mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 03:07:25 +00:00
add methodName to fix #380 & arrangement the router
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,21 +29,22 @@ var (
type Controller struct {
Ctx *context.Context
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
ChildName string
TplNames string
Layout string
TplExt string
_xsrf_token string
gotofunc string
CruSession session.SessionStore
XSRFExpire int
AppController interface{}
Ctx *context.Context
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
controllerName string
actionName string
TplNames string
Layout string
TplExt string
_xsrf_token string
gotofunc string
CruSession session.SessionStore
XSRFExpire int
AppController interface{}
type ControllerInterface interface {
Init(ct *context.Context, childName string, app interface{})
Init(ct *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{})
@ -56,11 +57,12 @@ type ControllerInterface interface {
Render() error
func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, childName string, app interface{}) {
func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{}) {
c.Data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
c.Layout = ""
c.TplNames = ""
c.ChildName = childName
c.controllerName = controllerName
c.actionName = actionName
c.Ctx = ctx
c.TplExt = "tpl"
c.AppController = app
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
//if the controller has set layout, then first get the tplname's content set the content to the layout
if c.Layout != "" {
if c.TplNames == "" {
c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.Ctx.Request.Method) + "." + c.TplExt
c.TplNames = strings.ToLower(c.controllerName) + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.actionName) + "." + c.TplExt
if RunMode == "dev" {
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return icontent, nil
} else {
if c.TplNames == "" {
c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.Ctx.Request.Method) + "." + c.TplExt
c.TplNames = strings.ToLower(c.controllerName) + "/" + strings.ToLower(c.actionName) + "." + c.TplExt
if RunMode == "dev" {
@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, mappingM
// add auto router to controller
func (p *ControllerRegistor) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface) {
p.enableAuto = true
reflectVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
@ -424,8 +425,9 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
starttime := time.Now()
requestPath := r.URL.Path
var runrouter *controllerInfo
var runrouter reflect.Type
var findrouter bool
var runMethod string
params := make(map[string]string)
w := &responseWriter{writer: rw}
@ -550,8 +552,9 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
for _, route := range p.fixrouters {
n := len(requestPath)
if requestPath == route.pattern {
runrouter = route
runrouter = route.controllerType
findrouter = true
runMethod = p.getRunMethod(r.Method, route)
// pattern /admin url /admin 200 /admin/ 404
@ -591,15 +594,64 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
//reassemble query params and add to RawQuery
r.URL.RawQuery = url.Values(values).Encode()
runrouter = route
runrouter = route.controllerType
findrouter = true
context.Input.Params = params
runMethod = p.getRunMethod(r.Method, route)
context.Input.Params = params
if !findrouter && p.enableAuto {
// deal with url with diffirent ext
// /controller/simple
// /controller/simple.html
// /controller/simple.json
// /controller/simple.rss
lastindex := strings.LastIndex(requestPath, "/")
lastsub := requestPath[lastindex+1:]
if subindex := strings.LastIndex(lastsub, "."); subindex != -1 {
context.Input.Params[":ext"] = lastsub[subindex+1:]
r.URL.Query().Add(":ext", lastsub[subindex+1:])
r.URL.RawQuery = r.URL.Query().Encode()
requestPath = requestPath[:len(requestPath)-len(lastsub[subindex:])]
for cName, methodmap := range p.autoRouter {
// if prev already find the router break
if findrouter {
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName {
http.Redirect(w, r, requestPath+"/", 301)
goto Admin
// if there's no action, set the default action to index
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName+"/" {
requestPath = requestPath + "index"
// if the request path start with controllerName
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(requestPath), "/"+cName+"/") {
for mName, controllerType := range methodmap {
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName) ||
(strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(requestPath), "/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName)) &&
requestPath[len("/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName)):len("/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName))+1] == "/") {
runrouter = controllerType
runMethod = mName
findrouter = true
if runrouter != nil {
//if no matches to url, throw a not found exception
if !findrouter {
middleware.Exception("404", rw, r, "")
goto Admin
if findrouter {
if r.Method == "POST" {
@ -609,14 +661,15 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
//Invoke the request handler
vc := reflect.New(runrouter.controllerType)
vc := reflect.New(runrouter)
//call the controller init function
method := vc.MethodByName("Init")
in := make([]reflect.Value, 3)
in := make([]reflect.Value, 4)
in[0] = reflect.ValueOf(context)
in[1] = reflect.ValueOf(runrouter.controllerType.Name())
in[2] = reflect.ValueOf(vc.Interface())
in[1] = reflect.ValueOf(runrouter.Name())
in[2] = reflect.ValueOf(runMethod)
in[3] = reflect.ValueOf(vc.Interface())
//if XSRF is Enable then check cookie where there has any cookie in the request's cookie _csrf
@ -636,110 +689,12 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
method = vc.MethodByName("Prepare")
//if response has written,yes don't run next
if !w.started {
if r.Method == "GET" {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["get"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Get")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Get")
} else if r.Method == "HEAD" {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["head"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Head")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Head")
//exec main logic
method = vc.MethodByName(runMethod)
} else if r.Method == "DELETE" || (r.Method == "POST" && r.Form.Get("_method") == "delete") {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["delete"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Delete")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Delete")
} else if r.Method == "PUT" || (r.Method == "POST" && r.Form.Get("_method") == "put") {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["put"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Put")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Put")
} else if r.Method == "POST" {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["post"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Post")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Post")
} else if r.Method == "PATCH" {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["patch"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Patch")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Patch")
} else if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
if runrouter.hasMethod {
if m, ok := runrouter.methods["options"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else if m, ok = runrouter.methods["*"]; ok {
method = vc.MethodByName(m)
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Options")
} else {
method = vc.MethodByName("Options")
gotofunc := vc.Elem().FieldByName("gotofunc").String()
if gotofunc != "" {
method = vc.MethodByName(gotofunc)
if method.IsValid() {
} else {
panic("gotofunc is exists:" + gotofunc)
//render template
if !w.started && !context.Input.IsWebsocket() {
if AutoRender {
method = vc.MethodByName("Render")
@ -748,6 +703,7 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
// finish all runrouter. release resource
method = vc.MethodByName("Finish")
@ -757,105 +713,6 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
//start autorouter
if p.enableAuto {
if !findrouter {
lastindex := strings.LastIndex(requestPath, "/")
lastsub := requestPath[lastindex+1:]
if subindex := strings.LastIndex(lastsub, "."); subindex != -1 {
context.Input.Params[":ext"] = lastsub[subindex+1:]
r.URL.Query().Add(":ext", lastsub[subindex+1:])
r.URL.RawQuery = r.URL.Query().Encode()
requestPath = requestPath[:len(requestPath)-len(lastsub[subindex:])]
for cName, methodmap := range p.autoRouter {
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName {
http.Redirect(w, r, requestPath+"/", 301)
goto Admin
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName+"/" {
requestPath = requestPath + "index"
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(requestPath), "/"+cName+"/") {
for mName, controllerType := range methodmap {
if strings.ToLower(requestPath) == "/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName) ||
(strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(requestPath), "/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName)) &&
requestPath[len("/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName)):len("/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName))+1] == "/") {
if r.Method == "POST" {
// set find
findrouter = true
//execute middleware filters
if do_filter(BeforeExec) {
goto Admin
//parse params
otherurl := requestPath[len("/"+cName+"/"+strings.ToLower(mName)):]
if len(otherurl) > 1 {
plist := strings.Split(otherurl, "/")
for k, v := range plist[1:] {
params[strconv.Itoa(k)] = v
//Invoke the request handler
vc := reflect.New(controllerType)
//call the controller init function
init := vc.MethodByName("Init")
in := make([]reflect.Value, 3)
in[0] = reflect.ValueOf(context)
in[1] = reflect.ValueOf(controllerType.Name())
in[2] = reflect.ValueOf(vc.Interface())
//call prepare function
in = make([]reflect.Value, 0)
method := vc.MethodByName("Prepare")
method = vc.MethodByName(mName)
//if XSRF is Enable then check cookie where there has any cookie in the request's cookie _csrf
if EnableXSRF {
method = vc.MethodByName("XsrfToken")
if r.Method == "POST" || r.Method == "DELETE" || r.Method == "PUT" ||
(r.Method == "POST" && (r.Form.Get("_method") == "delete" || r.Form.Get("_method") == "put")) {
method = vc.MethodByName("CheckXsrfCookie")
if !w.started && !context.Input.IsWebsocket() {
if AutoRender {
method = vc.MethodByName("Render")
callMethodWithError(method, in)
method = vc.MethodByName("Finish")
//execute middleware filters
if do_filter(AfterExec) {
goto Admin
goto Admin
//if no matches to url, throw a not found exception
if !findrouter {
middleware.Exception("404", rw, r, "")
@ -864,7 +721,7 @@ Admin:
timeend := time.Since(starttime)
if FilterMonitorFunc(r.Method, requestPath, timeend) {
if runrouter != nil {
go toolbox.StatisticsMap.AddStatistics(r.Method, requestPath, runrouter.controllerType.Name(), timeend)
go toolbox.StatisticsMap.AddStatistics(r.Method, requestPath, runrouter.Name(), timeend)
} else {
go toolbox.StatisticsMap.AddStatistics(r.Method, requestPath, "", timeend)
@ -890,6 +747,21 @@ func (p *ControllerRegistor) getErrorHandler(errorCode string) func(rw http.Resp
return handler
func (p *ControllerRegistor) getRunMethod(method string, router *controllerInfo) string {
method = strings.ToLower(method)
if router.hasMethod {
if m, ok := router.methods[method]; ok {
return m
} else if m, ok = router.methods["*"]; ok {
return m
} else {
return strings.Title(method)
} else {
return strings.Title(method)
//responseWriter is a wrapper for the http.ResponseWriter
//started set to true if response was written to then don't execute other handler
type responseWriter struct {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user