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412 lines
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412 lines
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package migrate
import (
beeLogger "github.com/beego/bee/logger"
var CmdMigrate = &commands.Command{
UsageLine: "migrate [Command]",
Short: "Runs database migrations",
Long: `The command 'migrate' allows you to run database migrations to keep it up-to-date.
▶ {{"To run all the migrations:"|bold}}
$ bee migrate [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
▶ {{"To rollback the last migration:"|bold}}
$ bee migrate rollback [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
▶ {{"To do a reset, which will rollback all the migrations:"|bold}}
$ bee migrate reset [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
▶ {{"To update your schema:"|bold}}
$ bee migrate refresh [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:@tcp("]
PreRun: func(cmd *commands.Command, args []string) { version.ShowShortVersionBanner() },
Run: RunMigration,
var mDriver utils.DocValue
var mConn utils.DocValue
func init() {
CmdMigrate.Flag.Var(&mDriver, "driver", "Database driver. Either mysql, postgres or sqlite.")
CmdMigrate.Flag.Var(&mConn, "conn", "Connection string used by the driver to connect to a database instance.")
commands.AvailableCommands = append(commands.AvailableCommands, CmdMigrate)
// runMigration is the entry point for starting a migration
func RunMigration(cmd *commands.Command, args []string) int {
currpath, _ := os.Getwd()
gps := utils.GetGOPATHs()
if len(gps) == 0 {
beeLogger.Log.Fatal("GOPATH environment variable is not set or empty")
gopath := gps[0]
beeLogger.Log.Debugf("GOPATH: %s", utils.FILE(), utils.LINE(), gopath)
// Getting command line arguments
if len(args) != 0 {
if mDriver == "" {
mDriver = utils.DocValue(config.Conf.Database.Driver)
if mDriver == "" {
mDriver = "mysql"
if mConn == "" {
mConn = utils.DocValue(config.Conf.Database.Conn)
if mConn == "" {
mConn = "root:@tcp("
beeLogger.Log.Infof("Using '%s' as 'driver'", mDriver)
beeLogger.Log.Infof("Using '%s' as 'conn'", mConn)
driverStr, connStr := string(mDriver), string(mConn)
if len(args) == 0 {
// run all outstanding migrations
beeLogger.Log.Info("Running all outstanding migrations")
MigrateUpdate(currpath, driverStr, connStr)
} else {
mcmd := args[0]
switch mcmd {
case "rollback":
beeLogger.Log.Info("Rolling back the last migration operation")
MigrateRollback(currpath, driverStr, connStr)
case "reset":
beeLogger.Log.Info("Reseting all migrations")
MigrateReset(currpath, driverStr, connStr)
case "refresh":
beeLogger.Log.Info("Refreshing all migrations")
MigrateRefresh(currpath, driverStr, connStr)
beeLogger.Log.Fatal("Command is missing")
beeLogger.Log.Success("Migration successful!")
return 0
// migrate generates source code, build it, and invoke the binary who does the actual migration
func migrate(goal, currpath, driver, connStr string) {
dir := path.Join(currpath, "database", "migrations")
postfix := ""
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
postfix = ".exe"
binary := "m" + postfix
source := binary + ".go"
// Connect to database
db, err := sql.Open(driver, connStr)
if err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not connect to database using '%s': %s", connStr, err)
defer db.Close()
checkForSchemaUpdateTable(db, driver)
latestName, latestTime := getLatestMigration(db, goal)
writeMigrationSourceFile(dir, source, driver, connStr, latestTime, latestName, goal)
buildMigrationBinary(dir, binary)
runMigrationBinary(dir, binary)
removeTempFile(dir, source)
removeTempFile(dir, binary)
// checkForSchemaUpdateTable checks the existence of migrations table.
// It checks for the proper table structures and creates the table using MYSQL_MIGRATION_DDL if it does not exist.
func checkForSchemaUpdateTable(db *sql.DB, driver string) {
showTableSQL := showMigrationsTableSQL(driver)
if rows, err := db.Query(showTableSQL); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not show migrations table: %s", err)
} else if !rows.Next() {
// No migrations table, create new ones
createTableSQL := createMigrationsTableSQL(driver)
beeLogger.Log.Infof("Creating 'migrations' table...")
if _, err := db.Query(createTableSQL); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not create migrations table: %s", err)
// Checking that migrations table schema are expected
selectTableSQL := selectMigrationsTableSQL(driver)
if rows, err := db.Query(selectTableSQL); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not show columns of migrations table: %s", err)
} else {
for rows.Next() {
var fieldBytes, typeBytes, nullBytes, keyBytes, defaultBytes, extraBytes []byte
if err := rows.Scan(&fieldBytes, &typeBytes, &nullBytes, &keyBytes, &defaultBytes, &extraBytes); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not read column information: %s", err)
fieldStr, typeStr, nullStr, keyStr, defaultStr, extraStr :=
string(fieldBytes), string(typeBytes), string(nullBytes), string(keyBytes), string(defaultBytes), string(extraBytes)
if fieldStr == "id_migration" {
if keyStr != "PRI" || extraStr != "auto_increment" {
beeLogger.Log.Hint("Expecting KEY: PRI, EXTRA: auto_increment")
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Column migration.id_migration type mismatch: KEY: %s, EXTRA: %s", keyStr, extraStr)
} else if fieldStr == "name" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "varchar") || nullStr != "YES" {
beeLogger.Log.Hint("Expecting TYPE: varchar, NULL: YES")
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Column migration.name type mismatch: TYPE: %s, NULL: %s", typeStr, nullStr)
} else if fieldStr == "created_at" {
if typeStr != "timestamp" || defaultStr != "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" {
beeLogger.Log.Hint("Expecting TYPE: timestamp, DEFAULT: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Column migration.timestamp type mismatch: TYPE: %s, DEFAULT: %s", typeStr, defaultStr)
func showMigrationsTableSQL(driver string) string {
switch driver {
case "mysql":
return "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'migrations'"
case "postgres":
return "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'migrations';"
return "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'migrations'"
func createMigrationsTableSQL(driver string) string {
switch driver {
case "mysql":
return MYSQLMigrationDDL
case "postgres":
return POSTGRESMigrationDDL
return MYSQLMigrationDDL
func selectMigrationsTableSQL(driver string) string {
switch driver {
case "mysql":
return "DESC migrations"
case "postgres":
return "SELECT * FROM migrations WHERE false ORDER BY id_migration;"
return "DESC migrations"
// getLatestMigration retrives latest migration with status 'update'
func getLatestMigration(db *sql.DB, goal string) (file string, createdAt int64) {
sql := "SELECT name FROM migrations where status = 'update' ORDER BY id_migration DESC LIMIT 1"
if rows, err := db.Query(sql); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not retrieve migrations: %s", err)
} else {
if rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&file); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not read migrations in database: %s", err)
createdAtStr := file[len(file)-15:]
if t, err := time.Parse("20060102_150405", createdAtStr); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not parse time: %s", err)
} else {
createdAt = t.Unix()
} else {
// migration table has no 'update' record, no point rolling back
if goal == "rollback" {
beeLogger.Log.Fatal("There is nothing to rollback")
file, createdAt = "", 0
// writeMigrationSourceFile create the source file based on MIGRATION_MAIN_TPL
func writeMigrationSourceFile(dir, source, driver, connStr string, latestTime int64, latestName string, task string) {
if f, err := os.OpenFile(source, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_RDWR, 0666); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not create file: %s", err)
} else {
content := strings.Replace(MigrationMainTPL, "{{DBDriver}}", driver, -1)
content = strings.Replace(content, "{{ConnStr}}", connStr, -1)
content = strings.Replace(content, "{{LatestTime}}", strconv.FormatInt(latestTime, 10), -1)
content = strings.Replace(content, "{{LatestName}}", latestName, -1)
content = strings.Replace(content, "{{Task}}", task, -1)
if _, err := f.WriteString(content); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not write to file: %s", err)
// buildMigrationBinary changes directory to database/migrations folder and go-build the source
func buildMigrationBinary(dir, binary string) {
cmd := exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", binary)
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Errorf("Could not build migration binary: %s", err)
removeTempFile(dir, binary)
removeTempFile(dir, binary+".go")
// runMigrationBinary runs the migration program who does the actual work
func runMigrationBinary(dir, binary string) {
cmd := exec.Command("./" + binary)
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Errorf("Could not run migration binary: %s", err)
removeTempFile(dir, binary)
removeTempFile(dir, binary+".go")
} else {
// changeDir changes working directory to dir.
// It exits the system when encouter an error
func changeDir(dir string) {
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Fatalf("Could not find migration directory: %s", err)
// removeTempFile removes a file in dir
func removeTempFile(dir, file string) {
if err := os.Remove(file); err != nil {
beeLogger.Log.Warnf("Could not remove temporary file: %s", err)
// formatShellErrOutput formats the error shell output
func formatShellErrOutput(o string) {
for _, line := range strings.Split(o, "\n") {
if line != "" {
beeLogger.Log.Errorf("|> %s", line)
// formatShellOutput formats the normal shell output
func formatShellOutput(o string) {
for _, line := range strings.Split(o, "\n") {
if line != "" {
beeLogger.Log.Infof("|> %s", line)
const (
// MigrationMainTPL migration main template
MigrationMainTPL = `package main
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
func init(){
orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "{{DBDriver}}","{{ConnStr}}")
func main(){
task := "{{Task}}"
switch task {
case "upgrade":
if err := migration.Upgrade({{LatestTime}}); err != nil {
case "rollback":
if err := migration.Rollback("{{LatestName}}"); err != nil {
case "reset":
if err := migration.Reset(); err != nil {
case "refresh":
if err := migration.Refresh(); err != nil {
// MYSQLMigrationDDL MySQL migration SQL
MYSQLMigrationDDL = `
CREATE TABLE migrations (
id_migration int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'surrogate key',
name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'migration name, unique',
created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'date migrated or rolled back',
statements longtext COMMENT 'SQL statements for this migration',
rollback_statements longtext COMMENT 'SQL statment for rolling back migration',
status ENUM('update', 'rollback') COMMENT 'update indicates it is a normal migration while rollback means this migration is rolled back',
PRIMARY KEY (id_migration)
// POSTGRESMigrationDDL Postgres migration SQL
POSTGRESMigrationDDL = `
CREATE TYPE migrations_status AS ENUM('update', 'rollback');
CREATE TABLE migrations (
id_migration SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
statements text,
rollback_statements text,
status migrations_status
// MigrateUpdate does the schema update
func MigrateUpdate(currpath, driver, connStr string) {
migrate("upgrade", currpath, driver, connStr)
// MigrateRollback rolls back the latest migration
func MigrateRollback(currpath, driver, connStr string) {
migrate("rollback", currpath, driver, connStr)
// MigrateReset rolls back all migrations
func MigrateReset(currpath, driver, connStr string) {
migrate("reset", currpath, driver, connStr)
// migrationRefresh rolls back all migrations and start over again
func MigrateRefresh(currpath, driver, connStr string) {
migrate("refresh", currpath, driver, connStr)