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This is a project to demonstrate multi tenancy usage in beego using postgres and separated databases
The api was scaffolded using:
bee api multitenantStack -driver=postgres -conn="host= port=5435 user=postgres password=postgre dbname=company_template sslmode=disable"
then `bee run -downdoc=true``
To regenerate docs simply run bee generate docs
Todo till we can fork this repo
/register endpoint creates database, company and first adminload db connections from configuser delete needs to update systemcompany delete needs to exist and update usercompanymaplast modified in update for all tablesmodifiedby (companyuserid) relationchecking some roles in all controller endpoints- return error in case of not found
- go through all endpoints for errors
- Fixes have been placed into the beego orm for setting the timezone when using NewOrmWithDB() (Already merged)
- Bee needs the dir patch (merge pending)
script that runs all migrations (and passes through rollback or others, show states for company, run for single company) (list, connect, migrate)
github.com/kennygrant/sanitize github.com/astaxie/beego github.com/beego/bee github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt