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synced 2025-03-10 06:34:58 +00:00
Merge pull request #37 from orithena/cleanup-git-and-minifier
Some cleanups and documentation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,3 +26,10 @@
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# Linux
# =========================
# Backup files produced by some editors
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Download the [Repository](https://github.com/s00500/ESPUI/archive/master.zip), G
## Getting started
ESPUI serves several Files to the browser to build up its webinterface. This can be achieved in 2 wasy:
ESPUI serves several files to the browser to build up its webinterface. This can be achieved in 2 ways:
*When `ESPUI.begin()` is called the default is serving files from Memory and ESPUI should work out of the box!*
@ -159,7 +159,14 @@ The library is designed to be easy to use and can still be extended with a lot o
# Notes for Development
All changes to the client side files can be made in the examples/gui/data directory. Using the file uploader thin can be used for development. After this you have to compress them and then you can gzip them. I wrote a little useful jsfiddle for this, [CHECK IT OUT](https://jsfiddle.net/s00500/yvLbhuuv/)
If you want to work on the HTML/CSS/JS files, do make changes in the `examples/gui/data` directory. When you need to transfer that code to the ESP, run `tools/prepare_static_ui_sources.py -a` (this script needs python3 with the modules htmlmin, jsmin and csscompressor).
This will generate a) minified files next to the original files to be uploaded with the ESP32 sketch data uploader mentioned above and b) the C header files in `src` that contain the minified and gzipped HTML/CSS/JS data (which are used by the **prepareFileSystem** example sketch or when they are served from PROGMEM; see above in the section "Getting started").
Alternatively, you can duplicate the `examples/gui` directory and work on the copy. Then specify the `--source` and `--target` arguments to the `prepare_static_ui_sources.py` script (run the script without arguments for help).
If you don't have a python environment, you need to minify and gzip the HTML/CSS/JS files manually. I wrote a little useful jsfiddle for this, [see here](https://jsfiddle.net/s00500/yvLbhuuv/).
If you change something in HTML/CSS/JS and want to create a pull request, please do include the minified versions and corresponding C header files in your commits.
# Contribute
Liked this Library? You can **support** me by sending me a :coffee: [Coffee](https://paypal.me/lukasbachschwell/3).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head><meta charset=utf-8><title>Control</title><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/normalize.css><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/style.css><script src=/js/zepto.min.js></script><script src=/js/slider.js></script><script src=/js/controls.js></script></head> <body onload=javascript:start();> <div> <h4><div id=mainHeader>Control</div> <span id=conStatus class=label>Offline</span></h4></div> <hr> <div class=container> <div id=row class="row u-full-width"> </div> </div> </body> </html>
@ -19,21 +19,27 @@ const uint8_t {constant}_GZIP[{gziplen}] PROGMEM = {{ {gzipdata} }};
def parse_arguments(args=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Prepares ESPUI header files by minifying and gzipping JS and CSS source files.")
parser.add_argument("--sources", "-s", dest="sources", default="../examples/gui/data",
help="Sources directory containing CSS or JS files")
parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", dest="target", default="../src",
help="Target directory containing header files")
description="Prepares ESPUI header files by minifying and gzipping HTML, JS and CSS source files.")
parser.add_argument("--auto", "--all", "-a", dest="auto", action="store_true",
help="Automatically find all source files in examples/gui/data/ and write C header files to src/")
parser.add_argument("--source", "--sources", "-s", dest="sources", default=None,
help="Sources directory containing CSS or JS files OR one specific file to minify")
parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", dest="target", default=None,
help="Target directory containing C header files OR one C header file")
parser.add_argument("--nostoremini", "-m", action="store_false", dest="storemini",
help="Store intermediate minified files")
help="Do not store intermediate minified files next to the originals (i.e. only write to the C header files)")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
if not args.auto and (not args.sources or not args.target):
print("ERROR: You need to specify either --auto or both --source and --target\n")
return args
def get_context(infile, outfile):
infile = os.path.realpath(infile)
dir, name, type = (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(infile)), os.path.basename(infile).split(os.path.extsep)[0], os.path.basename(infile).split(os.path.extsep)[-1] )
type = type.strip(".")
if dir == type:
type = type.strip(".").lower()
if dir.lower() == type:
dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(infile)))
if type == "htm":
type = 'html'
@ -60,7 +66,11 @@ def perform_gzip(c):
def perform_minify(c):
with open(c['infile']) as infile:
minifier = cssminify if c['type'] == 'css' else jsminify if c['type'] == 'js' else htmlminify
minifier = {
'css': cssminify,
'js': jsminify,
'html': htmlminify
}.get(c['type']) or htmlminify
print(" Using %s minifier" % c['type'])
c['minidata'] = minifier(infile.read())
return perform_gzip(c)
@ -93,15 +103,32 @@ def process_dir(sourcedir, outdir, recursive=True, storemini=True):
process_file(f, outdir, storemini)
elif not os.path.isfile(f.replace(".min.", ".")):
process_file(f, outdir, storemini)
def check_args(args):
abort = 0
if not os.path.exists(args.sources):
print("ERROR: Source %s does not exist" % args.sources)
abort += 2
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.target)):
print("ERROR: Parent directory of target %s does not exist" % args.target)
abort += 4
if os.path.isdir(args.sources) and not os.path.isdir(args.target):
print("ERROR: Source %s is a directory, target %s is not" % (args.sources, args.target))
abort += 8
if abort > 0:
def main(args):
if not args.sources is None:
if os.path.isfile(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a file, will process one file only." % args.sources)
process_file(args.sources, args.target, storemini = args.storemini)
elif os.path.isdir(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a directory, searching for files recursively..." % args.sources)
process_dir(args.sources, args.target, recursive = True, storemini = args.storemini)
args.sources = os.path.realpath(args.sources or os.sep.join((os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "examples", "gui", "data")))
args.target = os.path.realpath(args.target or os.sep.join((os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "src")))
if os.path.isfile(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a file, will process one file only." % args.sources)
process_file(args.sources, args.target, storemini = args.storemini)
elif os.path.isdir(args.sources):
print("Source %s is a directory, searching for files recursively..." % args.sources)
process_dir(args.sources, args.target, recursive = True, storemini = args.storemini)
if __name__ == "__main__" and "get_ipython" not in dir():
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