mirror of https://github.com/astaxie/beego.git synced 2024-12-22 23:10:49 +00:00

add comments for context package.

This commit is contained in:
傅小黑 2013-12-25 20:13:38 +08:00
parent 673993fa2b
commit f535916fae
3 changed files with 93 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
// Http request context struct including BeegoInput, BeegoOutput, http.Request and http.ResponseWriter.
// BeegoInput and BeegoOutput provides some api to operate request and response more easily.
type Context struct {
Input *BeegoInput
Output *BeegoOutput
@ -13,11 +15,16 @@ type Context struct {
ResponseWriter http.ResponseWriter
// Redirect does redirection to localurl with http header status code.
// It sends http response header directly.
func (ctx *Context) Redirect(status int, localurl string) {
ctx.Output.Header("Location", localurl)
// Abort stops this request.
// if middleware.ErrorMaps exists, panic body.
// if middleware.HTTPExceptionMaps exists, panic HTTPException struct with status and body string.
func (ctx *Context) Abort(status int, body string) {
// first panic from ErrorMaps, is is user defined error functions.
@ -35,14 +42,20 @@ func (ctx *Context) Abort(status int, body string) {
// Write string to response body.
// it sends response body.
func (ctx *Context) WriteString(content string) {
// Get cookie from request by a given key.
// It's alias of BeegoInput.Cookie.
func (ctx *Context) GetCookie(key string) string {
return ctx.Input.Cookie(key)
// Set cookie for response.
// It's alias of BeegoOutput.Cookie.
func (ctx *Context) SetCookie(name string, value string, others ...interface{}) {
ctx.Output.Cookie(name, value, others...)

View File

@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ import (
// BeegoInput operates the http request header ,data ,cookie and body.
// it also contains router params and current session.
type BeegoInput struct {
CruSession session.SessionStore
Params map[string]string
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
Data map[interface{}]interface{} // store some values in this context when calling context in filter or controller.
Request *http.Request
RequestBody []byte
// NewInput return BeegoInput generated by http.Request.
func NewInput(req *http.Request) *BeegoInput {
return &BeegoInput{
Params: make(map[string]string),
@ -26,22 +29,28 @@ func NewInput(req *http.Request) *BeegoInput {
// Protocol returns request protocol name, such as HTTP/1.1 .
func (input *BeegoInput) Protocol() string {
return input.Request.Proto
// Uri returns full request url with query string, fragment.
func (input *BeegoInput) Uri() string {
return input.Request.RequestURI
// Url returns request url path (without query string, fragment).
func (input *BeegoInput) Url() string {
return input.Request.URL.String()
// Site returns base site url as scheme://domain type.
func (input *BeegoInput) Site() string {
return input.Scheme() + "://" + input.Domain()
// Scheme returns request scheme as "http" or "https".
// if error, return empty string.
func (input *BeegoInput) Scheme() string {
if input.Request.URL.Scheme != "" {
return input.Request.URL.Scheme
@ -50,12 +59,17 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Scheme() string {
} else {
return "https"
return ""
// Domain returns host name.
// Alias of Host method.
func (input *BeegoInput) Domain() string {
return input.Host()
// Host returns host name.
// if no host info in request, return localhost.
func (input *BeegoInput) Host() string {
if input.Request.Host != "" {
hostParts := strings.Split(input.Request.Host, ":")
@ -67,30 +81,39 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Host() string {
return "localhost"
// Method returns http request method.
func (input *BeegoInput) Method() string {
return input.Request.Method
// Is returns boolean of this request is on given method, such as Is("POST").
func (input *BeegoInput) Is(method string) bool {
return input.Method() == method
// IsAjax returns boolean of this request is generated by ajax.
func (input *BeegoInput) IsAjax() bool {
return input.Header("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest"
// IsSecure returns boolean of this request is in https.
func (input *BeegoInput) IsSecure() bool {
return input.Scheme() == "https"
// IsSecure returns boolean of this request is in webSocket.
func (input *BeegoInput) IsWebsocket() bool {
return input.Header("Upgrade") == "websocket"
// IsSecure returns boolean of whether file uploads in this request or not..
func (input *BeegoInput) IsUpload() bool {
return input.Request.MultipartForm != nil
// IP returns request client ip.
// if in proxy, return first proxy id.
// if error, return
func (input *BeegoInput) IP() string {
ips := input.Proxy()
if len(ips) > 0 && ips[0] != "" {
@ -98,13 +121,14 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) IP() string {
ip := strings.Split(input.Request.RemoteAddr, ":")
if len(ip) > 0 {
if ip[0] != "["{
if ip[0] != "[" {
return ip[0]
return ""
// Proxy returns proxy client ips slice.
func (input *BeegoInput) Proxy() []string {
if ips := input.Header("X-Forwarded-For"); ips != "" {
return strings.Split(ips, ",")
@ -112,15 +136,20 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Proxy() []string {
return []string{}
// Refer returns http referer header.
func (input *BeegoInput) Refer() string {
return input.Header("Referer")
// SubDomains returns sub domain string.
// if aa.bb.domain.com, returns aa.bb .
func (input *BeegoInput) SubDomains() string {
parts := strings.Split(input.Host(), ".")
return strings.Join(parts[len(parts)-2:], ".")
// Port returns request client port.
// when error or empty, return 80.
func (input *BeegoInput) Port() int {
parts := strings.Split(input.Request.Host, ":")
if len(parts) == 2 {
@ -130,10 +159,12 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Port() int {
return 80
// UserAgent returns request client user agent string.
func (input *BeegoInput) UserAgent() string {
return input.Header("User-Agent")
// Param returns router param by a given key.
func (input *BeegoInput) Param(key string) string {
if v, ok := input.Params[key]; ok {
return v
@ -141,15 +172,19 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Param(key string) string {
return ""
// Query returns input data item string by a given string.
func (input *BeegoInput) Query(key string) string {
return input.Request.Form.Get(key)
// Header returns request header item string by a given string.
func (input *BeegoInput) Header(key string) string {
return input.Request.Header.Get(key)
// Cookie returns request cookie item string by a given key.
// if non-existed, return empty string.
func (input *BeegoInput) Cookie(key string) string {
ck, err := input.Request.Cookie(key)
if err != nil {
@ -158,10 +193,12 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Cookie(key string) string {
return ck.Value
// Session returns current session item value by a given key.
func (input *BeegoInput) Session(key interface{}) interface{} {
return input.CruSession.Get(key)
// Body returns the raw request body data as bytes.
func (input *BeegoInput) Body() []byte {
requestbody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(input.Request.Body)
@ -171,6 +208,7 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) Body() []byte {
return requestbody
// GetData returns the stored data in this context.
func (input *BeegoInput) GetData(key interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := input.Data[key]; ok {
return v
@ -178,6 +216,8 @@ func (input *BeegoInput) GetData(key interface{}) interface{} {
return nil
// SetData stores data with given key in this context.
// This data are only available in this context.
func (input *BeegoInput) SetData(key, val interface{}) {
input.Data[key] = val

View File

@ -17,20 +17,27 @@ import (
// BeegoOutput does work for sending response header.
type BeegoOutput struct {
Context *Context
Status int
EnableGzip bool
// NewOutput returns new BeegoOutput.
// it contains nothing now.
func NewOutput() *BeegoOutput {
return &BeegoOutput{}
// Header sets response header item string via given key.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Header(key, val string) {
output.Context.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(key, val)
// Body sets response body content.
// if EnableGzip, compress content string.
// it sends out response body directly.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Body(content []byte) {
output_writer := output.Context.ResponseWriter.(io.Writer)
if output.EnableGzip == true && output.Context.Input.Header("Accept-Encoding") != "" {
@ -64,6 +71,8 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) Body(content []byte) {
// Cookie sets cookie value via given key.
// others are ordered as cookie's max age time, path,domain, secure and httponly.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Cookie(name string, value string, others ...interface{}) {
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s=%s", sanitizeName(name), sanitizeValue(value))
@ -116,6 +125,8 @@ func sanitizeValue(v string) string {
return cookieValueSanitizer.Replace(v)
// Json writes json to response body.
// if coding is true, it converts utf-8 to \u0000 type.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Json(data interface{}, hasIndent bool, coding bool) error {
output.Header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
var content []byte
@ -136,6 +147,7 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) Json(data interface{}, hasIndent bool, coding bool) e
return nil
// Jsonp writes jsonp to response body.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Jsonp(data interface{}, hasIndent bool) error {
output.Header("Content-Type", "application/javascript;charset=UTF-8")
var content []byte
@ -161,6 +173,7 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) Jsonp(data interface{}, hasIndent bool) error {
return nil
// Xml writes xml string to response body.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Xml(data interface{}, hasIndent bool) error {
output.Header("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=UTF-8")
var content []byte
@ -178,6 +191,8 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) Xml(data interface{}, hasIndent bool) error {
return nil
// Download forces response for download file.
// it prepares the download response header automatically.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Download(file string) {
output.Header("Content-Description", "File Transfer")
output.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
@ -189,6 +204,8 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) Download(file string) {
http.ServeFile(output.Context.ResponseWriter, output.Context.Request, file)
// ContentType sets the content type from ext string.
// MIME type is given in mime package.
func (output *BeegoOutput) ContentType(ext string) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".") {
ext = "." + ext
@ -199,43 +216,63 @@ func (output *BeegoOutput) ContentType(ext string) {
// SetStatus sets response status code.
// It writes response header directly.
func (output *BeegoOutput) SetStatus(status int) {
output.Status = status
// IsCachable returns boolean of this request is cached.
// HTTP 304 means cached.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsCachable(status int) bool {
return output.Status >= 200 && output.Status < 300 || output.Status == 304
// IsEmpty returns boolean of this request is empty.
// HTTP 201204 and 304 means empty.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsEmpty(status int) bool {
return output.Status == 201 || output.Status == 204 || output.Status == 304
// IsOk returns boolean of this request runs well.
// HTTP 200 means ok.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsOk(status int) bool {
return output.Status == 200
// IsSuccessful returns boolean of this request runs successfully.
// HTTP 2xx means ok.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsSuccessful(status int) bool {
return output.Status >= 200 && output.Status < 300
// IsRedirect returns boolean of this request is redirection header.
// HTTP 301,302,307 means redirection.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsRedirect(status int) bool {
return output.Status == 301 || output.Status == 302 || output.Status == 303 || output.Status == 307
// IsForbidden returns boolean of this request is forbidden.
// HTTP 403 means forbidden.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsForbidden(status int) bool {
return output.Status == 403
// IsNotFound returns boolean of this request is not found.
// HTTP 404 means forbidden.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsNotFound(status int) bool {
return output.Status == 404
// IsClient returns boolean of this request client sends error data.
// HTTP 4xx means forbidden.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsClientError(status int) bool {
return output.Status >= 400 && output.Status < 500
// IsServerError returns boolean of this server handler errors.
// HTTP 5xx means server internal error.
func (output *BeegoOutput) IsServerError(status int) bool {
return output.Status >= 500 && output.Status < 600
@ -254,6 +291,7 @@ func stringsToJson(str string) string {
return jsons
// Sessions sets session item value with given key.
func (output *BeegoOutput) Session(name interface{}, value interface{}) {
output.Context.Input.CruSession.Set(name, value)