {
return nil
return &LoadConfig{
func ConvertRegisters(in []proc.Register) (out []Register) {
out = make([]Register, len(in))
for i := range in {
out[i] = Register{in[i].Name, in[i].Value}