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2017-03-26 16:55:28 +02:00

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package proc
import (
// The kind field in runtime._type is a reflect.Kind value plus
// some extra flags defined here.
// See equivalent declaration in $GOROOT/src/reflect/type.go
const (
kindDirectIface = 1 << 5
kindGCProg = 1 << 6 // Type.gc points to GC program
kindNoPointers = 1 << 7
kindMask = (1 << 5) - 1
// Value of tflag field in runtime._type.
// See $GOROOT/reflect/type.go for a description of these flags.
const (
tflagUncommon = 1 << 0
tflagExtraStar = 1 << 1
tflagNamed = 1 << 2
// Do not call this function directly it isn't able to deal correctly with package paths
func (dbp *Process) findType(name string) (dwarf.Type, error) {
off, found := dbp.types[name]
if !found {
return nil, reader.TypeNotFoundErr
return dbp.dwarf.Type(off)
func (dbp *Process) pointerTo(typ dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {
return &dwarf.PtrType{dwarf.CommonType{int64(dbp.arch.PtrSize()), "*" + typ.Common().Name, reflect.Ptr, 0}, typ}
func (dbp *Process) findTypeExpr(expr ast.Expr) (dwarf.Type, error) {
if lit, islit := expr.(*ast.BasicLit); islit && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
// Allow users to specify type names verbatim as quoted
// string. Useful as a catch-all workaround for cases where we don't
// parse/serialize types correctly or can not resolve package paths.
typn, _ := strconv.Unquote(lit.Value)
return dbp.findType(typn)
if snode, ok := expr.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
// Pointer types only appear in the dwarf informations when
// a pointer to the type is used in the target program, here
// we create a pointer type on the fly so that the user can
// specify a pointer to any variable used in the target program
ptyp, err := dbp.findTypeExpr(snode.X)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbp.pointerTo(ptyp), nil
return dbp.findType(exprToString(expr))
func complexType(typename string) bool {
for _, ch := range typename {
switch ch {
case '*', '[', '<', '{', '(', ' ':
return true
return false
func (dbp *Process) loadPackageMap() error {
if dbp.packageMap != nil {
return nil
dbp.packageMap = map[string]string{}
reader := dbp.DwarfReader()
for entry, err := reader.Next(); entry != nil; entry, err = reader.Next() {
if err != nil {
return err
if entry.Tag != dwarf.TagTypedef && entry.Tag != dwarf.TagBaseType && entry.Tag != dwarf.TagClassType && entry.Tag != dwarf.TagStructType {
typename, ok := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
if !ok || complexType(typename) {
dot := strings.LastIndex(typename, ".")
if dot < 0 {
path := typename[:dot]
slash := strings.LastIndex(path, "/")
if slash < 0 || slash+1 >= len(path) {
name := path[slash+1:]
dbp.packageMap[name] = path
return nil
func (dbp *Process) loadTypeMap(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
dbp.types = make(map[string]dwarf.Offset)
reader := dbp.DwarfReader()
for entry, err := reader.NextType(); entry != nil; entry, err = reader.NextType() {
if err != nil {
name, ok := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
if !ok {
if _, exists := dbp.types[name]; !exists {
dbp.types[name] = entry.Offset
func (dbp *Process) expandPackagesInType(expr ast.Expr) {
switch e := expr.(type) {
case *ast.ArrayType:
case *ast.ChanType:
case *ast.FuncType:
for i := range e.Params.List {
if e.Results != nil {
for i := range e.Results.List {
case *ast.MapType:
case *ast.ParenExpr:
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
switch x := e.X.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
if path, ok := dbp.packageMap[x.Name]; ok {
x.Name = path
case *ast.StarExpr:
// nothing to do
type nameOfRuntimeTypeEntry struct {
typename string
kind int64
// Returns the type name of the type described in _type.
// _type is a non-loaded Variable pointing to runtime._type struct in the target.
// The returned string is in the format that's used in DWARF data
func nameOfRuntimeType(_type *Variable) (typename string, kind int64, err error) {
if e, ok := _type.dbp.nameOfRuntimeType[_type.Addr]; ok {
return e.typename, e.kind, nil
var tflag int64
if tflagField := _type.toFieldNamed("tflag"); tflagField != nil && tflagField.Value != nil {
tflag, _ = constant.Int64Val(tflagField.Value)
if kindField := _type.toFieldNamed("kind"); kindField != nil && kindField.Value != nil {
kind, _ = constant.Int64Val(kindField.Value)
// Named types are defined by a 'type' expression, everything else
// (for example pointers to named types) are not considered named.
if tflag&tflagNamed != 0 {
typename, err = nameOfNamedRuntimeType(_type, kind, tflag)
return typename, kind, err
} else {
typename, err = nameOfUnnamedRuntimeType(_type, kind, tflag)
return typename, kind, err
_type.dbp.nameOfRuntimeType[_type.Addr] = nameOfRuntimeTypeEntry{typename, kind}
return typename, kind, nil
// The layout of a runtime._type struct is as follows:
// <runtime._type><kind specific struct fields><runtime.uncommontype>
// with the 'uncommon type struct' being optional
// For named types first we extract the type name from the 'str'
// field in the runtime._type struct.
// Then we prepend the package path from the runtime.uncommontype
// struct, when it exists.
// To find out the memory address of the runtime.uncommontype struct
// we first cast the Variable pointing to the runtime._type struct
// to a struct specific to the type's kind (for example, if the type
// being described is a slice type the variable will be specialized
// to a runtime.slicetype).
func nameOfNamedRuntimeType(_type *Variable, kind, tflag int64) (typename string, err error) {
var strOff int64
if strField := _type.toFieldNamed("str"); strField != nil && strField.Value != nil {
strOff, _ = constant.Int64Val(strField.Value)
} else {
return "", errors.New("could not find str field")
// The following code is adapted from reflect.(*rtype).Name.
// For a description of how memory is organized for type names read
// the comment to 'type name struct' in $GOROOT/src/reflect/type.go
typename, _, _, err = _type.dbp.resolveNameOff(_type.Addr, uintptr(strOff))
if err != nil {
return "", err
if tflag&tflagExtraStar != 0 {
typename = typename[1:]
if i := strings.Index(typename, "."); i >= 0 {
typename = typename[i+1:]
} else {
return typename, nil
// The following code is adapted from reflect.(*rtype).PkgPath in
// $GOROOT/src/reflect/type.go
_type, err = specificRuntimeType(_type, kind)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ut := uncommon(_type, tflag); ut != nil {
if pkgPathField := ut.toFieldNamed("pkgpath"); pkgPathField != nil && pkgPathField.Value != nil {
pkgPathOff, _ := constant.Int64Val(pkgPathField.Value)
pkgPath, _, _, err := _type.dbp.resolveNameOff(_type.Addr, uintptr(pkgPathOff))
if err != nil {
return "", err
typename = pkgPath + "." + typename
return typename, nil
func nameOfUnnamedRuntimeType(_type *Variable, kind, tflag int64) (string, error) {
_type, err := specificRuntimeType(_type, kind)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// The types referred to here are defined in $GOROOT/src/runtime/type.go
switch reflect.Kind(kind & kindMask) {
case reflect.Array:
var len int64
if lenField := _type.toFieldNamed("len"); lenField != nil && lenField.Value != nil {
len, _ = constant.Int64Val(lenField.Value)
elemname, err := fieldToType(_type, "elem")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", len, elemname), nil
case reflect.Chan:
elemname, err := fieldToType(_type, "elem")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "chan " + elemname, nil
case reflect.Func:
return nameOfFuncRuntimeType(_type, tflag, true)
case reflect.Interface:
return nameOfInterfaceRuntimeType(_type, kind, tflag)
case reflect.Map:
keyname, err := fieldToType(_type, "key")
if err != nil {
return "", err
elemname, err := fieldToType(_type, "elem")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "map[" + keyname + "]" + elemname, nil
case reflect.Ptr:
elemname, err := fieldToType(_type, "elem")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "*" + elemname, nil
case reflect.Slice:
elemname, err := fieldToType(_type, "elem")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "[]" + elemname, nil
case reflect.Struct:
return nameOfStructRuntimeType(_type, kind, tflag)
return nameOfNamedRuntimeType(_type, kind, tflag)
// Returns the expression describing an anonymous function type.
// A runtime.functype is followed by a runtime.uncommontype
// (optional) and then by an array of pointers to runtime._type,
// one for each input and output argument.
func nameOfFuncRuntimeType(_type *Variable, tflag int64, anonymous bool) (string, error) {
rtyp, err := _type.dbp.findType("runtime._type")
if err != nil {
return "", err
prtyp := _type.dbp.pointerTo(rtyp)
uadd := _type.RealType.Common().ByteSize
if ut := uncommon(_type, tflag); ut != nil {
uadd += ut.RealType.Common().ByteSize
var inCount, outCount int64
if inCountField := _type.toFieldNamed("inCount"); inCountField != nil && inCountField.Value != nil {
inCount, _ = constant.Int64Val(inCountField.Value)
if outCountField := _type.toFieldNamed("outCount"); outCountField != nil && outCountField.Value != nil {
outCount, _ = constant.Int64Val(outCountField.Value)
// only the lowest 15 bits of outCount are used, rest are flags
outCount = outCount & (1<<15 - 1)
cursortyp := _type.newVariable("", _type.Addr+uintptr(uadd), prtyp)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if anonymous {
} else {
for i := int64(0); i < inCount; i++ {
argtype := cursortyp.maybeDereference()
cursortyp.Addr += uintptr(_type.dbp.arch.PtrSize())
argtypename, _, err := nameOfRuntimeType(argtype)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if i != inCount-1 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
switch outCount {
case 0:
// nothing to do
case 1:
buf.WriteString(" ")
argtype := cursortyp.maybeDereference()
argtypename, _, err := nameOfRuntimeType(argtype)
if err != nil {
return "", err
buf.WriteString(" (")
for i := int64(0); i < outCount; i++ {
argtype := cursortyp.maybeDereference()
cursortyp.Addr += uintptr(_type.dbp.arch.PtrSize())
argtypename, _, err := nameOfRuntimeType(argtype)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if i != inCount-1 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
return buf.String(), nil
func nameOfInterfaceRuntimeType(_type *Variable, kind, tflag int64) (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString("interface {")
methods, _ := _type.structMember("methods")
methods.loadArrayValues(0, LoadConfig{false, 1, 0, 4096, -1})
if methods.Unreadable != nil {
return "", nil
if len(methods.Children) == 0 {
return buf.String(), nil
} else {
buf.WriteString(" ")
for i, im := range methods.Children {
var methodname, methodtype string
for i := range im.Children {
switch im.Children[i].Name {
case "name":
nameoff, _ := constant.Int64Val(im.Children[i].Value)
var err error
methodname, _, _, err = _type.dbp.resolveNameOff(_type.Addr, uintptr(nameoff))
if err != nil {
return "", err
case "typ":
typeoff, _ := constant.Int64Val(im.Children[i].Value)
typ, err := _type.dbp.resolveTypeOff(_type.Addr, uintptr(typeoff))
if err != nil {
return "", err
typ, err = specificRuntimeType(typ, int64(reflect.Func))
if err != nil {
return "", err
var tflag int64
if tflagField := typ.toFieldNamed("tflag"); tflagField != nil && tflagField.Value != nil {
tflag, _ = constant.Int64Val(tflagField.Value)
methodtype, err = nameOfFuncRuntimeType(typ, tflag, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if i != len(methods.Children)-1 {
buf.WriteString("; ")
} else {
buf.WriteString(" }")
return buf.String(), nil
func nameOfStructRuntimeType(_type *Variable, kind, tflag int64) (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString("struct {")
fields, _ := _type.structMember("fields")
fields.loadArrayValues(0, LoadConfig{false, 1, 0, 4096, -1})
if fields.Unreadable != nil {
return "", fields.Unreadable
if len(fields.Children) == 0 {
return buf.String(), nil
} else {
buf.WriteString(" ")
for i, field := range fields.Children {
var fieldname, fieldtypename string
var typeField *Variable
for i := range field.Children {
switch field.Children[i].Name {
case "name":
nameoff, _ := constant.Int64Val(field.Children[i].Value)
var err error
fieldname, _, _, err = _type.dbp.loadName(uintptr(nameoff))
if err != nil {
return "", err
case "typ":
typeField = field.Children[i].maybeDereference()
var err error
fieldtypename, _, err = nameOfRuntimeType(typeField)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// fieldname will be the empty string for anonymous fields
if fieldname != "" {
buf.WriteString(" ")
if i != len(fields.Children)-1 {
buf.WriteString("; ")
} else {
buf.WriteString(" }")
return buf.String(), nil
func fieldToType(_type *Variable, fieldName string) (string, error) {
typeField, err := _type.structMember(fieldName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
typeField = typeField.maybeDereference()
typename, _, err := nameOfRuntimeType(typeField)
return typename, err
func specificRuntimeType(_type *Variable, kind int64) (*Variable, error) {
rtyp, err := _type.dbp.findType("runtime._type")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prtyp := _type.dbp.pointerTo(rtyp)
uintptrtyp, err := _type.dbp.findType("uintptr")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uint32typ := &dwarf.UintType{dwarf.BasicType{CommonType: dwarf.CommonType{ByteSize: 4, Name: "uint32"}}}
uint16typ := &dwarf.UintType{dwarf.BasicType{CommonType: dwarf.CommonType{ByteSize: 2, Name: "uint16"}}}
newStructType := func(name string, sz uintptr) *dwarf.StructType {
return &dwarf.StructType{dwarf.CommonType{Name: name, ByteSize: int64(sz)}, name, "struct", nil, false}
appendField := func(typ *dwarf.StructType, name string, fieldtype dwarf.Type, off uintptr) {
typ.Field = append(typ.Field, &dwarf.StructField{Name: name, ByteOffset: int64(off), Type: fieldtype})
newSliceType := func(elemtype dwarf.Type) *dwarf.SliceType {
r := newStructType("[]"+elemtype.Common().Name, uintptr(3*uintptrtyp.Size()))
appendField(r, "array", _type.dbp.pointerTo(elemtype), 0)
appendField(r, "len", uintptrtyp, uintptr(uintptrtyp.Size()))
appendField(r, "cap", uintptrtyp, uintptr(2*uintptrtyp.Size()))
return &dwarf.SliceType{StructType: *r, ElemType: elemtype}
var typ *dwarf.StructType
type rtype struct {
size uintptr
ptrdata uintptr
hash uint32 // hash of type; avoids computation in hash tables
tflag uint8 // extra type information flags
align uint8 // alignment of variable with this type
fieldAlign uint8 // alignment of struct field with this type
kind uint8 // enumeration for C
alg *byte // algorithm table
gcdata *byte // garbage collection data
str int32 // string form
ptrToThis int32 // type for pointer to this type, may be zero
switch reflect.Kind(kind & kindMask) {
case reflect.Array:
// runtime.arraytype
var a struct {
elem *rtype // array element type
slice *rtype // slice type
len uintptr
typ = newStructType("runtime.arraytype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "elem", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.elem))
appendField(typ, "len", uintptrtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.len))
case reflect.Chan:
// runtime.chantype
var a struct {
elem *rtype // channel element type
dir uintptr // channel direction (ChanDir)
typ = newStructType("runtime.chantype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "elem", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.elem))
case reflect.Func:
// runtime.functype
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"func"`
inCount uint16
outCount uint16 // top bit is set if last input parameter is ...
typ = newStructType("runtime.functype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "inCount", uint16typ, unsafe.Offsetof(a.inCount))
appendField(typ, "outCount", uint16typ, unsafe.Offsetof(a.outCount))
case reflect.Interface:
// runtime.imethod
type imethod struct {
name uint32 // name of method
typ uint32 // .(*FuncType) underneath
var im imethod
// runtime.interfacetype
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"interface"`
pkgPath *byte // import path
methods []imethod // sorted by hash
imethodtype := newStructType("runtime.imethod", unsafe.Sizeof(im))
appendField(imethodtype, "name", uint32typ, unsafe.Offsetof(im.name))
appendField(imethodtype, "typ", uint32typ, unsafe.Offsetof(im.typ))
typ = newStructType("runtime.interfacetype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "methods", newSliceType(imethodtype), unsafe.Offsetof(a.methods))
case reflect.Map:
// runtime.maptype
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"map"`
key *rtype // map key type
elem *rtype // map element (value) type
bucket *rtype // internal bucket structure
hmap *rtype // internal map header
keysize uint8 // size of key slot
indirectkey uint8 // store ptr to key instead of key itself
valuesize uint8 // size of value slot
indirectvalue uint8 // store ptr to value instead of value itself
bucketsize uint16 // size of bucket
reflexivekey bool // true if k==k for all keys
needkeyupdate bool // true if we need to update key on an overwrite
typ = newStructType("runtime.maptype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "key", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.key))
appendField(typ, "elem", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.elem))
case reflect.Ptr:
// runtime.ptrtype
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"ptr"`
elem *rtype // pointer element (pointed at) type
typ = newStructType("runtime.ptrtype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "elem", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.elem))
case reflect.Slice:
// runtime.slicetype
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"slice"`
elem *rtype // slice element type
typ = newStructType("runtime.slicetype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "elem", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(a.elem))
case reflect.Struct:
// runtime.structtype
type structField struct {
name *byte // name is empty for embedded fields
typ *rtype // type of field
offset uintptr // byte offset of field within struct
var sf structField
var a struct {
rtype `reflect:"struct"`
pkgPath *byte
fields []structField // sorted by offset
fieldtype := newStructType("runtime.structtype", unsafe.Sizeof(sf))
appendField(fieldtype, "name", uintptrtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(sf.name))
appendField(fieldtype, "typ", prtyp, unsafe.Offsetof(sf.typ))
typ = newStructType("runtime.structtype", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
appendField(typ, "fields", newSliceType(fieldtype), unsafe.Offsetof(a.fields))
return _type, nil
return _type.newVariable(_type.Name, _type.Addr, typ), nil
// See reflect.(*rtype).uncommon in $GOROOT/src/reflect/type.go
func uncommon(_type *Variable, tflag int64) *Variable {
if tflag&tflagUncommon == 0 {
return nil
typ, err := _type.dbp.findType("runtime.uncommontype")
if err != nil {
return nil
return _type.newVariable(_type.Name, _type.Addr+uintptr(_type.RealType.Size()), typ)