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2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
package controllers
import (
companydb "multitenantStack/services/companydb"
tokenTools "multitenantStack/services/tokenTools"
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
jwt ""
// AuthController operations for Auth
type AuthController struct {
// URLMapping ...
func (c *AuthController) URLMapping() {
// This block is used to drastically speed up the annotation -> lookup process
c.Mapping("Login", c.Login)
c.Mapping("GetOne", c.GetOne)
c.Mapping("GetAll", c.GetAll)
c.Mapping("Put", c.Put)
c.Mapping("Delete", c.Delete)
// Login Get a JWT token for the user
// @Title Create
// @Description create Auth
// @Param body body models.Auth true "body for Auth content"
// @Success 201 {object} models.Auth
// @Failure 403 body is empty
// @router /login [post]
func (c *AuthController) Login() {
type AuthResponse struct {
Status int `json:"status"`
Jwt string `json:"jwt"`
User models.CompanyUser `json:"user"`
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
if c.Ctx.Input.Method() != "POST" {
c.ServeJSONError("Method not allowed")
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
tokenHeader := c.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-JWTtoken")
if tokenHeader != "" {
valid, _ := tokenTools.Validate(tokenHeader)
if valid {
c.ServeJSONError("You are already logged in")
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
email := c.GetString("email")
password := c.GetString("password")
if email == "" || password == "" {
c.ServeJSONError("Email/Password missing")
systemdb := companydb.GetSystemDatabase()
if systemdb == nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving User")
o, err := orm.NewOrmWithDB("postgres", "default", systemdb)
if err != nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving User")
userCompanyMapping, err := models.GetUserCompanyMapByEmail(o, email)
if err != nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving User")
2018-11-12 10:43:14 +00:00
if !tokenTools.CheckPasswordHash(password, userCompanyMapping.PasswordHash) {
c.ServeJSONError("Email/Password incorrect")
companyName := userCompanyMapping.Company
companyUserID := userCompanyMapping.CompanyUserID
db, err := companydb.GetDatabaseWithName(companyName)
if err != nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving Company")
o, err = orm.NewOrmWithDB("postgres", "default", db)
if err != nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving CompanyData")
companyUser, err := models.GetCompanyUserById(o, int(companyUserID))
if err != nil {
c.ServeJSONError("Error retrieving Company User")
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
tokenString := ""
if email == "" && password == "my password" {
// The jwtClaims are our trusted clientside session
tokenString = tokenTools.CreateToken(jwt.MapClaims{
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
"email": email,
"companyName": companyName,
"companyUserID": companyUserID,
"exp": time.Now().Unix() + 3600,
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
} else {
c.ServeJSONError("Invalid user/password")
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
json := AuthResponse{200, tokenString, *companyUser}
2018-11-07 10:10:51 +00:00
c.Data["json"] = &json
// GetOne ...
// @Title GetOne
// @Description get Auth by id
// @Param id path string true "The key for staticblock"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Auth
// @Failure 403 :id is empty
// @router /:id [get]
func (c *AuthController) GetOne() {
// GetAll ...
// @Title GetAll
// @Description get Auth
// @Param query query string false "Filter. e.g. col1:v1,col2:v2 ..."
// @Param fields query string false "Fields returned. e.g. col1,col2 ..."
// @Param sortby query string false "Sorted-by fields. e.g. col1,col2 ..."
// @Param order query string false "Order corresponding to each sortby field, if single value, apply to all sortby fields. e.g. desc,asc ..."
// @Param limit query string false "Limit the size of result set. Must be an integer"
// @Param offset query string false "Start position of result set. Must be an integer"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Auth
// @Failure 403
// @router / [get]
func (c *AuthController) GetAll() {
// Put ...
// @Title Put
// @Description update the Auth
// @Param id path string true "The id you want to update"
// @Param body body models.Auth true "body for Auth content"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Auth
// @Failure 403 :id is not int
// @router /:id [put]
func (c *AuthController) Put() {
// Delete ...
// @Title Delete
// @Description delete the Auth
// @Param id path string true "The id you want to delete"
// @Success 200 {string} delete success!
// @Failure 403 id is empty
// @router /:id [delete]
func (c *AuthController) Delete() {